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Raw ShEx

ShEx statement for measure

PREFIX fhir: <> 
PREFIX fhirvs: <>
PREFIX xsd: <> 

start=@<Measure> AND {fhir:nodeRole [fhir:treeRoot]}

# A quality measure definition
<Measure> CLOSED {
    a [fhir:Measure];
    fhir:nodeRole [fhir:treeRoot]?; @<id>?;                # Logical id of this artifact
    fhir:Resource.meta @<Meta>?;            # Metadata about the resource
    fhir:Resource.implicitRules @<uri>?;    # A set of rules under which this 
                                            # content was created 
    fhir:Resource.language @<code>?;        # Language of the resource content
    fhir:DomainResource.text @<Narrative>?;  # Text summary of the resource, for 
                                            # human interpretation 
    fhir:DomainResource.contained @<Resource>*;  # Contained, inline Resources
    fhir:extension @<Extension>*;           # Additional Content defined by 
                                            # implementations 
    fhir:modifierExtension @<Extension>*;   # Extensions that cannot be ignored
    fhir:Measure.url @<uri>?;               # Logical uri to reference this 
                                            # measure (globally unique) 
    fhir:Measure.identifier @<Identifier>*;  # Additional identifier for the 
                                            # measure 
    fhir:Measure.version @<string>?;        # Business version of the measure @<string>?;           # Name for this measure (Computer 
                                            # friendly) 
    fhir:Measure.title @<string>?;          # Name for this measure (Human 
                                            # friendly) 
    fhir:Measure.status @<code> AND
    	{fhir:value @fhirvs:publication-status};  # draft | active | retired
    fhir:Measure.experimental @<boolean>?;  # If for testing purposes, not real 
                                            # usage @<dateTime>?;         # Date this was last changed
    fhir:Measure.description @<markdown>?;  # Natural language description of 
                                            # the measure 
    fhir:Measure.purpose @<markdown>?;      # Why this measure is defined
    fhir:Measure.usage @<string>?;          # Describes the clinical usage of 
                                            # the measure 
    fhir:Measure.approvalDate @<date>?;     # When measure approved by publisher
    fhir:Measure.lastReviewDate @<date>?;   # Last review date for the measure
    fhir:Measure.effectivePeriod @<Period>?;  # The effective date range for the 
                                            # measure 
    fhir:Measure.useContext @<UsageContext>*;  # Content intends to support these 
                                            # contexts 
    fhir:Measure.jurisdiction @<CodeableConcept>*;  # Intended jurisdiction for measure 
                                            # (if applicable) 
    fhir:Measure.topic @<CodeableConcept>*;  # Descriptional topics for the 
                                            # measure 
    fhir:Measure.contributor @<Contributor>*;  # A content contributor
    fhir:Measure.publisher @<string>?;      # Name of the publisher 
                                            # (Organization or individual) @<ContactDetail>*;  # Contact details for the publisher
    fhir:Measure.copyright @<markdown>?;    # Use and/or publishing restrictions
    fhir:Measure.relatedArtifact @<RelatedArtifact>*;  # Related artifacts for the measure
    fhir:Measure.library @<Reference>*;     # Logic used by the measure
    fhir:Measure.disclaimer @<markdown>?;   # Disclaimer for the measure
    fhir:Measure.scoring @<code> AND
    	{fhir:value @fhirvs:measure-scoring}?;  # proportion | ratio | 
                                            # continuous-variable | cohort 
    fhir:Measure.compositeScoring @<code> AND
    	{fhir:value @fhirvs:composite-measure-scoring}?;  # opportunity | all-or-nothing | 
                                            # linear | weighted 
    fhir:Measure.type @<code> AND
    	{fhir:value @fhirvs:measure-type}*;  # process | outcome | structure | 
                                            # patient-reported-outcome | 
                                            # composite 
    fhir:Measure.riskAdjustment @<string>?;  # How is risk adjustment applied for 
                                            # this measure 
    fhir:Measure.rateAggregation @<string>?;  # How is rate aggregation performed 
                                            # for this measure 
    fhir:Measure.rationale @<markdown>?;    # Why does this measure exist
    fhir:Measure.clinicalRecommendationStatement @<markdown>?;  # Clinical recommendation
    fhir:Measure.improvementNotation @<string>?;  # Improvement notation for the 
                                            # measure, e.g. higher score 
                                            # indicates better quality 
    fhir:Measure.definition @<markdown>?;   # A natural language definition of 
                                            # the measure 
    fhir:Measure.guidance @<markdown>?;     # The guidance for the measure
    fhir:Measure.set @<string>?;            # The measure set, e.g. Preventive 
                                            # Care and Screening @<>*;   # Population criteria group
    fhir:Measure.supplementalData @<Measure.supplementalData>*;  # Supplemental data
    fhir:index xsd:integer?                 # Relative position in a list

