Dispense for Over the Counter medication - Tylenol PM (NDC code) - on hold with as needed dosage with a condition, a dose Range and an Event History
{ "resourceType": "MedicationDispense", "id": "meddisp0312", "text": { "status": "generated", "div": "<div xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\"><p><b>Generated Narrative with Details</b></p><p><b>id</b>: meddisp0312</p><p><b>contained</b>: </p><p><b>status</b>: on-hold</p><p><b>medication</b>: Tylenol PM. Generated Summary: id: med0309; Tylenol PM <span>(Details : {http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/ndc code '50580-506-02' = '50580-506-02', given as 'Tylenol PM'})</span></p><p><b>patient</b>: <a>Donald Duck</a></p><p><b>dispenser</b>: <a>Rob van den Berk</a></p><p><b>authorizingPrescription</b>: <a>MedicationRequest/medrx0310</a></p><p><b>type</b>: First Fill <span>(Details : {http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/v3-ActPharmacySupplyType code 'FF' = 'FF', given as 'First Fill'})</span></p><p><b>quantity</b>: 100 TAB<span> (Details: http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/v3-orderableDrugForm/ code TAB = 'TAB')</span></p><p><b>daysSupply</b>: 30 Day<span> (Details: UCUM code d = 'd')</span></p><p><b>whenPrepared</b>: 2015-1-15 5:20:00</p><p><b>whenHandedOver</b>: 2015-1-15 11:20:00</p><p><b>dosageInstruction</b>: </p></div>" }, "contained": [ { "resourceType": "Medication", "id": "med0309", "code": { "coding": [ { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/ndc", "code": "50580-506-02", "display": "Tylenol PM" } ] } } ], "status": "on-hold", "medicationReference": { "reference": "#med0309", "display": "Tylenol PM" }, "patient": { "reference": "Patient/pat1", "display": "Donald Duck" }, "dispenser": { "reference": "Practitioner/f006", "display": "Rob van den Berk" }, "authorizingPrescription": [ { "reference": "MedicationRequest/medrx0310" } ], "type": { "coding": [ { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/v3-ActPharmacySupplyType", "code": "FF", "display": "First Fill" } ] }, "quantity": { "value": 100, "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/v3-orderableDrugForm/", "code": "TAB" }, "daysSupply": { "value": 30, "unit": "Day", "system": "http://unitsofmeasure.org", "code": "d" }, "whenPrepared": "2015-01-15T10:20:00Z", "whenHandedOver": "2015-01-15T16:20:00Z", "dosageInstruction": [ { "sequence": 1, "text": "Take 1-2 tablets once daily at bedtime as needed for restless legs", "additionalInstructions": [ { "text": "Take at bedtime" } ], "timing": { "repeat": { "frequency": 1, "period": 1, "periodUnit": "d" } }, "asNeededCodeableConcept": { "coding": [ { "system": "http://snomed.info/sct", "code": "32914008", "display": "Restless Legs" } ] }, "route": { "coding": [ { "system": "http://snomed.info/sct", "code": "26643006", "display": "Oral Route" } ] }, "doseRange": { "low": { "value": 1, "unit": "TAB", "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/v3-orderableDrugForm", "code": "TAB" }, "high": { "value": 2, "unit": "TAB", "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/v3-orderableDrugForm", "code": "TAB" } } } ] }
Usage note: every effort has been made to ensure that the examples are correct and useful, but they are not a normative part of the specification.