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Basic Capability Statement

<CapabilityStatement xmlns="">
  <id value="base"/>
    <status value="generated"/>
    <div xmlns="">
      <h2>Base FHIR Capability Statement (Full)</h2>
        <p>This is the base Capability Statement for FHIR. It represents a server that provides the
           full set of functionality defined by FHIR. It is provided to use as a template for system
           designers to build their own Capability Statements from</p>

          <td>All the functionality defined in FHIR</td>
          <td>System History</td>
          <td>System Search</td>
            <b>Resource Type</b>
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  <url value=""/>
  <version value="1.8.0-10605"/>
  <name value="Base FHIR Capability Statement (Full)"/>
  <status value="draft"/>
  <experimental value="true"/>
  <date value="2016-12-20T00:33:54-05:00"/>
  <publisher value="FHIR Project Team"/>
      <system value="url"/>
      <value value=""/>
  <description value="This is the base Capability Statement for FHIR. It represents a server that provides the
   full set of functionality defined by FHIR. It is provided to use as a template for system
   designers to build their own Capability Statements from"/>
  <kind value="capability"/>
    <name value="Insert your softwware name here..."/>
  <fhirVersion value="1.8.0"/>
  <acceptUnknown value="both"/>
  <format value="xml"/>
  <format value="json"/>
    <mode value="server"/>
    <documentation value="All the functionality defined in FHIR"/>
      <cors value="true"/>
          <system value=""/>
          <code value="SMART-on-FHIR"/>
          <display value="SMART-on-FHIR"/>
        <text value="See"/>
      <description value="This is the Capability Statement to declare that the server supports SMART-on-FHIR. See
       the SMART-on-FHIR docs for the extension that would go with such a server"/>
      <type value="Account"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="Account.owner"/>
      <searchInclude value="Account.subject"/>
      <searchInclude value="Account.patient"/>
        <name value="owner"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who is responsible?"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Account number"/>
        <name value="period"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Transaction window"/>
        <name value="balance"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="quantity"/>
        <documentation value="How much is in account?"/>
        <name value="subject"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="What is account tied to?"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="What is account tied to?"/>
        <name value="name"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Human-readable label"/>
        <name value="type"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="E.g. patient, expense, depreciation"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="active | inactive | entered-in-error"/>
      <type value="ActivityDefinition"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
        <name value="date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="The activity definition publication date"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="External identifiers for the activity definition"/>
        <name value="effective"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Effective time associated with the activity definition"/>
        <name value="jurisdiction"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Intended jurisdiction for activity definition"/>
        <name value="name"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the activity definition"/>
        <name value="description"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Text search against the description of the activity definition"/>
        <name value="publisher"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the publisher of the activity definition"/>
        <name value="topic"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Topics associated with the module"/>
        <name value="title"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Text search against the title of the activity definition"/>
        <name value="version"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The version identifier of the activity definition"/>
        <name value="url"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="The uri that identifies the activity definition"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The current status of the activity definition"/>
      <type value="AllergyIntolerance"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="AllergyIntolerance.recorder"/>
      <searchInclude value="AllergyIntolerance.asserter"/>
      <searchInclude value="AllergyIntolerance.patient"/>
        <name value="severity"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="mild | moderate | severe (of event as a whole)"/>
        <name value="date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Date record was believed accurate"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="External ids for this item"/>
        <name value="manifestation"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Clinical symptoms/signs associated with the Event"/>
        <name value="recorder"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who recorded the sensitivity"/>
        <name value="code"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Allergy or intolerance code"/>
        <name value="verification-status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="unconfirmed | confirmed | refuted | entered-in-error"/>
        <name value="criticality"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="low | high | unable-to-assess"/>
        <name value="clinical-status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="active | inactive | resolved"/>
        <name value="type"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="allergy | intolerance - Underlying mechanism (if known)"/>
        <name value="onset"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Date(/time) when manifestations showed"/>
        <name value="route"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="How the subject was exposed to the substance"/>
        <name value="asserter"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Source of the information about the allergy"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who the sensitivity is for"/>
        <name value="category"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="food | medication | biologic | environment"/>
        <name value="last-date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Date(/time) of last known occurrence of a reaction"/>
      <type value="Appointment"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value=""/>
      <searchInclude value="Appointment.practitioner"/>
      <searchInclude value="Appointment.patient"/>
      <searchInclude value="Appointment.location"/>
        <name value="date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Appointment date/time."/>
        <name value="actor"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Any one of the individuals participating in the appointment"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="An Identifier of the Appointment"/>
        <name value="practitioner"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="One of the individuals of the appointment is this practitioner"/>
        <name value="part-status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The Participation status of the subject, or other participant on the appointment. Can
         be used to locate participants that have not responded to meeting requests."/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="One of the individuals of the appointment is this patient"/>
        <name value="appointment-type"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The style of appointment or patient that has been booked in the slot (not service type)"/>
        <name value="service-type"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The specific service that is to be performed during this appointment"/>
        <name value="location"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="This location is listed in the participants of the appointment"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The overall status of the appointment"/>
      <type value="AppointmentResponse"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value=""/>
      <searchInclude value="AppointmentResponse.practitioner"/>
      <searchInclude value="AppointmentResponse.patient"/>
      <searchInclude value="AppointmentResponse.appointment"/>
      <searchInclude value="AppointmentResponse.location"/>
        <name value="actor"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The Person, Location/HealthcareService or Device that this appointment response replies
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="An Identifier in this appointment response"/>
        <name value="practitioner"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="This Response is for this Practitioner"/>
        <name value="part-status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The participants acceptance status for this appointment"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="This Response is for this Patient"/>
        <name value="appointment"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The appointment that the response is attached to"/>
        <name value="location"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="This Response is for this Location"/>
      <type value="AuditEvent"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="AuditEvent.agent"/>
      <searchInclude value="AuditEvent.patient"/>
      <searchInclude value="AuditEvent.entity"/>
        <name value="date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Time when the event occurred on source"/>
        <name value="entity-type"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Type of entity involved"/>
        <name value="agent"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Direct reference to resource"/>
        <name value="address"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Identifier for the network access point of the user device"/>
        <name value="role"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="What role the entity played"/>
        <name value="source"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The identity of source detecting the event"/>
        <name value="type"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Type/identifier of event"/>
        <name value="altid"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Alternative User id e.g. authentication"/>
        <name value="site"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Logical source location within the enterprise"/>
        <name value="agent-name"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Human-meaningful name for the agent"/>
        <name value="entity-name"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Descriptor for entity"/>
        <name value="subtype"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="More specific type/id for the event"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Direct reference to resource"/>
        <name value="action"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Type of action performed during the event"/>
        <name value="user"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Unique identifier for the user"/>
        <name value="entity"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Specific instance of resource"/>
        <name value="entity-id"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Specific instance of object"/>
        <name value="outcome"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Whether the event succeeded or failed"/>
        <name value="policy"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="Policy that authorized event"/>
      <type value="Basic"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
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      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
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      <searchInclude value="Basic.patient"/>
      <searchInclude value=""/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Business identifier"/>
        <name value="code"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Kind of Resource"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Identifies the focus of this resource"/>
        <name value="created"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="When created"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Identifies the focus of this resource"/>
        <name value="author"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who created"/>
      <type value="Binary"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
        <name value="contenttype"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="MimeType of the binary content"/>
      <type value="BodySite"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="BodySite.patient"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Identifier for this instance of the anatomical location"/>
        <name value="code"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Named anatomical location"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Patient to whom bodysite belongs"/>
      <type value="Bundle"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="Bundle.composition"/>
      <searchInclude value="Bundle.message"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Persistent identifier for the bundle"/>
        <name value="composition"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The first resource in the bundle, if the bundle type is &quot;document&quot; - this is
         a composition, and this parameter provides access to searches its contents"/>
        <name value="type"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="document | message | transaction | transaction-response | batch | batch-response | history
         | searchset | collection"/>
        <name value="message"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The first resource in the bundle, if the bundle type is &quot;message&quot; - this is
         a message header, and this parameter provides access to search its contents"/>
      <type value="CapabilityStatement"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="CapabilityStatement.supported-profile"/>
      <searchInclude value="CapabilityStatement.resourceprofile"/>
        <name value="date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="The capability statement publication date"/>
        <name value="software"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Part of a the name of a software application"/>
        <name value="resource"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Name of a resource mentioned in a capability statement"/>
        <name value="jurisdiction"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Intended jurisdiction for capability statement"/>
        <name value="format"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="formats supported (xml | json | ttl | mime type)"/>
        <name value="description"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Text search against the description of the capability statement"/>
        <name value="title"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Text search against the title of the capability statement"/>
        <name value="fhirversion"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The version of FHIR"/>
        <name value="version"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The version identifier of the capability statement"/>
        <name value="securityservice"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="OAuth | SMART-on-FHIR | NTLM | Basic | Kerberos | Certificates"/>
        <name value="url"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="The uri that identifies the capability statement"/>
        <name value="supported-profile"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Profiles for use cases supported"/>
        <name value="mode"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Mode - restful (server/client) or messaging (sender/receiver)"/>
        <name value="resourceprofile"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="A profile id invoked in a capability statement"/>
        <name value="name"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the capability statement"/>
        <name value="publisher"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the publisher of the capability statement"/>
        <name value="event"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Event code in a capability statement"/>
        <name value="guide"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="Implementation Guide supported"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The current status of the capability statement"/>
      <type value="CarePlan"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="CarePlan.activityreference"/>
      <searchInclude value="CarePlan.performer"/>
      <searchInclude value="CarePlan.goal"/>
      <searchInclude value="CarePlan.subject"/>
      <searchInclude value="CarePlan.careteam"/>
      <searchInclude value="CarePlan.relatedplan"/>
      <searchInclude value="CarePlan.condition"/>
      <searchInclude value="CarePlan.patient"/>
        <name value="date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Time period plan covers"/>
        <name value="activitycode"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Detail type of activity"/>
        <name value="activitydate"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Specified date occurs within period specified by CarePlan.activity.timingSchedule"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="External Ids for this plan"/>
        <name value="activityreference"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Activity details defined in specific resource"/>
        <name value="performer"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Matches if the practitioner is listed as a performer in any of the &quot;simple&quot;
         activities.  (For performers of the detailed activities, chain through the activitydetail
         search parameter.)"/>
        <name value="goal"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Desired outcome of plan"/>
        <name value="subject"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who care plan is for"/>
        <name value="relatedcode"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="includes | replaces | fulfills"/>
        <name value="careteam"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who's involved in plan?"/>
