FHIR Value set/code system definition for HL7 v2 table 0119 ( Order Control Codes)
<CodeSystem xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir"> <id value="v2-0119"/> <meta> <profile value="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/codesystem-shareable-definition"/> </meta> <text> <status value="additional"/> <div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <p>Order Control Codes</p> <table class="grid"> <tr> <td> <b>Code</b> </td> <td> <b>Description</b> </td> <td> <b>Deutsch (German)</b> </td> <td> <b>Nederlands (Dutch)</b> </td> <td> <b>Comment</b> </td> <td> <b>Version</b> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>AF <a name="AF"> </a> </td> <td>Order/service refill request approval</td> <td/> <td>Aanvraag/service herhaling verzoek goedgekeurd</td> <td>Placer Applications.<p>AF is a response to RF where the placer authorizing a refill or quantity of refills.</td> <td>added v2.3</td> </tr> <tr> <td>CA <a name="CA"> </a> </td> <td>Cancel order/service request</td> <td>Auftrag stornieren</td> <td>Annuleer aanvraag/service verzoek</td> <td>Placer or Filler Applications.<p>A cancellation is a request by the placer for the filler, or the filler to the placer, not to do a previously ordered service. Confirmation of the cancellation request is provided by the filler or placer, e.g. a message w</td> <td>from v2.1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>CH <a name="CH"> </a> </td> <td>Child order/service</td> <td>nachgeordneter Auftrag</td> <td>Onderliggende/deel aanvraag/service</td> <td>Placer or Filler Applications.<p>Used in conjunction with the PA - Parent order control code. Refer to PA order control code for discussion.</td> <td>from v2.1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>CN <a name="CN"> </a> </td> <td>Combined result</td> <td>Kumulatives Ergebnis (zu mehreren Aufträgen)</td> <td>Gecombineerd resultaat</td> <td>Filler Applications.<p>The combined result code provides a mechanism to transmit results that are associated with two or more orders. This situation occurs commonly in radiology reports when the radiologist dictates a single report for two or more exams r</td> <td>from v2.1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>CP <a name="CP"> </a> </td> <td>Cancel process step</td> <td/> <td>Annuleer processtap</td> <td>Filler Applications.<p>The control code CP - Cancel process step should be used in the ORC-1 for communication Filler-to-Filler, e.g. LIS-to-Analyzer, to differentiate from code CA (Placer-to-Filler).<p>The Filler should response with an acceptance of th</td> <td>added v2.8</td> </tr> <tr> <td>CR <a name="CR"> </a> </td> <td>Canceled as requested</td> <td>Auftrag anweisungsgemäß storniert</td> <td>Geannuleerd zoals gevraagd</td> <td>Filler or Placer Applications.<p>A response by the filler or placer application that a request to cancel (CA by the placer application) was performed successfully.</td> <td>added v2.2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>DC <a name="DC"> </a> </td> <td>Discontinue order/service request</td> <td>Auftragsausführung abbrechen</td> <td>Breek aanvraag/service verzoek af</td> <td>Placer or Filler Applications.<p>A request by the placer for the filler, or the filler to the placer, to discontinue a previously requested service. The differentiation between discontinue and cancel is that discontinue effects the order/service and all </td> <td>from v2.1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>DE <a name="DE"> </a> </td> <td>Data errors</td> <td>Datenfehler</td> <td>Gegevens fouten</td> <td>Placer or Filler Applications.</td> <td>from v2.1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>DF <a name="DF"> </a> </td> <td>Order/service refill request denied</td> <td/> <td>Aanvraag/service herhaal verzoek afgekeurd</td> <td>Placer Applications.<p>In response to a Filler application requesting refill authorization (RF), DF indicates that the placer does not authorize refills for the order. ORC-16 Order Control Code reason may be used to indicate the reason for the request den</td> <td>added v2.3</td> </tr> <tr> <td>DR <a name="DR"> </a> </td> <td>Discontinued as requested</td> <td>Auftragsausführung anweisungsgemäß abgebrochen</td> <td>Afgebroken zoals gevraagd</td> <td>Filler or Placer Applications.<p>The filler or placer, in response to a request to discontinue (DC from the placer or filler application), has discontinued the order/service.</td> <td>from v2.1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>FU <a name="FU"> </a> </td> <td>Order/service refilled, unsolicited</td> <td/> <td>Aanvraag/service herhaald, ongevraagd</td> <td>Filler Applications.<p>FU notifies the placer that the filler issued a refill for the order at the patient's request.</td> <td>added v2.3</td> </tr> <tr> <td>HD <a name="HD"> </a> </td> <td>Hold order request</td> <td>Auftragsbearbeitung aussetzen</td> <td>Houd aanvraag aan verzoek</td> <td>Placer Applications.<p>Typical responses include, but are not limited to, CR - Cancelled as requested, UC - Unable to Cancel.