Financial Management Work Group | Maturity Level: 1 | Compartments: Not linked to any defined compartments |
A provider issued list of services and products provided, or to be provided, to a patient which is provided to an insurer for payment recovery.
The Claim is used by providers and payors, insurers, to exchange the financial information, and supporting clinical information, regarding the provision of healthcare services with payors an firms which provide data analytics. The primary uses of this resource is to support eClaims, the exchange of proposed or actual services to benefit payors, insurers and national health programs, for treatment payment planning and reimbursement.
The Claim is intended to support:
The Claim also supports:
This resource is referenced by ClaimResponse and ExplanationOfBenefit
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints |
Claim | DomainResource | Claim, Pre-determination or Pre-authorization | ||
identifier | 0..* | Identifier | Claim number | |
status | ?!Σ | 0..1 | code | active | cancelled | draft | entered-in-error Financial Resource Status Codes (Required) |
type | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Type or discipline Example Claim Type Codes (Required) | |
subType | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Finer grained claim type information Example Claim SubType Codes (Example) | |
use | 0..1 | code | complete | proposed | exploratory | other Use (Required) | |
patient | 0..1 | Reference(Patient) | The subject of the Products and Services | |
billablePeriod | 0..1 | Period | Period for charge submission | |
created | 0..1 | dateTime | Creation date | |
enterer | 0..1 | Reference(Practitioner) | Author | |
insurer | 0..1 | Reference(Organization) | Target | |
provider | 0..1 | Reference(Practitioner) | Responsible provider | |
organization | 0..1 | Reference(Organization) | Responsible organization | |
priority | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Desired processing priority Priority Codes (Example) | |
fundsReserve | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Funds requested to be reserved Funds Reservation Codes (Example) | |
related | 0..* | BackboneElement | Related Claims which may be revelant to processing this claimn | |
claim | 0..1 | Reference(Claim) | Reference to the related claim | |
relationship | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | How the reference claim is related Example Related Claim Relationship Codes (Example) | |
reference | 0..1 | Identifier | Related file or case reference | |
prescription | 0..1 | Reference(MedicationRequest | VisionPrescription) | Prescription | |
originalPrescription | 0..1 | Reference(MedicationRequest) | Original Prescription | |
payee | 0..1 | BackboneElement | Party to be paid any benefits payable | |
type | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | Type of party: Subscriber, Provider, other Payee Type Codes (Example) | |
resourceType | 0..1 | Coding | organization | patient | practitioner | relatedperson PayeeResourceType (Example) | |
party | 0..1 | Reference(Practitioner | Organization | Patient | RelatedPerson) | Party to receive the payable | |
referral | 0..1 | Reference(ReferralRequest) | Treatment Referral | |
facility | 0..1 | Reference(Location) | Servicing Facility | |
careTeam | 0..* | BackboneElement | Members of the care team | |
sequence | 1..1 | positiveInt | Number to covey order of careTeam | |
provider | 1..1 | Reference(Practitioner | Organization) | Provider individual or organization | |
responsible | 0..1 | boolean | Billing provider | |
role | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Role on the team Claim Care Team Role Codes (Example) | |
qualification | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Type, classification or Specialization Example Provider Qualification Codes (Example) | |
information | 0..* | BackboneElement | Exceptions, special considerations, the condition, situation, prior or concurrent issues | |
category | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | Category of information Claim Information Category Codes (Example) | |
code | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Type of information Exception Codes (Example) | |
timing[x] | 0..1 | When it occurred | ||
timingDate | date | |||
timingPeriod | Period | |||
value[x] | 0..1 | Additional Data or supporting information | ||
valueString | string | |||
valueQuantity | Quantity | |||
valueAttachment | Attachment | |||
valueReference | Reference(Any) | |||
reason | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Reason associated with the information Missing Tooth Reason Codes (Example) | |
diagnosis | 0..* | BackboneElement | Diagnosis | |
sequence | 1..1 | positiveInt | Number to covey order of diagnosis | |
diagnosis[x] | 1..1 | Patient's diagnosis ICD-10 Codes (Example) | ||
diagnosisCodeableConcept | CodeableConcept | |||
diagnosisReference | Reference(Condition) | |||
type | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Type of Diagnosis Example Diagnosis Type Codes (Example) | |
packageCode | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Package billing code Example Diagnosis Related Group Codes (Example) | |
procedure | 0..* | BackboneElement | Procedures performed | |
sequence | 1..1 | positiveInt | Procedure sequence for reference | |
date | 0..1 | dateTime | When the procedure was performed | |
procedure[x] | 1..1 | Patient's list of procedures performed ICD-10 Procedure Codes (Example) | ||
procedureCodeableConcept | CodeableConcept | |||
procedureReference | Reference(Procedure) | |||
insurance | 0..* | BackboneElement | Insurance or medical plan | |
sequence | 1..1 | positiveInt | Service instance identifier | |
focal | 1..1 | boolean | Is the focal Coverage | |
coverage | 1..1 | Reference(Coverage) | Insurance information | |
businessArrangement | 0..1 | string | Business agreement | |
preAuthRef | 0..* | string | Pre-Authorization/Determination Reference | |
claimResponse | 0..1 | Reference(ClaimResponse) | Adjudication results | |
accident | 0..1 | BackboneElement | Details about an accident | |
date | 1..1 | date | When the accident occurred see information codes see information codes | |
type | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | The nature of the accident ActIncidentCode (Required) | |
location[x] | 0..1 | Accident Place | ||
locationAddress | Address | |||
locationReference | Reference(Location) | |||
employmentImpacted | 0..1 | Period | Period unable to work | |
hospitalization | 0..1 | Period | Period in hospital | |
item | 0..* | BackboneElement | Goods and Services | |
sequence | 1..1 | positiveInt | Service instance | |
careTeamLinkId | 0..* | positiveInt | Applicable careTeam members | |
diagnosisLinkId | 0..* | positiveInt | Applicable diagnoses | |
procedureLinkId | 0..* | positiveInt | Applicable procedures | |
informationLinkId | 0..* | positiveInt | Applicable exception and supporting information | |
revenue | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Revenue or cost center code Example Revenue Center Codes (Example) | |
category | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Type of service or product Benefit SubCategory Codes (Example) | |
service | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Billing Code USCLS Codes (Example) | |
modifier | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Service/Product billing modifiers Modifier type Codes (Example) | |
programCode | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Program specific reason for item inclusion Example Program Reason Codes (Example) | |
serviced[x] | 0..1 | Date or dates of Service | ||
servicedDate | date | |||
servicedPeriod | Period | |||
location[x] | 0..1 | Place of service Example Service Place Codes (Example) | ||
locationCodeableConcept | CodeableConcept | |||
locationAddress | Address | |||
locationReference | Reference(Location) | |||
quantity | 0..1 | SimpleQuantity | Count of Products or Services | |
unitPrice | 0..1 | Money | Fee, charge or cost per point | |
factor | 0..1 | decimal | Price scaling factor | |
net | 0..1 | Money | Total item cost | |
udi | 0..* | Reference(Device) | Unique Device Identifier | |
bodySite | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Service Location Oral Site Codes (Example) | |
subSite | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Service Sub-location Surface Codes (Example) | |
detail | 0..* | BackboneElement | Additional items | |
sequence | 1..1 | positiveInt | Service instance | |
revenue | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Revenue or cost center code Example Revenue Center Codes (Example) | |
category | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Type of service or product Benefit SubCategory Codes (Example) | |
service | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Billing Code USCLS Codes (Example) | |
modifier | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Service/Product billing modifiers Modifier type Codes (Example) | |
programCode | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Program specific reason for item inclusion Example Program Reason Codes (Example) | |
quantity | 0..1 | SimpleQuantity | Count of Products or Services | |
unitPrice | 0..1 | Money | Fee, charge or cost per point | |
factor | 0..1 | decimal | Price scaling factor | |
net | 0..1 | Money | Total additional item cost | |
udi | 0..* | Reference(Device) | Unique Device Identifier | |
subDetail | 0..* | BackboneElement | Additional items | |
sequence | 1..1 | positiveInt | Service instance | |
revenue | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Revenue or cost center code Example Revenue Center Codes (Example) | |
category | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Type of service or product Benefit SubCategory Codes (Example) | |
service | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Billing Code USCLS Codes (Example) | |
modifier | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Service/Product billing modifiers Modifier type Codes (Example) | |
programCode | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Program specific reason for item inclusion Example Program Reason Codes (Example) | |
quantity | 0..1 | SimpleQuantity | Count of Products or Services | |
unitPrice | 0..1 | Money | Fee, charge or cost per point | |
factor | 0..1 | decimal | Price scaling factor | |
net | 0..1 | Money | Net additional item cost | |
udi | 0..* | Reference(Device) | Unique Device Identifier | |
prosthesis | 0..1 | BackboneElement | Prosthetic details | |
initial | 0..1 | boolean | Is this the initial service | |
priorDate | 0..1 | date | Initial service Date | |
priorMaterial | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Prosthetic Material Oral Prostho Material type Codes (Example) | |
total | 0..1 | Money | Total claim cost | |
Documentation for this format |
UML Diagram (Legend)
XML Template
