Current Build

This table lists profiles and extenions for the AllergyIntolerance resource. For background information, see Profiling Resources and Extensibility. Additional profiles and resources may be found in published Implementation Guides , or in the Conformance resource registry .

No Profiles defined for this resource
allergyintolerance-duration How long Manifestations persisted for AllergyIntolerance HL7 Extensions
allergyintolerance-reasonRefuted Explanation associated with refuted status for AllergyIntolerance HL7 Extensions
allergyintolerance-resolutionAge Age that the allergy or intolerance resolved for AllergyIntolerance HL7 Extensions
allergyintolerance-substanceExposureRisk Exposure risk of adverse reaction (allergy or intolerance) to the specified substance/product for AllergyIntolerance HL7 Extensions
openEHR-administration Actual medication record, if known for openEHR Archetype Profile
openEHR-careplan Clinical Management Details for openEHR Archetype Profile
openEHR-exposureDate Date(/time) of first exposure to Substance for openEHR Archetype Profile
openEHR-exposureDescription Text description about exposure to the Substance for openEHR Archetype Profile
openEHR-exposureDuration Amount of time individual was exposed to Substance for openEHR Archetype Profile
openEHR-location Body site of manifestations for openEHR Archetype Profile
openEHR-management Clinical Management Description for openEHR Archetype Profile
openEHR-test Observations that confirm or refute for openEHR Archetype Profile
No Search Extensions defined for this resource