</td> <td>from v2.1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>HR <a name="HR"> </a> </td> <td>On hold as requested</td> <td>Auftragsbearbeitung anweisungsgemäß ausgesetzt</td> <td>Aangehouden zoals gevraagd</td> <td>Filler Applications.</td> <td>from v2.1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>LI <a name="LI"> </a> </td> <td>Link order/service to patient care problem or goal</td> <td/> <td>Koppel aanvraag/service aan patiënt zorgprobleem of doel</td> <td>Placer or Filler Applications.<p>Refer to Chapter 12 Patient Care for complete discussion.</td> <td>added v2.3.1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>MC <a name="MC"> </a> </td> <td>Miscellaneous Charge - not associated with an order</td> <td/> <td>Overige charge - niet gekoppeld aan een aanvraag</td> <td>applies to DFT^P03^DFT_P03 and DFT^P11^DFT_P11</td> <td>added v2.6</td> </tr> <tr> <td>NA <a name="NA"> </a> </td> <td>Number assigned</td> <td>Nummer zugewiesen</td> <td>Nummer toegekend</td> <td>Placer Applications.<p>There are three circumstances that involve requesting an order number (ORC-2-placer order number or ORC-3-filler order number):<p>(1) When the filler application needs to request an ORC-3-filler order number from a centralized appli</td> <td>from v2.1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>NW <a name="NW"> </a> </td> <td>New order/service</td> <td>Neuer Auftrag</td> <td>Nieuwe aanvraag/service</td> <td>Placer Applications.<p>See comments for NA - Number Assigned.</td> <td>from v2.1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>OC <a name="OC"> </a> </td> <td>Order/service canceled</td> <td>Auftrag storniert</td> <td>Aanvraag/service geannuleerd</td> <td>Filler Applications.</td> <td>added v2.2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>OD <a name="OD"> </a> </td> <td>Order/service discontinued</td> <td>Auftragsausführung abgebrochen</td> <td>Aanvraag/service afgebroken</td> <td>Filler Applications.</td> <td>from v2.1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>OE <a name="OE"> </a> </td> <td>Order/service released</td> <td/> <td>Aanvraag/service vrijgegeven</td> <td>Filler Applications.</td> <td>added v2.3</td> </tr> <tr> <td>OF <a name="OF"> </a> </td> <td>Order/service refilled as requested</td> <td/> <td>Aanvraag/service herhaald zoals gevraagd</td> <td>Filler Applications.<p>OF directly responds to the placer system's request for a refill.</td> <td>added v2.3</td> </tr> <tr> <td>OH <a name="OH"> </a> </td> <td>Order/service held</td> <td>Auftragsbearbeitung ausgesetzt</td> <td>Aanvraag/service aangehouden</td> <td>Filler Applications.</td> <td>added v2.2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>OK <a name="OK"> </a> </td> <td>Order/service accepted & OK</td> <td>Auftrag akzeptiert</td> <td>Aanvraag/service geaccepteerd en OK</td> <td>Filler Applications.<p>See comments for NA - Number Assigned.</td> <td>from v2.1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>OP <a name="OP"> </a> </td> <td>Notification of order for outside dispense</td> <td/> <td>Notificatie van aanvraag voor verstrekking door derde</td> <td>Placer Applications.<p>These order control codes are used to communicate an order between systems where the order is intended for informational purposes. For example, an order that will be performed by a vendor outside the enterprise of communicating syst</td> <td>added v2.5</td> </tr> <tr> <td>OR <a name="OR"> </a> </td> <td>Released as requested</td> <td>Auftragsbearbeitung anweisungsgemäß wiederaufgenommen</td> <td>Vrijgegeven zoals gevraagd</td> <td>Filler Applications.</td> <td>from v2.1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>PA <a name="PA"> </a> </td> <td>Parent order/service</td> <td>Hauptauftrag</td> <td>Bovenliggende aanvraag/service</td> <td>Filler Applications.<p>The parent (PA) and child (CH) order control codes allow the spawning of "child" orders from a "parent" order without changing the parent (original order). One or more ORC segments with an ORC-1-order control value of PA are followe</td> <td>from v2.1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>PR <a name="PR"> </a> </td> <td>Previous Results with new order/service</td> <td/> <td>Vorige resultaten met nieuwe aanvraag/service</td> <td>Placer Applications.<p>PR indicates that this ORC is part of an ORU structure containing previous observation, which is embedded in the order.<p>At least two main use cases require that the complete results of the previous observations be transmitted with</td> <td>added v2.4</td> </tr> <tr> <td>PY <a name="PY"> </a> </td> <td>Notification of replacement order for outside dispense</td> <td/> <td>Notificatie van vervangende aanvraag voor verstrekking door derde</td> <td>Placer Applications.<p>See comments for OP - Notification of order for outside dispense.</td> <td>added v2.5</td> </tr> <tr> <td>RE <a name="RE"> </a> </td> <td>Observations/Performed Service to follow</td> <td>Untersuchungsergebnisse folgen (in späteren Segmenten dieser Nachricht)</td> <td>Observaties/uitgevoerde server volgen</td> <td>Placer or Filler Applications.