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FHIR Value set/code system definition for HL7 v2 table 0076 ( Message Type)

  "resourceType": "CodeSystem",
  "id": "v2-0076",
  "meta": {
    "profile": [
  "text": {
    "status": "additional",
    "div": "<div>!-- Snipped for Brevity --></div>"
  "url": "",
  "identifier": {
    "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986",
    "value": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.133883.18.30"
  "version": "2.8.2",
  "name": "v2 Message Type",
  "status": "active",
  "experimental": true,
  "publisher": "HL7, Inc",
  "contact": [
      "telecom": [
          "system": "url",
          "value": ""
  "description": "FHIR Value set/code system definition for HL7 v2 table 0076 ( Message Type)",
  "caseSensitive": false,
  "valueSet": "",
  "content": "complete",
  "property": [
      "code": "deprecated",
      "uri": "",
      "description": "The date at which a concept was deprecated. Concepts that are deprecated but not inactive can still be used, but their use is discouraged",
      "type": "dateTime"
  "concept": [
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "valueString": "2"
      "code": "ACK",
      "display": "General acknowledgment message",
      "designation": [
          "language": "de",
          "value": "Empfangsbestätigung"
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Algemeen bevestigingsbericht"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "valueString": "3 - Deprecated"
      "code": "ADR",
      "display": "ADT response",
      "designation": [
          "language": "de",
          "value": "Antwort auf Anfrage bezüglich Aufnahme / Verlegung / Entlassung von Patienten"
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "ADT antwoord"
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      "code": "ADT",
      "display": "ADT message",
      "designation": [
          "language": "de",
          "value": "Aufnahme / Entlassung / Verlegung"
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "ADT-bericht"
      "code": "ARD",
      "display": "Ancillary RPT (display) (for backward compatibility only)",
      "designation": [
          "language": "de",
          "value": "Befundbericht"
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Aanvullend RPT (weergave) (alleen voor backward compatbiliteit)"
      "property": [
          "code": "deprecated",
          "valueDateTime": "1999-05"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "valueString": "6"
      "code": "BAR",
      "display": "Add/change billing account",
      "designation": [
          "language": "de",
          "value": "Hinzufügen / Ändern von Abrechnungsdaten"
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Toevoegen/wijzigen facturatie-account"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "valueString": "4"
      "code": "BPS",
      "display": "Blood product dispense status message",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Bloedproduct verstrekking status bericht"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "valueString": "4"
      "code": "BRP",
      "display": "Blood product dispense status acknowledgement message",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Bloedproduct verstrekking status bevestigingsbericht"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
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      "code": "BRT",
      "display": "Blood product transfusion/disposition acknowledgement message",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Bloedproduct transfusie/dispositie bevestigingsbericht"
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      "code": "BTS",
      "display": "Blood product transfusion/disposition message",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Bloedproduct transfusie/dispositie bericht"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
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      "code": "CCF",
      "display": "Collaborative Care Fetch",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Ketenzorg ophalen"
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      "code": "CCI",
      "display": "Collaborative Care Information",
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          "value": "Ketenzorg informatie"
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      "display": "Collaborative Care Message",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Ketenzorg bericht"
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          "url": "",
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      "code": "CCQ",
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      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Ketenzorg verwijzing"
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      "code": "CCU",
      "display": "Collaborative Care Referral",
      "designation": [
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          "value": "Ketenzorg verwijzing"
      "code": "CNQ",
      "display": "Cancel query",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Annuleren query"
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          "code": "deprecated",
          "valueDateTime": "1997-03"
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      "code": "CQU",
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      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Ketenzorg verwijzing"
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      "code": "CRM",
      "display": "Clinical study registration message",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Klinische studie registratie bericht"
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          "url": "",
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      "code": "CSU",
      "display": "Unsolicited study data message",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Ongevraagde studie gegevens bericht"
      "extension": [
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      "code": "DBC",
      "display": "Create Donor Record",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Maak donorrecord"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "valueString": "4"
      "code": "DBU",
      "display": "Update Donor Record",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Update donorrecord"
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          "url": "",
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      "code": "DEL",
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          "url": "",
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      "display": "Donor Eligibility Observation",
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          "language": "nl",
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          "url": "",
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      "designation": [
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      "display": "Enhanced display response",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Verbeterd weergaveantwoord"
      "property": [
          "code": "deprecated",
          "valueDateTime": "2007-04"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "valueString": "16"
      "code": "EHC",
      "display": "Health Care Invoice",
      "designation": [
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      "display": "Embedded query language query",
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      "property": [
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      "code": "ERP",
      "display": "Event replay response",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
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      "property": [
          "code": "deprecated",
          "valueDateTime": "2007-04"
      "code": "ERQ",
      "display": "Event replay query",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
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      "property": [
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          "valueDateTime": "1997-03"
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      "designation": [
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      "display": "Automated equipment inventory update message",
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      "display": "Delayed Acknowledgment (Retained for backward compatibility only)",
      "designation": [
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          "value": "Verzögerte Empfangsbestätigung (veraltet; ACK benutzen)"
