Current Build

6.4 Resource Consent - Content

Community Based Collaborative Care Work GroupMaturity Level: 0Compartments: Patient

A record of a healthcare consumer’s policy choices, which permits or denies identified recipient(s) or recipient role(s) to perform one or more actions within a given policy context, for specific purposes and periods of time.


ConsentThe record of a healthcare consumer’s policy choices, which permits or denies identified recipient(s) or recipient role(s) to perform one or more actions within a given policy context, for specific purposes and periods of time
Consent DirectiveThe legal record of a healthcare consumer's agreement with a party responsible for enforcing the consumer’s choices, which permits or denies identified actors or roles to perform actions affecting the consumer within a given context for specific purposes and periods of time
Policy contextAny organizational or jurisdictional policies, which may limit the consumer’s policy choices, and which includes the named range of actions allowed
Healthcare ConsumerThe individual establishing his/her personal consent (i.e. Consenter). In FHIR, this is referred to as the 'Patient' though this word is not used across all contexts of care

The purpose of this Resource is to be used to express a Consent regarding Healthcare. There are 3 possible uses for consent:

  • Privacy Consent: consent to share information
  • Treatment Consent: consent to undergo a specific treatment (or record of refusal to consent)
  • Research Consent: privacy and medical consent to participate in clinical trial, translational medicine, or to permit collection, use, or disclosure of health information and specimen to registries or directly to research projects for use in e.g., biomedical research and population origins or ancestry research
  • Advance Care Directives (e.g. DNR)

This resource is scoped to cover all 3 uses, but at this time, only the privacy use case is investigated, and the scope of the resource may change when the other possible scopes are investigated and tested.

Privacy policies define how Individually Identifiable Health Information (IIHI) is to be collected, accessed, used and disclosed. A Privacy Consent Directive as a legal record of a patient's (e.g. a healthcare consumer) agreement with a party responsible for enforcing the patient's choices, which permits or denies identified actors or roles to perform actions affecting the patient within a given context for specific purposes and periods of time. All consent directives have a policy context, which is any set of organizational or jurisdictional policies which may limit the consumer’s policy choices, and which include a named range of actions allowed. In addition, Privacy Consent Directives provide the ability for a healthcare client to delegate authority to a Substitute Decision Maker who may act on behalf of that individual. Alternatively, a client may author/publish their privacy preferences as a self-declared Privacy Consent Directive.

The Consent resource on FHIR provides support for alternative representations for expressing health information privacy consent directives in a standard form for the exchange of privacy policies that can be enforced by consuming systems (e.g., scanned documents, computable structured entries). It may be used to represent the Privacy Consent Directive itself, or a derived consent statement that is not the original Consent Directive.

Consent management - particularly privacy consent - is complicated by the fact that consent to share is often itself necessary to protect. The need to protect the privacy of the privacy statement itself competes with the execution of the consent statement. For this reason, it is common to deal with 'consent statements' that are only partial representations of the full consent statement that the patient provided.

For this reason, the consent resource contains two elements that refer back to the source: a master identifier, and a direct reference to content from which this Consent Statement was derived. That reference can be one of several things:

The consent statements represent a chain that refers back to the original source consent agreement. Applications may be able to follow the chain back to the source, but should not generally assume that they are authoriszd to do this.

Consent statements are often signed - either on paper, or digitally. Consent Signatures will be found in the Provenance resource (example consent and signature). Implementation Guides will generally make rules about what signatures are required, and how they are to be shared and used.

The Consent resource is structured with a base policy which is either opt-in or opt-out, followed by a listing of exceptions to that policy. The exceptions can be additional positive or negative exceptions upon the base policy. The set of exceptions include a list of data objects, list of authors, list of recipients, list of Organizations, list of purposeOfUse, and Date Range.

The enforcement of the Privacy Consent Directive is not included, but is expected that enforcement can be done using a mix of the various Access Control enforcement methodologies (e.g. OAuth, UMA, XACML). This enforcement includes the details of the enforcement meaning of the elements of the Privacy Consent Directive, such as the rules in place when there is an opt-in consent would be specific about which organizational roles have access to what kinds of resources (e.g. RBAC, ABAC). The specification of these details are not in scope for the Consent resource.