<p>The observations-to-follow code is used to transmit patient-specific information with an order. An order detail segment (e.g. OBR) can be followed by one or more observation segments (OBX). Any observation that can be tra</td> <td>from v2.1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>RF <a name="RF"> </a> </td> <td>Refill order/service request</td> <td/> <td>Herhaal aanvraag/service verzoek</td> <td>Placer or Filler Applications.<p>RF accommodates requests by either the filler or the placer. The filler may be requesting refill authorization from the placer. A placer system may be requesting a refill to be done by the filler system.<p>Typical response</td> <td>added v2.3</td> </tr> <tr> <td>RL <a name="RL"> </a> </td> <td>Release previous hold</td> <td>Auftragsberabeitung wiederaufnehmen</td> <td>Geef vorige vastgehouden vrij</td> <td>Placer Applications.</td> <td>added v2.2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>RO <a name="RO"> </a> </td> <td>Replacement order</td> <td>Ersatzauftrag</td> <td>Vervangende aanvraag</td> <td>Placer or Filler Applications.<p>A replacement is the substitution of one or more orders for one or more previously ordered services.<p>The replaced orders are treated as though they were canceled. If and when an ordered service can be replaced are local </td> <td>from v2.1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>RP <a name="RP"> </a> </td> <td>Order/service replace request</td> <td>Auftrag ersetzen</td> <td>Aanvraag/service vervanging verzoek</td> <td>Placer Applications.<p>A replacement is the substitution of one or more orders for one or more previously ordered services. See comment 1 on RO - Replacement Order for further discussion.<p>The order replace request code permits the order filler to replac</td> <td>from v2.1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>RQ <a name="RQ"> </a> </td> <td>Replaced as requested</td> <td>Auftrag anweisungsgemäß ersetzt</td> <td>Vervangen zoals gevraagd</td> <td>Filler Applications.<p>A replacement is the substitution of one or more orders for one or more previously ordered services. See comment 1 on RO - Replacement Order for further discussion.<p>The order replace request code permits the order filler to replac</td> <td>added v2.2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>RR <a name="RR"> </a> </td> <td>Request received</td> <td>Anforderung erhalten (veraltet)</td> <td>Verzoek ontvangen</td> <td>Placer or Filler Applications.<p>Left in for backward compatibility. In the current version it is equivalent to an accept acknowledgment. The request-received code indicates that an order message has been received and will be processed later. The order ha</td> <td>from v2.1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>RU <a name="RU"> </a> </td> <td>Replaced unsolicited</td> <td>Auftrag ersetzt (ohne Anweisung)</td> <td>Vervangen ongevraagd</td> <td>Filler Applications.<p>A replacement is the substitution of one or more orders for one or more previously ordered services. See comment 1 on RO - Replacement Order for further discussion.<p>The unsolicited replacement code permits the filler application t</td> <td>from v2.1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>SC <a name="SC"> </a> </td> <td>Status changed</td> <td>Statusänderung</td> <td>Status gewijzigd</td> <td>Placer or Filler Applications.</td> <td>added v2.2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>SN <a name="SN"> </a> </td> <td>Send order/service number</td> <td>Auftrags- bzw. Bearbeitungsnummer zuweisen / übermitteln</td> <td>Stuur aanvraag/service nummer</td> <td>Placer Applications.<p>See comments for NA - Number Assigned.</td> <td>from v2.1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>SR <a name="SR"> </a> </td> <td>Response to send order/service status request</td> <td>Auftragsstatus (Antwort)</td> <td>Antwoord op stuur aanvraag/service status verzoek</td> <td>Filler Applications.</td> <td>added v2.2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>SS <a name="SS"> </a> </td> <td>Send order/service status request</td> <td>Auftragsstatus senden</td> <td>Stuur aanvraag/service status verzoek</td> <td>Placer Applications.</td> <td>from v2.1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>UA <a name="UA"> </a> </td> <td>Unable to accept order/service</td> <td/> <td>Kon aanvraag/service niet accepteren</td> <td>Filler Applications.<p>An unable-to-accept code is used when a new order cannot be accepted by the filler. Possible reasons include requesting a prescription for a drug which the patient is allergic to or for an order which requires certain equipment reso</td> <td>added v2.3</td> </tr> <tr> <td>UC <a name="UC"> </a> </td> <td>Unable to cancel</td> <td>Auftragsstornierung nicht möglich</td> <td>Kon niet annuleren</td> <td>Filler or Placer Applications.