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FHIR Value set/code system definition for HL7 v2 table 0043 ( Condition Code)

<CodeSystem xmlns="">
  <id value="v2-0043"/>
    <profile value=""/>
    <status value="additional"/>
    <div xmlns="">
      <p>Condition Code</p>

      <table class="grid">
            <b>Deutsch (German)</b>
            <b>Nederlands (Dutch)</b>
            <a name=".46.46.46"> </a>
          <td>No suggested values defined</td>
          <td>keine Werte vorgeschlagen</td>
          <td>geen voorgestelde waarden</td>
          <td>added v2.5.1</td>
            <a name="01"> </a>
          <td>Military service related</td>
          <td>Militaire dienst gerelateerd</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="02"> </a>
          <td>Condition is employment related</td>
          <td>Conditie is werkgerelateerd</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="03"> </a>
          <td>Patient covered by insurance not reflected here</td>
          <td>Patiënt verzekerd door verzekering niet zichtbaar hier</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="04"> </a>
          <td>HMO enrollee</td>
          <td>HMO gerechtigde</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="05"> </a>
          <td>Lien has been filed</td>
          <td>Retentierecht is geregistreerd</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="06"> </a>
          <td>ESRD patient in first 18 months of entitlement covered by employer group health insurance</td>
          <td>ESRD patiënt in eerste 18 maanden van toekenning gedekt door werkgever groepszorgpolis</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="07"> </a>
          <td>Treatment of non-terminal condition for hospice patient</td>
          <td>Behandeling van niet-terminale aandoening voor hospice patiënt</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="08"> </a>
          <td>Beneficiary would not provide information concerning other insurance coverage</td>
          <td>Begunstigde wilde geen informatie over andere verzekeringsdekking geven</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="09"> </a>
          <td>Neither patient nor spouse is employed</td>
          <td>Zowel patiënt als echtgenoot heeft werk</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="10"> </a>
          <td>Patient and/or spouse is employed but no EGHP exists</td>
          <td>Patiënt en/of echtgenoot heeft werk maar er is geen EGHP</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="11"> </a>
          <td>Disabled beneficiary but no LGHP</td>
          <td>Gehandicapte begunstigde maar geen LGHP</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="12"> </a>
          <td>Payer codes.</td>
          <td>Betaler codes.</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
          <td>12 ... 16
            <a name=""> </a>
          <td>Payer codes.</td>
          <td>Betaler codes.</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="13"> </a>
          <td>Payer codes.</td>
          <td>Betaler codes.</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="14"> </a>
          <td>Payer codes.</td>
          <td>Betaler codes.</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="15"> </a>
          <td>Payer codes.</td>
          <td>Betaler codes.</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="16"> </a>
          <td>Payer codes.</td>
          <td>Betaler codes.</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="18"> </a>
          <td>Maiden name retained</td>
          <td>Meisjesnaam behouden</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="19"> </a>
          <td>Child retains mother's name</td>
          <td>Kind behoudt moeders' naam</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="20"> </a>
          <td>Beneficiary requested billing</td>
          <td>Begunstige heeft facturatie gevraagd</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="21"> </a>
          <td>Billing for Denial Notice</td>
          <td>Facturatie voor afgewezen melding</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="26"> </a>
          <td>VA eligible patient chooses to receive services in a Medicare certified facility</td>
          <td>VA-gerechtigde patiënt wil services in een Medicare gecertificeerde instelling</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="27"> </a>
          <td>Patient referred to a sole community hospital for a diagnostic laboratory test</td>
          <td>Patiënt verwezen naar één algemeen ziekenhuis voor diagnostische laboratoriumtest</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="28"> </a>
          <td>Patient and/or spouse's EGHP is secondary to Medicare</td>
          <td>Patiënt en/of echtgenoot EGHP is aanvullend op Medicare</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="29"> </a>
          <td>Disabled beneficiary and/or family member's LGHP is secondary to Medicare</td>
          <td>Gehandicapte begunstigde en/or familielid LGHP is aanvullend op Medicare</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="31"> </a>
          <td>Patient is student (full time-day)</td>
          <td>Patiënt is student (voltijds dag)</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="32"> </a>
          <td>Patient is student (cooperative/work study program)</td>
          <td>Patiënt is student (samenwerkend/werk studie programma)</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="33"> </a>
          <td>Patient is student (full time-night)</td>
          <td>Patiënt is student (voltijds nacht)</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="34"> </a>
          <td>Patient is student (Part time)</td>
          <td>Patiënt is student (parttime)</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="36"> </a>
          <td>General care patient in a special unit</td>
