Current Build


This is the narrative for the resource. See also the XML or JSON format. This example conforms to the profile Immunization.

Generated Narrative with Details

id: example

identifier: urn:oid:

status: completed

date: 2013-1-10

vaccineCode: Fluvax (Influenza) (Details : {urn:oid: code 'FLUVAX' = 'FLUVAX)

patient: Patient/example

wasNotGiven: false

primarySource: true

performer: Practitioner/example

requester: Practitioner/example

encounter: Encounter/example

manufacturer: Organization/hl7

location: Location/1

lotNumber: AAJN11K

expirationDate: 2015-2-15

site: left arm (Details : { code 'LA' = 'left arm', given as 'left arm'})

route: Injection, intramuscular (Details : { code 'IM' = 'Injection, intramuscular', given as 'Injection, intramuscular'})

doseQuantity: 5 mg (Details: UCUM code mg = 'mg')

note: Notes on adminstration of vaccine


*Procedure to meet occupational requirement (procedure) (Details : {SNOMED CT code '429060002' = 'Procedure to meet occupational requirement (procedure))




*1Vaccination Protocol Sequence 1Organization/hl7Vaccination Series 12Congenital rubella syndrome (disorder) (Details : {SNOMED CT code '1857005' = 'Congenital rubella syndrome (disorder))Counts (Details : { code 'count' = 'Counts', given as 'Counts'})Cold chain break (Details : { code 'coldchbrk' = 'Cold chain break', given as 'Cold chain break'})


Other examples that reference this example:

  • ImmunizationRecommendation/General

    Usage note: every effort has been made to ensure that the examples are correct and useful, but they are not a normative part of the specification.