# Supplemental data
<Measure.supplementalData> CLOSED { @<string>?;             # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
    fhir:extension @<Extension>*;           # Additional Content defined by 
                                            # implementations 
    fhir:modifierExtension @<Extension>*;   # Extensions that cannot be ignored
    fhir:Measure.supplementalData.identifier @<Identifier>;  # Identifier, unique within the 
                                            # measure 
    fhir:Measure.supplementalData.usage @<code> AND
    	{fhir:value @fhirvs:measure-data-usage}*;  # supplemental-data | 
                                            # risk-adjustment-factor 
    fhir:Measure.supplementalData.criteria @<string>?;  # Supplemental data criteria
    fhir:Measure.supplementalData.path @<string>?;  # Path to the supplemental data 
                                            # element 
    fhir:index xsd:integer?                 # Relative position in a list

# Population criteria group
<> CLOSED { @<string>?;             # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
    fhir:extension @<Extension>*;           # Additional Content defined by 
                                            # implementations 
    fhir:modifierExtension @<Extension>*;   # Extensions that cannot be ignored @<Identifier>;  # Unique identifier @<string>?;     # Short name @<string>?;  # Summary description @<>*;  # Population criteria @<>*;  # Stratifier criteria for the measure
    fhir:index xsd:integer?                 # Relative position in a list

# Population criteria
<> CLOSED { @<string>?;             # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
    fhir:extension @<Extension>*;           # Additional Content defined by 
                                            # implementations 
    fhir:modifierExtension @<Extension>*;   # Extensions that cannot be ignored @<code> AND
    	{fhir:value @fhirvs:measure-population};  # initial-population | numerator | 
                                            # numerator-exclusion | denominator 
                                            # | denominator-exclusion | 
                                            # denominator-exception | 
                                            # measure-population | 
                                            # measure-population-exclusion | 
                                            # measure-observation @<Identifier>;  # Unique identifier @<string>?;  # Short name @<string>?;  # The human readable description of 
                                            # this population criteria @<string>;  # The name of a valid referenced CQL 
                                            # expression (may be namespaced) 
                                            # that defines this population 
                                            # criteria 
    fhir:index xsd:integer?                 # Relative position in a list

# Stratifier criteria for the measure
<> CLOSED { @<string>?;             # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
    fhir:extension @<Extension>*;           # Additional Content defined by 
                                            # implementations 
    fhir:modifierExtension @<Extension>*;   # Extensions that cannot be ignored @<Identifier>;  # The identifier for the stratifier 
                                            # used to coordinate the reported 
                                            # data back to this stratifier @<string>?;  # Stratifier criteria @<string>?;  # Path to the stratifier
    fhir:index xsd:integer?                 # Relative position in a list

#---------------------- Data Types -------------------

# Primitive Type dateTime
<dateTime> CLOSED { @<id>?;                 # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
    fhir:extension @<Extension>*;           # Additional Content defined by 
                                            # implementations 
    fhir:value xsd:gYear OR xsd:gYearMonth OR xsd:date OR xsd:dateTime?;  # Primitive value for dateTime
    fhir:index xsd:integer?                 # Relative position in a list

