ShEx statement for implementationguide
PREFIX fhir: <> PREFIX fhirvs: <> PREFIX xsd: <> BASE <> start=@<ImplementationGuide> AND {fhir:nodeRole [fhir:treeRoot]} # A set of rules about how FHIR is used <ImplementationGuide> CLOSED { a [fhir:ImplementationGuide]; fhir:nodeRole [fhir:treeRoot]?; @<id>?; # Logical id of this artifact fhir:Resource.meta @<Meta>?; # Metadata about the resource fhir:Resource.implicitRules @<uri>?; # A set of rules under which this # content was created fhir:Resource.language @<code>?; # Language of the resource content fhir:DomainResource.text @<Narrative>?; # Text summary of the resource, for # human interpretation fhir:DomainResource.contained @<Resource>*; # Contained, inline Resources fhir:extension @<Extension>*; # Additional Content defined by # implementations fhir:modifierExtension @<Extension>*; # Extensions that cannot be ignored fhir:ImplementationGuide.url @<uri>; # Logical uri to reference this # implementation guide (globally # unique) fhir:ImplementationGuide.version @<string>?; # Business version of the # implementation guide @<string>; # Name for this implementation guide # (Computer friendly) fhir:ImplementationGuide.status @<code> AND {fhir:value @fhirvs:publication-status}; # draft | active | retired fhir:ImplementationGuide.experimental @<boolean>?; # If for testing purposes, not real # usage fhir:ImplementationGuide.publisher @<string>?; # Name of the publisher # (Organization or individual) @<ContactDetail>*; # Contact details for the publisher @<dateTime>?; # Date this was last changed fhir:ImplementationGuide.description @<markdown>?; # Natural language description of # the implementation guide fhir:ImplementationGuide.useContext @<UsageContext>*; # Content intends to support these # contexts fhir:ImplementationGuide.jurisdiction @<CodeableConcept>*; # Intended jurisdiction for # implementation guide (if # applicable) fhir:ImplementationGuide.copyright @<markdown>?; # Use and/or publishing restrictions fhir:ImplementationGuide.fhirVersion @<id>?; # FHIR Version this Implementation # Guide targets fhir:ImplementationGuide.dependency @<ImplementationGuide.dependency>*; # Another Implementation guide this # depends on fhir:ImplementationGuide.package @<ImplementationGuide.package>*; # Group of resources as used in # .page.package @<>*; # Profiles that apply globally fhir:ImplementationGuide.binary @<uri>*; # Image, css, script, etc. @<>?; # Page/Section in the Guide fhir:index xsd:integer? # Relative position in a list } # Another Implementation guide this depends on <ImplementationGuide.dependency> CLOSED { @<string>?; # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON) fhir:extension @<Extension>*; # Additional Content defined by # implementations fhir:modifierExtension @<Extension>*; # Extensions that cannot be ignored fhir:ImplementationGuide.dependency.type @<code> AND {fhir:value @fhirvs:guide-dependency-type}; # reference | inclusion fhir:ImplementationGuide.dependency.uri @<uri>; # Where to find dependency fhir:index xsd:integer? # Relative position in a list } # Page/Section in the Guide <> CLOSED { @<string>?; # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON) fhir:extension @<Extension>*; # Additional Content defined by # implementations fhir:modifierExtension @<Extension>*; # Extensions that cannot be ignored @<uri>; # Where to find that page @<string>; # Short title shown for navigational # assistance @<code> AND {fhir:value @fhirvs:guide-page-kind}; # page | example | list | include | # directory | dictionary | toc | # resource @<code> AND {fhir:value @fhirvs:resource-types}*; # Kind of resource to include in the # list @<string>*; # Name of package to include @<code>?; # Format of the page (e.g. html, # markdown, etc.) @<>*; # Nested Pages / Sections fhir:index xsd:integer? # Relative position in a list } # Profiles that apply globally <> CLOSED { @<string>?; # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON) fhir:extension @<Extension>*; # Additional Content defined by # implementations fhir:modifierExtension @<Extension>*; # Extensions that cannot be ignored @<code> AND {fhir:value @fhirvs:resource-types}; # Type this profiles applies to @<Reference>; # Profile that all resources must # conform to fhir:index xsd:integer? # Relative position in a list } # Group of resources as used in .page.package <ImplementationGuide.package> CLOSED { @<string>?; # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON) fhir:extension @<Extension>*; # Additional Content defined by # implementations fhir:modifierExtension @<Extension>*; # Extensions that cannot be ignored @<string>; # Name used .page.package fhir:ImplementationGuide.package.description @<string>?; # Human readable text describing the # package fhir:ImplementationGuide.package.resource @<ImplementationGuide.package.resource>+; # Resource in