This resource is referenced by researchsubject


NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Consent DomainResourceA healthcare consumer’s policy choices to permits or denies recipients or roles to perform actions for specific purposes and periods of time
... identifier Σ0..1IdentifierIdentifier for this record (external references)
... status ?!Σ1..1codedraft | proposed | active | rejected | inactive | entered-in-error
ConsentStatus (Required)
... category Σ0..*CodeableConceptClassification of the consent statement - for indexing/retrieval
Consent Category Codes (Example)
... dateTime Σ0..1dateTimeWhen this Consent was created or indexed
... period Σ0..1PeriodPeriod that this consent applies
... patient Σ1..1Reference(Patient)Who the consent applies to
... consentor Σ0..*Reference(Organization | Patient | Practitioner | RelatedPerson)Who is agreeing to the policy and exceptions
... organization Σ0..1Reference(Organization)Organization that manages the consent
... source[x] Σ0..1Source from which this consent is taken
.... sourceAttachmentAttachment
.... sourceIdentifierIdentifier
.... sourceReferenceReference(Consent | DocumentReference | Contract | QuestionnaireResponse)
... policy Σ1..1uriPolicy that this consents to
... recipient Σ0..*Reference(Device | Group | Organization | Patient | Practitioner | RelatedPerson | CareTeam)Whose access is controlled by the policy
... purpose Σ0..*CodingContext of activities for which the agreement is made
PurposeOfUse (Extensible)
... except Σ0..*BackboneElementAdditional rule - addition or removal of permissions
.... type Σ1..1codedeny | permit
ConsentExceptType (Required)
.... period Σ0..1PeriodTimeframe for data controlled by this exception
.... actor Σ0..*BackboneElementWho|what controlled by this exception (or group, by role)
..... role 1..1CodeableConceptHow the actor is/was involved
Consent Actor Roles (Extensible)
..... reference 1..1Reference(Device | Group | CareTeam | Organization | Patient | Practitioner | RelatedPerson)Resource for the actor (or group, by role)
.... action Σ0..*CodeableConceptActions controlled by this exception
Consent Action Codes (Example)
.... securityLabel Σ0..*CodingSecurity Labels that define affected resources
All Security Labels (Extensible)
.... purpose Σ0..*CodingContext of activities covered by this exception
PurposeOfUse (Extensible)
.... class Σ0..*Codinge.g. Resource Type, Profile, or CDA etc
Consent Content Class (Extensible)
.... code Σ0..*Codinge.g. LOINC or SNOMED CT code, etc in the content
Consent Content Codes (Example)
.... data Σ0..*BackboneElementData controlled by this exception
..... meaning Σ1..1codeinstance | related | dependents
ConsentDataMeaning (Required)
..... reference Σ1..1Reference(Any)The actual data reference

doco Documentation for this format

UML Diagram (Legend)

Consent (DomainResource)Unique identifier for this copy of the Consent Statementidentifier : Identifier [0..1]Indicates the current state of this consent (this element modifies the meaning of other elements)status : code [1..1] « Indicates the status of the consent (Strength=Required)ConsentStatus! »A classification of the type of consents found in the statement. This element supports indexing and retrieval of consent statementscategory : CodeableConcept [0..*] « A classification of the type of consents found in a consent statement (Strength=Example)Consent Category ?? »When this Consent was issued / created / indexeddateTime : dateTime [0..1]Relevant time or time-period when this Consent is applicableperiod : Period [0..1]The patient/healthcare consumer to whom this consent appliespatient : Reference [1..1] « Patient »The patient/consumer that is responsible for agreeing to the consent represented by this resource. This is the person (usually) that agreed to the policy, along with the exceptions, e.g. the persion who takes responsibility for the agreement. In the signature this corresponds to the role "Consent Signature"consentor : Reference [0..*] « Organization|Patient|Practitioner| RelatedPerson »The organization that manages the consent, and the framework within which it is executedorganization : Reference [0..1] « Organization »The source on which this consent statement is based. The source might be a scanned original paper form, or a reference to a consent that links back to such a source, a reference to a document repository (e.g. XDS) that stores the original consent documentsource[x] : Type [0..1] « Attachment|Identifier|Reference(Consent| DocumentReference|Contract|QuestionnaireResponse) »A reference to the policy that this consents to. Policies may be organizational, but are often defined jurisdictionally, or in lawpolicy : uri [1..1]Actor whose access is controlled by this consent under the terms of the policy and exceptionsrecipient : Reference [0..*] « Device|Group|Organization|Patient| Practitioner|RelatedPerson|CareTeam »The context of the activities a user is taking - why the user is accessing the data - that are controlled by this consentpurpose : Coding [0..*] « What purposes of use are controlled by this exception. If more than one label is specified, operations must have all the specified labels (Strength=Extensible)PurposeOfUse+ »ExceptAction to take - permit or deny - when the exception conditions are mettype : code [1..1] « How an exception is statement is applied, as adding additional consent, or removing consent (Strength=Required)ConsentExceptType! »The timeframe in which data is controlled by this exceptionperiod : Period [0..1]Actions controlled by this Exceptionaction : CodeableConcept [0..*] « Detailed codes for the consent action. (Strength=Example)Consent Action ?? »A set of security labels that define which resources are controlled by this exception. If more than one label is specified, all resources must have all the specified labelssecurityLabel : Coding [0..*] « Security Labels from the Healthcare Privacy and Security Classification System. (Strength=Extensible)All Security Labels+ »The context of the activities a user is taking - why the user is accessing the data - that are controlled by this exceptionpurpose : Coding [0..*] « What purposes of use are controlled by this exception. If more than one label is specified, operations must have all the specified labels (Strength=Extensible)PurposeOfUse+ »The class of information covered by this exception. The type can be a FHIR resource type, a profile on a type, or a CDA document, or some other type that indicates what sort of information the consent relates toclass : Coding [0..*] « The class (type) of information a consent rule covers (Strength=Extensible)Consent Content Class+ »If this code is found in an instance, then the exception applies. TODO: where do you not have to look? This is a problematic elementcode : Coding [0..*] « If this code is found in an instance, then the exception applies (Strength=Example)Consent Content ?? »ActorHow the individual is or was involved in the resourcescontent that is described in the exceptionrole : CodeableConcept [1..1] « How an actor is involved in the consent considerations (Strength=Extensible)Consent Actor Roles+ »The resource that identifies the actor. To identify a actors by type, use group to identify a set of actors by some property they share (e.g. 'admitting officers')reference : Reference [1..1] « Device|Group|CareTeam|Organization| Patient|Practitioner|RelatedPerson »DataHow the resource reference is interpreted when testing consent restrictionsmeaning : code [1..1] « How a resource reference is interpreted when testing consent restrictions (Strength=Required)ConsentDataMeaning! »A reference to a specific resource that defines which resources are covered by this consentreference : Reference [1..1] « Any »Who or what is controlled by this Exception. Use group to identify a set of actors by some property they share (e.g. 'admitting officers')actor[0..*]The resources controlled by this exception, if specific resources are referenceddata[0..*]An exception to the base policy of this consent. An exception can be an addition or removal of access permissionsexcept[0..*]

