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Specimen mapping from v2 table 0487 to SNOMED CT (

Mapping from to

DRAFT. Published on 2013-7-25 by FHIR project team (original source: LabMCoP) (,

Source ConceptEquivalenceDestination ConceptComments
Code []Code [] [] []TypeModifier []
ACNE (Tissue, Acne):(equivalent)309068002 (Skin lesion sample (specimen))
ACNFLD (Fluid, Acne):(equivalent)119323008 (Pus specimen (specimen))47002008 (Pustule (morphologic abnormality))HL7 term is a historical term. mapped to Pus
AIRS (Air Sample):(equivalent)446302006 (Air sample (specimen))
ALL (Allograft):(equivalent)119376003 (Tissue specimen (specimen))7970006 (Homograft)
AMP (Amputation):(equivalent)408654003 (Specimen obtained by amputation (specimen))81723002 (Amputation (procedure))
ANGI (Catheter Tip, Angio):(equivalent)119312009 (Catheter tip specimen (specimen))TBD in detail
ARTC (Catheter Tip, Arterial):(equivalent)119312009 (Catheter tip specimen (specimen))TBD in detail
ASERU (Serum, Acute):unmatchedpending
ASP (Aspirate):(equivalent)119295008 (Specimen obtained by aspiration (specimen))14766002 (Aspiration (procedure))
ATTE (Environment, Attest):unmatchedTBD
AUTOC (Environmental, Autoclave Capsule):unmatchedTBD
AUTP (Autopsy):unmatchedThis really is not a specimen per se - it is the state of the subject from whom the specimen is collected, so it should be used as a specimen type modifier ONLY!. Often this is indicated with a special medical record number or other notation on the patient. needs to have specimen type (e.g. SPM-4) and source site (SPM.8) and spatial orientation (SPM.9)
BBL (Blood bag):(equivalent)119304001 (Blood bag specimen (specimen))
BCYST (Cyst, Baker's):unmatched32361000 (Popliteal fossa structure (body structure))submitted (PLR155) with parent of 167874004^knee joint synovial fluid (specimen), with specimen source topography 32361000^Popliteal fossa structure (body structure)
BITE (Bite):unmatchedSubmit for new term with parent 119365002
BLEB (Bleb):(equivalent)309049000 (Lesion sample (specimen))339008 (Blistering)
BLIST (Blister):(equivalent)309049000 (Lesion sample (specimen))339008 (Blistering)
BOIL (Boil):(equivalent)119295008 (Specimen obtained by aspiration (specimen))14766002 (Aspiration (procedure))59843005 (Furuncle (morphologic abnormality))
BON (Bone):(equivalent)430268003 (Specimen from bone (specimen))
BOWL (Bowel contents):unmatchedDon't use this term for human samples - use Stool instead. animal would use small intestinal contents, large intestinal contents
BPU (Blood product unit):(equivalent)119300005 (Specimen from blood product (specimen))
BRN (Burn):(equivalent)119367005 (Specimen from burn injury (specimen))
BRSH (Brush):(equivalent)258415003 (Biopsy sample (specimen))439336003 (Brush biopsy)
BRTH (Breath (use EXHLD)):(equivalent)119336008 (Exhaled air specimen (specimen))
BRUS (Brushing):(equivalent)309176002 (Bronchial brushings sample (specimen))80657008 (Bronchoscopy with brush biopsy (procedure))
BUB (Bubo):(equivalent)302795002 (Lymph node aspirate (specimen))14766002 (Aspiration (procedure))11585000 (Bubo (morphologic abnormality))
BULLA (Bulla/Bullae):(equivalent)258482009 (Vesicle fluid sample (specimen))339008 (Blistering)
BX (Biopsy):(equivalent)258415003 (Biopsy sample (specimen))86273004 (Biopsy (procedure))
CALC (Calculus (=Stone)):(equivalent)119350003 (Calculus specimen (specimen))
CARBU (Carbuncle):(equivalent)309051001 (Body fluid sample (specimen))41570003 (Carbuncle (morphologic abnormality))
CAT (Catheter):(equivalent)119311002 (Catheter specimen (specimen))
CBITE (Bite, Cat):unmatchedSubmit for new term with parent 119365002