the implementation # guide fhir:index xsd:integer? # Relative position in a list } # Resource in the implementation guide <ImplementationGuide.package.resource> CLOSED { @<string>?; # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON) fhir:extension @<Extension>*; # Additional Content defined by # implementations fhir:modifierExtension @<Extension>*; # Extensions that cannot be ignored fhir:ImplementationGuide.package.resource.example @<boolean>; # If not an example, has it's normal # meaning @<string>?; # Human Name for the resource fhir:ImplementationGuide.package.resource.description @<string>?; # Reason why included in guide fhir:ImplementationGuide.package.resource.acronym @<string>?; # Short code to identify the resource ( # Location of the resource fhir:ImplementationGuide.package.resource.sourceUri @<uri> | fhir:ImplementationGuide.package.resource.sourceReference @<Reference> ); fhir:ImplementationGuide.package.resource.exampleFor @<Reference>?; # Resource this is an example of (if # applicable) fhir:index xsd:integer? # Relative position in a list } #---------------------- Data Types ------------------- # Primitive Type dateTime <dateTime> CLOSED { @<id>?; # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON) fhir:extension @<Extension>*; # Additional Content defined by # implementations fhir:value xsd:gYear OR xsd:gYearMonth OR xsd:date OR xsd:dateTime?; # Primitive value for dateTime fhir:index xsd:integer? # Relative position in a list } # Metadata about a resource <Meta> CLOSED { @<string>?; # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON) fhir:extension @<Extension>*; # Additional Content defined by # implementations fhir:Meta.versionId @<id>?; # Version specific identifier fhir:Meta.lastUpdated @<instant>?; # When the resource version last # changed fhir:Meta.profile @<uri>*; # Profiles this resource claims to # conform to @<Coding>*; # Security Labels applied to this # resource fhir:Meta.tag @<Coding>*; # Tags applied to this resource fhir:index xsd:integer? # Relative position in a list } # Primitive Type code <code> CLOSED { fhir:extension @<Extension>*; # Additional Content defined by # implementations fhir:value xsd:string?; # Primitive value for code fhir:index xsd:integer? # Relative position in a list } # Primitive Type string <string> CLOSED { @<id>?; # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON) fhir:extension @<Extension>*; # Additional Content defined by # implementations fhir:value xsd:string MAXLENGTH 1048576?; # Primitive value for string fhir:index xsd:integer? # Relative position in a list } # A reference from one resource to another <Reference> CLOSED { fhir:link IRI?; @<string>?; # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON) fhir:extension @<Extension>*; # Additional Content defined by # implementations fhir:Reference.reference @<string>?; # Literal reference, Relative, # internal or absolute URL fhir:Reference.identifier @<Identifier>?; # Logical reference, when literal # reference is not known fhir:Reference.display @<string>?; # Text alternative for the resource fhir:index xsd:integer? # Relative position in a list } # Base Resource <Resource> {a .+; @<id>?; # Logical id of this artifact fhir:Resource.meta @<Meta>?; # Metadata about the resource fhir:Resource.implicitRules @<uri>?; # A set of rules under which this # content was created fhir:Resource.language @<code>?; # Language of the resource content fhir:index xsd:integer? } # Primitive Type uri <uri> CLOSED { @<id>?; # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON) fhir:extension @<Extension>*; # Additional Content defined by # implementations fhir:value xsd:string?; # Primitive value for uri fhir:index xsd:integer? # Relative position in a list } <Extension> {fhir:extension @<Extension>*; fhir:index xsd:integer? } # Contact information <ContactDetail> CLOSED { @<string>?; # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON) fhir:extension @<Extension>*; # Additional Content defined by # implementations @<string>?; # Name of an individual to contact fhir:ContactDetail.telecom @<ContactPoint>*; # Contact details for individual or # organization fhir:index xsd:integer? # Relative position in a list } # Primitive Type boolean <boolean> CLOSED { @<id>?; # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON) fhir:extension @<Extension>*; # Additional Content defined by # implementations fhir:value xsd:boolean?; # Primitive value for boolean fhir:index xsd:integer? # Relative position in a list } # A human-readable formatted text, including images <Narrative> CLOSED { @<string>?; # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON) fhir:extension @<Extension>*; # Additional Content defined by # implementations fhir:Narrative.status @<code> AND {fhir:value @fhirvs:narrative-status}; # generated | extensions | # additional | empty