          <td>Algemene zorg patiënt in speciale afdeling</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="37"> </a>
          <td>Ward accommodation as patient request</td>
          <td>Afdelingsaccomodatie op patiëntverzoek</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="38"> </a>
          <td>Semi-private room not available</td>
          <td>Semi-eigen kamer niet beschikbaar</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="39"> </a>
          <td>Private room medically necessary</td>
          <td>Eigen kamer medisch noodzakelijk</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="40"> </a>
          <td>Same day transfer</td>
          <td>Overplaatsing op zelfde dag</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="41"> </a>
          <td>Partial hospitalization</td>
          <td>Gedeeltelijke opname</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="46"> </a>
          <td>Non-availability statement on file</td>
          <td>Niet-beschikbaarheid uitspraak opgeslagen</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="48"> </a>
          <td>Psychiatric residential treatment centers for children and adolescents</td>
          <td>Psychiatrisch behandelcentra voor kinderen en adolescents</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="55"> </a>
          <td>SNF bed not available</td>
          <td>SNF bed niet beschikbaar</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="56"> </a>
          <td>Medical appropriateness</td>
          <td>Medische relevantie</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="57"> </a>
          <td>SNF readmission</td>
          <td>SNF heropname</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="60"> </a>
          <td>Day outlier</td>
          <td>Dag afwijking</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="61"> </a>
          <td>Cost outlier</td>
          <td>Kosten afwijking</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="62"> </a>
          <td>Payer code</td>
          <td>Betaler code</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="66"> </a>
          <td>Provider does not wish cost outlier payment</td>
          <td>Zorgaanbieder wil geen betaling van afwijkende kosten</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="67"> </a>
          <td>Beneficiary elects not to use life time reserve (LTR) days</td>
          <td>Begunstigde kiest ervoor niet de levenslange reserve dagen (LTR) te gebruiken</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="68"> </a>
          <td>Beneficiary elects to use life time reserve (LTR) days</td>
          <td>Begunstigde kiest ervoor  de levenslange reserve dagen (LTR) te gebruiken</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="70"> </a>
          <td>Self-administered EPO</td>
          <td>Zelf-toegediende EPO</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="71"> </a>
          <td>Full care in unit</td>
          <td>Volledige zorg in eenheid</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="72"> </a>
          <td>Self-care in unit</td>
          <td>Zelfzorg in eenheid</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="73"> </a>
          <td>Self-care training</td>
          <td>Zelfzorg in training</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="74"> </a>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="75"> </a>
          <td>Home - 100% reimbursement</td>
          <td>Thuis - 100% vergoed</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="76"> </a>
          <td>Back-up in facility dialysis</td>
          <td>Back-up in instelling dialyse</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="77"> </a>
          <td>Provider accepts or is obligated/required due to a contractual arrangement or law to accept
               payment by a primary payer as payment in full</td>
          <td>Zorgaanbieder accepteert of is contractueel of juridisch verplicht om betaling te accepteren
               van een primaire betaler als volledige vertaling</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="78"> </a>
          <td>New coverage not implemented by HMO</td>
          <td>Nieuwe dekking niet geïmplementeerd door HMO</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="79"> </a>
          <td>Corf services provided off-site</td>
          <td>Corf services worden off-site gegeven</td>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>
            <a name="80"> </a>
          <td>added v2.3.1, removed after v2.4</td>

  <url value=""/>
    <system value="urn:ietf:rfc:3986"/>
    <value value="urn:oid:2.16.840.1.133883.18.19"/>
  <version value="2.8.2"/>
  <name value="v2 Condition Code"/>
  <status value="active"/>
  <experimental value="true"/>
  <publisher value="HL7, Inc"/>
      <system value="url"/>
      <value value=""/>
  <description value="FHIR Value set/code system definition for HL7 v2 table 0043 ( Condition Code)"/>
  <caseSensitive value="false"/>
  <valueSet value=""/>
  <content value="complete"/>
    <code value="deprecated"/>
    <uri value=""/>
    <description value="The date at which a concept was deprecated. Concepts that are deprecated but not inactive
       can still be used, but their use is discouraged"/>
    <type value="dateTime"/>
    <code value="..."/>
    <display value="No suggested values defined"/>
      <language value="de"/>
      <value value="keine Werte vorgeschlagen"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="geen voorgestelde waarden"/>
    <code value="01"/>
    <display value="Military service related"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Militaire dienst gerelateerd"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="02"/>
    <display value="Condition is employment related"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Conditie is werkgerelateerd"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="03"/>