CLIPP (Clippings):(equivalent)119327009 (Nail specimen (specimen))Be more specific use either: 119326000^hair specimen or 119327009^nail specimen
CNJT (Conjunctiva):(equivalent)119401005 (Specimen from conjunctiva (specimen))
CNJT (Conjunctiva):(equivalent)128160006 (Tissue specimen from conjunctiva)
CNJT (Conjunctiva):(equivalent)258498002 (Conjunctival swab (specimen))
COL (Colostrum):(equivalent)119329007 (Colostrum specimen (specimen))
CONE (Biospy, Cone):(equivalent)399713008 (Specimen from uterine cervix obtained by cone biopsy (specimen))54535009 (Cone biopsy of cervix (procedure))71252005 (Cervix uteri structure (body structure))
CSCR (Scratch, Cat):unmatchedsubmit for new term with parent 119365002^Specimen from wound (specimen)
CSERU (Serum, Convalescent):unmatchedpending
CSITE (Catheter Insertion Site):(equivalent)258507003 (Swab of line insertion site (specimen))285570007 (Taking of swab (procedure))386144009 (Line insertion site (morphologic abnormality))Prefer to have aspirate of the pus oozing out from cleaned insertion site - if swab is all that can be obtained, then swab after cleaning, otherwise you may get a contaminated specimen and a falsely identified infected central line. Do not just swab the reddened area - that will just collect skin flora
CSMY (Fluid, Cystostomy Tube):(equivalent)309051001 (Body fluid sample (specimen))
CST (Fluid, Cyst):(equivalent)258453008 (Cyst fluid sample (specimen))
CSVR (Blood, Cell Saver):unmatchedTBD - may use blood and SPM-6
CTP (Catheter tip):(equivalent)119312009 (Catheter tip specimen (specimen))TBD in detail
CVPS (Site, CVP):(equivalent)258507003 (Swab of line insertion site (specimen))
CVPT (Catheter Tip, CVP):(equivalent)119312009 (Catheter tip specimen (specimen))445085009 (Tunneled central venous catheter (physical object))TBD in detail
CYN (Nodule, Cystic):(equivalent)119368000 (Specimen from cyst (specimen))27925004 (Nodule (morphologic abnormality))
CYST (Cyst):(equivalent)119368000 (Specimen from cyst (specimen))
DBITE (Bite, Dog):unmatchedSubmit for new term with parent 119365002
DCS (Sputum, Deep Cough):(equivalent)119335007 (Coughed sputum specimen (specimen))
DEC (Ulcer, Decubitus):(equivalent)258505006 (Skin ulcer swab (specimen))
DEION (Environmental, Water (Deionized)):unmatchedTBD
DIA (Dialysate):(equivalent)119360007 (Dialysis fluid specimen (specimen))
DISCHG (Discharge):(equivalent)258439008 (Discharge specimen (specimen))
DIV (Diverticulum):(equivalent)119376003 (Tissue specimen (specimen))31113003 (Diverticulum (morphologic abnormality))
DRN (Drain):(equivalent)119306004 (Drain device specimen (specimen))
DRNG (Drainage, Tube):(equivalent)258455001 (Drainage fluid sample (specimen))122462000 (Drainage procedure (procedure))Historical term - consider what is being drained and indicate that in SPM-4 instead: not an acceptable specimen for micro - not specific enough term
DRNGP (Drainage, Penrose):(equivalent)309051001 (Body fluid sample (specimen))122462000 (Drainage procedure (procedure))Historical term - consider what is being drained and indicate that in SPM-4 instead
EARW (Ear wax (cerumen)):(equivalent)122580007 (Cerumen specimen (specimen))
EBRUSH (Brush, Esophageal):(equivalent)309210009 (Esophageal brushings sample (specimen))36213007 (Endoscopy and brush biopsy (procedure))32849002 (Esophageal structure (body structure))
EEYE (Environmental, Eye Wash):unmatchedTBD
EFF (Environmental, Effluent):unmatchedTBD
EFFUS (Effusion):(equivalent)258440005 (Effusion sample (specimen))
EFOD (Environmental, Food):(equivalent)119320006 (Food specimen (specimen))
EISO (Environmental, Isolette):(equivalent)258536003 (Incubator swab (specimen))