        <name value="relatedplan"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Plan relationship exists with"/>
        <name value="condition"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Health issues this plan addresses"/>
        <name value="related"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="composite"/>
        <documentation value="A combination of the type of relationship and the related plan"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who care plan is for"/>
        <name value="category"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Type of plan"/>
      <type value="CareTeam"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="CareTeam.patient"/>
      <searchInclude value="CareTeam.subject"/>
      <searchInclude value="CareTeam.participant"/>
        <name value="date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Time period team covers"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="External Ids for this team"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who care team is for"/>
        <name value="subject"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who care team is for"/>
        <name value="category"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Type of team"/>
        <name value="participant"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who is involved"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="active | suspended | inactive | entered in error"/>
      <type value="Claim"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="Claim.provider"/>
      <searchInclude value="Claim.patient"/>
      <searchInclude value="Claim.insurer"/>
      <searchInclude value="Claim.organization"/>
      <searchInclude value="Claim.facility"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The primary identifier of the financial resource"/>
        <name value="provider"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Provider responsible for the Claim"/>
        <name value="use"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The kind of financial resource"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Patient receiving the services"/>
        <name value="created"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="The creation date for the Claim"/>
        <name value="insurer"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The target payor/insurer for the Claim"/>
        <name value="organization"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The reference to the providing organization"/>
        <name value="priority"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Processing priority requested"/>
        <name value="facility"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Facility responsible for the goods and services"/>
      <type value="ClaimResponse"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="ClaimResponse.request"/>
      <searchInclude value="ClaimResponse.insurer"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The identity of the claimresponse"/>
        <name value="request"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The claim reference"/>
        <name value="disposition"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="The contents of the disposition message"/>
        <name value="insurer"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The organization who generated this resource"/>
        <name value="created"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="The creation date"/>
        <name value="payment-date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="The expected paymentDate"/>
        <name value="outcome"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The processing outcome"/>
      <type value="ClinicalImpression"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="ClinicalImpression.problem"/>
      <searchInclude value="ClinicalImpression.previous"/>
      <searchInclude value="ClinicalImpression.patient"/>
      <searchInclude value="ClinicalImpression.assessor"/>
      <searchInclude value="ClinicalImpression.subject"/>
      <searchInclude value="ClinicalImpression.context"/>
      <searchInclude value="ClinicalImpression.investigation"/>
      <searchInclude value="ClinicalImpression.action"/>
      <searchInclude value="ClinicalImpression.finding-ref"/>
        <name value="date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="When the assessment was documented"/>
        <name value="problem"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Relevant impressions of patient state"/>
        <name value="previous"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Reference to last assessment"/>
        <name value="finding-code"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="What was found"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Patient or group assessed"/>
        <name value="assessor"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The clinician performing the assessment"/>
        <name value="subject"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Patient or group assessed"/>
        <name value="context"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Encounter or Episode created from"/>
        <name value="investigation"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Record of a specific investigation"/>
        <name value="action"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Action taken as part of assessment procedure"/>
        <name value="finding-ref"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="What was found"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="draft | completed | entered-in-error"/>
      <type value="CodeSystem"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
        <name value="date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="The code system publication date"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="External identifiers for the code system"/>
        <name value="code"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A code defined in the code system"/>
        <name value="jurisdiction"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Intended jurisdiction for code system"/>
        <name value="description"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Text search against the description of the code system"/>
        <name value="language"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A language in which a designation is provided"/>
        <name value="title"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Text search against the title of the code system"/>
        <name value="version"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The version identifier of the code system"/>
        <name value="url"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="The uri that identifies the code system"/>
        <name value="content"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="not-present | examplar | fragment | complete"/>
        <name value="system"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="The system for any codes defined by this code system (same as 'url')"/>
        <name value="name"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the code system"/>
        <name value="publisher"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the publisher of the code system"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The current status of the code system"/>
      <type value="Communication"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="Communication.based-on"/>
      <searchInclude value="Communication.sender"/>
      <searchInclude value="Communication.subject"/>
      <searchInclude value="Communication.patient"/>
      <searchInclude value="Communication.recipient"/>
      <searchInclude value="Communication.context"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Unique identifier"/>
        <name value="based-on"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Request fulfilled by this communication"/>
        <name value="sender"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Message sender"/>
        <name value="subject"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Focus of message"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Focus of message"/>
        <name value="recipient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Message recipient"/>
        <name value="context"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Encounter or episode leading to message"/>
        <name value="received"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="When received"/>
        <name value="medium"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A channel of communication"/>
        <name value="category"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Message category"/>
        <name value="sent"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="When sent"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="in-progress | completed | suspended | rejected | failed"/>
      <type value="CommunicationRequest"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
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      <searchInclude value="CommunicationRequest.subject"/>
      <searchInclude value="CommunicationRequest.sender"/>
      <searchInclude value="CommunicationRequest.patient"/>
      <searchInclude value="CommunicationRequest.recipient"/>
      <searchInclude value="CommunicationRequest.context"/>
        <name value="requester"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="An individual who requested a communication"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Unique identifier"/>
        <name value="subject"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Focus of message"/>
        <name value="medium"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A channel of communication"/>
        <name value="priority"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Message urgency"/>
        <name value="requested"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="When ordered or proposed"/>
        <name value="sender"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Message sender"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Focus of message"/>
        <name value="recipient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Message recipient"/>
        <name value="context"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Encounter or episode leading to message"/>
        <name value="time"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="When scheduled"/>
        <name value="category"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Message category"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="proposed | planned | requested | received | accepted | in-progress | completed | suspended
         | rejected | failed"/>
      <type value="CompartmentDefinition"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
        <name value="date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="The compartment definition publication date"/>
        <name value="code"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Patient | Encounter | RelatedPerson | Practitioner | Device"/>
        <name value="resource"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Name of resource type"/>
        <name value="jurisdiction"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Intended jurisdiction for compartment definition"/>
        <name value="name"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the compartment definition"/>
        <name value="description"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Text search against the description of the compartment definition"/>
        <name value="publisher"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the publisher of the compartment definition"/>
        <name value="title"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Text search against the title of the compartment definition"/>
        <name value="url"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="The uri that identifies the compartment definition"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The current status of the compartment definition"/>
      <type value="Composition"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="Composition.subject"/>
      <searchInclude value=""/>
      <searchInclude value="Composition.encounter"/>
      <searchInclude value="Composition.attester"/>
      <searchInclude value="Composition.entry"/>
      <searchInclude value="Composition.patient"/>
        <name value="date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Composition editing time"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Logical identifier of composition (version-independent)"/>
        <name value="period"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="The period covered by the documentation"/>
        <name value="subject"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who and/or what the composition is about"/>
        <name value="author"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who and/or what authored the composition"/>
        <name value="confidentiality"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="As defined by affinity domain"/>
        <name value="section"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Classification of section (recommended)"/>
        <name value="encounter"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Context of the Composition"/>
        <name value="type"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Kind of composition (LOINC if possible)"/>
        <name value="title"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Human Readable name/title"/>
        <name value="attester"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who attested the composition"/>
        <name value="entry"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="A reference to data that supports this section"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who and/or what the composition is about"/>
        <name value="context"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Code(s) that apply to the event being documented"/>
        <name value="class"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Categorization of Composition"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="preliminary | final | amended | entered-in-error"/>
      <type value="ConceptMap"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="ConceptMap.source"/>
      <searchInclude value=""/>
      <searchInclude value="ConceptMap.source-uri"/>
      <searchInclude value=""/>
        <name value="date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="The concept map publication date"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="External identifiers for the concept map"/>
        <name value="product"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="Reference to property mapping depends on"/>
        <name value="target-system"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="System of the target (if necessary)"/>
        <name value="dependson"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="Reference to property mapping depends on"/>
        <name value="jurisdiction"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Intended jurisdiction for concept map"/>
        <name value="description"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Text search against the description of the concept map"/>
        <name value="source"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Identifies the source of the concepts which are being mapped"/>
        <name value="title"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Text search against the title of the concept map"/>
        <name value="version"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The version identifier of the concept map"/>
        <name value="url"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="The uri that identifies the concept map"/>
        <name value="target"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Provides context to the mappings"/>
        <name value="source-code"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Identifies element being mapped"/>
        <name value="source-uri"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Identifies the source of the concepts which are being mapped"/>
        <name value="name"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the concept map"/>
        <name value="publisher"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the publisher of the concept map"/>
        <name value="source-system"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="Code System (if value set crosses code systems)"/>
        <name value="target-code"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Code that identifies the target element"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The current status of the concept map"/>
        <name value="target-uri"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Provides context to the mappings"/>
      <type value="Condition"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
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      <searchInclude value="Condition.asserter"/>
      <searchInclude value="Condition.patient"/>
      <searchInclude value="Condition.context"/>
        <name value="severity"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The severity of the condition"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A unique identifier of the condition record"/>
        <name value="clinicalstatus"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The clinical status of the condition"/>
        <name value="onset-info"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Onsets as a string"/>
        <name value="code"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Code for the condition"/>
        <name value="evidence"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Manifestation/symptom"/>
        <name value="subject"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who has the condition?"/>
        <name value="abatement-boolean"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Abatement boolean (boolean is true or non-boolean values are present)"/>
        <name value="onset-date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Date related onsets (dateTime and Period)"/>
        <name value="abatement-date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Date-related abatements (dateTime and period)"/>
        <name value="asserter"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Person who asserts this condition"/>
        <name value="stage"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Simple summary (disease specific)"/>
        <name value="abatement-string"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Abatement as a string"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who has the condition?"/>