<Claim xmlns=""> <!-- from Resource: id, meta, implicitRules, and language --> <!-- from DomainResource: text, contained, extension, and modifierExtension --> <identifier><!-- 0..* Identifier Claim number --></identifier> <status value="[code]"/><!-- 0..1 active | cancelled | draft | entered-in-error --> <type><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Type or discipline --></type> <subType><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Finer grained claim type information --></subType> <use value="[code]"/><!-- 0..1 complete | proposed | exploratory | other --> <patient><!-- 0..1 Reference(Patient) The subject of the Products and Services --></patient> <billablePeriod><!-- 0..1 Period Period for charge submission --></billablePeriod> <created value="[dateTime]"/><!-- 0..1 Creation date --> <enterer><!-- 0..1 Reference(Practitioner) Author --></enterer> <insurer><!-- 0..1 Reference(Organization) Target --></insurer> <provider><!-- 0..1 Reference(Practitioner) Responsible provider --></provider> <organization><!-- 0..1 Reference(Organization) Responsible organization --></organization> <priority><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Desired processing priority --></priority> <fundsReserve><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Funds requested to be reserved --></fundsReserve> <related> <!-- 0..* Related Claims which may be revelant to processing this claimn --> <claim><!-- 0..1 Reference(Claim) Reference to the related claim --></claim> <relationship><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept How the reference claim is related --></relationship> <reference><!-- 0..1 Identifier Related file or case reference --></reference> </related> <prescription><!-- 0..1 Reference(MedicationRequest|VisionPrescription) Prescription --></prescription> <originalPrescription><!-- 0..1 Reference(MedicationRequest) Original Prescription --></originalPrescription> <payee> <!-- 0..1 Party to be paid any benefits payable --> <type><!-- 1..1 CodeableConcept Type of party: Subscriber, Provider, other --></type> <resourceType><!-- 0..1 Coding organization | patient | practitioner | relatedperson --></resourceType> <party><!-- 0..1 Reference(Practitioner|Organization|Patient|RelatedPerson) Party to receive the payable --></party> </payee> <referral><!-- 0..1 Reference(ReferralRequest) Treatment Referral --></referral> <facility><!-- 0..1 Reference(Location) Servicing Facility --></facility> <careTeam> <!-- 0..* Members of the care team --> <sequence value="[positiveInt]"/><!-- 1..1 Number to covey order of careTeam --> <provider><!-- 1..1 Reference(Practitioner|Organization) Provider individual or organization --></provider> <responsible value="[boolean]"/><!-- 0..1 Billing provider --> <role><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Role on the team --></role> <qualification><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Type, classification or Specialization --></qualification> </careTeam> <information> <!-- 0..* Exceptions, special considerations, the condition, situation, prior or concurrent issues --> <category><!-- 1..1 CodeableConcept Category of information --></category> <code><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Type of information --></code> <timing[x]><!-- 0..1 date|Period When it occurred --></timing[x]> <value[x]><!-- 0..1 string|Quantity|Attachment|Reference(Any) Additional Data or supporting information --></value[x]> <reason><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Reason associated with the information --></reason> </information> <diagnosis> <!-- 0..* Diagnosis --> <sequence value="[positiveInt]"/><!-- 1..1 Number to covey order of diagnosis --> <diagnosis[x]><!-- 1..1 CodeableConcept|Reference(Condition) Patient's diagnosis --></diagnosis[x]> <type><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Type of Diagnosis --></type> <packageCode><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Package billing code --></packageCode> </diagnosis> <procedure> <!-- 0..* Procedures performed --> <sequence value="[positiveInt]"/><!-- 1..1 Procedure sequence for reference --> <date value="[dateTime]"/><!-- 0..1 When the procedure was performed --> <procedure[x]><!-- 1..1 CodeableConcept|Reference(Procedure) Patient's list of procedures performed --></procedure[x]> </procedure> <insurance> <!-- 0..* Insurance or medical plan --> <sequence value="[positiveInt]"/><!-- 1..1 Service instance identifier --> <focal value="[boolean]"/><!-- 1..1 Is the focal Coverage --> <coverage><!-- 1..1 Reference(Coverage) Insurance information --></coverage> <businessArrangement value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 Business agreement --> <preAuthRef value="[string]"/><!-- 0..* Pre-Authorization/Determination Reference --> <claimResponse><!-- 0..1 Reference(ClaimResponse) Adjudication results --></claimResponse> </insurance> <accident> <!-- 0..1 Details about an accident --> <date value="[date]"/><!-- 1..1 When the accident occurred see information codes see information codes --> <type><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept The nature of the accident --></type> <location[x]><!-- 0..1 Address|Reference(Location) Accident Place --></location[x]> </accident> <employmentImpacted><!-- 0..1 Period Period unable to work --></employmentImpacted> <hospitalization><!-- 0..1 Period Period in hospital --></hospitalization> <item> <!-- 0..* Goods and Services --> <sequence value="[positiveInt]"/><!-- 1..1 Service instance --> <careTeamLinkId value="[positiveInt]"/><!-- 0..* Applicable careTeam members --> <diagnosisLinkId value="[positiveInt]"/><!-- 0..* Applicable diagnoses --> <procedureLinkId value="[positiveInt]"/><!-- 0..* Applicable procedures --> <informationLinkId value="[positiveInt]"/><!-- 0..* Applicable exception and supporting information --> <revenue><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Revenue or cost center code --></revenue> <category><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Type of service or product --></category> <service><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Billing Code --></service> <modifier><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Service/Product billing modifiers --></modifier> <programCode><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Program specific reason for item inclusion --></programCode> <serviced[x]><!-- 0..1 date|Period Date or dates of Service --></serviced[x]> <location[x]><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept|Address|Reference(Location) Place of service --></location[x]> <quantity><!-- 0..1 Quantity(SimpleQuantity) Count of Products or Services --></quantity> <unitPrice><!-- 0..1 Money Fee, charge or cost per point --></unitPrice> <factor value="[decimal]"/><!-- 0..1 Price scaling factor --> <net><!-- 0..1 Money Total item cost --></net> <udi><!-- 0..* Reference(Device) Unique Device Identifier --></udi> <bodySite><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Service Location --></bodySite> <subSite><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Service Sub-location --></subSite> <detail> <!-- 0..* Additional items --> <sequence value="[positiveInt]"/><!-- 1..1 Service instance --> <revenue><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Revenue or cost center code --></revenue> <category><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Type of service or product --></category> <service><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Billing Code --></service> <modifier><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Service/Product billing modifiers --></modifier> <programCode><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Program specific reason for item inclusion --></programCode> <quantity><!-- 0..1 Quantity(SimpleQuantity) Count of Products or Services --></quantity> <unitPrice><!-- 0..1 Money Fee, charge or cost per point --></unitPrice> <factor value="[decimal]"/><!-- 0..1 Price scaling factor --> <net><!-- 0..1 Money Total additional item cost --></net> <udi><!-- 0..* Reference(Device) Unique Device Identifier --></udi> <subDetail> <!-- 0..* Additional items --> <sequence value="[positiveInt]"/><!-- 1..1 Service instance --> <revenue><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Revenue or cost center code --></revenue> <category><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Type of service or product --></category> <service><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Billing Code --></service> <modifier><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Service/Product billing modifiers --></modifier> <programCode><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Program specific reason for item inclusion --></programCode> <quantity><!-- 0..1 Quantity(SimpleQuantity) Count of Products or Services --></quantity> <unitPrice><!-- 0..1 Money Fee, charge or cost per point --></unitPrice> <factor value="[decimal]"/><!-- 0..1 Price scaling factor --> <net><!-- 0..1 Money Net additional item cost --></net> <udi><!-- 0..* Reference(Device) Unique Device Identifier --></udi> </subDetail> </detail> <prosthesis> <!-- 0..1 Prosthetic details --> <initial value="[boolean]"/><!-- 0..1 Is this the initial service --> <priorDate value="[date]"/><!-- 0..1 Initial service Date --> <priorMaterial><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Prosthetic Material --></priorMaterial> </prosthesis> </item> <total><!-- 0..1 Money Total claim cost --></total> </Claim>
JSON Template
{ "resourceType" : "Claim", // from Resource: id, meta, implicitRules, and language // from DomainResource: text, contained, extension, and modifierExtension "identifier" : [{ Identifier }], // Claim number "status" : "<code>", // active | cancelled | draft | entered-in-error "type" : { CodeableConcept }, // Type or discipline "subType" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // Finer grained claim type information "use" : "<code>", // complete | proposed | exploratory | other "patient" : { Reference(Patient) }, // The subject of the Products and Services "billablePeriod" : { Period }, // Period for charge submission "created" : "<dateTime>", // Creation date "enterer" : { Reference(Practitioner) }, // Author "insurer" : { Reference(Organization) }, // Target "provider" : { Reference(Practitioner) }, // Responsible provider "organization" : { Reference(Organization) }, // Responsible organization "priority" : { CodeableConcept }, // Desired processing priority "fundsReserve" : { CodeableConcept }, // Funds requested to be reserved "related" : [{ // Related Claims which may be revelant to processing this claimn "claim" : { Reference(Claim) }, // Reference to the related claim "relationship" : { CodeableConcept }, // How the reference claim is related "reference" : { Identifier } // Related file or case reference }], "prescription" : { Reference(MedicationRequest|VisionPrescription) }, // Prescription "originalPrescription" : { Reference(MedicationRequest) }, // Original Prescription "payee" : { // Party to be paid any benefits payable "type" : { CodeableConcept }, // R! Type of party: Subscriber, Provider, other "resourceType" : { Coding }, // organization | patient | practitioner | relatedperson "party" : { Reference(Practitioner|Organization|Patient|RelatedPerson) } // Party to receive the payable }, "referral" : { Reference(ReferralRequest) }, // Treatment Referral "facility" : { Reference(Location) }, // Servicing Facility "careTeam" : [{ // Members of the care team "sequence" : "<positiveInt>", // R! Number to covey order of careTeam "provider" : { Reference(Practitioner|Organization) }, // R! Provider individual or organization "responsible" : <boolean>, // Billing provider "role" : { CodeableConcept }, // Role on the team "qualification" : { CodeableConcept } // Type, classification or Specialization }], "information" : [{ // Exceptions, special considerations, the condition, situation, prior or concurrent issues "category" : { CodeableConcept }, // R! Category of information "code" : { CodeableConcept }, // Type of information // timing[x]: When it occurred. One of these 2: "timingDate" : "<date>", "timingPeriod" : { Period }, // value[x]: Additional Data or supporting information. One of these 4: "valueString" : "<string>", "valueQuantity" : { Quantity }, "valueAttachment" : { Attachment }, "valueReference" : { Reference(Any) }, "reason" : { CodeableConcept } // Reason associated with the information }], "diagnosis" : [{ // Diagnosis "sequence" : "<positiveInt>", // R! Number to covey order of diagnosis // diagnosis[x]: Patient's diagnosis. One of these 2: "diagnosisCodeableConcept" : { CodeableConcept }, "diagnosisReference" : { Reference(Condition) }, "type" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // Type of Diagnosis "packageCode" : { CodeableConcept } // Package billing code }], "procedure" : [{ // Procedures performed "sequence" : "<positiveInt>", // R! Procedure sequence for reference "date" : "<dateTime>", // When the procedure was performed // procedure[x]: Patient's list of procedures performed. One of these 2: "procedureCodeableConcept" : { CodeableConcept } "procedureReference" : { Reference(Procedure) } }], "insurance" : [{ // Insurance or medical plan "sequence" : "<positiveInt>", // R! Service instance identifier "focal" : <boolean>, // R! Is the focal Coverage "coverage" : { Reference(Coverage) }, // R! Insurance information "businessArrangement" : "<string>", // Business agreement "preAuthRef" : ["<string>"], // Pre-Authorization/Determination Reference "claimResponse" : { Reference(ClaimResponse) } // Adjudication results }], "accident" : { // Details about an accident "date" : "<date>", // R! When the accident occurred see information codes see information codes "type" : { CodeableConcept }, // The nature of the accident // location[x]: Accident Place. One of these 2: "locationAddress" : { Address } "locationReference" : { Reference(Location) } }, "employmentImpacted" : { Period }, // Period unable to work "hospitalization" : { Period }, // Period in hospital "item" : [{ // Goods and Services "sequence" : "<positiveInt>", // R! Service instance "careTeamLinkId" : ["<positiveInt>"], // Applicable careTeam members "diagnosisLinkId" : ["<positiveInt>"], // Applicable diagnoses "procedureLinkId" : ["<positiveInt>"], // Applicable procedures "informationLinkId" : ["<positiveInt>"], // Applicable exception and supporting information "revenue" : { CodeableConcept }, // Revenue or cost center code "category" : { CodeableConcept }, // Type of service or product "service" : { CodeableConcept }, // Billing Code "modifier" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // Service/Product billing modifiers "programCode" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // Program specific reason for item inclusion // serviced[x]: Date or dates of Service. One of these 2: "servicedDate" : "<date>", "servicedPeriod" : { Period }, // location[x]: Place of service. One of these 3: "locationCodeableConcept" : { CodeableConcept }, "locationAddress" : { Address }, "locationReference" : { Reference(Location) }, "quantity" : { Quantity(SimpleQuantity) }, // Count of Products or Services "unitPrice" : { Money }, // Fee, charge or cost per point "factor" : <decimal>, // Price scaling factor "net" : { Money }, // Total item cost "udi" : [{ Reference(Device) }], // Unique Device Identifier "bodySite" : { CodeableConcept }, // Service Location "subSite" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // Service Sub-location "detail" : [{ // Additional items "sequence" : "<positiveInt>", // R! Service instance "revenue" : { CodeableConcept }, // Revenue or cost center code "category" : { CodeableConcept }, // Type of service or product "service" : { CodeableConcept }, // Billing Code "modifier" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // Service/Product billing modifiers "programCode" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // Program specific reason for item inclusion "quantity" : { Quantity(SimpleQuantity) }, // Count of Products or Services "unitPrice" : { Money }, // Fee, charge or cost per point "factor" : <decimal>, // Price scaling factor "net" : { Money }, // Total additional item cost "udi" : [{ Reference(Device) }], // Unique Device Identifier "subDetail" : [{ // Additional items "sequence" : "<positiveInt>", // R! Service instance "revenue" : { CodeableConcept }, // Revenue or cost center code "category" : { CodeableConcept }, // Type of service or product "service" : { CodeableConcept }, // Billing Code "modifier" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // Service/Product billing modifiers "programCode" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // Program specific reason for item inclusion "quantity" : { Quantity(SimpleQuantity) }, // Count of Products or Services "unitPrice" : { Money }, // Fee, charge or cost per point "factor" : <decimal>, // Price scaling factor "net" : { Money }, // Net additional item cost "udi" : [{ Reference(Device) }] // Unique Device Identifier }] }], "prosthesis" : { // Prosthetic details "initial" : <boolean>, // Is this the initial service "priorDate" : "<date>", // Initial service Date "priorMaterial" : { CodeableConcept } // Prosthetic Material } }], "total" : { Money } // Total claim cost }
Turtle Template
@prefix fhir: <> . [ a fhir:Claim; fhir:nodeRole fhir:treeRoot; # if this is the parser root # from Resource: .id, .meta, .implicitRules, and .language # from DomainResource: .text, .contained, .extension, and .modifierExtension fhir:Claim.identifier [ Identifier ], ... ; # 0..* Claim number fhir:Claim.status [ code ]; # 0..1 active | cancelled | draft | entered-in-error fhir:Claim.type [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Type or discipline fhir:Claim.subType [ CodeableConcept ], ... ; # 0..* Finer grained claim type information fhir:Claim.use [ code ]; # 0..1 complete | proposed | exploratory | other fhir:Claim.patient [ Reference(Patient) ]; # 0..1 The subject of the Products and Services fhir:Claim.billablePeriod [ Period ]; # 0..1 Period for charge submission fhir:Claim.created [ dateTime ]; # 0..1 Creation date fhir:Claim.enterer [ Reference(Practitioner) ]; # 0..1 Author fhir:Claim.insurer [ Reference(Organization) ]; # 0..1 Target fhir:Claim.provider [ Reference(Practitioner) ]; # 0..1 Responsible provider fhir:Claim.organization [ Reference(Organization) ]; # 0..1 Responsible organization fhir:Claim.priority [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Desired processing priority fhir:Claim.fundsReserve [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Funds requested to be reserved fhir:Claim.related [ # 0..* Related Claims which may be revelant to processing this claimn fhir:Claim.related.claim [ Reference(Claim) ]; # 0..1 Reference to the related claim fhir:Claim.related.relationship [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 How the reference claim is related fhir:Claim.related.reference [ Identifier ]; # 0..1 Related file or case reference ], ...; fhir:Claim.prescription [ Reference(MedicationRequest|VisionPrescription) ]; # 0..1 Prescription fhir:Claim.originalPrescription [ Reference(MedicationRequest) ]; # 0..1 Original Prescription fhir:Claim.payee [ # 0..1 Party to be paid any benefits payable fhir:Claim.payee.type [ CodeableConcept ]; # 1..1 Type of party: Subscriber, Provider, other fhir:Claim.payee.resourceType [ Coding ]; # 0..1 organization | patient | practitioner | relatedperson [ Reference(Practitioner|Organization|Patient|RelatedPerson) ]; # 0..1 Party to receive the payable ]; fhir:Claim.referral [ Reference(ReferralRequest) ]; # 0..1 Treatment Referral fhir:Claim.facility [ Reference(Location) ]; # 0..1 Servicing Facility fhir:Claim.careTeam [ # 0..* Members of the care team fhir:Claim.careTeam.sequence [ positiveInt ]; # 1..1 Number to covey order of careTeam fhir:Claim.careTeam.provider [ Reference(Practitioner|Organization) ]; # 1..1 Provider individual or organization fhir:Claim.careTeam.responsible [ boolean ]; # 0..1 Billing provider fhir:Claim.careTeam.role [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Role on the team fhir:Claim.careTeam.qualification [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Type, classification or Specialization ], ...; fhir:Claim.information [ # 0..* Exceptions, special considerations, the condition, situation, prior or concurrent issues fhir:Claim.information.category [ CodeableConcept ]; # 1..1 Category of information fhir:Claim.information.code [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Type of information # Claim.information.timing[x] : 0..1 When it occurred. One of these 2 fhir:Claim.information.timingDate [ date ] fhir:Claim.information.timingPeriod [ Period ] # Claim.information.value[x] : 0..1 Additional Data or supporting information. One of these 4 fhir:Claim.information.valueString [ string ] fhir:Claim.information.valueQuantity [ Quantity ] fhir:Claim.information.valueAttachment [ Attachment ] fhir:Claim.information.valueReference [ Reference(Any) ] fhir:Claim.information.reason [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Reason associated with the information ], ...; fhir:Claim.diagnosis [ # 0..* Diagnosis fhir:Claim.diagnosis.sequence [ positiveInt ]; # 1..1 Number to covey order of diagnosis # Claim.diagnosis.diagnosis[x] : 1..1 Patient's diagnosis. One of these 2 fhir:Claim.diagnosis.diagnosisCodeableConcept [ CodeableConcept ] fhir:Claim.diagnosis.diagnosisReference [ Reference(Condition) ] fhir:Claim.diagnosis.type [ CodeableConcept ], ... ; # 0..* Type of Diagnosis fhir:Claim.diagnosis.packageCode [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Package billing code ], ...; fhir:Claim.procedure [ # 0..* Procedures performed fhir:Claim.procedure.sequence [ positiveInt ]; # 1..1 Procedure sequence for reference [ dateTime ]; # 0..1 When the procedure was performed # Claim.procedure.procedure[x] : 1..1 Patient's list of procedures performed. One of these 2 fhir:Claim.procedure.procedureCodeableConcept [ CodeableConcept ] fhir:Claim.procedure.procedureReference [ Reference(Procedure) ] ], ...; [ # 0..* Insurance or medical plan [ positiveInt ]; # 1..1 Service instance identifier [ boolean ]; # 1..1 Is the focal Coverage [ Reference(Coverage) ]; # 1..1 Insurance information [ string ]; # 0..1 Business agreement [ string ], ... ; # 0..* Pre-Authorization/Determination Reference [ Reference(ClaimResponse) ]; # 0..1 Adjudication results ], ...; fhir:Claim.accident [ # 0..1 Details about an accident [ date ]; # 1..1 When the accident occurred see information codes see information codes fhir:Claim.accident.type [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 The nature of the accident # Claim.accident.location[x] : 0..1 Accident Place. One of these 2 fhir:Claim.accident.locationAddress [ Address ] fhir:Claim.accident.locationReference [ Reference(Location) ] ]; fhir:Claim.employmentImpacted [ Period ]; # 0..1 Period unable to work fhir:Claim.hospitalization [ Period ]; # 0..1 Period in hospital fhir:Claim.item [ # 0..