# Primitive Type date
<date> CLOSED { @<id>?;                 # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
    fhir:extension @<Extension>*;           # Additional Content defined by 
                                            # implementations 
    fhir:value xsd:gYear OR xsd:gYearMonth OR xsd:date?;  # Primitive value for date
    fhir:index xsd:integer?                 # Relative position in a list

# Metadata about a resource
<Meta> CLOSED { @<string>?;             # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
    fhir:extension @<Extension>*;           # Additional Content defined by 
                                            # implementations 
    fhir:Meta.versionId @<id>?;             # Version specific identifier
    fhir:Meta.lastUpdated @<instant>?;      # When the resource version last 
                                            # changed 
    fhir:Meta.profile @<uri>*;              # Profiles this resource claims to 
                                            # conform to @<Coding>*;          # Security Labels applied to this 
                                            # resource 
    fhir:Meta.tag @<Coding>*;               # Tags applied to this resource
    fhir:index xsd:integer?                 # Relative position in a list

# Primitive Type code
<code> CLOSED {
    fhir:extension @<Extension>*;           # Additional Content defined by 
                                            # implementations 
    fhir:value xsd:string?;                 # Primitive value for code
    fhir:index xsd:integer?                 # Relative position in a list

# Primitive Type string
<string> CLOSED { @<id>?;                 # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
    fhir:extension @<Extension>*;           # Additional Content defined by 
                                            # implementations 
    fhir:value xsd:string MAXLENGTH 1048576?;  # Primitive value for string
    fhir:index xsd:integer?                 # Relative position in a list

# A reference from one resource to another
<Reference> CLOSED {
    fhir:link IRI?; @<string>?;             # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
    fhir:extension @<Extension>*;           # Additional Content defined by 
                                            # implementations 
    fhir:Reference.reference @<string>?;    # Literal reference, Relative, 
                                            # internal or absolute URL 
    fhir:Reference.identifier @<Identifier>?;  # Logical reference, when literal 
                                            # reference is not known 
    fhir:Reference.display @<string>?;      # Text alternative for the resource
    fhir:index xsd:integer?                 # Relative position in a list

# Base Resource
<Resource> {a .+; @<id>?;                # Logical id of this artifact
    fhir:Resource.meta @<Meta>?;            # Metadata about the resource
    fhir:Resource.implicitRules @<uri>?;    # A set of rules under which this 
                                            # content was created 
    fhir:Resource.language @<code>?;        # Language of the resource content
    fhir:index xsd:integer?

# Time range defined by start and end date/time
<Period> CLOSED { @<string>?;             # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
    fhir:extension @<Extension>*;           # Additional Content defined by 
                                            # implementations 
    fhir:Period.start @<dateTime>?;         # Starting time with inclusive 
                                            # boundary 
    fhir:Period.end @<dateTime>?;           # End time with inclusive boundary, 
                                            # if not ongoing 
    fhir:index xsd:integer?                 # Relative position in a list

# Contributor information
<Contributor> CLOSED { @<string>?;             # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
    fhir:extension @<Extension>*;           # Additional Content defined by 
                                            # implementations 
    fhir:Contributor.type @<code> AND
    	{fhir:value @fhirvs:contributor-type};  # author | editor | reviewer | 
                                            # endorser @<string>;        # Name of the contributor @<ContactDetail>*;  # Contact details of the contributor
    fhir:index xsd:integer?                 # Relative position in a list

# Related artifacts for a knowledge resource
<RelatedArtifact> CLOSED { @<string>?;             # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
    fhir:extension @<Extension>*;           # Additional Content defined by 
                                            # implementations 
    fhir:RelatedArtifact.type @<code> AND
    	{fhir:value @fhirvs:related-artifact-type};  # documentation | justification | 
                                            # citation | predecessor | successor 
                                            # | derived-from | depends-on | 
                                            # composed-of 
    fhir:RelatedArtifact.display @<string>?;  # Brief description of the related 
                                            # artifact 
    fhir:RelatedArtifact.citation @<string>?;  # Bibliographic citation for the 
                                            # artifact 
    fhir:RelatedArtifact.url @<uri>?;       # Url for the related artifact
    fhir:RelatedArtifact.document @<Attachment>?;  # The related document
    fhir:RelatedArtifact.resource @<Reference>?;  # The related resource
    fhir:index xsd:integer?                 # Relative position in a list