XML Template

<Consent xmlns=""> doco
 <!-- from Resource: id, meta, implicitRules, and language -->
 <!-- from DomainResource: text, contained, extension, and modifierExtension -->
 <identifier><!-- 0..1 Identifier Identifier for this record (external references) --></identifier>
 <status value="[code]"/><!-- 1..1 draft | proposed | active | rejected | inactive | entered-in-error -->
 <category><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Classification of the consent statement - for indexing/retrieval --></category>
 <dateTime value="[dateTime]"/><!-- 0..1 When this Consent was created or indexed -->
 <period><!-- 0..1 Period Period that this consent applies --></period>
 <patient><!-- 1..1 Reference(Patient) Who the consent applies to --></patient>
 <consentor><!-- 0..* Reference(Organization|Patient|Practitioner|RelatedPerson) Who is agreeing to the policy and exceptions --></consentor>
 <organization><!-- 0..1 Reference(Organization) Organization that manages the consent --></organization>
 <source[x]><!-- 0..1 Attachment|Identifier|Reference(Consent|DocumentReference|
   Contract|QuestionnaireResponse) Source from which this consent is taken --></source[x]>
 <policy value="[uri]"/><!-- 1..1 Policy that this consents to -->
 <recipient><!-- 0..* Reference(Device|Group|Organization|Patient|Practitioner|
   RelatedPerson|CareTeam) Whose access is controlled by the policy --></recipient>
 <purpose><!-- 0..* Coding Context of activities for which the agreement is made --></purpose>
 <except>  <!-- 0..* Additional rule -  addition or removal of permissions -->
  <type value="[code]"/><!-- 1..1 deny | permit -->
  <period><!-- 0..1 Period Timeframe for data controlled by this exception --></period>
  <actor>  <!-- 0..* Who|what controlled by this exception (or group, by role) -->
   <role><!-- 1..1 CodeableConcept How the actor is/was involved --></role>
   <reference><!-- 1..1 Reference(Device|Group|CareTeam|Organization|Patient|
     Practitioner|RelatedPerson) Resource for the actor (or group, by role) --></reference>
  <action><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Actions controlled by this exception --></action>
  <securityLabel><!-- 0..* Coding Security Labels that define affected resources --></securityLabel>
  <purpose><!-- 0..* Coding Context of activities covered by this exception --></purpose>
  <class><!-- 0..* Coding e.g. Resource Type, Profile, or CDA etc --></class>
  <code><!-- 0..* Coding e.g. LOINC or SNOMED CT code, etc in the content --></code>
  <data>  <!-- 0..* Data controlled by this exception -->
   <meaning value="[code]"/><!-- 1..1 instance | related | dependents -->
   <reference><!-- 1..1 Reference(Any) The actual data reference --></reference>

JSON Template

  "resourceType" : "Consent",
  // from Resource: id, meta, implicitRules, and language
  // from DomainResource: text, contained, extension, and modifierExtension
  "identifier" : { Identifier }, // Identifier for this record (external references)
  "status" : "<code>", // R!  draft | proposed | active | rejected | inactive | entered-in-error
  "category" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // Classification of the consent statement - for indexing/retrieval
  "dateTime" : "<dateTime>", // When this Consent was created or indexed
  "period" : { Period }, // Period that this consent applies
  "patient" : { Reference(Patient) }, // R!  Who the consent applies to
  "consentor" : [{ Reference(Organization|Patient|Practitioner|RelatedPerson) }], // Who is agreeing to the policy and exceptions
  "organization" : { Reference(Organization) }, // Organization that manages the consent
  // source[x]: Source from which this consent is taken. One of these 3:
  "sourceAttachment" : { Attachment },
  "sourceIdentifier" : { Identifier },
  "sourceReference" : { Reference(Consent|DocumentReference|Contract|
   QuestionnaireResponse) },
  "policy" : "<uri>", // R!  Policy that this consents to
  "recipient" : [{ Reference(Device|Group|Organization|Patient|Practitioner|
   RelatedPerson|CareTeam) }], // Whose access is controlled by the policy
  "purpose" : [{ Coding }], // Context of activities for which the agreement is made
  "except" : [{ // Additional rule -  addition or removal of permissions
    "type" : "<code>", // R!  deny | permit
    "period" : { Period }, // Timeframe for data controlled by this exception
    "actor" : [{ // Who|what controlled by this exception (or group, by role)
      "role" : { CodeableConcept }, // R!  How the actor is/was involved
      "reference" : { Reference(Device|Group|CareTeam|Organization|Patient|
     Practitioner|RelatedPerson) } // R!  Resource for the actor (or group, by role)
    "action" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // Actions controlled by this exception
    "securityLabel" : [{ Coding }], // Security Labels that define affected resources
    "purpose" : [{ Coding }], // Context of activities covered by this exception
    "class" : [{ Coding }], // e.g. Resource Type, Profile, or CDA etc
    "code" : [{ Coding }], // e.g. LOINC or SNOMED CT code, etc in the content
    "data" : [{ // Data controlled by this exception
      "meaning" : "<code>", // R!  instance | related | dependents
      "reference" : { Reference(Any) } // R!  The actual data reference