<p>An unable-to-cancel code is used when the ordered service is at a point that it cannot be canceled by the placer or filler or when local rules prevent cancellation by the filler. The use of this code is dependent on the va</td> <td>added v2.2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>UD <a name="UD"> </a> </td> <td>Unable to discontinue</td> <td>Abbrechen nicht möglich</td> <td>Kon niet afbreken</td> <td>Filler or Placer Applications.<p>An unable-to-discontinue code is used when the ordered service is at a point that it cannot be discontinued by the placer or filler or when local rules prevent discontinuance by the filler. The use of this code is dependen</td> <td>from v2.1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>UF <a name="UF"> </a> </td> <td>Unable to refill</td> <td/> <td>Kon niet herhalen</td> <td>Filler Applications.<p>Negative response to RF Refill order/service request, indicating that the receiving application was not able to complete the refill request.</td> <td>added v2.3</td> </tr> <tr> <td>UH <a name="UH"> </a> </td> <td>Unable to put on hold</td> <td>Aussetzen nicht möglich</td> <td>Kon niet aanhouden</td> <td>Filler Applications.</td> <td>from v2.1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>UM <a name="UM"> </a> </td> <td>Unable to replace</td> <td>Ersetzen nicht möglich</td> <td>Kon niet vervangen</td> <td>Filler Applications.</td> <td>added v2.2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>UN <a name="UN"> </a> </td> <td>Unlink order/service from patient care problem or goal</td> <td/> <td>Ontkoppel aanvraag/service van patiënt zorgprobleem of doel</td> <td>Placer or Filler Applications.<p>Refer to Chapter 12 Patient Care for complete discussion.</td> <td>added v2.3.1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>UR <a name="UR"> </a> </td> <td>Unable to release</td> <td>Wiederaufnahme nicht möglich</td> <td>Kon niet vrijgeven</td> <td>Filler Applications.</td> <td>from v2.1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>UX <a name="UX"> </a> </td> <td>Unable to change</td> <td>Änderung nicht möglich</td> <td>Kon niet wijzigen</td> <td>Filler Applications.</td> <td>from v2.1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>XO <a name="XO"> </a> </td> <td>Change order/service request</td> <td>Auftrag ändern</td> <td>Wijzig aanvraag/service verzoek</td> <td>Placer Applications.</td> <td>added v2.2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>XR <a name="XR"> </a> </td> <td>Changed as requested</td> <td>Auftrag anweisungsgemäß geändert</td> <td>Gewijzigd zoals gevraagd</td> <td>Filler Applications.</td> <td>from v2.1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>XX <a name="XX"> </a> </td> <td>Order/service changed, unsol.</td> <td>Auftrag geändert (ohne Anweisung)</td> <td>Order/service gewijzigd, ongevraagd</td> <td>Filler Applications.</td> <td>from v2.1</td> </tr> </table> </div> </text> <url value="http://hl7.org/fhir/v2/0119"/> <identifier> <system value="urn:ietf:rfc:3986"/> <value value="urn:oid:2.16.840.1.133883.18.48"/> </identifier> <version value="2.8.2"/> <name value="v2 Order Control Codes"/> <status value="active"/> <experimental value="true"/> <publisher value="HL7, Inc"/> <contact> <telecom> <system value="url"/> <value value="http://hl7.org"/> </telecom> </contact> <description value="FHIR Value set/code system definition for HL7 v2 table 0119 ( Order Control Codes)"/> <caseSensitive value="false"/> <valueSet value="http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/v2-0119"/> <content value="complete"/> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Placer Applications.<p>AF is a response to RF where the placer authorizing a refill or quantity of refills."/> </extension> <code value="AF"/> <display value="Order/service refill request approval"/> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Aanvraag/service herhaling verzoek goedgekeurd"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Placer or Filler Applications.<p>A cancellation is a request by the placer for the filler, or the filler to the placer, not to do a previously ordered service. Confirmation of the cancellation request is provided by the filler or placer, e.g. a message w"/> </extension> <code value="CA"/> <display value="Cancel order/service request"/> <designation> <language value="de"/> <value value="Auftrag stornieren"/> </designation> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Annuleer aanvraag/service verzoek"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Placer or Filler Applications.<p>Used in conjunction with the PA - Parent order control code. Refer to PA order control code for discussion."/> </extension> <code value="CH"/> <display value="Child order/service"/> <designation> <language value="de"/> <value value="nachgeordneter Auftrag"/> </designation> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Onderliggende/deel aanvraag/service"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Filler Applications.