Extensions: | |
codesystem-deprecated | Whether the concept has been deprecated : Set to true of the concept has been deprecated (still can be used, but soon to be withdrawn). |
codesystem-comments | Comment about the use of this code in this context : A comment that explains how this code is used in this context (where the value set is expected to be used). |
codesystem-subsumes | Codes that this concept subsumes that have already been declared elsewhere : Refers to another code defined within the code system that is also subsumed by this code. I.e. This concept subsumes the referenced concept. Because meaning is inferred from hierarchy as well as definition, the presence of this extension modifies the meaning of the extended concept. |
codesystem-otherName | Alternative names : Human readable names for the codesystem. |
codesystem-sourceReference | Where did this content come from : This text is intended to act as a citation to work done elsewhere that is not part of the current stewarding process where the referenced source is in some way a basis of the current value set definition. |
codesystem-keyWord | Descriptors and key terms for search : Word or words used in an information retrieval system to indicate the content of the value set. |
codesystem-usage | Who has used and how? : Consumers of the value set and the implementations, projects or standards that the author has utilized the value set in. |
codesystem-workflowStatus | Indicates the state of development of the value set : Workflow Status is used to represent details of the value set development process while the value set has an Activity Status of Preliminary. The development of a value set often follows a formal workflow process from initiation to completion, and this element carries the state variable for this state machine. The assumption is that when first created a value set would have a workflow state of Draft. Additional workflow states may be used. |
codesystem-effectiveDate | When the value set version becomes Active and is available for use : This is the first date-time when the value set version becomes active, so this value is present on Inactive value set versions as well. The start Date_time is expected to be as of 0001 UTC of the Effective Date. |
codesystem-expirationDate | When the value set version should no longer be used : The date when the value set version is no longer expected to be used to create new content. This is the first date-time when the value set version becomes Inactive, so this value MUST present on all Inactive value set versions. The start Date_time is expected to be as of 0001 UTC of the Expiration Date. |
codesystem-author | User or Org actually involved in creating the value set content : User or Org actually involved in creating the value set content. |
codesystem-comment | Human-specified notes and other documentation : Each comment is a time-stamped entry of arbitrary length that is not editable except by anyone in the author group. |
codesystem-trusted-expansion | Reference to a trusted expansion : Indicates an authoritative source for performing value set expansions. |
codesystem-history | What has happened over time : Information on changes made to the Value Set Definition over time, and also has a contained audit trail of all such changes. |
codesystem-label | E.g. "(a)", "1.", etc. : The label to list in front of a code when presenting a list of possible values in a questionnaire-like fashion. |
codesystem-ordinalValue | Comparison value for ordinal codes : A numeric value that allows the comparison (less than, greater than) or other numerical manipulation of a concept (e.g. Adding up components of a score). |
codesystem-conceptOrder | Appearance order for user selection : Identifies the relative order in which concepts within the value set should be presented to a user. |
codesystem-reference | Url of Value set the code was chosen from : A logical reference (e.g. a reference to CodeSystem.url) that identifies the value set/version that identifies the set of possible coded values this coding was chosen from or constrained by. |
codesystem-map | A concept map relevant to interpret this value set : A reference to a concept map that is relevant for the interpretation of this value set. |
codesystem-replacedby | A code that replaces this : A code that replaces this - use this code instead. |
codesystem-warning | Extra warning about the correct use of the value set : An extra warning about the correct use of the value set. |
Search parameters defined by this package. See Searching for more information about searching in REST, messaging, and services.
Name | Type | Description | Paths | Source |
author | string | Optional Extensions Element | f:CodeSystem/f:extension[@url='http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/codesystem-author'] | /f:#author | XML / JSON |
effective | date | Optional Extensions Element | f:CodeSystem/f:extension[@url='http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/codesystem-effectiveDate'] | /f:#effectiveDate | XML / JSON |
end | date | Optional Extensions Element | f:CodeSystem/f:extension[@url='http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/codesystem-expirationDate'] | /f:#expirationDate | XML / JSON |
keyword | string | Optional Extensions Element | f:CodeSystem/f:extension[@url='http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/codesystem-keyWord'] | /f:#keyWord | XML / JSON |
workflow | token | Optional Extensions Element | f:CodeSystem/f:extension[@url='http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/codesystem-workflowStatus'] | /f:#workflowStatus | XML / JSON |