Turtle Template

@prefix fhir: <> .doco

[ a fhir:Consent;
  fhir:nodeRole fhir:treeRoot; # if this is the parser root

  # from Resource: .id, .meta, .implicitRules, and .language
  # from DomainResource: .text, .contained, .extension, and .modifierExtension
  fhir:Consent.identifier [ Identifier ]; # 0..1 Identifier for this record (external references)
  fhir:Consent.status [ code ]; # 1..1 draft | proposed | active | rejected | inactive | entered-in-error
  fhir:Consent.category [ CodeableConcept ], ... ; # 0..* Classification of the consent statement - for indexing/retrieval
  fhir:Consent.dateTime [ dateTime ]; # 0..1 When this Consent was created or indexed
  fhir:Consent.period [ Period ]; # 0..1 Period that this consent applies
  fhir:Consent.patient [ Reference(Patient) ]; # 1..1 Who the consent applies to
  fhir:Consent.consentor [ Reference(Organization|Patient|Practitioner|RelatedPerson) ], ... ; # 0..* Who is agreeing to the policy and exceptions
  fhir:Consent.organization [ Reference(Organization) ]; # 0..1 Organization that manages the consent
  # Consent.source[x] : 0..1 Source from which this consent is taken. One of these 3
    fhir:Consent.sourceAttachment [ Attachment ]
    fhir:Consent.sourceIdentifier [ Identifier ]
    fhir:Consent.sourceReference [ Reference(Consent|DocumentReference|Contract|QuestionnaireResponse) ]
  fhir:Consent.policy [ uri ]; # 1..1 Policy that this consents to
  fhir:Consent.recipient [ Reference(Device|Group|Organization|Patient|Practitioner|RelatedPerson|CareTeam) ], ... ; # 0..* Whose access is controlled by the policy
  fhir:Consent.purpose [ Coding ], ... ; # 0..* Context of activities for which the agreement is made
  fhir:Consent.except [ # 0..* Additional rule -  addition or removal of permissions
    fhir:Consent.except.type [ code ]; # 1..1 deny | permit
    fhir:Consent.except.period [ Period ]; # 0..1 Timeframe for data controlled by this exception [ # 0..* Who|what controlled by this exception (or group, by role) [ CodeableConcept ]; # 1..1 How the actor is/was involved [ Reference(Device|Group|CareTeam|Organization|Patient|Practitioner|RelatedPerson) ]; # 1..1 Resource for the actor (or group, by role)
    ], ...;
    fhir:Consent.except.action [ CodeableConcept ], ... ; # 0..* Actions controlled by this exception
    fhir:Consent.except.securityLabel [ Coding ], ... ; # 0..* Security Labels that define affected resources
    fhir:Consent.except.purpose [ Coding ], ... ; # 0..* Context of activities covered by this exception
    fhir:Consent.except.class [ Coding ], ... ; # 0..* e.g. Resource Type, Profile, or CDA etc
    fhir:Consent.except.code [ Coding ], ... ; # 0..* e.g. LOINC or SNOMED CT code, etc in the content [ # 0..* Data controlled by this exception [ code ]; # 1..1 instance | related | dependents [ Reference(Any) ]; # 1..1 The actual data reference
    ], ...;
  ], ...;