* Goods and Services fhir:Claim.item.sequence [ positiveInt ]; # 1..1 Service instance fhir:Claim.item.careTeamLinkId [ positiveInt ], ... ; # 0..* Applicable careTeam members fhir:Claim.item.diagnosisLinkId [ positiveInt ], ... ; # 0..* Applicable diagnoses fhir:Claim.item.procedureLinkId [ positiveInt ], ... ; # 0..* Applicable procedures fhir:Claim.item.informationLinkId [ positiveInt ], ... ; # 0..* Applicable exception and supporting information fhir:Claim.item.revenue [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Revenue or cost center code fhir:Claim.item.category [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Type of service or product fhir:Claim.item.service [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Billing Code fhir:Claim.item.modifier [ CodeableConcept ], ... ; # 0..* Service/Product billing modifiers fhir:Claim.item.programCode [ CodeableConcept ], ... ; # 0..* Program specific reason for item inclusion # Claim.item.serviced[x] : 0..1 Date or dates of Service. One of these 2 fhir:Claim.item.servicedDate [ date ] fhir:Claim.item.servicedPeriod [ Period ] # Claim.item.location[x] : 0..1 Place of service. One of these 3 fhir:Claim.item.locationCodeableConcept [ CodeableConcept ] fhir:Claim.item.locationAddress [ Address ] fhir:Claim.item.locationReference [ Reference(Location) ] fhir:Claim.item.quantity [ Quantity(SimpleQuantity) ]; # 0..1 Count of Products or Services fhir:Claim.item.unitPrice [ Money ]; # 0..1 Fee, charge or cost per point fhir:Claim.item.factor [ decimal ]; # 0..1 Price scaling factor [ Money ]; # 0..1 Total item cost fhir:Claim.item.udi [ Reference(Device) ], ... ; # 0..* Unique Device Identifier fhir:Claim.item.bodySite [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Service Location fhir:Claim.item.subSite [ CodeableConcept ], ... ; # 0..* Service Sub-location fhir:Claim.item.detail [ # 0..* Additional items fhir:Claim.item.detail.sequence [ positiveInt ]; # 1..1 Service instance fhir:Claim.item.detail.revenue [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Revenue or cost center code fhir:Claim.item.detail.category [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Type of service or product fhir:Claim.item.detail.service [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Billing Code fhir:Claim.item.detail.modifier [ CodeableConcept ], ... ; # 0..* Service/Product billing modifiers fhir:Claim.item.detail.programCode [ CodeableConcept ], ... ; # 0..* Program specific reason for item inclusion fhir:Claim.item.detail.quantity [ Quantity(SimpleQuantity) ]; # 0..1 Count of Products or Services fhir:Claim.item.detail.unitPrice [ Money ]; # 0..1 Fee, charge or cost per point fhir:Claim.item.detail.factor [ decimal ]; # 0..1 Price scaling factor [ Money ]; # 0..1 Total additional item cost fhir:Claim.item.detail.udi [ Reference(Device) ], ... ; # 0..* Unique Device Identifier fhir:Claim.item.detail.subDetail [ # 0..* Additional items fhir:Claim.item.detail.subDetail.sequence [ positiveInt ]; # 1..1 Service instance fhir:Claim.item.detail.subDetail.revenue [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Revenue or cost center code fhir:Claim.item.detail.subDetail.category [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Type of service or product fhir:Claim.item.detail.subDetail.service [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Billing Code fhir:Claim.item.detail.subDetail.modifier [ CodeableConcept ], ... ; # 0..* Service/Product billing modifiers fhir:Claim.item.detail.subDetail.programCode [ CodeableConcept ], ... ; # 0..* Program specific reason for item inclusion fhir:Claim.item.detail.subDetail.quantity [ Quantity(SimpleQuantity) ]; # 0..1 Count of Products or Services fhir:Claim.item.detail.subDetail.unitPrice [ Money ]; # 0..1 Fee, charge or cost per point fhir:Claim.item.detail.subDetail.factor [ decimal ]; # 0..1 Price scaling factor [ Money ]; # 0..1 Net additional item cost fhir:Claim.item.detail.subDetail.udi [ Reference(Device) ], ... ; # 0..* Unique Device Identifier ], ...; ], ...; fhir:Claim.item.prosthesis [ # 0..1 Prosthetic details fhir:Claim.item.prosthesis.initial [ boolean ]; # 0..1 Is this the initial service fhir:Claim.item.prosthesis.priorDate [ date ]; # 0..1 Initial service Date fhir:Claim.item.prosthesis.priorMaterial [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Prosthetic Material ]; ], ...; [ Money ]; # 0..1 Total claim cost ]
Changes since DSTU2
Claim | |
Claim.status | added Element |
Claim.type |
Min Cardinality changed from 1 to 0 Type changed from code to CodeableConcept Change value set from to |
Claim.subType | added Element |
Claim.use | Change value set from to |
Claim.patient | Min Cardinality changed from 1 to 0 |
Claim.billablePeriod | added Element |
Claim.insurer | added Element |
Claim.priority | Type changed from Coding to CodeableConcept |
Claim.fundsReserve | Type changed from Coding to CodeableConcept |
Claim.related | added Element |
Claim.related.claim | added Element |
Claim.related.relationship | added Element |
Claim.related.reference | added Element |
Claim.prescription | Remove Reference(MedicationOrder), Add Reference(MedicationRequest) |
Claim.originalPrescription | Type changed from Reference(MedicationOrder) to Reference(MedicationRequest) |
Claim.payee.type |
Min Cardinality changed from 0 to 1 Type changed from Coding to CodeableConcept |
Claim.payee.resourceType | added Element | | added Element |
Claim.careTeam | added Element |
Claim.careTeam.sequence | added Element |
Claim.careTeam.provider | added Element |
Claim.careTeam.responsible | added Element |
Claim.careTeam.role | added Element |
Claim.careTeam.qualification | added Element |
Claim.information | added Element |
Claim.information.category | added Element |
Claim.information.code | added Element |
Claim.information.timing[x] | added Element |
Claim.information.value[x] | added Element |
Claim.information.reason | added Element |
Claim.diagnosis.diagnosis[x] |
Renamed from diagnosis to diagnosis[x] Remove Coding, Add CodeableConcept, Add Reference(Condition) |
Claim.diagnosis.type | added Element |
Claim.diagnosis.packageCode | added Element |
Claim.procedure | added Element |
Claim.procedure.sequence | added Element | | added Element |
Claim.procedure.procedure[x] | added Element | | added Element | | added Element | | added Element | | added Element | | added Element | | added Element | | added Element |
Claim.accident | Type changed from date to BackboneElement | | added Element |
Claim.accident.type | added Element |
Claim.accident.location[x] | added Element |
Claim.employmentImpacted | added Element |
Claim.hospitalization | added Element |
Claim.item.careTeamLinkId | added Element |
Claim.item.procedureLinkId | added Element |
Claim.item.informationLinkId | added Element |
Claim.item.revenue | added Element |
Claim.item.category | added Element |
Claim.item.service |
Min Cardinality changed from 1 to 0 Type changed from Coding to CodeableConcept |
Claim.item.modifier | Type changed from Coding to CodeableConcept |
Claim.item.programCode | added Element |
Claim.item.serviced[x] | added Element |
Claim.item.location[x] | added Element |
Claim.item.unitPrice | Type changed from Quantity{} to Money | | Type changed from Quantity{} to Money |
Claim.item.udi |
Max Cardinality changed from 1 to * Type changed from Coding to Reference(Device) |
Claim.item.bodySite | Type changed from Coding to CodeableConcept |
Claim.item.subSite | Type changed from Coding to CodeableConcept |
Claim.item.detail.revenue | added Element |
Claim.item.detail.category | added Element |
Claim.item.detail.service |
Min Cardinality changed from 1 to 0 Type changed from Coding to CodeableConcept |
Claim.item.detail.modifier | added Element |
Claim.item.detail.programCode | added Element |
Claim.item.detail.unitPrice | Type changed from Quantity{} to Money | | Type changed from Quantity{} to Money |
Claim.item.detail.udi |
Max Cardinality changed from 1 to * Type changed from Coding to Reference(Device) |
Claim.item.detail.subDetail.revenue | added Element |
Claim.item.detail.subDetail.category | added Element |
Claim.item.detail.subDetail.service |
Min Cardinality changed from 1 to 0 Type changed from Coding to CodeableConcept |
Claim.item.detail.subDetail.modifier | added Element |
Claim.item.detail.subDetail.programCode | added Element |
Claim.item.detail.subDetail.unitPrice | Type changed from Quantity{} to Money | | Type changed from Quantity{} to Money |
Claim.item.detail.subDetail.udi |
Max Cardinality changed from 1 to * Type changed from Coding to Reference(Device) |
Claim.item.prosthesis.priorMaterial | Type changed from Coding to CodeableConcept | | added Element |
Claim.ruleset | deleted |
Claim.originalRuleset | deleted | | deleted |
Claim.payee.provider | deleted |
Claim.payee.organization | deleted |
Claim.payee.person | deleted |
Claim.condition | deleted |
Claim.coverage | deleted |
Claim.exception | deleted | | deleted |
Claim.accidentType | deleted |
Claim.interventionException | deleted |
Claim.item.type | deleted |
Claim.item.provider | deleted |
Claim.item.serviceDate | deleted |
Claim.item.points | deleted |
Claim.item.detail.type | deleted |
Claim.item.detail.points | deleted |
Claim.item.detail.subDetail.type | deleted |
Claim.item.detail.subDetail.points | deleted |
Claim.additionalMaterials | deleted |
Claim.missingTeeth | deleted |
See the Full Difference for further information
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints |
Claim | DomainResource | Claim, Pre-determination or Pre-authorization | ||
identifier | 0..* | Identifier | Claim number | |
status | ?!Σ | 0..1 | code | active | cancelled | draft | entered-in-error Financial Resource Status Codes (Required) |
type | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Type or discipline Example Claim Type Codes (Required) | |
subType | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Finer grained claim type information Example Claim SubType Codes (Example) | |
use | 0..1 | code | complete | proposed | exploratory | other Use (Required) | |
patient | 0..1 | Reference(Patient) | The subject of the Products and Services | |
billablePeriod | 0..1 | Period | Period for charge submission | |
created | 0..1 | dateTime | Creation date | |
enterer | 0..1 | Reference(Practitioner) | Author | |
insurer | 0..1 | Reference(Organization) | Target | |
provider | 0..1 | Reference(Practitioner) | Responsible provider | |
organization | 0..1 | Reference(Organization) | Responsible organization | |
priority | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Desired processing priority Priority Codes (Example) | |
fundsReserve | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Funds requested to be reserved Funds Reservation Codes (Example) | |
related | 0..* | BackboneElement | Related Claims which may be revelant to processing this claimn | |
claim | 0..1 | Reference(Claim) | Reference to the related claim | |
relationship | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | How the reference claim is related Example Related Claim Relationship Codes (Example) | |
reference | 0..1 | Identifier | Related file or case reference | |
prescription | 0..1 | Reference(MedicationRequest | VisionPrescription) | Prescription | |