ELT (Electrode):(equivalent)119314005 (Electrode specimen (specimen))
ENVIR (Environmental, Unidentified Substance):(equivalent)119324002 (Specimen of unknown material (specimen))
EOTH (Environmental, Other Substance):unmatchedTBD
ESOI (Environmental, Soil):unmatchedTBD
ESOS (Environmental, Solution (Sterile)):unmatchedTBD
ETA (Aspirate, Endotrach):(equivalent)119307008 (Specimen from endotracheal tube (specimen))14766002 (Aspiration (procedure))321667001 (Respiratory tract structure (body structure))
ETTP (Catheter Tip, Endotracheal):(equivalent)119312009 (Catheter tip specimen (specimen))TBD in detail
ETTUB (Tube, Endotracheal):(equivalent)119307008 (Specimen from endotracheal tube (specimen))14766002 (Aspiration (procedure))321667001 (Respiratory tract structure (body structure))
EWHI (Environmental, Whirlpool):unmatchedTBD
EXG (Gas, exhaled (=breath)):(equivalent)119336008 (Exhaled air specimen (specimen))
EXS (Shunt, External):unmatchedTBD
EXUDTE (Exudate):(equivalent)258441009 (Exudate sample (specimen))
FAW (Environmental, Water (Well)):unmatchedTBD
FBLOOD (Blood, Fetal):(equivalent)119297000 (Blood specimen (specimen))303112003 (Fetal period (qualifier value))
FGA (Fluid, Abdomen):(equivalent)168139001 (Peritoneal fluid sample (specimen))83670000 (Peritoneal cavity structure (body structure))
FIST (Fistula):(equivalent)119370009 (Specimen from fistula (specimen))
FLD (Fluid, Other):(equivalent)309051001 (Body fluid sample (specimen))
FLT (Filter):unmatchedTBD
FLU (Fluid, Body unsp):(equivalent)309051001 (Body fluid sample (specimen))
FLUID (Fluid):(equivalent)258442002 (Fluid sample (specimen))
FOLEY (Catheter Tip, Foley):(equivalent)119312009 (Catheter tip specimen (specimen))TBD in detail
FRS (Fluid, Respiratory):(equivalent)258442002 (Fluid sample (specimen))272626006 (Respiratory organ (body structure))this term is not specific enough, choose from terms that more accurately describe the specimen
FSCLP (Scalp, Fetal):(equivalent)309502007 (Fetus specimen (specimen))41695006 (Scalp structure)
FUR (Furuncle):(equivalent)119295008 (Specimen obtained by aspiration (specimen))59843005 (Furuncle (morphologic abnormality))Further describe the sample as tissue or pus. or by the collection method. The term boil is not specifc to a body site - need to indicate source site (spm.8). preferred term is Aspirate_Boil
GAS (Gas):(equivalent)119317003 (Gaseous material specimen (specimen))
GASA (Aspirate, Gastric):(equivalent)168137004 (Gastric aspirate sample (specimen))14766002 (Aspiration (procedure))69695003 (Stomach structure (body structure))
GASAN (Antrum, Gastric):(equivalent)119379005 (Specimen from stomach (specimen))66051006 (Pyloric antrum structure (body structure))
GASBR (Brushing, Gastric):(equivalent)309213006 (Gastric brushings sample (specimen))235157009 (Endoscopic brushings of gastrointestinal tract (procedure))69695003 (Stomach structure (body structure))
GASD (Drainage, Gastric):(equivalent)258459007 (Gastric fluid sample (specimen))122462000 (Drainage procedure (procedure))69695003 (Stomach structure (body structure))Historical term - consider what is being drained and indicate that in SPM-4 instead
GAST (Fluid/contents, Gastric):(equivalent)258459007 (Gastric fluid sample (specimen))
GENV (Genital vaginal):(equivalent)119394009 (Specimen from vagina (specimen))
GRAFT (Graft):(equivalent)440493002 (Graft specimen from patient (specimen))
GRANU (Granuloma):(equivalent)119376003 (Tissue specimen (specimen))45647009 (Granuloma (morphologic abnormality))
GROSH (Catheter, Groshong):(equivalent)119311002 (Catheter specimen (specimen))TBD in detail
GSOL (Solution, Gastrostomy):unmatchedTBD