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Uitgestelde bevestiging (alleen voor backward compatibiliteit)"
      "property": [
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          "valueDateTime": "2007-04"
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          "language": "nl",
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      "designation": [
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      "display": "Pharmacy/treatment order message",
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      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Algemeen aanvraag bericht met document inhoud"
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      "code": "OMS",
      "display": "Stock requisition order message",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
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      "display": "Population/Location-Based Laboratory Order Message",
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      "display": "Population/Location-Based Laboratory Order Acknowledgment Message",
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          "value": "Populatie/locatie-gebaseerde laboratorium aanvraag bevestigingsbericht"
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      "code": "ORB",
      "display": "Blood product order acknowledgement message",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Bloedproduct aanvraag bevestigingsbericht"
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      "code": "ORD",
      "display": "Dietary order acknowledgment message",
      "designation": [
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          "value": "Dieet/voedsel aanvraag bevestigingsbericht"
      "extension": [
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      "display": "Query for results of observation",
      "designation": [
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          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Query voor observatieresultaten"
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      "code": "ORG",
      "display": "General clinical order acknowledgment message",
      "designation": [
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          "value": "Algemene klinische aanvraag bevestigingsbericht"
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      "display": "Imaging order acknowledgement message",
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          "language": "nl",
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      "display": "Laboratory acknowledgment message (unsolicited)",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Laboratorium aanvraag bevestigingsbericht (ongevraagd)"
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          "valueString": "4 - Deprecated"
      "code": "ORM",
      "display": "Pharmacy/treatment order message",
      "designation": [
          "language": "de",
          "value": "Auftrag / Verordnung"
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Medicatie/therapie aanvraagbericht"
      "extension": [
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          "valueString": "4"
      "code": "ORN",
      "display": "Non-stock requisition - General order acknowledgment message",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Niet-voorraad verzoek - Algemeen aanvraag bevestigingbericht"
      "extension": [
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      "code": "ORP",
      "display": "Pharmacy/treatment order acknowledgment message",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Medicatie/therapie aanvraag bevestigingsbericht"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "valueString": "4 - Deprecated"
      "code": "ORR",
      "display": "General order response message response to any ORM",
      "designation": [
          "language": "de",
          "value": "Empfangsbestätigung von der Anwendung für einen Auftrag"
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Algemeen aanvraag antwoordbericht op een ORM"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "valueString": "4"
      "code": "ORS",
      "display": "Stock requisition - Order acknowledgment message",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Voorraad verzoek - Algemeen aanvraag bevestigingbericht"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "valueString": "7"
      "code": "ORU",
      "display": "Unsolicited transmission of an observation message",
      "designation": [
          "language": "de",
          "value": "Nicht angeforderte Untersuchungsergebnisse"
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Ongevraagde verzending van een observatiebericht"
      "extension": [
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      "code": "ORX",
      "display": "General Order Message with Document Payload Acknowledgement",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Algemeen aanvraag bericht met document inhoud bevestiging"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
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      "code": "OSM",
      "display": "Specimen Shipment Message",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Monster verzending bericht"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "valueString": "4 - Deprecated"
      "code": "OSQ",
      "display": "Query response for order status",
      "designation": [
          "language": "de",
          "value": "Anfrage nach Auftragsstatus"
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Antwoord op orderstatus"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "valueString": "4 - Deprecated"
      "code": "OSR",
      "display": "Query response for order status",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Antwoord op orderstatus"
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          "url": "",
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      "code": "OSU",
      "display": "Order status update",
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      "display": "Unsolicited laboratory observation message",
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          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Ongevraagd laboratoriumobservatiebericht"
      "extension": [
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      "code": "PEX",
      "display": "Product experience message",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Productervaring bericht"
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      "code": "PGL",
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      "designation": [
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      "code": "PIN",
      "display": "Patient insurance information",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Patiënt verzekeringsinformatie"
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      "designation": [
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      "designation": [
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      "extension": [
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      "property": [
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          "valueDateTime": "2011-01"
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      "display": "Patient pathway problem-oriented response",
      "designation": [
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      "display": "Pharmacy/treatment give message",
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      "designation": [
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      "property": [
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          "valueDateTime": "1997-03"
      "extension": [
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      "designation": [
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          "value": "Medicatie/therapie aanvraag antwoord"
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      "display": "Return patient authorization",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
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      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "valueString": "11"
      "code": "RPI",
      "display": "Return patient information",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Antwoord patiënt informatie"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
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      "display": "Return patient display list",
      "designation": [