        <name value="context"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Encounter when condition first asserted"/>
        <name value="onset-age"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="quantity"/>
        <documentation value="Onsets as age or age range"/>
        <name value="abatement-age"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="quantity"/>
        <documentation value="Abatement as age or age range"/>
        <name value="asserted-date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Date record was believed accurate"/>
        <name value="category"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The category of the condition"/>
        <name value="body-site"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Anatomical location, if relevant"/>
      <type value="Consent"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value=""/>
      <searchInclude value="Consent.source"/>
      <searchInclude value=""/>
      <searchInclude value="Consent.patient"/>
      <searchInclude value="Consent.organization"/>
      <searchInclude value="Consent.recipient"/>
      <searchInclude value="Consent.consentor"/>
        <name value="date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="When this Consent was created or indexed"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Identifier for this record (external references)"/>
        <name value="period"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Period that this consent applies"/>
        <name value="data"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The actual data reference"/>
        <name value="purpose"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Context of activities covered by this exception"/>
        <name value="source"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Source from which this consent is taken"/>
        <name value="actor"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Resource for the actor (or group, by role)"/>
        <name value="security"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Security Labels that define affected resources"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who the consent applies to"/>
        <name value="organization"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Organization that manages the consent"/>
        <name value="recipient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Whose access is controlled by the policy"/>
        <name value="action"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Actions controlled by this exception"/>
        <name value="consentor"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who is agreeing to the policy and exceptions"/>
        <name value="category"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Classification of the consent statement - for indexing/retrieval"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="draft | proposed | active | rejected | inactive | entered-in-error"/>
      <type value="Contract"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="Contract.agent"/>
      <searchInclude value="Contract.ttopic"/>
      <searchInclude value="Contract.patient"/>
      <searchInclude value="Contract.subject"/>
      <searchInclude value="Contract.authority"/>
      <searchInclude value="Contract.domain"/>
      <searchInclude value="Contract.topic"/>
      <searchInclude value="Contract.signer"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The identity of the contract"/>
        <name value="agent"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Agent to the Contact"/>
        <name value="ttopic"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The identity of the topic of the contract terms"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The identity of the subject of the contract (if a patient)"/>
        <name value="subject"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The identity of the subject of the contract"/>
        <name value="authority"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The authority of the contract"/>
        <name value="domain"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The domain of the contract"/>
        <name value="topic"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The identity of the topic of the contract"/>
        <name value="issued"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="The date/time the contract was issued"/>
        <name value="signer"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Contract Signatory Party"/>
      <type value="Coverage"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="Coverage.policyholder"/>
      <searchInclude value="Coverage.subscriber"/>
      <searchInclude value="Coverage.payor"/>
      <searchInclude value="Coverage.beneficiary"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The primary identifier of the insured and the coverage"/>
        <name value="policyholder"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Reference to the policyholder"/>
        <name value="subgroup"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Sub-group identifier"/>
        <name value="subscriber"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Reference to the subscriber"/>
        <name value="subplan"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Sub-plan identifier"/>
        <name value="type"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The kind of coverage (health plan, auto, Workers Compensation)"/>
        <name value="sequence"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Sequence number"/>
        <name value="payor"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The identity of the insurer or party paying for services"/>
        <name value="beneficiary"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Covered party"/>
        <name value="subclass"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Sub-class identifier"/>
        <name value="plan"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A plan or policy identifier"/>
        <name value="class"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Class identifier"/>
        <name value="dependent"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Dependent number"/>
        <name value="group"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Group identifier"/>
      <type value="DataElement"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
        <name value="date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="The data element publication date"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="External identifiers for the data element"/>
        <name value="code"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A code for the data element (server may choose to do subsumption)"/>
        <name value="stringency"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The stringency of the data element definition"/>
        <name value="jurisdiction"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Intended jurisdiction for data element"/>
        <name value="name"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the data element"/>
        <name value="publisher"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the publisher of the data element"/>
        <name value="description"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Text search in the description of the data element.  This corresponds to the definition
         of the first DataElement.element."/>
        <name value="title"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Text search against the title of the data element"/>
        <name value="version"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The version identifier of the data element"/>
        <name value="url"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="The uri that identifies the data element"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <type value="reference"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
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        <definition value=""/>
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        <definition value=""/>
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        <definition value=""/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
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        <type value="reference"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <type value="reference"/>
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        <type value="reference"/>
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         are the names on the observation resource referred to from the result"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
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        <type value="reference"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
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        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The EligibilityRequest organization"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The EligibilityRequest provider"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Persons involved in the encounter other than the patient"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="number"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Wheelchair, translator, stretcher, etc."/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="The type of content that may be used at this endpoint (e.g. XDS Discharge summaries)"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Identifies this endpoint across multiple systems"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The organization that is managing the endpoint"/>
        <name value="connection-type"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Protocol/Profile/Standard to be used with this endpoint connection"/>
        <name value="name"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A name that this endpoint can be identified by"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The current status of the Endpoint (usually expected to be active)"/>
      <type value="EnrollmentRequest"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <type value="token"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The party to be enrolled"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <type value="token"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The reference to the claim"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="The provided date search value falls within the episode of care's period"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Identifier(s) for the EpisodeOfCare"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Conditions/problems/diagnoses this episode of care is for"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Incoming Referral Request"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Patient for this episode of care"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The organization that has assumed the specific responsibilities of this EpisodeOfCare"/>
        <name value="type"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Type/class  - e.g. specialist referral, disease management"/>
        <name value="care-manager"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Care manager/care co-ordinator for the patient"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The current status of the Episode of Care as provided (does not check the status history
      <type value="ExpansionProfile"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="External identifiers for the expansion profile"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Intended jurisdiction for expansion profile"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the expansion profile"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Text search against the description of the expansion profile"/>
        <name value="publisher"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the publisher of the expansion profile"/>
        <name value="version"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The version identifier of the expansion profile"/>
        <name value="url"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="The uri that identifies the expansion profile"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The current status of the expansion profile"/>
      <type value="ExplanationOfBenefit"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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      <searchInclude value="ExplanationOfBenefit.facility"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The plan under which the claim was adjudicated"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The business identifier of the Explanation of Benefit"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="The contents of the disposition message"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The reference to the provider"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The reference to the patient"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The reference to the claim"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Facility responsible for the goods and services"/>
      <type value="FamilyMemberHistory"/>
        <reference value=""/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A search by a condition code"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A search by a gender code of a family member"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The identity of a subject to list family member history items for"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A search by a relationship type"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Time period when flag is active"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The identity of a subject to list flags for"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The identity of a subject to list flags for"/>
        <name value="author"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Flag creator"/>
        <name value="encounter"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Alert relevant during encounter"/>
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        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
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      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
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      <searchInclude value="Goal.subject"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="External Ids for this goal"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who this goal is intended for"/>
        <name value="subject"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who this goal is intended for"/>
        <name value="targetdate"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Reach goal on or before"/>
        <name value="category"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="E.g. Treatment, dietary, behavioral, etc."/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="proposed | planned | accepted | rejected | in-progress | achieved | sustaining | on-hold
         | cancelled | on-target | ahead-of-target | behind-target | entered-in-error"/>
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        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
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      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Descriptive or actual"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Unique id"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="composite"/>
        <documentation value="A composite of both characteristic and value"/>
        <name value="code"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Reference to the group member"/>
        <name value="exclude"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Group includes or excludes"/>
        <name value="type"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The type of resources the group contains"/>
        <name value="value"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Value held by characteristic"/>
        <name value="characteristic"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Kind of characteristic"/>
      <type value="GuidanceResponse"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <type value="reference"/>
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        <name value="subject"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The subject that the guidance response is about"/>
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        <reference value=""/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Technical endpoints providing access to services operated for the location"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The organization that provides this Healthcare Service"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A portion of the Healthcare service name"/>
        <name value="programname"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="One of the Program Names serviced by this HealthcareService"/>
        <name value="active"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The Healthcare Service is currently marked as active"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The location of the Healthcare Service"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="One of the HealthcareService's characteristics"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
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        <documentation value="Time of key DICOM object selection authoring"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="The study identifier for the image"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="The type of the instance"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The modality of the series"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
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        <definition value=""/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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      <searchInclude value="Immunization.patient"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The practitioner who administered the vaccination"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Additional information on reaction"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Vaccine Lot Number"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Administrations which were not given"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Vaccine Manufacturer"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="number"/>
        <documentation value="Dose number within series"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The patient for the vaccination record"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Vaccine Product Administered"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Explanation of reason vaccination was not administered"/>