GSPEC (Biopsy, Gastric):(equivalent)309211008 (Specimen from stomach obtained by biopsy)79121003 (Biopsy of stomach (procedure))69695003 (Stomach structure (body structure))
GT (Tube, Gastric):unmatchedTBD
GTUBE (Drainage Tube, Drainage (Gastrostomy)):(equivalent)258459007 (Gastric fluid sample (specimen))122462000 (Drainage procedure (procedure))69695003 (Stomach structure (body structure))127490009 (Gastrostomy use)Historical term - consider what is being drained and indicate that in SPM-4 instead
HBITE (Bite, Human):unmatchedSubmit for new term with parent 119365002
HBLUD (Blood, Autopsy):(equivalent)119297000 (Blood specimen (specimen))303113008 (Postmortem period (qualifier value))
HEMAQ (Catheter Tip, Hemaquit):(equivalent)119312009 (Catheter tip specimen (specimen))TBD in detail
HEMO (Catheter Tip, Hemovac):(equivalent)119312009 (Catheter tip specimen (specimen))TBD in detail
HERNI (Tissue, Herniated):(equivalent)119376003 (Tissue specimen (specimen))
HEV (Drain, Hemovac):(equivalent)119306004 (Drain device specimen (specimen))
HIC (Catheter, Hickman):(equivalent)119312009 (Catheter tip specimen (specimen))445085009 (Tunneled central venous catheter (physical object))TBD in detail
HYDC (Fluid, Hydrocele):(equivalent)309051001 (Body fluid sample (specimen))55434001 (Hydrocele (disorder))
IBITE (Bite, Insect):unmatchedSubmit for new term with parent 119365002
ICYST (Cyst, Inclusion):(equivalent)309075001 (Skin cyst sample (specimen))
IDC (Catheter Tip, Indwelling):(equivalent)119312009 (Catheter tip specimen (specimen))TBD in detail
IHG (Gas, Inhaled):(equivalent)119337004 (Inhaled gas specimen (specimen))
ILEO (Drainage, Ileostomy):(equivalent)258455001 (Drainage fluid sample (specimen))419954003 (Ileostomy route (qualifier value))Historical term - consider what is being drained and indicate that in SPM-4 instead: stool is what is expected, should use stool sample
ILLEG (Source of Specimen Is Illigible):unmatchedTBD
IMP (Implant):(equivalent)439961009 (Implant submitted as specimen (specimen))
INCI (Site, Incision/Surgical):(equivalent)438660002 (Specimen from prosthetic device (specimen))
INFIL (Infiltrate):unmatchedThis describes a morphologic abnormality, not a sample
INS (Insect):(equivalent)258614005 (Insect sample (specimen))
INTRD (Catheter Tip, Introducer):(equivalent)119312009 (Catheter tip specimen (specimen))TBD in detail
IT (Intubation tube):(equivalent)119307008 (Specimen from endotracheal tube (specimen))
IUD (Intrauterine Device):unmatchedpending
IVCAT (Catheter Tip, IV):(equivalent)119312009 (Catheter tip specimen (specimen))255560000 (Intravenous (qualifier value))TBD in detail
IVFLD (Fluid, IV):(equivalent)258649003 (Intravenous infusion fluid sample (specimen))
IVTIP (Tubing Tip, IV):(equivalent)119312009 (Catheter tip specimen (specimen))
JEJU (Drainage, Jejunal):(equivalent)258463000 (Jejunal fluid sample (specimen))122462000 (Drainage procedure (procedure))21306003 (Jejunal structure (body structure))Historical term - consider what is being drained and indicate that in SPM-4 instead: stool is what is expected, should use stool sample
JNTFLD (Fluid, Joint):(equivalent)119332005 (Synovial fluid specimen (specimen))
JP (Drainage, Jackson Pratt):(equivalent)309051001 (Body fluid sample (specimen))122462000 (Drainage procedure (procedure))Historical term - consider what is being drained and indicate that in SPM-4 instead
KELOI (Lavage):(equivalent)440674008 (Specimen obtained by lavage (specimen))67889009 (Irrigation (procedure))
KIDFLD (Fluid, Kidney):(equivalent)309051001 (Body fluid sample (specimen))64033007 (Kidney structure (body structure))