<p>The combined result code provides a mechanism to transmit results that are associated with two or more orders. This situation occurs commonly in radiology reports when the radiologist dictates a single report for two or more exams r"/> </extension> <code value="CN"/> <display value="Combined result"/> <designation> <language value="de"/> <value value="Kumulatives Ergebnis (zu mehreren Aufträgen)"/> </designation> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Gecombineerd resultaat"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Filler Applications.<p>The control code CP - Cancel process step should be used in the ORC-1 for communication Filler-to-Filler, e.g. LIS-to-Analyzer, to differentiate from code CA (Placer-to-Filler).<p>The Filler should response with an acceptance of th"/> </extension> <code value="CP"/> <display value="Cancel process step"/> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Annuleer processtap"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Filler or Placer Applications.<p>A response by the filler or placer application that a request to cancel (CA by the placer application) was performed successfully."/> </extension> <code value="CR"/> <display value="Canceled as requested"/> <designation> <language value="de"/> <value value="Auftrag anweisungsgemäß storniert"/> </designation> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Geannuleerd zoals gevraagd"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Placer or Filler Applications.<p>A request by the placer for the filler, or the filler to the placer, to discontinue a previously requested service. The differentiation between discontinue and cancel is that discontinue effects the order/service and all "/> </extension> <code value="DC"/> <display value="Discontinue order/service request"/> <designation> <language value="de"/> <value value="Auftragsausführung abbrechen"/> </designation> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Breek aanvraag/service verzoek af"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Placer or Filler Applications."/> </extension> <code value="DE"/> <display value="Data errors"/> <designation> <language value="de"/> <value value="Datenfehler"/> </designation> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Gegevens fouten"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Placer Applications.<p>In response to a Filler application requesting refill authorization (RF), DF indicates that the placer does not authorize refills for the order. ORC-16 Order Control Code reason may be used to indicate the reason for the request den"/> </extension> <code value="DF"/> <display value="Order/service refill request denied"/> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Aanvraag/service herhaal verzoek afgekeurd"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Filler or Placer Applications.<p>The filler or placer, in response to a request to discontinue (DC from the placer or filler application), has discontinued the order/service."/> </extension> <code value="DR"/> <display value="Discontinued as requested"/> <designation> <language value="de"/> <value value="Auftragsausführung anweisungsgemäß abgebrochen"/> </designation> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Afgebroken zoals gevraagd"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Filler Applications.<p>FU notifies the placer that the filler issued a refill for the order at the patient's request."/> </extension> <code value="FU"/> <display value="Order/service refilled, unsolicited"/> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Aanvraag/service herhaald, ongevraagd"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Placer Applications.<p>Typical responses include, but are not limited to, CR - Cancelled as requested, UC - Unable to Cancel."/> </extension> <code value="HD"/> <display value="Hold order request"/> <designation> <language value="de"/> <value value="Auftragsbearbeitung aussetzen"/> </designation> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Houd aanvraag aan verzoek"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Filler Applications."/> </extension> <code value="HR"/> <display value="On hold as requested"/> <designation> <language value="de"/> <value value="Auftragsbearbeitung anweisungsgemäß ausgesetzt"/> </designation> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Aangehouden zoals gevraagd"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Placer or Filler Applications.<p>Refer to Chapter 12 Patient Care for complete discussion."/> </extension> <code value="LI"/> <display value="Link order/service to patient care problem or goal"/> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Koppel aanvraag/service aan patiënt zorgprobleem of doel"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="applies to DFT^P03^DFT_P03 and DFT^P11^DFT_P11"/> </extension> <code value="MC"/> <display value="Miscellaneous Charge - not associated with an order"/> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Overige charge - niet gekoppeld aan een aanvraag"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Placer Applications.