        <name value="location"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The service delivery location or facility in which the vaccine was / was to be administered"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Business identifier"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="number"/>
        <documentation value="Dose number within sequence"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who this profile is for"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Vaccine recommendation applies to"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="number"/>
        <documentation value="Recommended dose number"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
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        <name value="support"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Past immunizations supporting recommendation"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Vaccine administration status"/>
      <type value="ImplementationGuide"/>
        <reference value=""/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
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      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Text search against the description of the implementation guide"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the publisher of the implementation guide"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="If for testing purposes, not real usage"/>
        <name value="version"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The version identifier of the implementation guide"/>
        <name value="url"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="The uri that identifies the implementation guide"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
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        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Effective time associated with the library"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Text search against the description of the library"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the publisher of the library"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Topics associated with the module"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Text search against the title of the library"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="The uri that identifies the library"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <type value="reference"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Author of the Linkage"/>
        <name value="source"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
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      <type value="List"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="List.item"/>
      <searchInclude value="List.subject"/>
      <searchInclude value="List.patient"/>
      <searchInclude value="List.source"/>
      <searchInclude value="List.encounter"/>
        <name value="date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="When the list was prepared"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Business identifier"/>
        <name value="item"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Actual entry"/>
        <name value="empty-reason"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Why list is empty"/>
        <name value="code"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="What the purpose of this list is"/>
        <name value="notes"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="The annotation  - text content"/>
        <name value="subject"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="If all resources have the same subject"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="If all resources have the same subject"/>
        <name value="source"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who and/or what defined the list contents (aka Author)"/>
        <name value="encounter"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Context in which list created"/>
        <name value="title"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Descriptive name for the list"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="current | retired | entered-in-error"/>
      <type value="Location"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="Location.partof"/>
      <searchInclude value="Location.endpoint"/>
      <searchInclude value="Location.organization"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Unique code or number identifying the location to its users"/>
        <name value="partof"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The location of which this location is a part"/>
        <name value="near-distance"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="quantity"/>
        <documentation value="A distance quantity to limit the near search to locations within a specific distance 
         Requires the near parameter to be included also"/>
        <name value="address"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A (part of the) address of the location"/>
        <name value="address-state"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A state specified in an address"/>
        <name value="type"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A code for the type of location"/>
        <name value="address-postalcode"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A postal code specified in an address"/>
        <name value="address-country"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A country specified in an address"/>
        <name value="endpoint"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Technical endpoints providing access to services operated for the location"/>
        <name value="organization"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Searches for locations that are managed by the provided organization"/>
        <name value="name"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A (portion of the) name of the location or alias"/>
        <name value="address-use"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A use code specified in an address"/>
        <name value="near"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The coordinates expressed as [latitude]:[longitude] (using the WGS84 datum, see notes)
         to find locations near to (servers may search using a square rather than a circle for
         efficiency).   Requires the near-distance parameter to be provided also"/>
        <name value="address-city"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A city specified in an address"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Searches for locations with a specific kind of status"/>
      <type value="Measure"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
        <name value="date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="The measure publication date"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="External identifiers for the measure"/>
        <name value="effective"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Effective time associated with the measure"/>
        <name value="jurisdiction"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Intended jurisdiction for measure"/>
        <name value="name"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the measure"/>
        <name value="description"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Text search against the description of the measure"/>
        <name value="publisher"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the publisher of the measure"/>
        <name value="topic"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Topics associated with the module"/>
        <name value="title"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Text search against the title of the measure"/>
        <name value="version"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The version identifier of the measure"/>
        <name value="url"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="The uri that identifies the measure"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The current status of the measure"/>
      <type value="MeasureReport"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="MeasureReport.patient"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The identity of a patient to search for individual measure report results for"/>
      <type value="Media"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="Media.subject"/>
      <searchInclude value="Media.patient"/>
      <searchInclude value="Media.operator"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Identifier(s) for the image"/>
        <name value="view"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Imaging view, e.g. Lateral or Antero-posterior"/>
        <name value="subtype"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The type of acquisition equipment/process"/>
        <name value="created"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Date attachment was first created"/>
        <name value="subject"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who/What this Media is a record of"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who/What this Media is a record of"/>
        <name value="type"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="photo | video | audio"/>
        <name value="operator"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The person who generated the image"/>
      <type value="Medication"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="Medication.package-item"/>
      <searchInclude value="Medication.ingredient"/>
      <searchInclude value="Medication.manufacturer"/>
        <name value="ingredient-code"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The product contained"/>
        <name value="container"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="E.g. box, vial, blister-pack"/>
        <name value="package-item"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The item in the package"/>
        <name value="code"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Codes that identify this medication"/>
        <name value="ingredient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The product contained"/>
        <name value="form"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="powder | tablets | capsule +"/>
        <name value="package-item-code"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The item in the package"/>
        <name value="manufacturer"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Manufacturer of the item"/>
      <type value="MedicationAdministration"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="MedicationAdministration.performer"/>
      <searchInclude value="MedicationAdministration.medication"/>
      <searchInclude value="MedicationAdministration.encounter"/>
      <searchInclude value="MedicationAdministration.prescription"/>
      <searchInclude value="MedicationAdministration.patient"/>
      <searchInclude value="MedicationAdministration.device"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Return administrations with this external identifier"/>
        <name value="code"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Return administrations of this medication code"/>
        <name value="performer"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The identify of the individual who administered the medication"/>
        <name value="not-given"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Administrations that were not made"/>
        <name value="medication"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Return administrations of this medication resource"/>
        <name value="reason-given"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Reasons for administering the medication"/>
        <name value="encounter"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Return administrations that share this encounter"/>
        <name value="prescription"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The identity of a prescription to list administrations from"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The identity of a patient to list administrations  for"/>
        <name value="effective-time"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Date administration happened (or did not happen)"/>
        <name value="reason-not-given"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Reasons for not administering the medication"/>
        <name value="device"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Return administrations with this administration device identity"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="MedicationAdministration event status (for example one of active/paused/completed/nullified)"/>
      <type value="MedicationDispense"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="MedicationDispense.receiver"/>
      <searchInclude value="MedicationDispense.destination"/>
      <searchInclude value="MedicationDispense.medication"/>
      <searchInclude value="MedicationDispense.responsibleparty"/>
      <searchInclude value="MedicationDispense.dispenser"/>
      <searchInclude value="MedicationDispense.prescription"/>
      <searchInclude value="MedicationDispense.patient"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Return dispenses with this external identifier"/>
        <name value="code"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Return dispenses of this medicine code"/>
        <name value="receiver"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The identity of a receiver to list dispenses for"/>
        <name value="destination"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Return dispenses that should be sent to a specific destination"/>
        <name value="medication"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Return dispenses of this medicine resource"/>
        <name value="responsibleparty"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Return dispenses with the specified responsible party"/>
        <name value="type"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Return dispenses of a specific type"/>
        <name value="whenhandedover"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Returns dispenses handed over on this date"/>
        <name value="whenprepared"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Returns dispenses prepared on this date"/>
        <name value="dispenser"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Return dispenses performed by a specific individual"/>
        <name value="prescription"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The identity of a prescription to list dispenses from"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The identity of a patient to list dispenses  for"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Return dispenses with a specified dispense status"/>
      <type value="MedicationRequest"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="MedicationRequest.requester"/>
      <searchInclude value="MedicationRequest.intended-dispenser"/>
      <searchInclude value="MedicationRequest.patient"/>
      <searchInclude value="MedicationRequest.context"/>
      <searchInclude value="MedicationRequest.medication"/>
        <name value="requester"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Returns prescriptions prescribed by this prescriber"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Return prescriptions with this external identifier"/>
        <name value="intended-dispenser"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Returns prescriptions intended to be dispensed by this Organization"/>
        <name value="code"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Return prescriptions of this medication code"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The identity of a patient to list orders  for"/>
        <name value="datewritten"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Return prescriptions written on this date"/>
        <name value="context"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Return prescriptions with this encounter or episode of care identifier"/>
        <name value="medication"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Return prescriptions of this medication reference"/>
        <name value="category"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Returns prescriptions with different categories"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Status of the prescription"/>
      <type value="MedicationStatement"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="MedicationStatement.subject"/>
      <searchInclude value="MedicationStatement.medication"/>
      <searchInclude value="MedicationStatement.source"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Return statements with this external identifier"/>
        <name value="effective"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Date when patient was taking (or not taking) the medication"/>
        <name value="code"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Return statements of this medication code"/>
        <name value="subject"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The identity of a patient, animal or group to list statements for"/>
        <name value="medication"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Return statements of this medication reference"/>
        <name value="source"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who or where the information in the statement came from"/>
        <name value="category"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Returns statements of this category of medicationstatement"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Return statements that match the given status"/>
      <type value="MessageDefinition"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
        <name value="date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="The message definition publication date"/>
        <name value="jurisdiction"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Intended jurisdiction for message definition"/>
        <name value="name"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the message definition"/>
        <name value="description"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Text search against the description of the message definition"/>
        <name value="publisher"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the publisher of the message definition"/>
        <name value="focus"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A resource that is a permitted focus of the message"/>
        <name value="title"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Text search against the title of the message definition"/>
        <name value="event"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The event that triggers the message"/>
        <name value="category"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The behavior associated with the message"/>
