Current Build

This table contains a list of all the conformance resources defined as part of the Clinical Quality Improvement Framework:

cqif-evidence-qualityQualityOfEvidenceRatingA rating system that describes the quality of evidence such as the GRADE, DynaMed, or Oxford CEBM systems
cqif-evidence-qualityQualityOfEvidenceRatingA rating system that describes the quality of evidence such as the GRADE, DynaMed, or Oxford CEBM systems
cqif-recommendation-strengthStrengthOfRecommendationRatingA rating system that describes the strength of the recommendation, such as the GRADE, DynaMed, or HGPS systems
cqif-recommendation-strengthStrengthOfRecommendationRatingA rating system that describes the strength of the recommendation, such as the GRADE, DynaMed, or HGPS systems
cqif-trigger-typeTriggerTypeThe type of trigger
cqif-trigger-typeTriggerTypeThe type of trigger
cqif-basic-calculatedValueA calculated valueThe name of an expression in a referenced library that determines a calculated value.
cqif-basic-citationBibliographic citation for the resourceA bibliographic citation for the related resource. This text SHOULD be formatted according to an accepted citation format.
cqif-basic-conditionA condition expressionThe name of a condition expression that determines the applicability of the item. For example, when appearing on a question in a questionnaire, if the expression evaluates to true, the question is applicable, otherwise, the question is not applicable.
cqif-basic-cqlExpressionCQL expressionA CQL expression that provides the value for the element or resource on which it appears.
cqif-basic-fluentPathExpressionFluentPath expressionA FluentPath expression that provides the value for the element or resource on which it appears.
cqif-basic-guidance-encounterClassencounterClassThe class of encounter (inpatient, outpatient, etc).
cqif-basic-guidance-encounterTypeencounterTypeThe type of the encounter.
cqif-basic-guidance-initiatingOrganizationinitiatingOrganizationThe organization initiating the request.
cqif-basic-guidance-initiatingPersoninitiatingPersonThe person initiating the request.
cqif-basic-guidance-receivingOrganizationreceivingOrganizationThe organization that will receive the response.
cqif-basic-guidance-receivingPersonreceivingPersonThe person in the receiving organization that will receive the response.
cqif-basic-guidance-recipientLanguagerecipientLanguagePreferred language of the person that will consume the content.
cqif-basic-guidance-recipientTyperecipientTypeThe type of individual that will consume the response content. This may be different from the requesting user type (e.g. if a clinician is getting disease management guidance for provision to a patient). E.g. patient, healthcare provider or specific type of healthcare provider (physician, nurse, etc.).
cqif-basic-guidance-systemUserLanguagesystemUserLanguagePreferred language of the person using the system.
cqif-basic-guidance-systemUserTaskContextThe task the system user is performingThe task the system user is performing, e.g. laboratory results review, medication list review, etc. This information can be used to tailor decision support outputs, such as recommended information resources.
cqif-basic-guidance-systemUserTypeThe type of user initiating the requestThe type of user initiating the request, e.g. patient, healthcare provider, or specific type of healthcare provider (physician, nurse, etc.).
cqif-basic-initialValueAn initial value expressionThe name of an expression in a referenced library that determines an initial value.
cqif-basic-libraryA library containing logic used by the artifactA reference to a Library containing the formal logic used by the artifact.
cqif-basic-qualityOfEvidenceThe quality of the evidenceThe quality of the evidence described. The code system used specifies the quality scale used to grade this evidence source while the code specifies the actual quality score (represented as a coded value) associated with the evidence.
cqif-basic-strengthOfRecommendationThe strength of the recommendationThe strength of the recommendation assigned to this reference. The code system used specifies the rating scale used to rate this recommendation while the code specifies the actual recommendation rating (represented as a coded value) associated with this recommendation.
cqif-questionnaireQuestionnaireA CQIF questionnaire is a questionnaire with the added ability to describe behavior associated with questions. For example, whether or not to display a particular question or group of questions, or automatically calculating the value of an answer based on the answers to previous questions.