LAVG (Lavage, Bronhial):(equivalent)258607008 (Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid sample (specimen))397394009 (Bronchoalveolar lavage (procedure))
LAVGG (Lavage, Gastric):(equivalent)168138009 (Gastric lavage aspirate sample (specimen))173830003 (Gastric lavage (procedure))69695003 (Stomach structure (body structure))
LAVGP (Lavage, Peritoneal):(equivalent)440137008 (Specimen obtained by peritoneal lavage (specimen))
LAVPG (Lavage, Pre-Bronch):(equivalent)440674008 (Specimen obtained by lavage (specimen))67889009 (Irrigation (procedure))44567001 (Tracheal structure)
LENS1 (Contact Lens):(equivalent)440473005 (Contact lens submitted as specimen (specimen))
LENS2 (Contact Lens Case):unmatchedTBD
LESN (Lesion):(equivalent)309049000 (Lesion sample (specimen))should be more specific what kind of lesion is observed - be more specific is it a wound, abscess, mass - specify! Ask SNOMED CT to mark it as a grouper term only (309049000)
LIQ (Liquid, Unspecified):(equivalent)258442002 (Fluid sample (specimen))
LIQO (Liquid, Other):unmatchedTBD
LSAC (Fluid, Lumbar Sac):(equivalent)258450006 (Cerebrospinal fluid sample (specimen))303949008 (Lumbar spinal cerebrospinal fluid pathway (body structure))The HL7 term is a historical term Mapped to CSF obtained by lumbar puncture
MAHUR (Catheter Tip, Makurkour):(equivalent)119312009 (Catheter tip specimen (specimen))TBD in detail
MASS (Mass):(equivalent)420548004 (Specimen from mass lesion (specimen))4147007 (Mass (morphologic abnormality))
MBLD (Blood, Menstrual):(equivalent)119345009 (Menstrual blood specimen (specimen))
MUCOS (Mucosa):(equivalent)119376003 (Tissue specimen (specimen))414781009 (Mucous membrane structure (body structure))
MUCUS (Mucus):(equivalent)258483004 (Mucus sample (specimen))
NASDR (Drainage, Nasal):(equivalent)258474009 (Sinus fluid sample (specimen))122462000 (Drainage procedure (procedure))2095001 (Nasal sinus structure (body structure))Historical term - consider what is being drained and indicate that in SPM-4 instead
NEDL (Needle):unmatchedTBD
NEPH (Site, Nephrostomy):(equivalent)438660002 (Specimen from prosthetic device (specimen))
NGASP (Aspirate, Nasogastric):(equivalent)302794003 (Nasogastric aspirate)6853008 (Nasogastric tube aspiration (procedure))69695003 (Stomach structure (body structure))
NGAST (Drainage, Nasogastric):(equivalent)258459007 (Gastric fluid sample (specimen))122462000 (Drainage procedure (procedure))69695003 (Stomach structure (body structure))127492001 (Nasogastric use)Historical term - consider what is being drained and indicate that in SPM-4 instead
NGS (Site, Naso/Gastric):(equivalent)438660002 (Specimen from prosthetic device (specimen))
NODUL (Nodule(s)):unmatchedpending
NSECR (Secretion, Nasal):(equivalent)168141000 (Nasal fluid sample (specimen))
ORH (Other):(equivalent)123038009 (Specimen (specimen))
ORL (Lesion, Oral):unmatched74262004 (Oral cavity structure (body structure))be more precise use ulcer, tumor, vesicle
OTH (Source, Other):(equivalent)123038009 (Specimen (specimen))
PACEM (Pacemaker):unmatchedTBD
PCFL (Fluid, Pericardial):(equivalent)122571007 (Pericardial fluid specimen (specimen))
PDSIT (Site, Peritoneal Dialysis):(equivalent)438660002 (Specimen from prosthetic device (specimen))
PDTS (Site, Peritoneal Dialysis Tunnel):unmatchedsubmitted for code
PELVA (Abscess, Pelvic):(equivalent)119371008 (Specimen from abscess (specimen))12921003 (Pelvic structure (body structure))
PENIL (Lesion, Penile):unmatched18911002 (Penile structure (body structure))need to know what kind of lesion, so map to: UlcerTissue_penile, VesicleFluid_penile, Wound_penile, Mass tissue_penile, Necrotic tissue_penile, AbscessAspirate_penile, Anything else?