Changes since DSTU2

This resource did not exist in Release 2


NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Consent DomainResourceA healthcare consumer’s policy choices to permits or denies recipients or roles to perform actions for specific purposes and periods of time
... identifier Σ0..1IdentifierIdentifier for this record (external references)
... status ?!Σ1..1codedraft | proposed | active | rejected | inactive | entered-in-error
ConsentStatus (Required)
... category Σ0..*CodeableConceptClassification of the consent statement - for indexing/retrieval
Consent Category Codes (Example)
... dateTime Σ0..1dateTimeWhen this Consent was created or indexed
... period Σ0..1PeriodPeriod that this consent applies
... patient Σ1..1Reference(Patient)Who the consent applies to
... consentor Σ0..*Reference(Organization | Patient | Practitioner | RelatedPerson)Who is agreeing to the policy and exceptions
... organization Σ0..1Reference(Organization)Organization that manages the consent
... source[x] Σ0..1Source from which this consent is taken
.... sourceAttachmentAttachment
.... sourceIdentifierIdentifier
.... sourceReferenceReference(Consent | DocumentReference | Contract | QuestionnaireResponse)
... policy Σ1..1uriPolicy that this consents to
... recipient Σ0..*Reference(Device | Group | Organization | Patient | Practitioner | RelatedPerson | CareTeam)Whose access is controlled by the policy
... purpose Σ0..*CodingContext of activities for which the agreement is made
PurposeOfUse (Extensible)
... except Σ0..*BackboneElementAdditional rule - addition or removal of permissions
.... type Σ1..1codedeny | permit
ConsentExceptType (Required)
.... period Σ0..1PeriodTimeframe for data controlled by this exception
.... actor Σ0..*BackboneElementWho|what controlled by this exception (or group, by role)
..... role 1..1CodeableConceptHow the actor is/was involved
Consent Actor Roles (Extensible)
..... reference 1..1Reference(Device | Group | CareTeam | Organization | Patient | Practitioner | RelatedPerson)Resource for the actor (or group, by role)
.... action Σ0..*CodeableConceptActions controlled by this exception
Consent Action Codes (Example)
.... securityLabel Σ0..*CodingSecurity Labels that define affected resources
All Security Labels (Extensible)
.... purpose Σ0..*CodingContext of activities covered by this exception
PurposeOfUse (Extensible)
.... class Σ0..*Codinge.g. Resource Type, Profile, or CDA etc
Consent Content Class (Extensible)
.... code Σ0..*Codinge.g. LOINC or SNOMED CT code, etc in the content
Consent Content Codes (Example)
.... data Σ0..*BackboneElementData controlled by this exception
..... meaning Σ1..1codeinstance | related | dependents
ConsentDataMeaning (Required)
..... reference Σ1..1Reference(Any)The actual data reference

doco Documentation for this format

UML Diagram (Legend)

Consent (DomainResource)Unique identifier for this copy of the Consent Statementidentifier : Identifier [0..1]Indicates the current state of this consent (this element modifies the meaning of other elements)status : code [1..1] « Indicates the status of the consent (Strength=Required)ConsentStatus! »A classification of the type of consents found in the statement. This element supports indexing and retrieval of consent statementscategory : CodeableConcept [0..*] « A classification of the type of consents found in a consent statement (Strength=Example)Consent Category ?? »When this Consent was issued / created / indexeddateTime : dateTime [0..1]Relevant time or time-period when this Consent is applicableperiod : Period [0..1]The patient/healthcare consumer to whom this consent appliespatient : Reference [1..1] « Patient »The patient/consumer that is responsible for agreeing to the consent represented by this resource. This is the person (usually) that agreed to the policy, along with the exceptions, e.g. the persion who takes responsibility for the agreement. In the signature this corresponds to the role "Consent Signature"consentor : Reference [0..*] « Organization|Patient|Practitioner| RelatedPerson »The organization that manages the consent, and the framework within which it is executedorganization : Reference [0..1] « Organization »The source on which this consent statement is based. The source might be a scanned original paper form, or a reference to a consent that links back to such a source, a reference to a document repository (e.g. XDS) that stores the original consent documentsource[x] : Type [0..1] « Attachment|Identifier|Reference(Consent| DocumentReference|Contract|QuestionnaireResponse) »A reference to the policy that this consents to. Policies may be organizational, but are often defined jurisdictionally, or in lawpolicy : uri [1..1]Actor whose access is controlled by this consent under the terms of the policy and exceptionsrecipient : Reference [0..*] « Device|Group|Organization|Patient| Practitioner|RelatedPerson|CareTeam »The context of the activities a user is taking - why the user is accessing the data - that are controlled by this consentpurpose : Coding [0..*] « What purposes of use are controlled by this exception. If more than one label is specified, operations must have all the specified labels (Strength=Extensible)PurposeOfUse+ »ExceptAction to take - permit or deny - when the exception conditions are mettype : code [1..1] « How an exception is statement is applied, as adding additional consent, or removing consent (Strength=Required)ConsentExceptType! »The timeframe in which data is controlled by this exceptionperiod : Period [0..1]Actions controlled by this Exceptionaction : CodeableConcept [0..*] « Detailed codes for the consent action. (Strength=Example)Consent Action ?? »A set of security labels that define which resources are controlled by this exception. If more than one label is specified, all resources must have all the specified labelssecurityLabel : Coding [0..*] « Security Labels from the Healthcare Privacy and Security Classification System. (Strength=Extensible)All Security Labels+ »The context of the activities a user is taking - why the user is accessing the data - that are controlled by this exceptionpurpose : Coding [0..*] « What purposes of use are controlled by this exception. If more than one label is specified, operations must have all the specified labels (Strength=Extensible)PurposeOfUse+ »The class of information covered by this exception. The type can be a FHIR resource type, a profile on a type, or a CDA document, or some other type that indicates what sort of information the consent relates toclass : Coding [0..*] « The class (type) of information a consent rule covers (Strength=Extensible)Consent Content Class+ »If this code is found in an instance, then the exception applies. TODO: where do you not have to look? This is a problematic elementcode : Coding [0..*] « If this code is found in an instance, then the exception applies (Strength=Example)Consent Content ?? »ActorHow the individual is or was involved in the resourcescontent that is described in the exceptionrole : CodeableConcept [1..1] « How an actor is involved in the consent considerations (Strength=Extensible)Consent Actor Roles+ »The resource that identifies the actor. To identify a actors by type, use group to identify a set of actors by some property they share (e.g. 'admitting officers')reference : Reference [1..1] « Device|Group|CareTeam|Organization| Patient|Practitioner|RelatedPerson »DataHow the resource reference is interpreted when testing consent restrictionsmeaning : code [1..1] « How a resource reference is interpreted when testing consent restrictions (Strength=Required)ConsentDataMeaning! »A reference to a specific resource that defines which resources are covered by this consentreference : Reference [1..1] « Any »Who or what is controlled by this Exception. Use group to identify a set of actors by some property they share (e.g. 'admitting officers')actor[0..*]The resources controlled by this exception, if specific resources are referenceddata[0..*]An exception to the base policy of this consent. An exception can be an addition or removal of access permissionsexcept[0..*]