        <name value="version"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The version identifier of the message definition"/>
        <name value="url"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="The uri that identifies the message definition"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The current status of the message definition"/>
      <type value="MessageHeader"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value=""/>
      <searchInclude value="MessageHeader.receiver"/>
      <searchInclude value=""/>
      <searchInclude value=""/>
      <searchInclude value="MessageHeader.responsible"/>
      <searchInclude value="MessageHeader.enterer"/>
        <name value="code"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="ok | transient-error | fatal-error"/>
        <name value="data"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The actual content of the message"/>
        <name value="receiver"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Intended &quot;real-world&quot; recipient for the data"/>
        <name value="author"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The source of the decision"/>
        <name value="destination"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of system"/>
        <name value="source"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of system"/>
        <name value="target"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Particular delivery destination within the destination"/>
        <name value="destination-uri"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="Actual destination address or id"/>
        <name value="source-uri"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="Actual message source address or id"/>
        <name value="responsible"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Final responsibility for event"/>
        <name value="response-id"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Id of original message"/>
        <name value="enterer"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The source of the data entry"/>
        <name value="event"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Code for the event this message represents"/>
        <name value="timestamp"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Time that the message was sent"/>
      <type value="NamingSystem"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="NamingSystem.replaced-by"/>
        <name value="date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="The naming system publication date"/>
        <name value="period"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="When is identifier valid?"/>
        <name value="kind"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="codesystem | identifier | root"/>
        <name value="jurisdiction"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Intended jurisdiction for naming system"/>
        <name value="description"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Text search against the description of the naming system"/>
        <name value="type"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="e.g. driver,  provider,  patient, bank etc."/>
        <name value="id-type"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="oid | uuid | uri | other"/>
        <name value="responsible"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Who maintains system namespace?"/>
        <name value="contact"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of an individual to contact"/>
        <name value="name"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the naming system"/>
        <name value="publisher"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the publisher of the naming system"/>
        <name value="telecom"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Contact details for individual or organization"/>
        <name value="value"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="The unique identifier"/>
        <name value="replaced-by"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Use this instead"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The current status of the naming system"/>
      <type value="NutritionRequest"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="NutritionRequest.provider"/>
      <searchInclude value="NutritionRequest.patient"/>
      <searchInclude value="NutritionRequest.encounter"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Return nutrition orders with this external identifier"/>
        <name value="datetime"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Return nutrition orders requested on this date"/>
        <name value="provider"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The identify of the provider who placed the nutrition order"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The identity of the person who requires the diet, formula or nutritional supplement"/>
        <name value="supplement"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Type of supplement product requested"/>
        <name value="formula"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Type of enteral or infant formula"/>
        <name value="encounter"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Return nutrition orders with this encounter identifier"/>
        <name value="oraldiet"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Type of diet that can be consumed orally (i.e., take via the mouth)."/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Status of the nutrition order."/>
        <name value="additive"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Type of module component to add to the feeding"/>
      <type value="Observation"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="Observation.performer"/>
      <searchInclude value="Observation.subject"/>
      <searchInclude value="Observation.encounter"/>
      <searchInclude value="Observation.related-target"/>
      <searchInclude value="Observation.patient"/>
      <searchInclude value="Observation.specimen"/>
      <searchInclude value="Observation.device"/>
        <name value="date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Obtained date/time. If the obtained element is a period, a date that falls in the period"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The unique id for a particular observation"/>
        <name value="code"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The code of the observation type or component type"/>
        <name value="performer"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who performed the observation"/>
        <name value="method"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The method used for the observation"/>
        <name value="value-quantity"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="quantity"/>
        <documentation value="The value or component value of the observation, if the value is a Quantity, or a SampledData
         (just search on the bounds of the values in sampled data)"/>
        <name value="subject"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The subject that the observation is about"/>
        <name value="value-concept"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The value or component value of the observation, if the value is a CodeableConcept"/>
        <name value="value-date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="The value of the observation, if the value is a date or period of time"/>
        <name value="data-absent-reason"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The reason why the expected value in the element Observation.value[x] is missing."/>
        <name value="encounter"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Healthcare event related to the observation"/>
        <name value="related-type"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="has-member | derived-from | sequel-to | replaces | qualified-by | interfered-by"/>
        <name value="related-target"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Resource that is related to this one"/>
        <name value="code-value-concept"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="composite"/>
        <documentation value="Code and coded value parameter pair, including in components"/>
        <name value="code-value-string"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="composite"/>
        <documentation value="Code and string value parameter pair, including in components"/>
        <name value="related"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="composite"/>
        <documentation value="Related Observations - search on related-type and related-target together"/>
        <name value="code-value-date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="composite"/>
        <documentation value="Code and date/time value parameter pair, including in components"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The subject that the observation is about (if patient)"/>
        <name value="specimen"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Specimen used for this observation"/>
        <name value="code-value-quantity"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="composite"/>
        <documentation value="Code and quantity value parameter pair, including in components"/>
        <name value="category"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The classification of the type of observation"/>
        <name value="value-string"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="The value or component value of the observation, if the value is a string, and also searches
         in CodeableConcept.text"/>
        <name value="device"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The Device that generated the observation data."/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The status of the observation"/>
      <type value="OperationDefinition"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="OperationDefinition.paramprofile"/>
      <searchInclude value="OperationDefinition.base"/>
        <name value="date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="The operation definition publication date"/>
        <name value="code"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Name used to invoke the operation"/>
        <name value="instance"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Invoke on an instance?"/>
        <name value="kind"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="operation | query"/>
        <name value="jurisdiction"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Intended jurisdiction for operation definition"/>
        <name value="description"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Text search against the description of the operation definition"/>
        <name value="type"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Invole at the type level?"/>
        <name value="version"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The version identifier of the operation definition"/>
        <name value="paramprofile"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Profile on the type"/>
        <name value="url"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="The uri that identifies the operation definition"/>
        <name value="system"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Invoke at the system level?"/>
        <name value="name"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the operation definition"/>
        <name value="publisher"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the publisher of the operation definition"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The current status of the operation definition"/>
        <name value="base"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Marks this as a profile of the base"/>
      <type value="OperationOutcome"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <type value="Organization"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="Organization.partof"/>
      <searchInclude value="Organization.endpoint"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Any identifier for the organization (not the accreditation issuer's identifier)"/>
        <name value="partof"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Search all organizations that are part of the given organization"/>
        <name value="address"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A (part of the) address of the Organization"/>
        <name value="address-state"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A state specified in an address"/>
        <name value="active"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the Address, including
         line, city, state, country, postalCode, and/or text"/>
        <name value="type"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A code for the type of organization"/>
        <name value="address-postalcode"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A postal code specified in an address"/>
        <name value="address-country"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A country specified in an address"/>
        <name value="endpoint"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Technical endpoints providing access to services operated for the organization"/>
        <name value="phonetic"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A portion of the organization's name using some kind of phonetic matching algorithm"/>
        <name value="name"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A portion of the organization's name, or alias"/>
        <name value="address-use"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A use code specified in an address"/>
        <name value="address-city"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A city specified in an address"/>
      <type value="Patient"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value=""/>
      <searchInclude value="Patient.general-practitioner"/>
      <searchInclude value="Patient.organization"/>
        <name value="birthdate"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="The patient's date of birth"/>
        <name value="deceased"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="This patient has been marked as deceased, or as a death date entered"/>
        <name value="address-state"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A state specified in an address"/>
        <name value="gender"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Gender of the patient"/>
        <name value="animal-species"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The species for animal patients"/>
        <name value="link"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="All patients linked to the given patient"/>
        <name value="language"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Language code (irrespective of use value)"/>
        <name value="animal-breed"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The breed for animal patients"/>
        <name value="address-country"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A country specified in an address"/>
        <name value="death-date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="The date of death has been provided and satisfies this search value"/>
        <name value="phonetic"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A portion of either family or given name using some kind of phonetic matching algorithm"/>
        <name value="telecom"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The value in any kind of telecom details of the patient"/>
        <name value="address-city"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A city specified in an address"/>
        <name value="email"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A value in an email contact"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A patient identifier"/>
        <name value="given"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A portion of the given name of the patient"/>
        <name value="address"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the Address, including
         line, city, state, country, postalCode, and/or text"/>
        <name value="general-practitioner"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Patient's nominated general practitioner, not the organization that manages the record"/>
        <name value="active"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Whether the patient record is active"/>
        <name value="address-postalcode"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A postalCode specified in an address"/>
        <name value="phone"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A value in a phone contact"/>
        <name value="organization"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The organization at which this person is a patient"/>
        <name value="name"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the HumanName, including
         family, give, prefix, suffix, suffix, and/or text"/>
        <name value="address-use"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A use code specified in an address"/>
        <name value="family"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A portion of the family name of the patient"/>
      <type value="PaymentNotice"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="PaymentNotice.request"/>
      <searchInclude value="PaymentNotice.provider"/>
      <searchInclude value="PaymentNotice.response"/>
      <searchInclude value="PaymentNotice.organization"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The business identifier of the notice"/>
        <name value="request"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The Claim"/>
        <name value="provider"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The reference to the provider"/>
        <name value="created"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Creation date fro the notice"/>
        <name value="response"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The ClaimResponse"/>
        <name value="organization"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The organization who generated this resource"/>
        <name value="payment-status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The type of payment notice"/>
        <name value="statusdate"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="The date of the payment action"/>
      <type value="PaymentReconciliation"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="PaymentReconciliation.request"/>
      <searchInclude value="PaymentReconciliation.organization"/>
      <searchInclude value="PaymentReconciliation.request-organization"/>
      <searchInclude value="PaymentReconciliation.request-provider"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The business identifier of the Explanation of Benefit"/>
        <name value="request"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The reference to the claim"/>