<p>There are three circumstances that involve requesting an order number (ORC-2-placer order number or ORC-3-filler order number):<p>(1) When the filler application needs to request an ORC-3-filler order number from a centralized appli"/> </extension> <code value="NA"/> <display value="Number assigned"/> <designation> <language value="de"/> <value value="Nummer zugewiesen"/> </designation> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Nummer toegekend"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Placer Applications.<p>See comments for NA - Number Assigned."/> </extension> <code value="NW"/> <display value="New order/service"/> <designation> <language value="de"/> <value value="Neuer Auftrag"/> </designation> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Nieuwe aanvraag/service"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Filler Applications."/> </extension> <code value="OC"/> <display value="Order/service canceled"/> <designation> <language value="de"/> <value value="Auftrag storniert"/> </designation> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Aanvraag/service geannuleerd"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Filler Applications."/> </extension> <code value="OD"/> <display value="Order/service discontinued"/> <designation> <language value="de"/> <value value="Auftragsausführung abgebrochen"/> </designation> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Aanvraag/service afgebroken"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Filler Applications."/> </extension> <code value="OE"/> <display value="Order/service released"/> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Aanvraag/service vrijgegeven"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Filler Applications.<p>OF directly responds to the placer system's request for a refill."/> </extension> <code value="OF"/> <display value="Order/service refilled as requested"/> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Aanvraag/service herhaald zoals gevraagd"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Filler Applications."/> </extension> <code value="OH"/> <display value="Order/service held"/> <designation> <language value="de"/> <value value="Auftragsbearbeitung ausgesetzt"/> </designation> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Aanvraag/service aangehouden"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Filler Applications.<p>See comments for NA - Number Assigned."/> </extension> <code value="OK"/> <display value="Order/service accepted & OK"/> <designation> <language value="de"/> <value value="Auftrag akzeptiert"/> </designation> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Aanvraag/service geaccepteerd en OK"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Placer Applications.<p>These order control codes are used to communicate an order between systems where the order is intended for informational purposes. For example, an order that will be performed by a vendor outside the enterprise of communicating syst"/> </extension> <code value="OP"/> <display value="Notification of order for outside dispense"/> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Notificatie van aanvraag voor verstrekking door derde"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Filler Applications."/> </extension> <code value="OR"/> <display value="Released as requested"/> <designation> <language value="de"/> <value value="Auftragsbearbeitung anweisungsgemäß wiederaufgenommen"/> </designation> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Vrijgegeven zoals gevraagd"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Filler Applications.<p>The parent (PA) and child (CH) order control codes allow the spawning of "child" orders from a "parent" order without changing the parent (original order). One or more ORC segments with an ORC-1-order control value of PA are followe"/> </extension> <code value="PA"/> <display value="Parent order/service"/> <designation> <language value="de"/> <value value="Hauptauftrag"/> </designation> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Bovenliggende aanvraag/service"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Placer Applications.<p>PR indicates that this ORC is part of an ORU structure containing previous observation, which is embedded in the order.<p>At least two main use cases require that the complete results of the previous observations be transmitted with"/> </extension> <code value="PR"/> <display value="Previous Results with new order/service"/> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Vorige resultaten met nieuwe aanvraag/service"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Placer Applications.<p>See comments for OP - Notification of order for outside dispense."/> </extension> <code value="PY"/> <display value="Notification of replacement order for outside dispense"/> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Notificatie van vervangende aanvraag voor verstrekking door derde"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Placer or Filler Applications.