XML Template

<Consent xmlns=""> doco
 <!-- from Resource: id, meta, implicitRules, and language -->
 <!-- from DomainResource: text, contained, extension, and modifierExtension -->
 <identifier><!-- 0..1 Identifier Identifier for this record (external references) --></identifier>
 <status value="[code]"/><!-- 1..1 draft | proposed | active | rejected | inactive | entered-in-error -->
 <category><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Classification of the consent statement - for indexing/retrieval --></category>
 <dateTime value="[dateTime]"/><!-- 0..1 When this Consent was created or indexed -->
 <period><!-- 0..1 Period Period that this consent applies --></period>
 <patient><!-- 1..1 Reference(Patient) Who the consent applies to --></patient>
 <consentor><!-- 0..* Reference(Organization|Patient|Practitioner|RelatedPerson) Who is agreeing to the policy and exceptions --></consentor>
 <organization><!-- 0..1 Reference(Organization) Organization that manages the consent --></organization>
 <source[x]><!-- 0..1 Attachment|Identifier|Reference(Consent|DocumentReference|
   Contract|QuestionnaireResponse) Source from which this consent is taken --></source[x]>
 <policy value="[uri]"/><!-- 1..1 Policy that this consents to -->
 <recipient><!-- 0..* Reference(Device|Group|Organization|Patient|Practitioner|
   RelatedPerson|CareTeam) Whose access is controlled by the policy --></recipient>
 <purpose><!-- 0..* Coding Context of activities for which the agreement is made --></purpose>
 <except>  <!-- 0..* Additional rule -  addition or removal of permissions -->
  <type value="[code]"/><!-- 1..1 deny | permit -->
  <period><!-- 0..1 Period Timeframe for data controlled by this exception --></period>
  <actor>  <!-- 0..* Who|what controlled by this exception (or group, by role) -->
   <role><!-- 1..1 CodeableConcept How the actor is/was involved --></role>
   <reference><!-- 1..1 Reference(Device|Group|CareTeam|Organization|Patient|
     Practitioner|RelatedPerson) Resource for the actor (or group, by role) --></reference>
  <action><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Actions controlled by this exception --></action>
  <securityLabel><!-- 0..* Coding Security Labels that define affected resources --></securityLabel>
  <purpose><!-- 0..* Coding Context of activities covered by this exception --></purpose>
  <class><!-- 0..* Coding e.g. Resource Type, Profile, or CDA etc --></class>
  <code><!-- 0..* Coding e.g. LOINC or SNOMED CT code, etc in the content --></code>
  <data>  <!-- 0..* Data controlled by this exception -->
   <meaning value="[code]"/><!-- 1..1 instance | related | dependents -->
   <reference><!-- 1..1 Reference(Any) The actual data reference --></reference>

JSON Template

  "resourceType" : "Consent",
  // from Resource: id, meta, implicitRules, and language
  // from DomainResource: text, contained, extension, and modifierExtension
  "identifier" : { Identifier }, // Identifier for this record (external references)
  "status" : "<code>", // R!  draft | proposed | active | rejected | inactive | entered-in-error
  "category" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // Classification of the consent statement - for indexing/retrieval
  "dateTime" : "<dateTime>", // When this Consent was created or indexed
  "period" : { Period }, // Period that this consent applies
  "patient" : { Reference(Patient) }, // R!  Who the consent applies to
  "consentor" : [{ Reference(Organization|Patient|Practitioner|RelatedPerson) }], // Who is agreeing to the policy and exceptions
  "organization" : { Reference(Organization) }, // Organization that manages the consent
  // source[x]: Source from which this consent is taken. One of these 3:
  "sourceAttachment" : { Attachment },
  "sourceIdentifier" : { Identifier },
  "sourceReference" : { Reference(Consent|DocumentReference|Contract|
   QuestionnaireResponse) },
  "policy" : "<uri>", // R!  Policy that this consents to
  "recipient" : [{ Reference(Device|Group|Organization|Patient|Practitioner|
   RelatedPerson|CareTeam) }], // Whose access is controlled by the policy
  "purpose" : [{ Coding }], // Context of activities for which the agreement is made
  "except" : [{ // Additional rule -  addition or removal of permissions
    "type" : "<code>", // R!  deny | permit
    "period" : { Period }, // Timeframe for data controlled by this exception
    "actor" : [{ // Who|what controlled by this exception (or group, by role)
      "role" : { CodeableConcept }, // R!  How the actor is/was involved
      "reference" : { Reference(Device|Group|CareTeam|Organization|Patient|
     Practitioner|RelatedPerson) } // R!  Resource for the actor (or group, by role)
    "action" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // Actions controlled by this exception
    "securityLabel" : [{ Coding }], // Security Labels that define affected resources
    "purpose" : [{ Coding }], // Context of activities covered by this exception
    "class" : [{ Coding }], // e.g. Resource Type, Profile, or CDA etc
    "code" : [{ Coding }], // e.g. LOINC or SNOMED CT code, etc in the content
    "data" : [{ // Data controlled by this exception
      "meaning" : "<code>", // R!  instance | related | dependents
      "reference" : { Reference(Any) } // R!  The actual data reference