        <name value="disposition"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="The contents of the disposition message"/>
        <name value="created"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="The creation date"/>
        <name value="organization"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The organization who generated this resource"/>
        <name value="request-organization"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The organization who generated this resource"/>
        <name value="request-provider"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The reference to the provider who sumbitted the claim"/>
        <name value="outcome"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The processing outcome"/>
      <type value="Person"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
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      <searchInclude value=""/>
      <searchInclude value="Person.relatedperson"/>
      <searchInclude value="Person.patient"/>
      <searchInclude value="Person.organization"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A person Identifier"/>
        <name value="address"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the Address, including
         line, city, state, country, postalCode, and/or text"/>
        <name value="birthdate"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="The person's date of birth"/>
        <name value="address-state"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A state specified in an address"/>
        <name value="gender"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The gender of the person"/>
        <name value="practitioner"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The Person links to this Practitioner"/>
        <name value="link"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Any link has this Patient, Person, RelatedPerson or Practitioner reference"/>
        <name value="relatedperson"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The Person links to this RelatedPerson"/>
        <name value="address-postalcode"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A postal code specified in an address"/>
        <name value="address-country"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A country specified in an address"/>
        <name value="phonetic"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A portion of name using some kind of phonetic matching algorithm"/>
        <name value="phone"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A value in a phone contact"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The Person links to this Patient"/>
        <name value="organization"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The organization at which this person record is being managed"/>
        <name value="name"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the HumanName, including
         family, give, prefix, suffix, suffix, and/or text"/>
        <name value="address-use"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A use code specified in an address"/>
        <name value="telecom"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The value in any kind of contact"/>
        <name value="address-city"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A city specified in an address"/>
        <name value="email"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A value in an email contact"/>
      <type value="PlanDefinition"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
        <name value="date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="The plan definition publication date"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="External identifiers for the plan definition"/>
        <name value="effective"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Effective time associated with the plan definition"/>
        <name value="jurisdiction"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Intended jurisdiction for plan definition"/>
        <name value="name"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the plan definition"/>
        <name value="description"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Text search against the description of the plan definition"/>
        <name value="publisher"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the publisher of the plan definition"/>
        <name value="topic"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Topics associated with the module"/>
        <name value="title"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Text search against the title of the plan definition"/>
        <name value="version"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The version identifier of the plan definition"/>
        <name value="url"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="The uri that identifies the plan definition"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The current status of the plan definition"/>
      <type value="Practitioner"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="Practitioner.endpoint"/>
      <searchInclude value="Practitioner.organization"/>
      <searchInclude value="Practitioner.location"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A practitioner's Identifier"/>
        <name value="given"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A portion of the given name"/>
        <name value="specialty"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The practitioner has this specialty at an organization"/>
        <name value="address"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the Address, including
         line, city, state, country, postalCode, and/or text"/>
        <name value="role"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The practitioner can perform this role at for the organization"/>
        <name value="address-state"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A state specified in an address"/>
        <name value="gender"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Gender of the practitioner"/>
        <name value="active"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Whether the practitioner record is active"/>
        <name value="address-postalcode"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A postalCode specified in an address"/>
        <name value="address-country"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A country specified in an address"/>
        <name value="endpoint"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The endpoint of the practitioner for a role at an organization"/>
        <name value="phonetic"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A portion of either family or given name using some kind of phonetic matching algorithm"/>
        <name value="phone"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A value in a phone contact"/>
        <name value="organization"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The identity of the organization the practitioner represents / acts on behalf of"/>
        <name value="name"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the HumanName, including
         family, give, prefix, suffix, suffix, and/or text"/>
        <name value="address-use"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A use code specified in an address"/>
        <name value="telecom"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The value in any kind of contact"/>
        <name value="location"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="One of the locations at which this practitioner provides care"/>
        <name value="family"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A portion of the family name"/>
        <name value="address-city"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A city specified in an address"/>
        <name value="communication"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="One of the languages that the practitioner can communicate with"/>
        <name value="email"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A value in an email contact"/>
      <type value="PractitionerRole"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
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      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
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      <searchInclude value="PractitionerRole.practitioner"/>
      <searchInclude value="PractitionerRole.organization"/>
      <searchInclude value="PractitionerRole.location"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A practitioner's Identifier"/>
        <name value="specialty"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The practitioner has this specialty at an organization"/>
        <name value="endpoint"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Technical endpoints providing access to services operated for the practitioner with this
        <name value="role"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The practitioner can perform this role at for the organization"/>
        <name value="practitioner"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Practitioner that is able to provide the defined services for the organation"/>
        <name value="phone"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A value in a phone contact"/>
        <name value="organization"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The identity of the organization the practitioner represents / acts on behalf of"/>
        <name value="telecom"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The value in any kind of contact"/>
        <name value="location"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="One of the locations at which this practitioner provides care"/>
        <name value="email"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A value in an email contact"/>
      <type value="Procedure"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
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      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="Procedure.performer"/>
      <searchInclude value="Procedure.subject"/>
      <searchInclude value="Procedure.patient"/>
      <searchInclude value="Procedure.location"/>
      <searchInclude value="Procedure.encounter"/>
        <name value="date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Date/Period the procedure was performed"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A unique identifier for a procedure"/>
        <name value="code"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A code to identify a  procedure"/>
        <name value="performer"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The reference to the practitioner"/>
        <name value="subject"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Search by subject"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Search by subject - a patient"/>
        <name value="location"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Where the procedure happened"/>
        <name value="encounter"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The encounter associated with the procedure"/>
        <name value="category"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Classification of the procedure"/>
      <type value="ProcedureRequest"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
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      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
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      <searchInclude value="ProcedureRequest.subject"/>
      <searchInclude value="ProcedureRequest.patient"/>
      <searchInclude value="ProcedureRequest.orderer"/>
      <searchInclude value="ProcedureRequest.encounter"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A unique identifier of the Procedure Request"/>
        <name value="performer"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who should perform the procedure"/>
        <name value="code"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="What procedure to perform"/>
        <name value="subject"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Search by subject"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Search by subject - a patient"/>
        <name value="orderer"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who made request"/>
        <name value="encounter"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Encounter request created during"/>
        <name value="body-site"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="What part of body to perform on"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="proposed | draft | requested | received | accepted | in-progress | completed | suspended
         | rejected | aborted"/>
      <type value="ProcessRequest"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="ProcessRequest.provider"/>
      <searchInclude value="ProcessRequest.organization"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The business identifier of the ProcessRequest"/>
        <name value="provider"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The provider who regenerated this request"/>
        <name value="organization"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The organization who generated this request"/>
        <name value="action"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The action requested by this resource"/>
      <type value="ProcessResponse"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="ProcessResponse.request"/>
      <searchInclude value="ProcessResponse.organization"/>
      <searchInclude value="ProcessResponse.request-organization"/>
      <searchInclude value="ProcessResponse.request-provider"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The business identifier of the Explanation of Benefit"/>
        <name value="request"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The reference to the claim"/>
        <name value="organization"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The organization who generated this resource"/>
        <name value="request-organization"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The Organization who is responsible the request transaction"/>
        <name value="request-provider"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The Provider who is responsible the request transaction"/>
      <type value="Provenance"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
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      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
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      <searchInclude value="Provenance.location"/>
      <searchInclude value="Provenance.entity"/>
      <searchInclude value=""/>
        <name value="sig"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Indication of the reason the entity signed the object(s)"/>
        <name value="agent"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Who participated"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Target Reference(s) (usually version specific)"/>
        <name value="start"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Starting time with inclusive boundary"/>
        <name value="end"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="End time with inclusive boundary, if not ongoing"/>
        <name value="location"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Where the activity occurred, if relevant"/>
        <name value="entity"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Identity of entity"/>
        <name value="target"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Target Reference(s) (usually version specific)"/>
      <type value="Questionnaire"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
        <name value="date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="When the questionnaire was last changed"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="An identifier for the questionnaire"/>
        <name value="code"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A code that corresponds to the questionnaire or one of its groups"/>
        <name value="context"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A use context assigned to the questionnaire"/>
        <name value="publisher"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="The author of the questionnaire"/>
        <name value="title"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="All or part of the name of the questionnaire"/>
        <name value="version"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="The business version of the questionnaire"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The status of the questionnaire"/>
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        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
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      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
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      <searchInclude value="QuestionnaireResponse.based-on"/>
      <searchInclude value="QuestionnaireResponse.subject"/>
      <searchInclude value=""/>
      <searchInclude value="QuestionnaireResponse.patient"/>
      <searchInclude value="QuestionnaireResponse.context"/>
      <searchInclude value="QuestionnaireResponse.source"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="When the questionnaire response was authored"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The unique identifier for the questionnaire response"/>
        <name value="parent"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Procedure or observation this questionnaire response is part of"/>
        <name value="questionnaire"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The questionnaire the answers are provided for"/>
        <name value="based-on"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Plan/proposal/order fulfilled by this questionnaire response"/>
        <name value="subject"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The subject of the questionnaire response"/>
        <name value="author"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The author of the questionnaire response"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The patient that is the subject of the questionnaire response"/>
        <name value="context"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Encounter or episode during which questionnaire response was authored"/>
        <name value="source"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The person who answered the questions"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The status of the questionnaire response"/>
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        <reference value=""/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
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      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
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      <searchInclude value="ReferralRequest.patient"/>