originalPrescription | 0..1 | Reference(MedicationRequest) | Original Prescription | |
payee | 0..1 | BackboneElement | Party to be paid any benefits payable | |
type | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | Type of party: Subscriber, Provider, other Payee Type Codes (Example) | |
resourceType | 0..1 | Coding | organization | patient | practitioner | relatedperson PayeeResourceType (Example) | |
party | 0..1 | Reference(Practitioner | Organization | Patient | RelatedPerson) | Party to receive the payable | |
referral | 0..1 | Reference(ReferralRequest) | Treatment Referral | |
facility | 0..1 | Reference(Location) | Servicing Facility | |
careTeam | 0..* | BackboneElement | Members of the care team | |
sequence | 1..1 | positiveInt | Number to covey order of careTeam | |
provider | 1..1 | Reference(Practitioner | Organization) | Provider individual or organization | |
responsible | 0..1 | boolean | Billing provider | |
role | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Role on the team Claim Care Team Role Codes (Example) | |
qualification | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Type, classification or Specialization Example Provider Qualification Codes (Example) | |
information | 0..* | BackboneElement | Exceptions, special considerations, the condition, situation, prior or concurrent issues | |
category | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | Category of information Claim Information Category Codes (Example) | |
code | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Type of information Exception Codes (Example) | |
timing[x] | 0..1 | When it occurred | ||
timingDate | date | |||
timingPeriod | Period | |||
value[x] | 0..1 | Additional Data or supporting information | ||
valueString | string | |||
valueQuantity | Quantity | |||
valueAttachment | Attachment | |||
valueReference | Reference(Any) | |||
reason | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Reason associated with the information Missing Tooth Reason Codes (Example) | |
diagnosis | 0..* | BackboneElement | Diagnosis | |
sequence | 1..1 | positiveInt | Number to covey order of diagnosis | |
diagnosis[x] | 1..1 | Patient's diagnosis ICD-10 Codes (Example) | ||
diagnosisCodeableConcept | CodeableConcept | |||
diagnosisReference | Reference(Condition) | |||
type | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Type of Diagnosis Example Diagnosis Type Codes (Example) | |
packageCode | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Package billing code Example Diagnosis Related Group Codes (Example) | |
procedure | 0..* | BackboneElement | Procedures performed | |
sequence | 1..1 | positiveInt | Procedure sequence for reference | |
date | 0..1 | dateTime | When the procedure was performed | |
procedure[x] | 1..1 | Patient's list of procedures performed ICD-10 Procedure Codes (Example) | ||
procedureCodeableConcept | CodeableConcept | |||
procedureReference | Reference(Procedure) | |||
insurance | 0..* | BackboneElement | Insurance or medical plan | |
sequence | 1..1 | positiveInt | Service instance identifier | |
focal | 1..1 | boolean | Is the focal Coverage | |
coverage | 1..1 | Reference(Coverage) | Insurance information | |
businessArrangement | 0..1 | string | Business agreement | |
preAuthRef | 0..* | string | Pre-Authorization/Determination Reference | |
claimResponse | 0..1 | Reference(ClaimResponse) | Adjudication results | |
accident | 0..1 | BackboneElement | Details about an accident | |
date | 1..1 | date | When the accident occurred see information codes see information codes | |
type | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | The nature of the accident ActIncidentCode (Required) | |
location[x] | 0..1 | Accident Place | ||
locationAddress | Address | |||
locationReference | Reference(Location) | |||
employmentImpacted | 0..1 | Period | Period unable to work | |
hospitalization | 0..1 | Period | Period in hospital | |
item | 0..* | BackboneElement | Goods and Services | |
sequence | 1..1 | positiveInt | Service instance | |
careTeamLinkId | 0..* | positiveInt | Applicable careTeam members | |
diagnosisLinkId | 0..* | positiveInt | Applicable diagnoses | |
procedureLinkId | 0..* | positiveInt | Applicable procedures | |
informationLinkId | 0..* | positiveInt | Applicable exception and supporting information | |
revenue | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Revenue or cost center code Example Revenue Center Codes (Example) | |
category | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Type of service or product Benefit SubCategory Codes (Example) | |
service | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Billing Code USCLS Codes (Example) | |
modifier | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Service/Product billing modifiers Modifier type Codes (Example) | |
programCode | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Program specific reason for item inclusion Example Program Reason Codes (Example) | |
serviced[x] | 0..1 | Date or dates of Service | ||
servicedDate | date | |||
servicedPeriod | Period | |||
location[x] | 0..1 | Place of service Example Service Place Codes (Example) | ||
locationCodeableConcept | CodeableConcept | |||
locationAddress | Address | |||
locationReference | Reference(Location) | |||
quantity | 0..1 | SimpleQuantity | Count of Products or Services | |
unitPrice | 0..1 | Money | Fee, charge or cost per point | |
factor | 0..1 | decimal | Price scaling factor | |
net | 0..1 | Money | Total item cost | |
udi | 0..* | Reference(Device) | Unique Device Identifier | |
bodySite | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Service Location Oral Site Codes (Example) | |
subSite | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Service Sub-location Surface Codes (Example) | |
detail | 0..* | BackboneElement | Additional items | |
sequence | 1..1 | positiveInt | Service instance | |
revenue | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Revenue or cost center code Example Revenue Center Codes (Example) | |
category | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Type of service or product Benefit SubCategory Codes (Example) | |
service | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Billing Code USCLS Codes (Example) | |
modifier | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Service/Product billing modifiers Modifier type Codes (Example) | |
programCode | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Program specific reason for item inclusion Example Program Reason Codes (Example) | |
quantity | 0..1 | SimpleQuantity | Count of Products or Services | |
unitPrice | 0..1 | Money | Fee, charge or cost per point | |
factor | 0..1 | decimal | Price scaling factor | |
net | 0..1 | Money | Total additional item cost | |
udi | 0..* | Reference(Device) | Unique Device Identifier | |
subDetail | 0..* | BackboneElement | Additional items | |
sequence | 1..1 | positiveInt | Service instance | |
revenue | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Revenue or cost center code Example Revenue Center Codes (Example) | |
category | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Type of service or product Benefit SubCategory Codes (Example) | |
service | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Billing Code USCLS Codes (Example) | |
modifier | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Service/Product billing modifiers Modifier type Codes (Example) | |
programCode | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Program specific reason for item inclusion Example Program Reason Codes (Example) | |
quantity | 0..1 | SimpleQuantity | Count of Products or Services | |
unitPrice | 0..1 | Money | Fee, charge or cost per point | |
factor | 0..1 | decimal | Price scaling factor | |
net | 0..1 | Money | Net additional item cost | |
udi | 0..* | Reference(Device) | Unique Device Identifier | |
prosthesis | 0..1 | BackboneElement | Prosthetic details | |
initial | 0..1 | boolean | Is this the initial service | |
priorDate | 0..1 | date | Initial service Date | |
priorMaterial | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Prosthetic Material Oral Prostho Material type Codes (Example) | |
total | 0..1 | Money | Total claim cost | |
Documentation for this format |
XML Template
<Claim xmlns=""> <!-- from Resource: id, meta, implicitRules, and language --> <!-- from DomainResource: text, contained, extension, and modifierExtension --> <identifier><!-- 0..* Identifier Claim number --></identifier> <status value="[code]"/><!-- 0..1 active | cancelled | draft | entered-in-error --> <type><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Type or discipline --></type> <subType><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Finer grained claim type information --></subType> <use value="[code]"/><!-- 0..1 complete | proposed | exploratory | other --> <patient><!-- 0..1 Reference(Patient) The subject of the Products and Services --></patient> <billablePeriod><!-- 0..1 Period Period for charge submission --></billablePeriod> <created value="[dateTime]"/><!-- 0..1 Creation date --> <enterer><!-- 0..1 Reference(Practitioner) Author --></enterer> <insurer><!-- 0..1 Reference(Organization) Target --></insurer> <provider><!-- 0..1 Reference(Practitioner) Responsible provider --></provider> <organization><!-- 0..1 Reference(Organization) Responsible organization --></organization> <priority><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Desired processing priority --></priority> <fundsReserve><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Funds requested to be reserved --></fundsReserve> <related> <!-- 0..* Related Claims which may be revelant to processing this claimn --> <claim><!-- 0..1 Reference(Claim) Reference to the related claim --></claim> <relationship><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept How the reference claim is related --></relationship> <reference><!-- 0..1 Identifier Related file or case reference --></reference> </related> <prescription><!-- 0..1 Reference(MedicationRequest|VisionPrescription) Prescription --></prescription> <originalPrescription><!-- 0..1 Reference(MedicationRequest) Original Prescription --></originalPrescription> <payee> <!-- 0..1 Party to be paid any benefits payable --> <type><!-- 1..1 CodeableConcept Type of party: Subscriber, Provider, other --></type> <resourceType><!-- 0..1 Coding organization | patient | practitioner | relatedperson --></resourceType> <party><!-- 0..1 Reference(Practitioner|Organization|Patient|RelatedPerson) Party to receive the payable --></party> </payee> <referral><!-- 0..1 Reference(ReferralRequest) Treatment Referral --></referral> <facility><!-- 0..1 Reference(Location) Servicing Facility --></facility> <careTeam> <!-- 0..* Members of the care team --> <sequence value="[positiveInt]"/><!-- 1..1 Number to covey order of careTeam --> <provider><!-- 1..1 Reference(Practitioner|Organization) Provider individual or organization --></provider> <responsible value="[boolean]"/><!-- 0..1 Billing provider --> <role><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Role on the team --></role> <qualification><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Type, classification or Specialization --></qualification> </careTeam> <information> <!-- 0..* Exceptions, special considerations, the condition, situation, prior or concurrent issues --> <category><!