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Raw XML (canonical form)

Neonate record from New South Wales, Australia "My Personal Health Record" example (id = "bb")

<Questionnaire xmlns="">
  <id value="bb"/>
    <status value="generated"/>
    <div xmlns="">
        <b>Birth details - To be completed by health professional</b>
  Name of child: ____________________________________
            Sex: __
  Neonatal Information
    Birth Weight (kg): ___________
    Birth Length (cm): ___________
    Vitamin K given  : __
             1st dose: ___________
             2nd dose: ___________
    Hep B given      : __
      Date given     : ___________
    Abnormalities noted at birth:
  <url value=""/>
  <status value="draft"/>
  <date value="2013-02-19"/>
  <publisher value="New South Wales Department of Health"/>
  <title value="NSW Government My Personal Health Record"/>
  <subjectType value="Patient"/>
    <linkId value="birthDetails"/>
    <text value="Birth details - To be completed by health professional"/>
    <type value="group"/>
    <linkId value="group"/>
      <type value="group"/>
        <linkId value="nameOfChild"/>
        <text value="Name of child"/>
        <type value="string"/>
        <linkId value="sex"/>
        <text value="Sex"/>
        <type value="choice"/>
            <code value="F"/>
            <code value="M"/>
      <linkId value="neonatalInformation"/>
      <text value="Neonatal Information"/>
      <type value="group"/>
        <linkId value="birthWeight"/>
        <text value="Birth weight (kg)"/>
        <type value="decimal"/>
        <linkId value="birthLength"/>
        <text value="Birth length (cm)"/>
        <type value="decimal"/>
        <linkId value="vitaminKgiven"/>
        <text value="Vitamin K given"/>
        <type value="choice"/>
            <code value="INJECTION"/>
            <code value="INTRAVENOUS"/>
            <code value="ORAL"/>
          <linkId value="vitaminKgivenDoses"/>
          <type value="group"/>
            <question value="vitaminKgiven"/>
            <hasAnswer value="true"/>
            <linkId value="vitaminiKDose1"/>
            <text value="1st dose"/>
            <type value="dateTime"/>
            <linkId value="vitaminiKDose2"/>
            <text value="2nd dose"/>
            <type value="dateTime"/>
        <linkId value="hepBgiven"/>
        <text value="Hep B given y / n"/>
        <type value="boolean"/>
          <linkId value="hepBgivenDate"/>
          <text value="Date given"/>
          <type value="date"/>
        <linkId value="abnormalitiesAtBirth"/>
        <text value="Abnormalities noted at birth"/>
        <type value="string"/>

Usage note: every effort has been made to ensure that the examples are correct and useful, but they are not a normative part of the specification.