      <searchInclude value="ReferralRequest.recipient"/>
      <searchInclude value="ReferralRequest.context"/>
      <searchInclude value="ReferralRequest.basedon"/>
        <name value="date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Creation or activation date"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Requester of referral / transfer of care"/>
        <name value="parent"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Part of common request"/>
        <name value="specialty"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The specialty that the referral is for"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who the referral is about"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The person that the referral was sent to"/>
        <name value="context"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Part of encounter or episode of care"/>
        <name value="type"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The type of the referral"/>
        <name value="priority"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The priority assigned to the referral"/>
        <name value="category"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Proposal, plan or request"/>
        <name value="basedon"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Request being fulfilled"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The status of the referral"/>
      <type value="RelatedPerson"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="An Identifier of the RelatedPerson"/>
        <name value="address"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the Address, including
         line, city, state, country, postalCode, and/or text"/>
        <name value="birthdate"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="The Related Person's date of birth"/>
        <name value="address-state"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A state specified in an address"/>
        <name value="gender"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Gender of the person"/>
        <name value="active"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Wheter the related person record is active"/>
        <name value="address-postalcode"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A postal code specified in an address"/>
        <name value="address-country"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A country specified in an address"/>
        <name value="phonetic"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A portion of name using some kind of phonetic matching algorithm"/>
        <name value="phone"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A value in a phone contact"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The patient this person is related to"/>
        <name value="name"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the HumanName, including
         family, give, prefix, suffix, suffix, and/or text"/>
        <name value="address-use"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A use code specified in an address"/>
        <name value="telecom"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The value in any kind of contact"/>
        <name value="address-city"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="A city specified in an address"/>
        <name value="email"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A value in an email contact"/>
      <type value="RequestGroup"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
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      <searchInclude value=""/>
      <searchInclude value="RequestGroup.context"/>
      <searchInclude value="RequestGroup.encounter"/>
      <searchInclude value="RequestGroup.participant"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The identity of a patient to search for request groups"/>
        <name value="subject"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The subject that the request group is about"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The author of the request group"/>
        <name value="context"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The context the request group applies to"/>
        <name value="encounter"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The encounter the request group applies to"/>
        <name value="participant"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The participant in the requests in the group"/>
      <type value="ResearchStudy"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
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      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
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      <searchInclude value="ResearchStudy.sponsor"/>
      <searchInclude value="ResearchStudy.principalinvestigator"/>
      <searchInclude value="ResearchStudy.protocol"/>
      <searchInclude value=""/>
        <name value="date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="When the study began and ended"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Business Identifer for study"/>
        <name value="partof"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Part of larger study"/>
        <name value="sponsor"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Organization responsible for the study"/>
        <name value="jurisdiction"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Geographic region(s) for study"/>
        <name value="focus"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Drugs, devices, conditions, etc. under study"/>
        <name value="principalinvestigator"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Individual responsible for the study"/>
        <name value="title"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name for this study"/>
        <name value="protocol"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Steps followed in executing study"/>
        <name value="site"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Location involved in study execution"/>
        <name value="category"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Classifications for the study"/>
        <name value="keyword"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Used to search for the study"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="draft | in-progress | suspended | stopped | completed | entered-in-error"/>
      <type value="ResearchSubject"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
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      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
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      <searchInclude value="ResearchSubject.patient"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Start and end of participation"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Business Identifer for event"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who is part of study"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="candidate | enrolled | active | suspended | withdrawn | completed"/>
      <type value="RiskAssessment"/>
        <reference value=""/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
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      <searchInclude value="RiskAssessment.performer"/>
      <searchInclude value="RiskAssessment.subject"/>
      <searchInclude value="RiskAssessment.patient"/>
      <searchInclude value="RiskAssessment.encounter"/>
        <name value="date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="When was assessment made?"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Unique identifier for the assessment"/>
        <name value="condition"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Condition assessed"/>
        <name value="performer"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who did assessment?"/>
        <name value="method"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Evaluation mechanism"/>
        <name value="subject"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who/what does assessment apply to?"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who/what does assessment apply to?"/>
        <name value="encounter"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Where was assessment performed?"/>
      <type value="Schedule"/>
        <reference value=""/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The individual(HealthcareService, Practitioner, Location, ...) to find a Schedule for"/>
        <name value="date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Search for Schedule resources that have a period that contains this date specified"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A Schedule Identifier"/>
        <name value="active"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Is the schedule in active use"/>
        <name value="type"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The type of appointments that can be booked into associated slot(s)"/>
      <type value="SearchParameter"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
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      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
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        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="The search parameter publication date"/>
        <name value="code"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Code used in URL"/>
        <name value="jurisdiction"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Intended jurisdiction for search parameter"/>
        <name value="description"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Text search against the description of the search parameter"/>
        <name value="derived-from"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="Original Definition for the search parameter"/>
        <name value="type"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="number | date | string | token | reference | composite | quantity | uri"/>
        <name value="version"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The version identifier of the search parameter"/>
        <name value="url"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="The uri that identifies the search parameter"/>
        <name value="target"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Types of resource (if a resource reference)"/>
        <name value="component"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Defines how the part works"/>
        <name value="name"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the search parameter"/>
        <name value="publisher"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the publisher of the search parameter"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The current status of the search parameter"/>
        <name value="base"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The resource type(s) this search parameter applies to"/>
      <type value="Sequence"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="Sequence.patient"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The unique identity for a particular sequence"/>
        <name value="coordinate"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="composite"/>
        <documentation value="Search parameter for region of the reference DNA sequence string. This will refer to part
         of a locus or part of a gene where search region will be represented in 1-based system.
         Since the coordinateSystem can either be 0-based or 1-based, this search query will include
         the result of both coordinateSystem that contains the equivalent segment of the gene or
         whole genome sequence. For example, a search for sequence can be represented as `coordinate=1$lt345$
        gt123`, this means it will search for the Sequence resource on chromosome 1 and with position
         &gt;123 and &lt;345, where in 1-based system resource, all strings within region 1:124-344
         will be revealed, while in 0-based system resource, all strings within region 1:123-344
         will be revealed. You may want to check detail about 0-based v.s. 1-based above."/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The subject that the observation is about"/>
        <name value="chromosome"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Chromosome number of the reference sequence"/>
        <name value="start"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="number"/>
        <documentation value="Start position (0-based inclusive, 1-based inclusive, that means the nucleic acid or amino
         acid at this position will be included) of the reference sequence."/>
        <name value="end"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="number"/>
        <documentation value="End position (0-based exclusive, which menas the acid at this position will not be included,
         1-based inclusive, which means the acid at this position will be included) of the reference
        <name value="type"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Amino Acid Sequence/ DNA Sequence / RNA Sequence"/>
      <type value="ServiceDefinition"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
        <name value="date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="The service definition publication date"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="External identifiers for the service definition"/>
        <name value="effective"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Effective time associated with the service definition"/>
        <name value="jurisdiction"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Intended jurisdiction for service definition"/>
        <name value="name"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the service definition"/>
        <name value="description"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Text search against the description of the service definition"/>
        <name value="publisher"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the publisher of the service definition"/>
        <name value="topic"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Topics associated with the module"/>
        <name value="title"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Text search against the title of the service definition"/>
        <name value="version"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The version identifier of the service definition"/>
        <name value="url"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="The uri that identifies the service definition"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The current status of the service definition"/>
      <type value="Slot"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="Slot.schedule"/>
        <name value="schedule"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The Schedule Resource that we are seeking a slot within"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A Slot Identifier"/>
        <name value="start"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Appointment date/time."/>
        <name value="slot-type"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The type of appointments that can be booked into the slot"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The free/busy status of the appointment"/>
      <type value="Specimen"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="Specimen.parent"/>
      <searchInclude value="Specimen.subject"/>
      <searchInclude value="Specimen.patient"/>
      <searchInclude value="Specimen.collector"/>
        <name value="container"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The kind of specimen container"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The unique identifier associated with the specimen"/>
        <name value="parent"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The parent of the specimen"/>
        <name value="container-id"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The unique identifier associated with the specimen container"/>
        <name value="bodysite"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The code for the body site from where the specimen originated"/>
        <name value="subject"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The subject of the specimen"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The patient the specimen comes from"/>
        <name value="collected"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="The date the specimen was collected"/>
        <name value="accession"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The accession number associated with the specimen"/>
        <name value="type"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The specimen type"/>
        <name value="collector"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who collected the specimen"/>
      <type value="StructureDefinition"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="StructureDefinition.valueset"/>
        <name value="date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="The structure definition publication date"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="External identifiers for the structure definition"/>
        <name value="valueset"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="A vocabulary binding reference"/>
        <name value="kind"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="primitive-type | complex-type | resource | logical"/>
        <name value="jurisdiction"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Intended jurisdiction for structure definition"/>
        <name value="description"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Text search against the description of the structure definition"/>
        <name value="experimental"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="If for testing purposes, not real usage"/>
        <name value="context-type"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="resource | datatype | extension"/>
        <name value="abstract"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Whether the structure is abstract"/>
        <name value="title"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Text search against the title of the structure definition"/>
        <name value="type"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Type defined or constrained by this structure"/>
        <name value="version"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The version identifier of the structure definition"/>
        <name value="url"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="The uri that identifies the structure definition"/>
        <name value="path"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A path that is constrained in the profile"/>
        <name value="ext-context"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Where the extension can be used in instances"/>