-- 1..1 CodeableConcept Category of information --></category> <code><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Type of information --></code> <timing[x]><!-- 0..1 date|Period When it occurred --></timing[x]> <value[x]><!-- 0..1 string|Quantity|Attachment|Reference(Any) Additional Data or supporting information --></value[x]> <reason><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Reason associated with the information --></reason> </information> <diagnosis> <!-- 0..* Diagnosis --> <sequence value="[positiveInt]"/><!-- 1..1 Number to covey order of diagnosis --> <diagnosis[x]><!-- 1..1 CodeableConcept|Reference(Condition) Patient's diagnosis --></diagnosis[x]> <type><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Type of Diagnosis --></type> <packageCode><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Package billing code --></packageCode> </diagnosis> <procedure> <!-- 0..* Procedures performed --> <sequence value="[positiveInt]"/><!-- 1..1 Procedure sequence for reference --> <date value="[dateTime]"/><!-- 0..1 When the procedure was performed --> <procedure[x]><!-- 1..1 CodeableConcept|Reference(Procedure) Patient's list of procedures performed --></procedure[x]> </procedure> <insurance> <!-- 0..* Insurance or medical plan --> <sequence value="[positiveInt]"/><!-- 1..1 Service instance identifier --> <focal value="[boolean]"/><!-- 1..1 Is the focal Coverage --> <coverage><!-- 1..1 Reference(Coverage) Insurance information --></coverage> <businessArrangement value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 Business agreement --> <preAuthRef value="[string]"/><!-- 0..* Pre-Authorization/Determination Reference --> <claimResponse><!-- 0..1 Reference(ClaimResponse) Adjudication results --></claimResponse> </insurance> <accident> <!-- 0..1 Details about an accident --> <date value="[date]"/><!-- 1..1 When the accident occurred see information codes see information codes --> <type><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept The nature of the accident --></type> <location[x]><!-- 0..1 Address|Reference(Location) Accident Place --></location[x]> </accident> <employmentImpacted><!-- 0..1 Period Period unable to work --></employmentImpacted> <hospitalization><!-- 0..1 Period Period in hospital --></hospitalization> <item> <!-- 0..* Goods and Services --> <sequence value="[positiveInt]"/><!-- 1..1 Service instance --> <careTeamLinkId value="[positiveInt]"/><!-- 0..* Applicable careTeam members --> <diagnosisLinkId value="[positiveInt]"/><!-- 0..* Applicable diagnoses --> <procedureLinkId value="[positiveInt]"/><!-- 0..* Applicable procedures --> <informationLinkId value="[positiveInt]"/><!-- 0..* Applicable exception and supporting information --> <revenue><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Revenue or cost center code --></revenue> <category><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Type of service or product --></category> <service><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Billing Code --></service> <modifier><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Service/Product billing modifiers --></modifier> <programCode><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Program specific reason for item inclusion --></programCode> <serviced[x]><!-- 0..1 date|Period Date or dates of Service --></serviced[x]> <location[x]><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept|Address|Reference(Location) Place of service --></location[x]> <quantity><!-- 0..1 Quantity(SimpleQuantity) Count of Products or Services --></quantity> <unitPrice><!-- 0..1 Money Fee, charge or cost per point --></unitPrice> <factor value="[decimal]"/><!-- 0..1 Price scaling factor --> <net><!-- 0..1 Money Total item cost --></net> <udi><!-- 0..* Reference(Device) Unique Device Identifier --></udi> <bodySite><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Service Location --></bodySite> <subSite><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Service Sub-location --></subSite> <detail> <!-- 0..* Additional items --> <sequence value="[positiveInt]"/><!-- 1..1 Service instance --> <revenue><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Revenue or cost center code --></revenue> <category><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Type of service or product --></category> <service><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Billing Code --></service> <modifier><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Service/Product billing modifiers --></modifier> <programCode><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Program specific reason for item inclusion --></programCode> <quantity><!-- 0..1 Quantity(SimpleQuantity) Count of Products or Services --></quantity> <unitPrice><!-- 0..1 Money Fee, charge or cost per point --></unitPrice> <factor value="[decimal]"/><!-- 0..1 Price scaling factor --> <net><!-- 0..1 Money Total additional item cost --></net> <udi><!-- 0..* Reference(Device) Unique Device Identifier --></udi> <subDetail> <!-- 0..* Additional items --> <sequence value="[positiveInt]"/><!-- 1..1 Service instance --> <revenue><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Revenue or cost center code --></revenue> <category><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Type of service or product --></category> <service><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Billing Code --></service> <modifier><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Service/Product billing modifiers --></modifier> <programCode><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Program specific reason for item inclusion --></programCode> <quantity><!-- 0..1 Quantity(SimpleQuantity) Count of Products or Services --></quantity> <unitPrice><!-- 0..1 Money Fee, charge or cost per point --></unitPrice> <factor value="[decimal]"/><!-- 0..1 Price scaling factor --> <net><!-- 0..1 Money Net additional item cost --></net> <udi><!-- 0..* Reference(Device) Unique Device Identifier --></udi> </subDetail> </detail> <prosthesis> <!-- 0..1 Prosthetic details --> <initial value="[boolean]"/><!-- 0..1 Is this the initial service --> <priorDate value="[date]"/><!-- 0..1 Initial service Date --> <priorMaterial><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Prosthetic Material --></priorMaterial> </prosthesis> </item> <total><!-- 0..1 Money Total claim cost --></total> </Claim>
JSON Template
{ "resourceType" : "Claim", // from Resource: id, meta, implicitRules, and language // from DomainResource: text, contained, extension, and modifierExtension "identifier" : [{ Identifier }], // Claim number "status" : "<code>", // active | cancelled | draft | entered-in-error "type" : { CodeableConcept }, // Type or discipline "subType" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // Finer grained claim type information "use" : "<code>", // complete | proposed | exploratory | other "patient" : { Reference(Patient) }, // The subject of the Products and Services "billablePeriod" : { Period }, // Period for charge submission "created" : "<dateTime>", // Creation date "enterer" : { Reference(Practitioner) }, // Author "insurer" : { Reference(Organization) }, // Target "provider" : { Reference(Practitioner) }, // Responsible provider "organization" : { Reference(Organization) }, // Responsible organization "priority" : { CodeableConcept }, // Desired processing priority "fundsReserve" : { CodeableConcept }, // Funds requested to be reserved "related" : [{ // Related Claims which may be revelant to processing this claimn "claim" : { Reference(Claim) }, // Reference to the related claim "relationship" : { CodeableConcept }, // How the reference claim is related "reference" : { Identifier } // Related file or case reference }], "prescription" : { Reference(MedicationRequest|VisionPrescription) }, // Prescription "originalPrescription" : { Reference(MedicationRequest) }, // Original Prescription "payee" : { // Party to be paid any benefits payable "type" : { CodeableConcept }, // R! Type of party: Subscriber, Provider, other "resourceType" : { Coding }, // organization | patient | practitioner | relatedperson "party" : { Reference(Practitioner|Organization|Patient|RelatedPerson) } // Party to receive the payable }, "referral" : { Reference(ReferralRequest) }, // Treatment Referral "facility" : { Reference(Location) }, // Servicing Facility "careTeam" : [{ // Members of the care team "sequence" : "<positiveInt>", // R! Number to covey order of careTeam "provider" : { Reference(Practitioner|Organization) }, // R! Provider individual or organization "responsible" : <boolean>, // Billing provider "role" : { CodeableConcept }, // Role on the team "qualification" : { CodeableConcept } // Type, classification or Specialization }], "information" : [{ // Exceptions, special considerations, the condition, situation, prior or concurrent issues "category" : { CodeableConcept }, // R! Category of information "code" : { CodeableConcept }, // Type of information // timing[x]: When it occurred. One of these 2: "timingDate" : "<date>", "timingPeriod" : { Period }, // value[x]: Additional Data or supporting information. One of these 4: "valueString" : "<string>", "valueQuantity" : { Quantity }, "valueAttachment" : { Attachment }, "valueReference" : { Reference(Any) }, "reason" : { CodeableConcept } // Reason associated with the information }], "diagnosis" : [{ // Diagnosis "sequence" : "<positiveInt>", // R! Number to covey order of diagnosis // diagnosis[x]: Patient's diagnosis. One of these 2: "diagnosisCodeableConcept" : { CodeableConcept }, "diagnosisReference" : { Reference(Condition) }, "type" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // Type of Diagnosis "packageCode" : { CodeableConcept } // Package billing code }], "procedure" : [{ // Procedures performed "sequence" : "<positiveInt>", // R! Procedure sequence for reference "date" : "<dateTime>", // When the procedure was performed // procedure[x]: Patient's list of procedures performed. One of these 2: "procedureCodeableConcept" : { CodeableConcept } "procedureReference" : { Reference(Procedure) } }], "insurance" : [{ // Insurance or medical plan "sequence" : "<positiveInt>", // R! Service instance identifier "focal" : <boolean>, // R! Is the focal Coverage "coverage" : { Reference(Coverage) }, // R! Insurance information "businessArrangement" : "<string>", // Business agreement "preAuthRef" : ["<string>"], // Pre-Authorization/Determination Reference "claimResponse" : { Reference(ClaimResponse) } // Adjudication results }], "accident" : { // Details about an accident "date" : "<date>", // R! When the accident occurred see information codes see information codes "type" : { CodeableConcept }, // The nature of the accident // location[x]: Accident Place. One of these 2: "locationAddress" : { Address } "locationReference" : { Reference(Location) } }, "employmentImpacted" : { Period }, // Period unable to work "hospitalization" : { Period }, // Period in hospital "item" : [{ // Goods and Services "sequence" : "<positiveInt>", // R! Service instance "careTeamLinkId" : ["<positiveInt>"], // Applicable careTeam members "diagnosisLinkId" : ["<positiveInt>"], // Applicable diagnoses "procedureLinkId" : ["<positiveInt>"], // Applicable procedures "informationLinkId" : ["<positiveInt>"], // Applicable exception and supporting