PERIA (Abscess, Perianal):(equivalent)119371008 (Specimen from abscess (specimen))397158004 (Perianal region structure (body structure))
PILOC (Cyst, Pilonidal):(equivalent)119368000 (Specimen from cyst (specimen))
PINS (Site, Pin):(equivalent)438660002 (Specimen from prosthetic device (specimen))
PIS (Site, Pacemaker Insetion):(equivalent)258507003 (Swab of line insertion site (specimen))
PLAN (Plant Material):(equivalent)119301009 (Plant specimen (specimen))
PLAS (Plasma):(equivalent)119361006 (Plasma specimen (specimen))
PLB (Plasma bag):(equivalent)119305000 (Plasma bag specimen (specimen))
PLEVS (Serum, Peak Level):(equivalent)119364003 (Serum specimen (specimen))255587001 (Peak (qualifier value))
PND (Drainage, Penile):(equivalent)258439008 (Discharge specimen (specimen))122462000 (Drainage procedure (procedure))13648007 (Urethral structure (body structure))Historical term -though in this case more often used for discharge
POL (Polyps):(equivalent)119376003 (Tissue specimen (specimen))41329004 (Polyp (morphologic abnormality))
POPGS (Graft Site, Popliteal):(equivalent)440493002 (Graft specimen from patient (specimen))6902008 (Popliteal region structure (body structure))
POPLG (Graft, Popliteal):(equivalent)440493002 (Graft specimen from patient (specimen))6902008 (Popliteal region structure (body structure))
POPLV (Site, Popliteal Vein):unmatchedTBD
PORTA (Catheter, Porta):(equivalent)119311002 (Catheter specimen (specimen))TBD in detail
PPP (Plasma, Platelet poor):(equivalent)119362004 (Platelet poor plasma specimen (specimen))
PROST (Prosthetic Device):(equivalent)438660002 (Specimen from prosthetic device (specimen))
PRP (Plasma, Platelet rich):(equivalent)119363009 (Platelet rich plasma specimen (specimen))
PSC (Pseudocyst):(equivalent)119368000 (Specimen from cyst (specimen))
PUNCT (Wound, Puncture):(equivalent)119365002 (Specimen from wound (specimen))129300006 (Puncture - action (qualifier value))
PUS (Pus):(equivalent)119323008 (Pus specimen (specimen))
PUSFR (Pustule):(equivalent)119323008 (Pus specimen (specimen))47002008 (Pustule (morphologic abnormality))
PUST (Pus):(equivalent)119323008 (Pus specimen (specimen))47002008 (Pustule (morphologic abnormality))
QC3 (Quality Control):unmatchedTBD
RANDU (Urine, Random):(equivalent)278020009 (Spot urine sample (specimen))
RBITE (Bite, Reptile):unmatchedSubmit for new term with parent: 119365002
RECT (Drainage, Rectal):(equivalent)119339001 (Stool specimen (specimen))122462000 (Drainage procedure (procedure))34402009 (Rectum structure (body structure))Historical term - consider what is being drained and indicate that in SPM-4 instead: stool is what is expected, should use stool sample
RECTA (Abscess, Rectal):(equivalent)119371008 (Specimen from abscess (specimen))34402009 (Rectum structure (body structure))
RENALC (Cyst, Renal):(equivalent)258420003 (Cyst tissue (specimen))64033007 (Kidney structure (body structure))
RENC (Fluid, Renal Cyst):(equivalent)258453008 (Cyst fluid sample (specimen))64033007 (Kidney structure (body structure))
RES (Respiratory):(equivalent)258603007 (Respiratory sample (specimen))
SAL (Saliva):(equivalent)119342007 (Saliva specimen (specimen))
SCAR (Tissue, Keloid (Scar)):(equivalent)119376003 (Tissue specimen (specimen))
SCLV (Catheter Tip, Subclavian):(equivalent)119312009 (Catheter tip specimen (specimen))9454009 (Structure of subclavian vein (body structure))TBD in detail
SCROA (Abscess, Scrotal):(equivalent)119371008 (Specimen from abscess (specimen))20233005 (Scrotal structure (body structure))
SECRE (Secretion(s)):(equivalent)432825001 (Body secretion specimen (specimen))
SER (Serum):(equivalent)119364003 (Serum specimen (specimen))
SHU (Site, Shunt):(equivalent)119295008 (Specimen obtained by aspiration (specimen))14766002 (Aspiration (procedure))257351008 (Shunt (physical object))Preferred is aspiration with sterile syringe from inflamed area. Specify body location of shunt site