    <display value="Patient covered by insurance not reflected here"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Patiënt verzekerd door verzekering niet zichtbaar hier"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="04"/>
    <display value="HMO enrollee"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="HMO gerechtigde"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="05"/>
    <display value="Lien has been filed"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Retentierecht is geregistreerd"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="06"/>
    <display value="ESRD patient in first 18 months of entitlement covered by employer group health insurance"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="ESRD patiënt in eerste 18 maanden van toekenning gedekt door werkgever groepszorgpolis"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="07"/>
    <display value="Treatment of non-terminal condition for hospice patient"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Behandeling van niet-terminale aandoening voor hospice patiënt"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="08"/>
    <display value="Beneficiary would not provide information concerning other insurance coverage"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Begunstigde wilde geen informatie over andere verzekeringsdekking geven"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="09"/>
    <display value="Neither patient nor spouse is employed"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Zowel patiënt als echtgenoot heeft werk"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="10"/>
    <display value="Patient and/or spouse is employed but no EGHP exists"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Patiënt en/of echtgenoot heeft werk maar er is geen EGHP"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="11"/>
    <display value="Disabled beneficiary but no LGHP"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Gehandicapte begunstigde maar geen LGHP"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="12"/>
    <display value="Payer codes."/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Betaler codes."/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="12 ... 16"/>
    <display value="Payer codes."/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Betaler codes."/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="13"/>
    <display value="Payer codes."/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Betaler codes."/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="14"/>
    <display value="Payer codes."/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Betaler codes."/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="15"/>
    <display value="Payer codes."/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Betaler codes."/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="16"/>
    <display value="Payer codes."/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Betaler codes."/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="18"/>
    <display value="Maiden name retained"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Meisjesnaam behouden"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="19"/>
    <display value="Child retains mother's name"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Kind behoudt moeders' naam"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="20"/>
    <display value="Beneficiary requested billing"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Begunstige heeft facturatie gevraagd"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="21"/>
    <display value="Billing for Denial Notice"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Facturatie voor afgewezen melding"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="26"/>
    <display value="VA eligible patient chooses to receive services in a Medicare certified facility"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="VA-gerechtigde patiënt wil services in een Medicare gecertificeerde instelling"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="27"/>
    <display value="Patient referred to a sole community hospital for a diagnostic laboratory test"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Patiënt verwezen naar één algemeen ziekenhuis voor diagnostische laboratoriumtest"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="28"/>
    <display value="Patient and/or spouse's EGHP is secondary to Medicare"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Patiënt en/of echtgenoot EGHP is aanvullend op Medicare"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="29"/>
    <display value="Disabled beneficiary and/or family member's LGHP is secondary to Medicare"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Gehandicapte begunstigde en/or familielid LGHP is aanvullend op Medicare"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="31"/>
    <display value="Patient is student (full time-day)"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Patiënt is student (voltijds dag)"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="32"/>
    <display value="Patient is student (cooperative/work study program)"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Patiënt is student (samenwerkend/werk studie programma)"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="33"/>
    <display value="Patient is student (full time-night)"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Patiënt is student (voltijds nacht)"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="34"/>
    <display value="Patient is student (Part time)"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Patiënt is student (parttime)"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="36"/>