information "revenue" : { CodeableConcept }, // Revenue or cost center code "category" : { CodeableConcept }, // Type of service or product "service" : { CodeableConcept }, // Billing Code "modifier" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // Service/Product billing modifiers "programCode" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // Program specific reason for item inclusion // serviced[x]: Date or dates of Service. One of these 2: "servicedDate" : "<date>", "servicedPeriod" : { Period }, // location[x]: Place of service. One of these 3: "locationCodeableConcept" : { CodeableConcept }, "locationAddress" : { Address }, "locationReference" : { Reference(Location) }, "quantity" : { Quantity(SimpleQuantity) }, // Count of Products or Services "unitPrice" : { Money }, // Fee, charge or cost per point "factor" : <decimal>, // Price scaling factor "net" : { Money }, // Total item cost "udi" : [{ Reference(Device) }], // Unique Device Identifier "bodySite" : { CodeableConcept }, // Service Location "subSite" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // Service Sub-location "detail" : [{ // Additional items "sequence" : "<positiveInt>", // R! Service instance "revenue" : { CodeableConcept }, // Revenue or cost center code "category" : { CodeableConcept }, // Type of service or product "service" : { CodeableConcept }, // Billing Code "modifier" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // Service/Product billing modifiers "programCode" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // Program specific reason for item inclusion "quantity" : { Quantity(SimpleQuantity) }, // Count of Products or Services "unitPrice" : { Money }, // Fee, charge or cost per point "factor" : <decimal>, // Price scaling factor "net" : { Money }, // Total additional item cost "udi" : [{ Reference(Device) }], // Unique Device Identifier "subDetail" : [{ // Additional items "sequence" : "<positiveInt>", // R! Service instance "revenue" : { CodeableConcept }, // Revenue or cost center code "category" : { CodeableConcept }, // Type of service or product "service" : { CodeableConcept }, // Billing Code "modifier" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // Service/Product billing modifiers "programCode" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // Program specific reason for item inclusion "quantity" : { Quantity(SimpleQuantity) }, // Count of Products or Services "unitPrice" : { Money }, // Fee, charge or cost per point "factor" : <decimal>, // Price scaling factor "net" : { Money }, // Net additional item cost "udi" : [{ Reference(Device) }] // Unique Device Identifier }] }], "prosthesis" : { // Prosthetic details "initial" : <boolean>, // Is this the initial service "priorDate" : "<date>", // Initial service Date "priorMaterial" : { CodeableConcept } // Prosthetic Material } }], "total" : { Money } // Total claim cost }
Turtle Template
@prefix fhir: <> . [ a fhir:Claim; fhir:nodeRole fhir:treeRoot; # if this is the parser root # from Resource: .id, .meta, .implicitRules, and .language # from DomainResource: .text, .contained, .extension, and .modifierExtension fhir:Claim.identifier [ Identifier ], ... ; # 0..* Claim number fhir:Claim.status [ code ]; # 0..1 active | cancelled | draft | entered-in-error fhir:Claim.type [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Type or discipline fhir:Claim.subType [ CodeableConcept ], ... ; # 0..* Finer grained claim type information fhir:Claim.use [ code ]; # 0..1 complete | proposed | exploratory | other fhir:Claim.patient [ Reference(Patient) ]; # 0..1 The subject of the Products and Services fhir:Claim.billablePeriod [ Period ]; # 0..1 Period for charge submission fhir:Claim.created [ dateTime ]; # 0..1 Creation date fhir:Claim.enterer [ Reference(Practitioner) ]; # 0..1 Author fhir:Claim.insurer [ Reference(Organization) ]; # 0..1 Target fhir:Claim.provider [ Reference(Practitioner) ]; # 0..1 Responsible provider fhir:Claim.organization [ Reference(Organization) ]; # 0..1 Responsible organization fhir:Claim.priority [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Desired processing priority fhir:Claim.fundsReserve [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Funds requested to be reserved fhir:Claim.related [ # 0..* Related Claims which may be revelant to processing this claimn fhir:Claim.related.claim [ Reference(Claim) ]; # 0..1 Reference to the related claim fhir:Claim.related.relationship [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 How the reference claim is related fhir:Claim.related.reference [ Identifier ]; # 0..1 Related file or case reference ], ...; fhir:Claim.prescription [ Reference(MedicationRequest|VisionPrescription) ]; # 0..1 Prescription fhir:Claim.originalPrescription [ Reference(MedicationRequest) ]; # 0..1 Original Prescription fhir:Claim.payee [ # 0..1 Party to be paid any benefits payable fhir:Claim.payee.type [ CodeableConcept ]; # 1..1 Type of party: Subscriber, Provider, other fhir:Claim.payee.resourceType [ Coding ]; # 0..1 organization | patient | practitioner | relatedperson [ Reference(Practitioner|Organization|Patient|RelatedPerson) ]; # 0..1 Party to receive the payable ]; fhir:Claim.referral [ Reference(ReferralRequest) ]; # 0..1 Treatment Referral fhir:Claim.facility [ Reference(Location) ]; # 0..1 Servicing Facility fhir:Claim.careTeam [ # 0..* Members of the care team fhir:Claim.careTeam.sequence [ positiveInt ]; # 1..1 Number to covey order of careTeam fhir:Claim.careTeam.provider [ Reference(Practitioner|Organization) ]; # 1..1 Provider individual or organization fhir:Claim.careTeam.responsible [ boolean ]; # 0..1 Billing provider fhir:Claim.careTeam.role [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Role on the team fhir:Claim.careTeam.qualification [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Type, classification or Specialization ], ...; fhir:Claim.information [ # 0..* Exceptions, special considerations, the condition, situation, prior or concurrent issues fhir:Claim.information.category [ CodeableConcept ]; # 1..1 Category of information fhir:Claim.information.code [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Type of information # Claim.information.timing[x] : 0..1 When it occurred. One of these 2 fhir:Claim.information.timingDate [ date ] fhir:Claim.information.timingPeriod [ Period ] # Claim.information.value[x] : 0..1 Additional Data or supporting information. One of these 4 fhir:Claim.information.valueString [ string ] fhir:Claim.information.valueQuantity [ Quantity ] fhir:Claim.information.valueAttachment [ Attachment ] fhir:Claim.information.valueReference [ Reference(Any) ] fhir:Claim.information.reason [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Reason associated with the information ], ...; fhir:Claim.diagnosis [ # 0..* Diagnosis fhir:Claim.diagnosis.sequence [ positiveInt ]; # 1..1 Number to covey order of diagnosis # Claim.diagnosis.diagnosis[x] : 1..1 Patient's diagnosis. One of these 2 fhir:Claim.diagnosis.diagnosisCodeableConcept [ CodeableConcept ] fhir:Claim.diagnosis.diagnosisReference [ Reference(Condition) ] fhir:Claim.diagnosis.type [ CodeableConcept ], ... ; # 0..* Type of Diagnosis fhir:Claim.diagnosis.packageCode [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Package billing code ], ...; fhir:Claim.procedure [ # 0..* Procedures performed fhir:Claim.procedure.sequence [ positiveInt ]; # 1..1 Procedure sequence for reference [ dateTime ]; # 0..1 When the procedure was performed # Claim.procedure.procedure[x] : 1..1 Patient's list of procedures performed. One of these 2 fhir:Claim.procedure.procedureCodeableConcept [ CodeableConcept ] fhir:Claim.procedure.procedureReference [ Reference(Procedure) ] ], ...; [ # 0..* Insurance or medical plan [ positiveInt ]; # 1..1 Service instance identifier [ boolean ]; # 1..1 Is the focal Coverage [ Reference(Coverage) ]; # 1..1 Insurance information [ string ]; # 0..1 Business agreement [ string ], ... ; # 0..* Pre-Authorization/Determination Reference [ Reference(ClaimResponse) ]; # 0..1 Adjudication results ], ...; fhir:Claim.accident [ # 0..1 Details about an accident [ date ]; # 1..1 When the accident occurred see information codes see information codes fhir:Claim.accident.type [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 The nature of the accident # Claim.accident.location[x] : 0..1 Accident Place. One of these 2 fhir:Claim.accident.locationAddress [ Address ] fhir:Claim.accident.locationReference [ Reference(Location) ] ]; fhir:Claim.employmentImpacted [ Period ]; # 0..1 Period unable to work fhir:Claim.hospitalization [ Period ]; # 0..1 Period in hospital fhir:Claim.item [ # 0..* Goods and Services fhir:Claim.item.sequence [ positiveInt ]; # 1..1 Service instance fhir:Claim.item.careTeamLinkId [ positiveInt ], ... ; # 0..* Applicable careTeam members fhir:Claim.item.diagnosisLinkId [ positiveInt ], ... ; # 0..* Applicable diagnoses fhir:Claim.item.procedureLinkId [ positiveInt ], ... ; # 0..* Applicable procedures fhir:Claim.item.informationLinkId [ positiveInt ], ... ; # 0..* Applicable exception and supporting information fhir:Claim.item.revenue [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Revenue or cost center code fhir:Claim.item.category [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Type of service or product fhir:Claim.item.service [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Billing Code fhir:Claim.item.modifier [ CodeableConcept ], ... ; # 0..* Service/Product billing modifiers fhir:Claim.item.programCode [ CodeableConcept ], ... ; # 0..* Program specific reason for item inclusion # Claim.item.serviced[x] : 0..1 Date or dates of Service. One of these 2 fhir:Claim.item.servicedDate [ date ] fhir:Claim.item.servicedPeriod [ Period ] # Claim.item.location[x] : 0..1 Place of service. One of these 3 fhir:Claim.item.locationCodeableConcept [ CodeableConcept ] fhir:Claim.item.locationAddress [ Address ] fhir:Claim.item.locationReference [ Reference(Location) ] fhir:Claim.item.quantity [ Quantity(SimpleQuantity) ]; # 0..1 Count of Products or Services fhir:Claim.item.unitPrice [ Money ]; # 0..1 Fee, charge or cost per point fhir:Claim.item.factor [ decimal ]; # 0..1 Price scaling factor [ Money ]; # 0..1 Total item cost fhir:Claim.item.udi [ Reference(Device) ], ... ; # 0..* Unique Device Identifier fhir:Claim.item.bodySite [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Service Location fhir:Claim.item.subSite [ CodeableConcept ], ... ; # 0..* Service Sub-location fhir:Claim.item.detail [ # 0..* Additional items fhir:Claim.item.detail.sequence [ positiveInt ]; # 1..1 Service instance fhir:Claim.item.detail.revenue [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Revenue or cost center code fhir:Claim.item.detail.category [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Type of service or product fhir:Claim.item.detail.service [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Billing Code fhir:Claim.item.detail.modifier [ CodeableConcept ], ... ; # 0..* Service/Product billing modifiers fhir:Claim.item.detail.programCode [ CodeableConcept ], ... ; # 0..* Program specific reason for item inclusion fhir:Claim.item.detail.quantity [ Quantity(SimpleQuantity) ]; # 0..1 Count of Products or Services fhir:Claim.item.detail.unitPrice [ Money ]; # 0..1 Fee, charge or cost per point fhir:Claim.item.detail.factor [ decimal ]; # 0..1 Price scaling factor [ Money ]; # 0..1 Total additional item cost fhir:Claim.item.detail.udi [ Reference(Device) ], ... ; # 0..