        <name value="name"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the structure definition"/>
        <name value="base-path"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Path that identifies the base element"/>
        <name value="publisher"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the publisher of the structure definition"/>
        <name value="derivation"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="specialization | constraint - How relates to base definition"/>
        <name value="keyword"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A code for the profile"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The current status of the structure definition"/>
        <name value="base"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="Definition that this type is constrained/specialized from"/>
      <type value="StructureMap"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
        <name value="date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="The structure map publication date"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="External identifiers for the structure map"/>
        <name value="jurisdiction"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Intended jurisdiction for structure map"/>
        <name value="name"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the structure map"/>
        <name value="description"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Text search against the description of the structure map"/>
        <name value="publisher"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the publisher of the structure map"/>
        <name value="title"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Text search against the title of the structure map"/>
        <name value="version"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The version identifier of the structure map"/>
        <name value="url"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="The uri that identifies the structure map"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The current status of the structure map"/>
      <type value="Subscription"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
        <name value="payload"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Mimetype to send, or omit for no payload"/>
        <name value="criteria"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Rule for server push criteria"/>
        <name value="contact"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Contact details for source (e.g. troubleshooting)"/>
        <name value="tag"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="A tag to add to matching resources"/>
        <name value="type"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="rest-hook | websocket | email | sms | message"/>
        <name value="url"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="Where the channel points to"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="requested | active | error | off"/>
      <type value="Substance"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="Substance.substance-reference"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Unique identifier for the substance"/>
        <name value="container-identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Identifier of the package/container"/>
        <name value="code"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The code of the substance or ingredient"/>
        <name value="quantity"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="quantity"/>
        <documentation value="Amount of substance in the package"/>
        <name value="substance-reference"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="A component of the substance"/>
        <name value="expiry"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Expiry date of package or container of substance"/>
        <name value="category"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The category of the substance"/>
      <type value="SupplyDelivery"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="SupplyDelivery.receiver"/>
      <searchInclude value="SupplyDelivery.patient"/>
      <searchInclude value="SupplyDelivery.supplier"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="External identifier"/>
        <name value="receiver"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who collected the Supply"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Patient for whom the item is supplied"/>
        <name value="supplier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Dispenser"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="in-progress | completed | abandoned"/>
      <type value="SupplyRequest"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="SupplyRequest.patient"/>
      <searchInclude value="SupplyRequest.supplier"/>
      <searchInclude value="SupplyRequest.source"/>
        <name value="date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="When the request was made"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Unique identifier"/>
        <name value="kind"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The kind of supply (central, non-stock, etc.)"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Patient for whom the item is supplied"/>
        <name value="supplier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who is intended to fulfill the request"/>
        <name value="source"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who initiated this order"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="requested | completed | failed | cancelled"/>
      <type value="Task"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="Task.owner"/>
      <searchInclude value="Task.requester"/>
      <searchInclude value="Task.subject"/>
      <searchInclude value="Task.focus"/>
      <searchInclude value="Task.part-of"/>
      <searchInclude value="Task.based-on"/>
      <searchInclude value="Task.patient"/>
      <searchInclude value="Task.definition-ref"/>
      <searchInclude value="Task.organization"/>
      <searchInclude value="Task.context"/>
        <name value="owner"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Search by task owner"/>
        <name value="requester"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Search by task requester"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Search for a task instance by its business identifier"/>
        <name value="business-status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Search by business status"/>
        <name value="period"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Search by period Task is/was underway"/>
        <name value="code"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Search by task code"/>
        <name value="performer"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Search by recommended type of performer (e.g., Requester, Performer, Scheduler)."/>
        <name value="subject"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Search by subject"/>
        <name value="focus"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Search by task focus"/>
        <name value="part-of"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Search by task this task is part of"/>
        <name value="priority"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Search by task priority"/>
        <name value="authored-on"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Search by creation date"/>
        <name value="intent"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Search by task intent"/>
        <name value="group-identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Search by group identifier"/>
        <name value="based-on"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Search by requests this task is based on"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Search by patient"/>
        <name value="statusreason"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Search by status reason"/>
        <name value="definition-ref"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Search by task definition as a Reference"/>
        <name value="organization"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Search by responsible organization"/>
        <name value="context"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Search by encounter or episode"/>
        <name value="modified"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Search by last modification date"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Search by task status"/>
      <type value="TestReport"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="TestReport.testscript"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="External identifier"/>
        <name value="name"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Informal name of the executed TestScript"/>
        <name value="tester"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the tester producing this report (Organization or individual)"/>
        <name value="testscript"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Reference to the  version-specific TestScript that was executed to produce this TestReport"/>
        <name value="issued"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="When the TestScript was executed and this TestReport was generated"/>
        <name value="participant"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="The uri of the participant. An absolute URL is preferred"/>
      <type value="TestScript"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
        <name value="date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="The test script publication date"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="External identifiers for the test script"/>
        <name value="jurisdiction"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Intended jurisdiction for test script"/>
        <name value="name"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the test script"/>
        <name value="description"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Text search against the description of the test script"/>
        <name value="publisher"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the publisher of the test script"/>
        <name value="testscript-capability"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="TestScript required and validated capability"/>
        <name value="title"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Text search against the title of the test script"/>
        <name value="version"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The version identifier of the test script"/>
        <name value="url"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="The uri that identifies the test script"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The current status of the test script"/>
      <type value="ValueSet"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
        <name value="date"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="The value set publication date"/>
        <name value="reference"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="A code system included or excluded in the value set or an imported value set"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="External identifiers for the value set"/>
        <name value="jurisdiction"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Intended jurisdiction for value set"/>
        <name value="name"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the value set"/>
        <name value="description"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Text search against the description of the value set"/>
        <name value="publisher"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Name of the publisher of the value set"/>
        <name value="title"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <documentation value="Text search against the title of the value set"/>
        <name value="version"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The version identifier of the value set"/>
        <name value="url"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="The uri that identifies the value set"/>
        <name value="status"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="The current status of the value set"/>
        <name value="expansion"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="uri"/>
        <documentation value="Uniquely identifies this expansion"/>
      <type value="VisionPrescription"/>
        <reference value=""/>
        <code value="read"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="vread"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="update"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="delete"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-instance"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="history-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="create"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
        <code value="search-type"/>
        <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <conditionalCreate value="true"/>
      <conditionalUpdate value="true"/>
      <conditionalDelete value="multiple"/>
      <referencePolicy value="literal"/>
      <referencePolicy value="logical"/>
      <searchInclude value="VisionPrescription.prescriber"/>
      <searchInclude value="VisionPrescription.patient"/>
      <searchInclude value="VisionPrescription.encounter"/>
        <name value="prescriber"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Who authorizes the vision product"/>
        <name value="identifier"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="token"/>
        <documentation value="Return prescriptions with this external identifier"/>
        <name value="patient"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="The identity of a patient to list dispenses for"/>
        <name value="datewritten"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="date"/>
        <documentation value="Return prescriptions written on this date"/>
        <name value="encounter"/>
        <definition value=""/>
        <type value="reference"/>
        <documentation value="Return prescriptions with this encounter identifier"/>
      <code value="transaction"/>
      <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <code value="batch"/>
      <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <code value="history-system"/>
      <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <code value="search-system"/>
      <documentation value="Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"/>
      <name value="_text"/>
      <definition value=""/>
      <type value="string"/>
      <documentation value="Search on the narrative of the resource"/>
      <name value="_query"/>
      <definition value=""/>
      <type value="token"/>
      <documentation value="A custom search profile that describes a specific defined query operation"/>
      <name value="_profile"/>
      <definition value=""/>
      <type value="uri"/>
      <documentation value="Profiles this resource claims to conform to"/>
      <name value="_lastUpdated"/>
      <definition value=""/>
      <type value="date"/>
      <documentation value="When the resource version last changed"/>
      <name value="_tag"/>
      <definition value=""/>
      <type value="token"/>
      <documentation value="Tags applied to this resource"/>
      <name value="_security"/>
      <definition value=""/>
      <type value="token"/>
      <documentation value="Security Labels applied to this resource"/>
      <name value="_id"/>
      <definition value=""/>
      <type value="token"/>
      <documentation value="Logical id of this artifact"/>
      <name value="_content"/>
      <definition value=""/>
      <type value="string"/>
      <documentation value="Search on the entire content of the resource"/>
      <name value="validate"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="meta"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="meta-add"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="meta-delete"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="apply"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="data-requirements"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="subset"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="implements"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="conforms"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="lookup"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="subsumes"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="compose"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="document"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="translate"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="closure"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="everything"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="data-requirements"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="find"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="evaluate-measure"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="data-requirements"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="process-message"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="stats"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="match"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="everything"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="apply"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="data-requirements"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="populate"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="populatehtml"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="populatelink"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="evaluate"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="data-requirements"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="questionnaire"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="transform"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="reserve"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="start"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="finish"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="fail"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="release"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="suspend"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="resume"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="cancel"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="stop"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="set-input"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="set-output"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="expand"/>
        <reference value=""/>
      <name value="validate-code"/>
        <reference value=""/>

Usage note: every effort has been made to ensure that the examples are correct and useful, but they are not a normative part of the specification.