Turtle Template

@prefix fhir: <> .doco

[ a fhir:Consent;
  fhir:nodeRole fhir:treeRoot; # if this is the parser root

  # from Resource: .id, .meta, .implicitRules, and .language
  # from DomainResource: .text, .contained, .extension, and .modifierExtension
  fhir:Consent.identifier [ Identifier ]; # 0..1 Identifier for this record (external references)
  fhir:Consent.status [ code ]; # 1..1 draft | proposed | active | rejected | inactive | entered-in-error
  fhir:Consent.category [ CodeableConcept ], ... ; # 0..* Classification of the consent statement - for indexing/retrieval
  fhir:Consent.dateTime [ dateTime ]; # 0..1 When this Consent was created or indexed
  fhir:Consent.period [ Period ]; # 0..1 Period that this consent applies
  fhir:Consent.patient [ Reference(Patient) ]; # 1..1 Who the consent applies to
  fhir:Consent.consentor [ Reference(Organization|Patient|Practitioner|RelatedPerson) ], ... ; # 0..* Who is agreeing to the policy and exceptions
  fhir:Consent.organization [ Reference(Organization) ]; # 0..1 Organization that manages the consent
  # Consent.source[x] : 0..1 Source from which this consent is taken. One of these 3
    fhir:Consent.sourceAttachment [ Attachment ]
    fhir:Consent.sourceIdentifier [ Identifier ]
    fhir:Consent.sourceReference [ Reference(Consent|DocumentReference|Contract|QuestionnaireResponse) ]
  fhir:Consent.policy [ uri ]; # 1..1 Policy that this consents to
  fhir:Consent.recipient [ Reference(Device|Group|Organization|Patient|Practitioner|RelatedPerson|CareTeam) ], ... ; # 0..* Whose access is controlled by the policy
  fhir:Consent.purpose [ Coding ], ... ; # 0..* Context of activities for which the agreement is made
  fhir:Consent.except [ # 0..* Additional rule -  addition or removal of permissions
    fhir:Consent.except.type [ code ]; # 1..1 deny | permit
    fhir:Consent.except.period [ Period ]; # 0..1 Timeframe for data controlled by this exception [ # 0..* Who|what controlled by this exception (or group, by role) [ CodeableConcept ]; # 1..1 How the actor is/was involved [ Reference(Device|Group|CareTeam|Organization|Patient|Practitioner|RelatedPerson) ]; # 1..1 Resource for the actor (or group, by role)
    ], ...;
    fhir:Consent.except.action [ CodeableConcept ], ... ; # 0..* Actions controlled by this exception
    fhir:Consent.except.securityLabel [ Coding ], ... ; # 0..* Security Labels that define affected resources
    fhir:Consent.except.purpose [ Coding ], ... ; # 0..* Context of activities covered by this exception
    fhir:Consent.except.class [ Coding ], ... ; # 0..* e.g. Resource Type, Profile, or CDA etc
    fhir:Consent.except.code [ Coding ], ... ; # 0..* e.g. LOINC or SNOMED CT code, etc in the content [ # 0..* Data controlled by this exception [ code ]; # 1..1 instance | related | dependents [ Reference(Any) ]; # 1..1 The actual data reference
    ], ...;
  ], ...;

Changes since DSTU2

This resource did not exist in Release 2


Alternate definitions: Master Definition (XML, JSON), XML Schema/Schematron (for ) + JSON Schema, ShEx (for Turtle), JSON-LD (for RDF as JSON-LD),

Consent.status Indicates the status of the consentRequiredConsentStatus
Consent.category A classification of the type of consents found in a consent statementExampleConsent Category Codes
What purposes of use are controlled by this exception. If more than one label is specified, operations must have all the specified labelsExtensiblePurposeOfUse
Consent.except.type How an exception is statement is applied, as adding additional consent, or removing consentRequiredConsentExceptType How an actor is involved in the consent considerationsExtensibleConsent Actor Roles
Consent.except.action Detailed codes for the consent action.ExampleConsent Action Codes
Consent.except.securityLabel Security Labels from the Healthcare Privacy and Security Classification System.ExtensibleAll Security Labels
Consent.except.class The class (type) of information a consent rule coversExtensibleConsent Content Class
Consent.except.code If this code is found in an instance, then the exception appliesExampleConsent Content Codes How a resource reference is interpreted when testing consent restrictionsRequiredConsentDataMeaning

This speciifcation defines 2 magic values for consent policies:

URI Description The basic policy is to grant no authority. No actions are approved, unless they are explicitly detailed in the exceptions The basic policy is to grant all authority. All actions are approved, unless they are explicitly detailed in the exceptions

Other jurisdictions (e.g. HL7 Affiliates) may define their additional lists of consent policy URI values that represent consent policies established by law or regulation

The Consent resource has a reference to a single policy. Many organizations will work in a context where multiple different consent regulations and policies apply. In these cases, the single policy reference refers to a policy document that resolves and reconciles the various policies, and presents a single policy for patient consent. If it is still necessary to track which of the underlying policies an exception is make in regard to, an extension may be used.