<p>The observations-to-follow code is used to transmit patient-specific information with an order. An order detail segment (e.g. OBR) can be followed by one or more observation segments (OBX). Any observation that can be tra"/> </extension> <code value="RE"/> <display value="Observations/Performed Service to follow"/> <designation> <language value="de"/> <value value="Untersuchungsergebnisse folgen (in späteren Segmenten dieser Nachricht)"/> </designation> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Observaties/uitgevoerde server volgen"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Placer or Filler Applications.<p>RF accommodates requests by either the filler or the placer. The filler may be requesting refill authorization from the placer. A placer system may be requesting a refill to be done by the filler system.<p>Typical response"/> </extension> <code value="RF"/> <display value="Refill order/service request"/> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Herhaal aanvraag/service verzoek"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Placer Applications."/> </extension> <code value="RL"/> <display value="Release previous hold"/> <designation> <language value="de"/> <value value="Auftragsberabeitung wiederaufnehmen"/> </designation> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Geef vorige vastgehouden vrij"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Placer or Filler Applications.<p>A replacement is the substitution of one or more orders for one or more previously ordered services.<p>The replaced orders are treated as though they were canceled. If and when an ordered service can be replaced are local "/> </extension> <code value="RO"/> <display value="Replacement order"/> <designation> <language value="de"/> <value value="Ersatzauftrag"/> </designation> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Vervangende aanvraag"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Placer Applications.<p>A replacement is the substitution of one or more orders for one or more previously ordered services. See comment 1 on RO - Replacement Order for further discussion.<p>The order replace request code permits the order filler to replac"/> </extension> <code value="RP"/> <display value="Order/service replace request"/> <designation> <language value="de"/> <value value="Auftrag ersetzen"/> </designation> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Aanvraag/service vervanging verzoek"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Filler Applications.<p>A replacement is the substitution of one or more orders for one or more previously ordered services. See comment 1 on RO - Replacement Order for further discussion.<p>The order replace request code permits the order filler to replac"/> </extension> <code value="RQ"/> <display value="Replaced as requested"/> <designation> <language value="de"/> <value value="Auftrag anweisungsgemäß ersetzt"/> </designation> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Vervangen zoals gevraagd"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Placer or Filler Applications.<p>Left in for backward compatibility. In the current version it is equivalent to an accept acknowledgment. The request-received code indicates that an order message has been received and will be processed later. The order ha"/> </extension> <code value="RR"/> <display value="Request received"/> <designation> <language value="de"/> <value value="Anforderung erhalten (veraltet)"/> </designation> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Verzoek ontvangen"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Filler Applications.<p>A replacement is the substitution of one or more orders for one or more previously ordered services. See comment 1 on RO - Replacement Order for further discussion.<p>The unsolicited replacement code permits the filler application t"/> </extension> <code value="RU"/> <display value="Replaced unsolicited"/> <designation> <language value="de"/> <value value="Auftrag ersetzt (ohne Anweisung)"/> </designation> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Vervangen ongevraagd"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Placer or Filler Applications."/> </extension> <code value="SC"/> <display value="Status changed"/> <designation> <language value="de"/> <value value="Statusänderung"/> </designation> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Status gewijzigd"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Placer Applications.<p>See comments for NA - Number Assigned."/> </extension> <code value="SN"/> <display value="Send order/service number"/> <designation> <language value="de"/> <value value="Auftrags- bzw. Bearbeitungsnummer zuweisen / übermitteln"/> </designation> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Stuur aanvraag/service nummer"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Filler Applications."/> </extension> <code value="SR"/> <display value="Response to send order/service status request"/> <designation> <language value="de"/> <value value="Auftragsstatus (Antwort)"/> </designation> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Antwoord op stuur aanvraag/service status verzoek"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Placer Applications."