    <display value="General care patient in a special unit"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Algemene zorg patiënt in speciale afdeling"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="37"/>
    <display value="Ward accommodation as patient request"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Afdelingsaccomodatie op patiëntverzoek"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="38"/>
    <display value="Semi-private room not available"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Semi-eigen kamer niet beschikbaar"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="39"/>
    <display value="Private room medically necessary"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Eigen kamer medisch noodzakelijk"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="40"/>
    <display value="Same day transfer"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Overplaatsing op zelfde dag"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="41"/>
    <display value="Partial hospitalization"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Gedeeltelijke opname"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="46"/>
    <display value="Non-availability statement on file"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Niet-beschikbaarheid uitspraak opgeslagen"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="48"/>
    <display value="Psychiatric residential treatment centers for children and adolescents"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Psychiatrisch behandelcentra voor kinderen en adolescents"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="55"/>
    <display value="SNF bed not available"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="SNF bed niet beschikbaar"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="56"/>
    <display value="Medical appropriateness"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Medische relevantie"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="57"/>
    <display value="SNF readmission"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="SNF heropname"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="60"/>
    <display value="Day outlier"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Dag afwijking"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="61"/>
    <display value="Cost outlier"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Kosten afwijking"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="62"/>
    <display value="Payer code"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Betaler code"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="66"/>
    <display value="Provider does not wish cost outlier payment"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Zorgaanbieder wil geen betaling van afwijkende kosten"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="67"/>
    <display value="Beneficiary elects not to use life time reserve (LTR) days"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Begunstigde kiest ervoor niet de levenslange reserve dagen (LTR) te gebruiken"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="68"/>
    <display value="Beneficiary elects to use life time reserve (LTR) days"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Begunstigde kiest ervoor  de levenslange reserve dagen (LTR) te gebruiken"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="70"/>
    <display value="Self-administered EPO"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Zelf-toegediende EPO"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="71"/>
    <display value="Full care in unit"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Volledige zorg in eenheid"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="72"/>
    <display value="Self-care in unit"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Zelfzorg in eenheid"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="73"/>
    <display value="Self-care training"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Zelfzorg in training"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="74"/>
    <display value="Home"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Thuis"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="75"/>
    <display value="Home - 100% reimbursement"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Thuis - 100% vergoed"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="76"/>
    <display value="Back-up in facility dialysis"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Back-up in instelling dialyse"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="77"/>
    <display value="Provider accepts or is obligated/required due to a contractual arrangement or law to accept
       payment by a primary payer as payment in full"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Zorgaanbieder accepteert of is contractueel of juridisch verplicht om betaling te accepteren
         van een primaire betaler als volledige vertaling"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="78"/>
    <display value="New coverage not implemented by HMO"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Nieuwe dekking niet geïmplementeerd door HMO"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="79"/>
    <display value="Corf services provided off-site"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Corf services worden off-site gegeven"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>
    <code value="80"/>
    <display value="Pregnant"/>
      <language value="nl"/>
      <value value="Zwanger"/>
      <code value="deprecated"/>
      <valueDateTime value="2000-11"/>

Usage note: every effort has been made to ensure that the examples are correct and useful, but they are not a normative part of the specification.