# Primitive Type uri
<uri> CLOSED { @<id>?;                 # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
    fhir:extension @<Extension>*;           # Additional Content defined by 
                                            # implementations 
    fhir:value xsd:string?;                 # Primitive value for uri
    fhir:index xsd:integer?                 # Relative position in a list

<Extension> {fhir:extension @<Extension>*;
    fhir:index xsd:integer?

# Contact information
<ContactDetail> CLOSED { @<string>?;             # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
    fhir:extension @<Extension>*;           # Additional Content defined by 
                                            # implementations @<string>?;     # Name of an individual to contact
    fhir:ContactDetail.telecom @<ContactPoint>*;  # Contact details for individual or 
                                            # organization 
    fhir:index xsd:integer?                 # Relative position in a list

# An identifier intended for computation
<Identifier> CLOSED { @<string>?;             # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
    fhir:extension @<Extension>*;           # Additional Content defined by 
                                            # implementations 
    fhir:Identifier.use @<code> AND
    	{fhir:value @fhirvs:identifier-use}?;  # usual | official | temp | 
                                            # secondary (If known) 
    fhir:Identifier.type @<CodeableConcept>?;  # Description of identifier
    fhir:Identifier.system @<uri>?;         # The namespace for the identifier
    fhir:Identifier.value @<string>?;       # The value that is unique
    fhir:Identifier.period @<Period>?;      # Time period when id is/was valid 
                                            # for use 
    fhir:Identifier.assigner @<Reference>?;  # Organization that issued id (may 
                                            # be just text) 
    fhir:index xsd:integer?                 # Relative position in a list

# Primitive Type boolean
<boolean> CLOSED { @<id>?;                 # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
    fhir:extension @<Extension>*;           # Additional Content defined by 
                                            # implementations 
    fhir:value xsd:boolean?;                # Primitive value for boolean
    fhir:index xsd:integer?                 # Relative position in a list

# A human-readable formatted text, including images
<Narrative> CLOSED { @<string>?;             # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
    fhir:extension @<Extension>*;           # Additional Content defined by 
                                            # implementations 
    fhir:Narrative.status @<code> AND
    	{fhir:value @fhirvs:narrative-status};  # generated | extensions | 
                                            # additional | empty 
    fhir:Narrative.div xsd:string;          # Limited xhtml content
    fhir:index xsd:integer?                 # Relative position in a list

# Describes the context of use for a conformance or knowledge resource
<UsageContext> CLOSED { @<string>?;             # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
    fhir:extension @<Extension>*;           # Additional Content defined by 
                                            # implementations 
    fhir:UsageContext.code @<Coding>;       # Type of context being specified
    (                                       # Value that defines the context
        fhir:UsageContext.valueCodeableConcept @<CodeableConcept>  |
        fhir:UsageContext.valueQuantity @<Quantity>  |
        fhir:UsageContext.valueRange @<Range> 
    fhir:index xsd:integer?                 # Relative position in a list

# Primitive Type markdown
<markdown> CLOSED {
    fhir:extension @<Extension>*;           # Additional Content defined by 
                                            # implementations 
    fhir:value xsd:string?;                 # Primitive value for markdown
    fhir:index xsd:integer?                 # Relative position in a list

# Primitive Type id
<id> CLOSED {
    fhir:extension @<Extension>*;           # Additional Content defined by 
                                            # implementations 
    fhir:value xsd:string?;                 # Primitive value for id
    fhir:index xsd:integer?                 # Relative position in a list

