Compartment Definition for patient
{ "resourceType": "CompartmentDefinition", "id": "patient", "text": { "status": "generated", "div": "<div>!-- Snipped for Brevity --></div>" }, "url": "", "name": "Base FHIR compartment definition for Patient", "status": "draft", "experimental": true, "publisher": "FHIR Project Team", "contact": [ { "telecom": [ { "system": "url", "value": "" } ] } ], "date": "2016-12-20T00:33:54-05:00", "description": "There is an instance of the patient compartment for each patient resource, and the identity of the compartment is the same as the patient. When a patient is linked to another patient, all the records associated with the linked patient are in the compartment associated with the target of the link.. The set of resources associated with a particular patient", "code": "Patient", "search": true, "resource": [ { "code": "Account", "param": [ "subject" ] }, { "code": "ActivityDefinition" }, { "code": "AllergyIntolerance", "param": [ "patient", "recorder", "asserter" ] }, { "code": "Appointment", "param": [ "actor" ] }, { "code": "AppointmentResponse", "param": [ "actor" ] }, { "code": "AuditEvent", "param": [ "patient", "agent.patient", "entity.patient" ] }, { "code": "Basic", "param": [ "patient", "author" ] }, { "code": "Binary" }, { "code": "BodySite", "param": [ "patient" ] }, { "code": "Bundle" }, { "code": "CapabilityStatement" }, { "code": "CarePlan", "param": [ "patient", "performer" ] }, { "code": "CareTeam", "param": [ "patient", "participant" ] }, { "code": "Claim" }, { "code": "ClaimResponse" }, { "code": "ClinicalImpression", "param": [ "subject" ] }, { "code": "CodeSystem" }, { "code": "Communication", "param": [ "subject", "sender", "recipient" ] }, { "code": "CommunicationRequest", "param": [ "subject", "sender", "recipient", "requester" ] }, { "code": "CompartmentDefinition" }, { "code": "Composition", "param": [ "subject", "author", "attester" ] }, { "code": "ConceptMap" }, { "code": "Condition", "param": [ "patient", "asserter" ] }, { "code": "Consent", "param": [ "patient" ] }, { "code": "Contract" }, { "code": "Coverage" }, { "code": "DataElement" }, { "code": "DetectedIssue", "param": [ "patient" ] }, { "code": "Device" }, { "code": "DeviceComponent" }, { "code": "DeviceMetric" }, { "code": "DeviceUseRequest", "param": [ "subject", "requester", "filler" ] }, { "code": "DeviceUseStatement", "param": [ "subject" ] }, { "code": "DiagnosticReport", "param": [ "subject" ] }, { "code": "DiagnosticRequest", "param": [ "subject", "filler" ] }, { "code": "DocumentManifest", "param": [ "subject", "author", "recipient" ] }, { "code": "DocumentReference", "param": [ "subject", "author" ] }, { "code": "EligibilityRequest" }, { "code": "EligibilityResponse" }, { "code": "Encounter", "param": [ "patient" ] }, { "code": "Endpoint" }, { "code": "EnrollmentRequest", "param": [ "subject" ] }, { "code": "EnrollmentResponse" }, { "code": "EpisodeOfCare", "param": [ "patient" ] }, { "code": "ExpansionProfile" }, { "code": "ExplanationOfBenefit" }, { "code": "FamilyMemberHistory", "param": [ "patient" ] }, { "code": "Flag", "param": [ "patient" ] }, { "code": "Goal", "param": [ "patient" ] }, { "code": "Group", "param": [ "member" ] }, { "code": "GuidanceResponse" }, { "code": "HealthcareService" }, { "code": "ImagingManifest", "param": [ "patient", "author" ] }, { "code": "ImagingStudy", "param": [ "patient" ] }, { "code": "Immunization", "param": [ "patient" ] }, { "code": "ImmunizationRecommendation", "param": [ "patient" ] }, { "code": "ImplementationGuide" }, { "code": "Library" }, { "code": "Linkage" }, { "code": "List", "param": [ "subject", "source" ] }, { "code": "Location" }, { "code": "Measure" }, { "code": "MeasureReport", "param": [ "patient" ] }, { "code": "Media", "param": [ "subject" ] }, { "code": "Medication" }, { "code": "MedicationAdministration", "param": [ "patient", "performer" ] }, { "code": "MedicationDispense", "param": [ "patient" ] }, { "code": "MedicationRequest", "param": [ "patient" ] }, { "code": "MedicationStatement", "param": [ "subject" ] }, { "code": "MessageDefinition" }, { "code": "MessageHeader" }, { "code": "NamingSystem" }, { "code": "NutritionRequest", "param": [ "patient" ] }, { "code": "Observation", "param": [ "subject", "performer" ] }, { "code": "OperationDefinition" }, { "code": "OperationOutcome" }, { "code": "Organization" }, { "code": "Patient", "param": [ "link" ] }, { "code": "PaymentNotice" }, { "code": "PaymentReconciliation" }, { "code": "Person", "param": [ "patient" ] }, { "code": "PlanDefinition" }, { "code": "Practitioner" }, { "code": "PractitionerRole" }, { "code": "Procedure", "param": [ "patient", "performer" ] }, { "code": "ProcedureRequest", "param": [ "subject", "orderer", "performer" ] }, { "code": "ProcessRequest" }, { "code": "ProcessResponse" }, { "code": "Provenance", "param": [ "target.subject", "target.patient", "patient" ] }, { "code": "Questionnaire" }, { "code": "QuestionnaireResponse", "param": [ "subject", "author" ] }, { "code": "ReferralRequest", "param": [ "patient", "requester" ] }, { "code": "RelatedPerson", "param": [ "patient" ] }, { "code": "RequestGroup", "param": [ "subject", "participant" ] }, { "code": "ResearchStudy" }, { "code": "ResearchSubject", "param": [ "individual" ] }, { "code": "RiskAssessment", "param": [ "subject" ] }, { "code": "Schedule", "param": [ "actor" ] }, { "code": "SearchParameter" }, { "code": "Sequence" }, { "code": "ServiceDefinition" }, { "code": "Slot" }, { "code": "Specimen", "param": [ "subject" ] }, { "code": "StructureDefinition" }, { "code": "StructureMap" }, { "code": "Subscription" }, { "code": "Substance" }, { "code": "SupplyDelivery", "param": [ "patient" ] }, { "code": "SupplyRequest", "param": [ "patient" ] }, { "code": "Task" }, { "code": "TestReport" }, { "code": "TestScript" }, { "code": "ValueSet" }, { "code": "VisionPrescription", "param": [ "patient" ] } ] }
Usage note: every effort has been made to ensure that the examples are correct and useful, but they are not a normative part of the specification.