fhir:Narrative.div xsd:string; # Limited xhtml content fhir:index xsd:integer? # Relative position in a list } # Describes the context of use for a conformance or knowledge resource <UsageContext> CLOSED { @<string>?; # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON) fhir:extension @<Extension>*; # Additional Content defined by # implementations fhir:UsageContext.code @<Coding>; # Type of context being specified ( # Value that defines the context fhir:UsageContext.valueCodeableConcept @<CodeableConcept> | fhir:UsageContext.valueQuantity @<Quantity> | fhir:UsageContext.valueRange @<Range> ); fhir:index xsd:integer? # Relative position in a list } # Primitive Type markdown <markdown> CLOSED { fhir:extension @<Extension>*; # Additional Content defined by # implementations fhir:value xsd:string?; # Primitive value for markdown fhir:index xsd:integer? # Relative position in a list } # Primitive Type id <id> CLOSED { fhir:extension @<Extension>*; # Additional Content defined by # implementations fhir:value xsd:string?; # Primitive value for id fhir:index xsd:integer? # Relative position in a list } # Concept - reference to a terminology or just text <CodeableConcept> CLOSED { fhir:concept IRI*; @<string>?; # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON) fhir:extension @<Extension>*; # Additional Content defined by # implementations fhir:CodeableConcept.coding @<Coding>*; # Code defined by a terminology # system fhir:CodeableConcept.text @<string>?; # Plain text representation of the # concept fhir:index xsd:integer? # Relative position in a list } # A measured or measurable amount <Quantity> CLOSED { @<string>?; # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON) fhir:extension @<Extension>*; # Additional Content defined by # implementations fhir:Quantity.value @<decimal>?; # Numerical value (with implicit # precision) fhir:Quantity.comparator @<code> AND {fhir:value @fhirvs:quantity-comparator}?; # < | <= | >= | > - how to # understand the value fhir:Quantity.unit @<string>?; # Unit representation fhir:Quantity.system @<uri>?; # System that defines coded unit form fhir:Quantity.code @<code>?; # Coded form of the unit fhir:index xsd:integer? # Relative position in a list } # Set of values bounded by low and high <Range> CLOSED { @<string>?; # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON) fhir:extension @<Extension>*; # Additional Content defined by # implementations fhir:Range.low @<SimpleQuantity>?; # Low limit fhir:Range.high @<SimpleQuantity>?; # High limit fhir:index xsd:integer? # Relative position in a list } # Primitive Type instant <instant> CLOSED { @<id>?; # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON) fhir:extension @<Extension>*; # Additional Content defined by # implementations fhir:value xsd:dateTime?; # Primitive value for instant fhir:index xsd:integer? # Relative position in a list } # Details of a Technology mediated contact point (phone, fax, email, etc.) <ContactPoint> CLOSED { @<string>?; # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON) fhir:extension @<Extension>*; # Additional Content defined by # implementations fhir:ContactPoint.system @<code> AND {fhir:value @fhirvs:contact-point-system}?; # phone | fax | email | pager | url # | other fhir:ContactPoint.value @<string>?; # The actual contact point details fhir:ContactPoint.use @<code> AND {fhir:value @fhirvs:contact-point-use}?; # home | work | temp | old | mobile # - purpose of this contact point fhir:ContactPoint.rank @<positiveInt>?; # Specify preferred order of use (1 # = highest) fhir:ContactPoint.period @<Period>?; # Time period when the contact point # was/is in use fhir:index xsd:integer? # Relative position in a list } # An identifier intended for computation <Identifier> CLOSED { @<string>?; # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON) fhir:extension @<Extension>*; # Additional Content defined by # implementations fhir:Identifier.use @<code> AND {fhir:value @fhirvs:identifier-use}?; # usual | official | temp | # secondary (If known) fhir:Identifier.type @<CodeableConcept>?; # Description of identifier fhir:Identifier.system @<uri>?; # The namespace for the identifier fhir:Identifier.value @<string>?; # The value that is unique fhir:Identifier.period @<Period>?; # Time period when id is/was valid # for use fhir:Identifier.assigner @<Reference>?; # Organization that issued id (may # be just text) fhir:index xsd:integer? # Relative position in a list } # A reference to a code defined by a terminology system <Coding> CLOSED { fhir:concept IRI?; @<string>?; # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON) fhir:extension @<Extension>*; # Additional Content defined by # implementations fhir:Coding.system @<uri>?; # Identity of the terminology system fhir:Coding.version @<string>?; # Version of the system - if relevant fhir:Coding.code @<code>?; # Symbol in syntax defined by the # system fhir:Coding.display @<string>?; # Representation defined by the # system fhir:Coding.userSelected @<boolean>?; # If this coding was chosen directly # by the user fhir:index xsd:integer? # Relative position in a list } # Primitive Type positiveInt <positiveInt> CLOSED { fhir:extension @<Extension>*; # Additional Content defined by # implementations fhir:value xsd:positiveInteger?; # Primitive value for positiveInt fhir:index xsd:integer? # Relative position in a list } # A fixed quantity (no comparator) <SimpleQuantity> CLOSED { @<string>?; # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON) fhir:extension @<Extension>*; # Additional Content defined by # implementations fhir:Quantity.value @<decimal>?; # Numerical value (with implicit # precision) fhir:Quantity.unit @<string>?; # Unit representation fhir:Quantity.system @<uri>?; # System that defines coded unit form fhir:Quantity.code @<code>?; # Coded form of the unit fhir:index xsd:integer? # Relative position in a list } # Time range defined by start and end date/time <Period> CLOSED { @<string>?; # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON) fhir:extension @<Extension>*; # Additional Content defined by # implementations fhir:Period.start @<dateTime>?; # Starting time with inclusive # boundary fhir:Period.end @<dateTime>?; # End time with inclusive boundary, # if not ongoing fhir:index xsd:integer? # Relative position in a list } # Primitive Type decimal <decimal> CLOSED { @<id>?; # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON) fhir:extension @<Extension>*; # Additional Content defined by # implementations fhir:value xsd:decimal?; # Primitive value for decimal fhir:index xsd:integer? # Relative position in a list } #---------------------- Reference Types ------------------- #---------------------- Value Sets ------------------------ # Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known . fhirvs:identifier-use ["usual" "official" "temp" "secondary"] # Use of contact point fhirvs:contact-point-use ["home" "work" "temp" "old" "mobile"] # Telecommunications form for contact point fhirvs:contact-point-system ["phone" "fax" "email" "pager" "url" "other"] # The kind of an included page. fhirvs:guide-page-kind ["page" "example" "list" "include" "directory" "dictionary" "toc" "resource"] # One of the resource types defined as part of FHIR. fhirvs:resource-types ["Account" "ActivityDefinition" "AllergyIntolerance" "Appointment" "AppointmentResponse" "AuditEvent" "Basic" "Binary" "BodySite" "Bundle" "CapabilityStatement" "CarePlan" "CareTeam" "Claim" "ClaimResponse" "ClinicalImpression" "CodeSystem" "Communication" "CommunicationRequest" "CompartmentDefinition" "Composition" "ConceptMap" "Condition" "Consent" "Contract" "Coverage" "DataElement" "DetectedIssue" "Device" "DeviceComponent" "DeviceMetric" "DeviceUseRequest" "DeviceUseStatement" "DiagnosticReport" "DiagnosticRequest" "DocumentManifest" "DocumentReference" "DomainResource" "EligibilityRequest" "EligibilityResponse" "Encounter" "Endpoint" "EnrollmentRequest" "EnrollmentResponse" "EpisodeOfCare" "ExpansionProfile" "ExplanationOfBenefit" "FamilyMemberHistory" "Flag" "Goal" "Group" "GuidanceResponse" "HealthcareService" "ImagingManifest" "ImagingStudy" "Immunization" "ImmunizationRecommendation" "ImplementationGuide" "Library" "Linkage" "List" "Location" "Measure" "MeasureReport" "Media" "Medication" "MedicationAdministration" "MedicationDispense" "MedicationRequest" "MedicationStatement" "MessageDefinition" "MessageHeader" "NamingSystem" "NutritionRequest" "Observation" "OperationDefinition" "OperationOutcome" "Organization" "Parameters" "Patient" "PaymentNotice" "PaymentReconciliation" "Person" "PlanDefinition" "Practitioner" "PractitionerRole" "Procedure" "ProcedureRequest" "ProcessRequest" "ProcessResponse" "Provenance" "Questionnaire" "QuestionnaireResponse" "ReferralRequest" "RelatedPerson" "RequestGroup" "ResearchStudy" "ResearchSubject" "Resource" "RiskAssessment" "Schedule" "SearchParameter" "Sequence" "ServiceDefinition" "Slot" "Specimen" "StructureDefinition" "StructureMap" "Subscription" "Substance" "SupplyDelivery" "SupplyRequest" "Task" "TestReport" "TestScript" "ValueSet" "VisionPrescription"] # The lifecycle status of a Value Set or Concept Map. fhirvs:publication-status ["draft" "active" "retired"] # How a dependency is represented when the guide is published. fhirvs:guide-dependency-type ["reference" "inclusion"] # The status of a resource narrative fhirvs:narrative-status ["generated" "extensions" "additional" "empty"] # How the Quantity should be understood and represented. fhirvs:quantity-comparator ["<" "<=" ">=" ">"]
Usage note: every effort has been made to ensure that the ShEx files are correct and useful, but they are not a normative part of the specification.