Current Build


Raw XML (canonical form)

Response for the example transaction (id = "bundle-response")

<Bundle xmlns="">
  <id value="bundle-response"/>
<!--    this example bundle is a transaction response     -->
    <lastUpdated value="2014-08-18T01:43:33Z"/>
  <!--    when the transaction response was constructed    -->
  <type value="transaction-response"/>
    one entry for each entry in the transaction, in order, with a 
    <fullUrl value=""/>
    <!--    response for the simple create operation    -->
    <!--    whether to return the result resource depends on client preference    -->
        <id value="12423"/>
          <versionId value="1"/>
          <lastUpdated value="2014-08-18T01:43:31Z"/>
          <status value="generated"/>
          <div xmlns="">Some narrative</div>
        <active value="true"/>
          <use value="official"/>
          <family value="Chalmers"/>
          <given value="Peter"/>
          <given value="James"/>
        <gender value="male"/>
        <birthDate value="1974-12-25"/>
  <!--    now, details about the action to take with the resource    -->
    <!--    important responses from the server    -->
      <status value="201 Created"/>
      <location value="Patient/12423/_history/1"/>
      <etag value="W/&quot;1&quot;"/>
      <lastModified value="2014-08-18T01:43:33Z"/>
             <severity value="warning"/>
             <code value="not-found"/>
               <text value="The Managing organization was not known and was deleted"/>
             <expression value="Patient.managingOrganization"/>
  <!--    response to the conditional create operation    -->
  <!--    in this case, there was a match to the If-None-Exist header    -->
    <!--    no action taken    -->
      <status value="200 OK"/>
  <!--    response to a simple update operation    -->
  <!--    no return resource for this example, though in a 
      real transaction, all entries would have a resource or all would not 
      <status value="200 OK"/>
      <location value="Patient/123/_history/4"/>
      <etag value="W/&quot;4&quot;"/>
  <!--    response to the conditional update operation    -->
    <!--    created a new resource for this one    -->
      <status value="201 Created"/>
      <location value="Patient/12424/_history/1"/>
      <etag value="W/&quot;1&quot;"/>
  <!--    response to the 2nd conditional update operation    -->
    <!--    created a new resource for this one    -->
      <status value="200 ok"/>
      <location value="Patient/123a/_history/3"/>
      <etag value="W/&quot;3&quot;"/>
  <!--    response to the simple delete operation    -->
    <!--    successful deletion    -->
      <status value="202 Accepted"/>
  <!--    response to the conditional delete operation    -->
    <!--    delete matching resource - but you can't find out what was deleted - an inherent limitation
       in a condition delete    -->
      <status value="DELETE"/>
    <fullUrl value="urn:uuid:7f9724ed-ef8d-4434-aacb-41869db83233"/>
    <!--    operation response    -->
          <name value="name"/>
          <valueString value="LOINC"/>
      <!--    etc.   -->
    <!--    POST to [base]/ValueSet/$lookup - invoking a lookup operation (see Terminology Service)
      <status value="200 ok"/>
    <fullUrl value="urn:uuid:e7bcef8e-5ef9-4d2b-87d5-b42b1eec9125"/>
    <!--    response to search    -->
        <id value="fb6ed6cb-324e-4588-87cd-0c92c68986ca"/>
        <type value="searchset"/>
      <!--    etc.   -->
      <status value="200 OK"/>
    <!--    response to conditional read - no changes  -->
      <status value="304 Not Modified"/>

Usage note: every effort has been made to ensure that the examples are correct and useful, but they are not a normative part of the specification.