* Unique Device Identifier fhir:Claim.item.detail.subDetail [ # 0..* Additional items fhir:Claim.item.detail.subDetail.sequence [ positiveInt ]; # 1..1 Service instance fhir:Claim.item.detail.subDetail.revenue [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Revenue or cost center code fhir:Claim.item.detail.subDetail.category [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Type of service or product fhir:Claim.item.detail.subDetail.service [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Billing Code fhir:Claim.item.detail.subDetail.modifier [ CodeableConcept ], ... ; # 0..* Service/Product billing modifiers fhir:Claim.item.detail.subDetail.programCode [ CodeableConcept ], ... ; # 0..* Program specific reason for item inclusion fhir:Claim.item.detail.subDetail.quantity [ Quantity(SimpleQuantity) ]; # 0..1 Count of Products or Services fhir:Claim.item.detail.subDetail.unitPrice [ Money ]; # 0..1 Fee, charge or cost per point fhir:Claim.item.detail.subDetail.factor [ decimal ]; # 0..1 Price scaling factor [ Money ]; # 0..1 Net additional item cost fhir:Claim.item.detail.subDetail.udi [ Reference(Device) ], ... ; # 0..* Unique Device Identifier ], ...; ], ...; fhir:Claim.item.prosthesis [ # 0..1 Prosthetic details fhir:Claim.item.prosthesis.initial [ boolean ]; # 0..1 Is this the initial service fhir:Claim.item.prosthesis.priorDate [ date ]; # 0..1 Initial service Date fhir:Claim.item.prosthesis.priorMaterial [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Prosthetic Material ]; ], ...; [ Money ]; # 0..1 Total claim cost ]
Changes since DSTU2
Claim | |
Claim.status | added Element |
Claim.type |
Min Cardinality changed from 1 to 0 Type changed from code to CodeableConcept Change value set from to |
Claim.subType | added Element |
Claim.use | Change value set from to |
Claim.patient | Min Cardinality changed from 1 to 0 |
Claim.billablePeriod | added Element |
Claim.insurer | added Element |
Claim.priority | Type changed from Coding to CodeableConcept |
Claim.fundsReserve | Type changed from Coding to CodeableConcept |
Claim.related | added Element |
Claim.related.claim | added Element |
Claim.related.relationship | added Element |
Claim.related.reference | added Element |
Claim.prescription | Remove Reference(MedicationOrder), Add Reference(MedicationRequest) |
Claim.originalPrescription | Type changed from Reference(MedicationOrder) to Reference(MedicationRequest) |
Claim.payee.type |
Min Cardinality changed from 0 to 1 Type changed from Coding to CodeableConcept |
Claim.payee.resourceType | added Element | | added Element |
Claim.careTeam | added Element |
Claim.careTeam.sequence | added Element |
Claim.careTeam.provider | added Element |
Claim.careTeam.responsible | added Element |
Claim.careTeam.role | added Element |
Claim.careTeam.qualification | added Element |
Claim.information | added Element |
Claim.information.category | added Element |
Claim.information.code | added Element |
Claim.information.timing[x] | added Element |
Claim.information.value[x] | added Element |
Claim.information.reason | added Element |
Claim.diagnosis.diagnosis[x] |
Renamed from diagnosis to diagnosis[x] Remove Coding, Add CodeableConcept, Add Reference(Condition) |
Claim.diagnosis.type | added Element |
Claim.diagnosis.packageCode | added Element |
Claim.procedure | added Element |
Claim.procedure.sequence | added Element | | added Element |
Claim.procedure.procedure[x] | added Element | | added Element | | added Element | | added Element | | added Element | | added Element | | added Element | | added Element |
Claim.accident | Type changed from date to BackboneElement | | added Element |
Claim.accident.type | added Element |
Claim.accident.location[x] | added Element |
Claim.employmentImpacted | added Element |
Claim.hospitalization | added Element |
Claim.item.careTeamLinkId | added Element |
Claim.item.procedureLinkId | added Element |
Claim.item.informationLinkId | added Element |
Claim.item.revenue | added Element |
Claim.item.category | added Element |
Claim.item.service |
Min Cardinality changed from 1 to 0 Type changed from Coding to CodeableConcept |
Claim.item.modifier | Type changed from Coding to CodeableConcept |
Claim.item.programCode | added Element |
Claim.item.serviced[x] | added Element |
Claim.item.location[x] | added Element |
Claim.item.unitPrice | Type changed from Quantity{} to Money | | Type changed from Quantity{} to Money |
Claim.item.udi |
Max Cardinality changed from 1 to * Type changed from Coding to Reference(Device) |
Claim.item.bodySite | Type changed from Coding to CodeableConcept |
Claim.item.subSite | Type changed from Coding to CodeableConcept |
Claim.item.detail.revenue | added Element |
Claim.item.detail.category | added Element |
Claim.item.detail.service |
Min Cardinality changed from 1 to 0 Type changed from Coding to CodeableConcept |
Claim.item.detail.modifier | added Element |
Claim.item.detail.programCode | added Element |
Claim.item.detail.unitPrice | Type changed from Quantity{} to Money | | Type changed from Quantity{} to Money |
Claim.item.detail.udi |
Max Cardinality changed from 1 to * Type changed from Coding to Reference(Device) |
Claim.item.detail.subDetail.revenue | added Element |
Claim.item.detail.subDetail.category | added Element |
Claim.item.detail.subDetail.service |
Min Cardinality changed from 1 to 0 Type changed from Coding to CodeableConcept |
Claim.item.detail.subDetail.modifier | added Element |
Claim.item.detail.subDetail.programCode | added Element |
Claim.item.detail.subDetail.unitPrice | Type changed from Quantity{} to Money | | Type changed from Quantity{} to Money |
Claim.item.detail.subDetail.udi |
Max Cardinality changed from 1 to * Type changed from Coding to Reference(Device) |
Claim.item.prosthesis.priorMaterial | Type changed from Coding to CodeableConcept | | added Element |
Claim.ruleset | deleted |
Claim.originalRuleset | deleted | | deleted |
Claim.payee.provider | deleted |
Claim.payee.organization | deleted |
Claim.payee.person | deleted |
Claim.condition | deleted |
Claim.coverage | deleted |
Claim.exception | deleted | | deleted |
Claim.accidentType | deleted |
Claim.interventionException | deleted |
Claim.item.type | deleted |
Claim.item.provider | deleted |
Claim.item.serviceDate | deleted |
Claim.item.points | deleted |
Claim.item.detail.type | deleted |
Claim.item.detail.points | deleted |
Claim.item.detail.subDetail.type | deleted |
Claim.item.detail.subDetail.points | deleted |
Claim.additionalMaterials | deleted |
Claim.missingTeeth | deleted |
See the Full Difference for further information
Alternate definitions: Master Definition (XML, JSON), XML Schema/Schematron (for ) + JSON Schema, ShEx (for Turtle), JSON-LD (for RDF as JSON-LD),
Path | Definition | Type | Reference |
Claim.status | A code specifying the state of the resource instance. | Required | Financial Resource Status Codes |
Claim.type | The type or discipline-style of the claim | Required | Example Claim Type Codes |
Claim.subType | A more granular claim typecode | Example | Example Claim SubType Codes |
Claim.use | Complete, proposed, exploratory, other | Required | Use |
Claim.priority | The timeliness with which processing is required: STAT, normal, Deferred | Example | Priority Codes |
Claim.fundsReserve | For whom funds are to be reserved: (Patient, Provider, None). | Example | Funds Reservation Codes |
Claim.related.relationship | Relationship of this claim to a related Claim | Example | Example Related Claim Relationship Codes |
Claim.payee.type | A code for the party to be reimbursed. | Example | Payee Type Codes |
Claim.payee.resourceType | The type of payee Resource | Example | PayeeResourceType |
Claim.careTeam.role | The role codes for the care team members. | Example | Claim Care Team Role Codes |
Claim.careTeam.qualification | Provider professional qualifications | Example | Example Provider Qualification Codes |
Claim.information.category | The valuset used for additional information category codes. | Example | Claim Information Category Codes |
Claim.information.code | The valuset used for additional information codes. | Example | Exception Codes |
Claim.information.reason | Reason codes for the missing teeth | Example | Missing Tooth Reason Codes |
Claim.diagnosis.diagnosis[x] | ICD10 Diagnostic codes | Example | ICD-10 Codes |
Claim.diagnosis.type | The type of the diagnosis: admitting, principal, discharge | Example | Example Diagnosis Type Codes |
Claim.diagnosis.packageCode | The DRG codes associated with the diagnosis | Example | Example Diagnosis Related Group Codes |
Claim.procedure.procedure[x] | ICD10 Procedure codes | Example | ICD-10 Procedure Codes |
Claim.accident.type | Type of accident: work place, auto, etc. | Required | ActIncidentCode |
Claim.item.revenue Claim.item.detail.revenue Claim.item.detail.subDetail.revenue | Codes for the revenue or cost centers supplying the service and/or products. | Example | Example Revenue Center Codes |
Claim.item.category Claim.item.detail.category Claim.item.detail.subDetail.category | Benefit subcategories such as: oral-basic, major, glasses | Example | Benefit SubCategory Codes |
Claim.item.service Claim.item.detail.service Claim.item.detail.subDetail.service | Allowable service and product codes | Example | USCLS Codes |
Claim.item.modifier Claim.item.detail.modifier Claim.item.detail.subDetail.modifier | Item type or modifiers codes, eg for Oral whether the treatment is cosmetic or associated with TMJ, or an appliance was lost or stolen. | Example | Modifier type Codes |
Claim.item.programCode Claim.item.detail.programCode Claim.item.detail.subDetail.programCode | Program specific reason codes | Example | Example Program Reason Codes |
Claim.item.location[x] | Place of service: pharmcy,school, prison, etc. | Example | Example Service Place Codes |
Claim.item.bodySite | The code for the teeth, quadrant, sextant and arch | Example | Oral Site Codes |
Claim.item.subSite | The code for the tooth surface and surface combinations | Example | Surface Codes |
Claim.item.prosthesis.priorMaterial | Material of the prior denture or bridge prosthesis. (Oral) | Example | Oral Prostho Material type Codes |
Search parameters for this resource. The common parameters also apply. See Searching for more information about searching in REST, messaging, and services.
Name | Type | Description | Paths | In Common |
created | date | The creation date for the Claim | Claim.created | |
facility | reference | Facility responsible for the goods and services | Claim.facility (Location) | |
identifier | token | The primary identifier of the financial resource | Claim.identifier | |
insurer | reference | The target payor/insurer for the Claim | Claim.insurer (Organization) | |
organization | reference | The reference to the providing organization | Claim.organization (Organization) | |
patient | reference | Patient receiving the services | Claim.patient (Patient) | |
priority | token | Processing priority requested | Claim.priority | |
provider | reference | Provider responsible for the Claim | Claim.provider (Practitioner) | |
use | token | The kind of financial resource | Claim.use |