SHUNF (Fluid, Shunt):(equivalent)446861007 (Cerebrospinal fluid specimen obtained via ventriculoperitoneal shunt (specimen))446860008 (Collection of cerebrospinal fluid via ventriculoperitoneal shunt (procedure))279107003 (Central nervous system space (body structure))
SHUNT (Shunt):unmatchedTBD
SITE (Site):unmatchedTBD
SKBP (Biopsy, Skin):(equivalent)309066003 (Skin biopsy sample (specimen))240977001 (Biopsy of skin (procedure))
SKN (Skin):(equivalent)119325001 (Skin (tissue) specimen (specimen))
SMM (Mass, Sub-Mandibular):(equivalent)420548004 (Specimen from mass lesion (specimen))4147007 (Mass (morphologic abnormality))
SNV (Fluid, synovial (Joint fluid)):(equivalent)119332005 (Synovial fluid specimen (specimen))
SPRM (Spermatozoa):(equivalent)119349003 (Spermatozoa specimen (specimen))
SPRP (Catheter Tip, Suprapubic):(equivalent)119312009 (Catheter tip specimen (specimen))TBD in detail
SPRPB (Cathether Tip, Suprapubic):(equivalent)119312009 (Catheter tip specimen (specimen))TBD in detail
SPS (Environmental, Spore Strip):unmatchedTBD
SPT (Sputum):(equivalent)119334006 (Sputum specimen (specimen))
SPTC (Sputum - coughed):(equivalent)119335007 (Coughed sputum specimen (specimen))
SPTT (Sputum - tracheal aspirate):(equivalent)258609006 (Sputum specimen obtained by aspiration from trachea)
SPUT1 (Sputum, Simulated):unmatchedTBD
SPUTIN (Sputum, Inducted):(equivalent)258610001 (Sputum specimen obtained by sputum induction (specimen))
SPUTSP (Sputum, Spontaneous):(equivalent)119335007 (Coughed sputum specimen (specimen))
STER (Environmental, Sterrad):unmatchedTBD
STL (Stool = Fecal):(equivalent)119339001 (Stool specimen (specimen))
STONE (Stone, Kidney):(equivalent)119350003 (Calculus specimen (specimen))64033007 (Kidney structure (body structure))
SUBMA (Abscess, Submandibular):(equivalent)119371008 (Specimen from abscess (specimen))5713008 (Submandibular triangle structure (body structure))
SUBMX (Abscess, Submaxillary):(equivalent)119371008 (Specimen from abscess (specimen))4335006 (Upper jaw region structure (body structure))
SUMP (Drainage, Sump):(equivalent)446562005 (Body fluid specimen obtained via sump drain (specimen))122462000 (Drainage procedure (procedure))Historical term - consider what is being drained and indicate that in SPM-4 instead
SUP (Suprapubic Tap):(equivalent)122575003 (Urine specimen (specimen))58088002 (Urine specimen collection, suprapubic (procedure))
SUTUR (Suture):unmatchedTBD
SWGZ (Catheter Tip, Swan Gantz):(equivalent)119312009 (Catheter tip specimen (specimen))TBD in detail
TASP (Aspirate, Tracheal):(equivalent)122877000 (Upper respiratory fluid specimen obtained by tracheal aspiration (specimen))129112001 (Aspiration from trachea (procedure))44567001 (Tracheal structure)
TISS (Tissue):(equivalent)119376003 (Tissue specimen (specimen))
TISU (Tissue ulcer):(equivalent)122593002 (Tissue specimen obtained from ulcer (specimen))
TLC (Cathether Tip, Triple Lumen):(equivalent)119312009 (Catheter tip specimen (specimen))TBD in detail
TRAC (Site, Tracheostomy):(equivalent)438660002 (Specimen from prosthetic device (specimen))
TRANS (Transudate):(equivalent)258538002 (Transudate sample (specimen))
TSERU (Serum, Trough):(equivalent)119364003 (Serum specimen (specimen))255588006 (Trough (qualifier value))
TSTES (Abscess, Testicular):(equivalent)119371008 (Specimen from abscess (specimen))279572002 (Testicular structure (body structure))
TTRA (Aspirate, Transtracheal):(equivalent)258480001 (Transtracheal aspirate sample (specimen))129112001 (Aspiration from trachea (procedure))
TUBES (Tubes):(equivalent)119310001 (Tube specimen (specimen))
TUMOR (Tumor):(equivalent)258435002 (Tumor tissue sample (specimen))
TZANC (Smear, Tzanck):unmatchedThis is the name of a lab test. A skin sample is examined for viral inclusions.