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      "display": "Return patient list",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
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          "url": "",
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      "code": "RQA",
      "display": "Request patient authorization",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Verzoek voor patiënt autorisatie"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
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      "display": "Request clinical information",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
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      "display": "Request patient information",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
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      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "valueString": "11"
      "code": "RQP",
      "display": "Request patient demographics",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Verzoek voor demografische patiëntgegevens"
      "code": "RQQ",
      "display": "Event replay query",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Event replay query"
      "property": [
          "code": "deprecated",
          "valueDateTime": "2007-04"
      "extension": [
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      "display": "Pharmacy/treatment administration acknowledgment message",
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      "display": "Pharmacy/treatment give acknowledgment message",
      "designation": [
          "language": "de",
          "value": "Empfangsbestätigung für Verabreichungsvorschrift"
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Medicatie/therapie gegevens bevestigingsbericht"
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      "display": "Return referral information",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
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      "extension": [
          "url": "",
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      "code": "SCN",
      "display": "Notification of Anti-Microbial Device Cycle Data",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Notificatie van anti-microbiële apparaat cycle gegevens"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "valueString": "17"
      "code": "SDN",
      "display": "Notification of Anti-Microbial Device Data",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Notificatie van anti-microbiële apparaat gegevens"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "valueString": "17"
      "code": "SDR",
      "display": "Sterilization anti-microbial device data request",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Sterilisatie anti-microbiële apparaat gegevens verzoek"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "valueString": "10"
      "code": "SIU",
      "display": "Schedule information unsolicited",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Agenda informatie ongevraagd"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "valueString": "17"
      "code": "SLN",
      "display": "Notification of New Sterilization Lot",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Notificatie voor nieuwe sterilisatie batch"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "valueString": "17"
      "code": "SLR",
      "display": "Sterilization lot request",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Verzoek voor sterilisatie batch"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "valueString": "17"
      "code": "SMD",
      "display": "Sterilization anti-microbial device cycle data request",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Sterilisatie anti-microbiële apparaat cycle gegevens verzoek"
      "code": "SPQ",
      "display": "Stored procedure request",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Stored procedure verzoek"
      "property": [
          "code": "deprecated",
          "valueDateTime": "2007-04"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "valueString": "10 - Deprecated"
      "code": "SQM",
      "display": "Schedule query message",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Agenda query bericht"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "valueString": "10 - Deprecated"
      "code": "SQR",
      "display": "Schedule query response",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Agenda query antwoord"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "valueString": "10"
      "code": "SRM",
      "display": "Schedule request message",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Agenda verzoek bericht"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "valueString": "10"
      "code": "SRR",
      "display": "Scheduled request response",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Antwoord agenda verzoek"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "valueString": "13"
      "code": "SSR",
      "display": "Specimen status request message",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Monster status verzoek bericht"
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          "url": "",
          "valueString": "13"
      "code": "SSU",
      "display": "Specimen status update message",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Monster status update bericht"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "valueString": "17"
      "code": "STC",
      "display": "Notification of Sterilization Configuration",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Notificatie voor sterilisatie configuratie"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "valueString": "17"
      "code": "STI",
      "display": "Sterilization item request",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Sterilisatie item verzoek"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "valueString": "7 - Deprecated"
      "code": "SUR",
      "display": "Summary product experience report",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Samenvatting productervaring rapport"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "valueString": "5 - Deprecated"
      "code": "TBR",
      "display": "Tabular data response",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Tabel gegevens antwoord"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "valueString": "13"
      "code": "TCR",
      "display": "Automated equipment test code settings request message",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Geautomatiseerd apparaat testcode instellingen verzoek bericht"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "valueString": "13"
      "code": "TCU",
      "display": "Automated equipment test code settings update message",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Geautomatiseerd apparaat testcode instellingen update bericht"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "valueString": "5"
      "code": "UDM",
      "display": "Unsolicited display update message",
      "designation": [
          "language": "de",
          "value": "Nicht angeforderte Nachricht im Anzeigeformat"
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Ongevraagd weergave updte bericht"
      "code": "VQQ",
      "display": "Virtual table query",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Virtuele tabel query"
      "property": [
          "code": "deprecated",
          "valueDateTime": "2007-04"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "valueString": "4 - Deprecated"
      "code": "VXQ",
      "display": "Query for vaccination record",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Vaccinatierecord query"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "valueString": "4 - Deprecated"
      "code": "VXR",
      "display": "Vaccination record response",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Vaccinatierecord antwoord"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "valueString": "4"
      "code": "VXU",
      "display": "Unsolicited vaccination record update",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Ongevraagde vaccinatierecord update"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "valueString": "4 -Deprecated"
      "code": "VXX",
      "display": "Response for vaccination query with multiple PID matches",
      "designation": [
          "language": "nl",
          "value": "Antwoord vaccinatie query met meerdere PID matches"

Usage note: every effort has been made to ensure that the examples are correct and useful, but they are not a normative part of the specification.