General Provenance Example (id = "example")
<Provenance xmlns=""> <id value="example"/> <text> <status value="generated"/> <div xmlns="">procedure record authored on 27-June 2015 by Harold Hippocrates, MD Content extracted from XDS managed CDA Referral received 26-June</div> </text> <!-- where possible, provenance targets should be version specific, so that there is no ambiguity about which version of the record this relates to --> <target> <reference value="Procedure/example/_history/1"/> </target> <period> <start value="2015-06-27"/> </period> <recorded value="2015-06-27T08:39:24+10:00"/> <reason> <system value=""/> <code value="3457005"/> <display value="Referral"/> </reason> <location> <reference value="Location/1"/> </location> <!-- reference to a patient consent to share inforamtion --> <policy value=""/> <!-- author = Harold Hippocrates --> <agent> <role> <system value=""/> <code value="author"/> </role> <whoReference> <reference value="Practitioner/xcda-author"/> </whoReference> <!-- reference to other agent defined within --> <onBehalfOfUri value="#a1"/> <relatedAgentType> <text value="used"/> </relatedAgentType> </agent> <!-- device = software Harold used --> <agent id="a1"> <role> <system value=""/> <code value="DEV"/> </role> <whoReference> <reference value="Device/software"/> </whoReference> </agent> <!-- information extract from a CCDA referral document --> <entity> <role value="source"/> <!-- the document is in an XDS repository. as a source, we're going to give an MHD reference. (easier than XDS.b call with parameters!) Given the reference is to a FHIR DocumentReference, that resource describes the kind of content --> <reference> <reference value="DocumentReference/90f55916-9d15-4b8f-87a9-2d7ade8670c8"/> <display value="CDA Document in XDS repository"/> </reference> </entity> </Provenance>
Usage note: every effort has been made to ensure that the examples are correct and useful, but they are not a normative part of the specification.