# Concept - reference to a terminology or just  text
<CodeableConcept> CLOSED {
    fhir:concept IRI*; @<string>?;             # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
    fhir:extension @<Extension>*;           # Additional Content defined by 
                                            # implementations 
    fhir:CodeableConcept.coding @<Coding>*;  # Code defined by a terminology 
                                            # system 
    fhir:CodeableConcept.text @<string>?;   # Plain text representation of the 
                                            # concept 
    fhir:index xsd:integer?                 # Relative position in a list

# Content in a format defined elsewhere
<Attachment> CLOSED { @<string>?;             # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
    fhir:extension @<Extension>*;           # Additional Content defined by 
                                            # implementations 
    fhir:Attachment.contentType @<code>?;   # Mime type of the content, with 
                                            # charset etc. 
    fhir:Attachment.language @<code>?;      # Human language of the content 
                                            # (BCP-47) @<base64Binary>?;  # Data inline, base64ed
    fhir:Attachment.url @<uri>?;            # Uri where the data can be found
    fhir:Attachment.size @<unsignedInt>?;   # Number of bytes of content (if url 
                                            # provided) 
    fhir:Attachment.hash @<base64Binary>?;  # Hash of the data (sha-1, base64ed)
    fhir:Attachment.title @<string>?;       # Label to display in place of the 
                                            # data 
    fhir:Attachment.creation @<dateTime>?;  # Date attachment was first created
    fhir:index xsd:integer?                 # Relative position in a list

# Primitive Type instant
<instant> CLOSED { @<id>?;                 # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
    fhir:extension @<Extension>*;           # Additional Content defined by 
                                            # implementations 
    fhir:value xsd:dateTime?;               # Primitive value for instant
    fhir:index xsd:integer?                 # Relative position in a list

# Details of a Technology mediated contact point (phone, fax, email, etc.)
<ContactPoint> CLOSED { @<string>?;             # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
    fhir:extension @<Extension>*;           # Additional Content defined by 
                                            # implementations 
    fhir:ContactPoint.system @<code> AND
    	{fhir:value @fhirvs:contact-point-system}?;  # phone | fax | email | pager | url 
                                            # | other 
    fhir:ContactPoint.value @<string>?;     # The actual contact point details
    fhir:ContactPoint.use @<code> AND
    	{fhir:value @fhirvs:contact-point-use}?;  # home | work | temp | old | mobile 
                                            # - purpose of this contact point 
    fhir:ContactPoint.rank @<positiveInt>?;  # Specify preferred order of use (1 
                                            # = highest) 
    fhir:ContactPoint.period @<Period>?;    # Time period when the contact point 
                                            # was/is in use 
    fhir:index xsd:integer?                 # Relative position in a list

# A reference to a code defined by a terminology system
<Coding> CLOSED {
    fhir:concept IRI?; @<string>?;             # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
    fhir:extension @<Extension>*;           # Additional Content defined by 
                                            # implementations 
    fhir:Coding.system @<uri>?;             # Identity of the terminology system
    fhir:Coding.version @<string>?;         # Version of the system - if relevant
    fhir:Coding.code @<code>?;              # Symbol in syntax defined by the 
                                            # system 
    fhir:Coding.display @<string>?;         # Representation defined by the 
                                            # system 
    fhir:Coding.userSelected @<boolean>?;   # If this coding was chosen directly 
                                            # by the user 
    fhir:index xsd:integer?                 # Relative position in a list

# A measured or measurable amount
<Quantity> CLOSED { @<string>?;             # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
    fhir:extension @<Extension>*;           # Additional Content defined by 
                                            # implementations 
    fhir:Quantity.value @<decimal>?;        # Numerical value (with implicit 
                                            # precision) 
    fhir:Quantity.comparator @<code> AND
    	{fhir:value @fhirvs:quantity-comparator}?;  # < | <= | >= | > - how to 
                                            # understand the value 
    fhir:Quantity.unit @<string>?;          # Unit representation
    fhir:Quantity.system @<uri>?;           # System that defines coded unit form
    fhir:Quantity.code @<code>?;            # Coded form of the unit
    fhir:index xsd:integer?                 # Relative position in a list