/> </extension> <code value="SS"/> <display value="Send order/service status request"/> <designation> <language value="de"/> <value value="Auftragsstatus senden"/> </designation> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Stuur aanvraag/service status verzoek"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Filler Applications.<p>An unable-to-accept code is used when a new order cannot be accepted by the filler. Possible reasons include requesting a prescription for a drug which the patient is allergic to or for an order which requires certain equipment reso"/> </extension> <code value="UA"/> <display value="Unable to accept order/service"/> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Kon aanvraag/service niet accepteren"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Filler or Placer Applications.<p>An unable-to-cancel code is used when the ordered service is at a point that it cannot be canceled by the placer or filler or when local rules prevent cancellation by the filler. The use of this code is dependent on the va"/> </extension> <code value="UC"/> <display value="Unable to cancel"/> <designation> <language value="de"/> <value value="Auftragsstornierung nicht möglich"/> </designation> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Kon niet annuleren"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Filler or Placer Applications.<p>An unable-to-discontinue code is used when the ordered service is at a point that it cannot be discontinued by the placer or filler or when local rules prevent discontinuance by the filler. The use of this code is dependen"/> </extension> <code value="UD"/> <display value="Unable to discontinue"/> <designation> <language value="de"/> <value value="Abbrechen nicht möglich"/> </designation> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Kon niet afbreken"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Filler Applications.<p>Negative response to RF Refill order/service request, indicating that the receiving application was not able to complete the refill request."/> </extension> <code value="UF"/> <display value="Unable to refill"/> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Kon niet herhalen"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Filler Applications."/> </extension> <code value="UH"/> <display value="Unable to put on hold"/> <designation> <language value="de"/> <value value="Aussetzen nicht möglich"/> </designation> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Kon niet aanhouden"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Filler Applications."/> </extension> <code value="UM"/> <display value="Unable to replace"/> <designation> <language value="de"/> <value value="Ersetzen nicht möglich"/> </designation> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Kon niet vervangen"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Placer or Filler Applications.<p>Refer to Chapter 12 Patient Care for complete discussion."/> </extension> <code value="UN"/> <display value="Unlink order/service from patient care problem or goal"/> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Ontkoppel aanvraag/service van patiënt zorgprobleem of doel"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Filler Applications."/> </extension> <code value="UR"/> <display value="Unable to release"/> <designation> <language value="de"/> <value value="Wiederaufnahme nicht möglich"/> </designation> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Kon niet vrijgeven"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Filler Applications."/> </extension> <code value="UX"/> <display value="Unable to change"/> <designation> <language value="de"/> <value value="Änderung nicht möglich"/> </designation> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Kon niet wijzigen"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Placer Applications."/> </extension> <code value="XO"/> <display value="Change order/service request"/> <designation> <language value="de"/> <value value="Auftrag ändern"/> </designation> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Wijzig aanvraag/service verzoek"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Filler Applications."/> </extension> <code value="XR"/> <display value="Changed as requested"/> <designation> <language value="de"/> <value value="Auftrag anweisungsgemäß geändert"/> </designation> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Gewijzigd zoals gevraagd"/> </designation> </concept> <concept> <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-comments"> <valueString value="Filler Applications."/> </extension> <code value="XX"/> <display value="Order/service changed, unsol."/> <designation> <language value="de"/> <value value="Auftrag geändert (ohne Anweisung)"/> </designation> <designation> <language value="nl"/> <value value="Order/service gewijzigd, ongevraagd"/> </designation> </concept> </CodeSystem>
Usage note: every effort has been made to ensure that the examples are correct and useful, but they are not a normative part of the specification.