The following is the general model of Privacy Consent Directives.

There are context setting parameters:

  1. Who - The patient
  2. What - The data - specific resources are listed, empty list means all data covered by the consent.
  3. Where - The domain and authority - what is the location boundary and authority boundary of this consent
  4. When - The issued or captured
  5. When - The timeframe for which the Consent applies
  6. How - The actions covered. (such as purposes of use that are covered)
  7. Whom - The recipient are grantees by the consent.

A Privacy Consent may transition through many states including: that no consent has been sought, consent has been proposed, consent has been rejected, and consent approved.

There are set of patterns.

  1. No consent: All settings need a policy for when no consent has been captured. Often this allows treatment only.;
  2. Opt-out: No sharing allowed for the specified domain, location, actions, and purposes;
  3. Opt-out with exceptions: No sharing allowed, with some exceptions where it is allowed. Example: Withhold Authorization for Treatment except for Emergency Treatment;
  4. Opt-in: Sharing for some purpose of use is authorized Sharing allowed for Treatment, Payment, and normal Operations; and
  5. Opt-in with restrictions: Sharing allowed, but the patient may make exceptions (See the Canadian examples).

For each of these patterns (positive or negative pattern), there can be exceptions. These exceptions are explicitly recorded in the except element.

Five categories of Privacy Consent Directives are described in the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information (ONC) Consent Directives Document released March 31, 2010, and include the following US-specific “Core consent options” for electronic exchange:

  1. No consent: Health information of patients is automatically included—patients cannot opt out;
  2. Opt-out: Default is for health information of patients to be included automatically, but the patient can opt out completely;
  3. Opt-out with exceptions: Default is for health information of patients to be included, but the patient can opt out completely or allow only select data to be included;
  4. Opt-in: Default is that no patient health information is included; patients must actively express consent to be included, but if they do so then their information must be all in or all out; and
  5. Opt-in with restrictions: Default is that no patient health information is made available, but the patient may allow a subset of select data to be included.

A common exception is to explicitly exclude or explicitly include a period of time.

The following scenarios are based on existing jurisdictional policy and are realized in existing systems in Canada. The default policy is one of implied consent for the provision of care, so these scenarios all deal with withdrawal or withholding consent for that purpose. In other jurisdictions, where an express consent model is used (Opt-In), these examples would contain the phrase "consent to" rather than "withhold" or "withdraw" consent for.

  1. Withhold or withdraw consent for disclosure of records related to specific domain (e.g. DI, LAB, etc.)
  2. Withhold or withdraw consent for disclosure of a specific record (e.g. Lab Order/Result)
  3. Withhold or withdraw consent for disclosure to a specific provider organization
  4. Withhold or withdraw consent for disclosure to a specific provider agent (an individual within an organization)
  5. Withhold or withdraw consent for disclosure of records that were authored by a specific organization (or service delivery location).
  6. Combinations of the above

Also shown is an example where a Patient has authorized disclosure to a specific individual for purposes directed by the patient (possibly not a treatment case).

Search parameters for this resource. The common parameters also apply. See Searching for more information about searching in REST, messaging, and services.

NameTypeDescriptionPathsIn Common
actiontokenActions controlled by this exceptionConsent.except.action
actorreferenceResource for the actor (or group, by role)
(Practitioner, Group, Organization, CareTeam, Device, Patient, RelatedPerson)
categorytokenClassification of the consent statement - for indexing/retrievalConsent.category
consentorreferenceWho is agreeing to the policy and exceptionsConsent.consentor
(Practitioner, Organization, Patient, RelatedPerson)
datareferenceThe actual data
datedateWhen this Consent was created or indexedConsent.dateTime18 Resources
identifiertokenIdentifier for this record (external references)Consent.identifier26 Resources
organizationreferenceOrganization that manages the consentConsent.organization
patientreferenceWho the consent applies toConsent.patient
31 Resources
perioddatePeriod that this consent appliesConsent.period
purposetokenContext of activities covered by this exceptionConsent.except.purpose
recipientreferenceWhose access is controlled by the policyConsent.recipient
(Practitioner, Group, Organization, CareTeam, Device, Patient, RelatedPerson)
securitytokenSecurity Labels that define affected resourcesConsent.except.securityLabel
sourcereferenceSource from which this consent is takenConsent.source[x]
(Consent, Contract, QuestionnaireResponse, DocumentReference)
statustokendraft | proposed | active | rejected | inactive | entered-in-errorConsent.status