UDENT (Source, Unidentified):(equivalent)123038009 (Specimen (specimen))
UR (Urine):(equivalent)122575003 (Urine specimen (specimen))
URC (Urine clean catch):(equivalent)122880004 (Urine specimen obtained by clean catch procedure (specimen))
URINB (Urine, Bladder Washings):(equivalent)122575003 (Urine specimen (specimen))78533007 (Irrigation of urinary bladder (procedure))
URINC (Urine, Catheterized):(equivalent)446846006 (Urine specimen obtained via indwelling urinary catheter (specimen))
URINM (Urine, Midstream):(equivalent)258574006 (Mid-stream urine sample (specimen))225271002 (Collection of mid-stream specimen of urine (procedure))431938005 (Structure of urinary tract proper (body structure))
URINN (Urine, Nephrostomy):(equivalent)446277003 (Urine specimen obtained from nephrostomy tube after percutaneous insertion (specimen))225109005 (Collection of nephrostomy urine specimen (procedure))25990002 (Renal pelvis structure (body structure))
URINP (Urine, Pedibag):unmatchedTBD
URT (Urine catheter):(equivalent)122565001 (Urinary catheter specimen (specimen))
USCOP (Urine, Cystoscopy):unmatched176178006 (Diagnostic cystoscopy)89837001 (Urinary bladder structure (body structure))NEW specimenTERM 7
USPEC (Source, Unspecified):(equivalent)123038009 (Specimen (specimen))
VASTIP (Catheter Tip, Vas):(equivalent)119312009 (Catheter tip specimen (specimen))TBD in detail
VENT (Catheter Tip, Ventricular):(equivalent)119312009 (Catheter tip specimen (specimen))TBD in detail
VITF (Vitreous Fluid):(equivalent)258438000 (Vitreous humor sample (specimen))
VOM (Vomitus):(equivalent)122572000 (Vomitus specimen (specimen))
WASH (Wash):(equivalent)440674008 (Specimen obtained by lavage (specimen))
WASI (Washing, e.g. bronchial washing):(equivalent)122609004 (Specimen from lung obtained by bronchial washing procedure (specimen))
WAT (Water):(equivalent)119318008 (Water specimen (specimen))
WB (Blood, Whole):unmatchedBloodbanking term ONLY now map to blood and the respective preservative
WEN (Wen):(equivalent)309075001 (Skin cyst sample (specimen))
WICK (Wick):unmatchedTBD
WND (Wound):(equivalent)119365002 (Specimen from wound (specimen))
WNDA (Wound abscess):(equivalent)119366001 (Specimen from wound abscess (specimen))
WNDD (Wound drainage):(equivalent)122566000 (Fluid specimen from wound (specimen))122462000 (Drainage procedure (procedure))
WNDE (Wound exudate):(equivalent)122568004 (Exudate specimen from wound (specimen))
WORM (Worm):(equivalent)258618008 (Helminth sample (specimen))
WRT (Wart):(equivalent)309068002 (Skin lesion sample (specimen))
WWA (Environmental, Water):(equivalent)119318008 (Water specimen (specimen))
WWO (Environmental, Water (Ocean)):unmatchedTBD
WWT (Environmental, Water (Tap)):unmatchedTBD
CSITE (Catheter Insertion Site):unmatched386144009 (Line insertion site (morphologic abnormality))14766002 (Aspiration (procedure))119295008 (Specimen obtained by aspiration (specimen))Prefer to have aspirate of the pus oozing out from cleaned insertion site - if swab is all that can be obtained, then swab after cleaning, otherwise you may get a contaminated specimen and a falsely identified infected central line. Do not just swab the reddened area - that will just collect skin flora
CLIPP (Clippings):unmatched119326000 (Hair specimen (specimen))Be more specific use either: 119326000^hair specimen, or 119327009^nail specimen
SHU (Site, Shunt):unmatched257351008 (Shunt (physical object))438660002 (Specimen from prosthetic device (specimen))assume swab from shunt site for mapping here - clean surface of skin prior to expressing the shunt site - preferred is aspiration with sterile syringe should use SPM.8 to specify body approximate match location of shunt site



Usage note: every effort has been made to ensure that the examples are correct and useful, but they are not a normative part of the specification.