# Set of values bounded by low and high
<Range> CLOSED { @<string>?;             # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
    fhir:extension @<Extension>*;           # Additional Content defined by 
                                            # implementations 
    fhir:Range.low @<SimpleQuantity>?;      # Low limit
    fhir:Range.high @<SimpleQuantity>?;     # High limit
    fhir:index xsd:integer?                 # Relative position in a list

# Primitive Type positiveInt
<positiveInt> CLOSED {
    fhir:extension @<Extension>*;           # Additional Content defined by 
                                            # implementations 
    fhir:value xsd:positiveInteger?;        # Primitive value for positiveInt
    fhir:index xsd:integer?                 # Relative position in a list

# A fixed quantity (no comparator)
<SimpleQuantity> CLOSED { @<string>?;             # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
    fhir:extension @<Extension>*;           # Additional Content defined by 
                                            # implementations 
    fhir:Quantity.value @<decimal>?;        # Numerical value (with implicit 
                                            # precision) 
    fhir:Quantity.unit @<string>?;          # Unit representation
    fhir:Quantity.system @<uri>?;           # System that defines coded unit form
    fhir:Quantity.code @<code>?;            # Coded form of the unit
    fhir:index xsd:integer?                 # Relative position in a list

# Primitive Type base64Binary
<base64Binary> CLOSED { @<id>?;                 # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
    fhir:extension @<Extension>*;           # Additional Content defined by 
                                            # implementations 
    fhir:value xsd:base64Binary?;           # Primitive value for base64Binary
    fhir:index xsd:integer?                 # Relative position in a list

# Primitive Type unsignedInt
<unsignedInt> CLOSED {
    fhir:extension @<Extension>*;           # Additional Content defined by 
                                            # implementations 
    fhir:value xsd:nonNegativeInteger?;     # Primitive value for unsignedInt
    fhir:index xsd:integer?                 # Relative position in a list

# Primitive Type decimal
<decimal> CLOSED { @<id>?;                 # xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
    fhir:extension @<Extension>*;           # Additional Content defined by 
                                            # implementations 
    fhir:value xsd:decimal?;                # Primitive value for decimal
    fhir:index xsd:integer?                 # Relative position in a list

#---------------------- Reference Types -------------------

#---------------------- Value Sets ------------------------

# The intended usage for supplemental data elements in the measure
fhirvs:measure-data-usage ["supplemental-data" "risk-adjustment-factor"]

# The lifecycle status of a Value Set or Concept Map.
fhirvs:publication-status ["draft" "active" "retired"]

# The composite scoring method of the measure
fhirvs:composite-measure-scoring ["opportunity" "all-or-nothing" "linear" "weighted"]

# How the Quantity should be understood and represented.
fhirvs:quantity-comparator ["<" "<=" ">=" ">"]

# The type of population
fhirvs:measure-population ["initial-population" "numerator" "numerator-exclusion" "denominator" "denominator-exclusion" "denominator-exception" "measure-population" "measure-population-exclusion" "measure-observation"]

# Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .
fhirvs:identifier-use ["usual" "official" "temp" "secondary"]

# Use of contact point
fhirvs:contact-point-use ["home" "work" "temp" "old" "mobile"]

# Telecommunications form for contact point
fhirvs:contact-point-system ["phone" "fax" "email" "pager" "url" "other"]

# The type of measure (includes codes from 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20368)
fhirvs:measure-type ["process" "outcome" "structure" "patient-reported-outcome" "composite"]

# The type of relationship to the related artifact
fhirvs:related-artifact-type ["documentation" "justification" "citation" "predecessor" "successor" "derived-from" "depends-on" "composed-of"]

# The type of contributor
fhirvs:contributor-type ["author" "editor" "reviewer" "endorser"]

# The scoring type of the measure
fhirvs:measure-scoring ["proportion" "ratio" "continuous-variable" "cohort"]

# The status of a resource narrative
fhirvs:narrative-status ["generated" "extensions" "additional" "empty"]

Usage note: every effort has been made to ensure that the ShEx files are correct and useful, but they are not a normative part of the specification.