Current Build

This profile defines extensions that may be useful in exposing data elements from ISO 11179 -conformant registries. The list of extensions is not currently complete - additional extensions would be required to support all required and optional 11179 elements. The set of define extensions will increase over time based on implementer interest. At some point, a full profile for 11179-conformant systems may be developed.

The list of defined extensions is as follows:

  • objectClass - specifies the Object_Class for a Concept_Element or the meaning of a Data_Element
  • property - specifies the Object_Class Property for a Concept_Element or the meaning of a Data_Element
11179-de-effective-periodWhen data element is "valid" :

Identifies the date on which the element became (or is expected to become) active and the date on which the element became (or is expected to become) retired.

11179-de-is-data-element-conceptIs code the DEC for the data element? :

If true, indicates that the specified coding corresponds to the data element concept for the data element.

11179-de-document-referencePointer to document related to data element :

Identifies a document that conveys some sort of information related to the data element.

11179-de-classification-or-contextcontext | classification :

Identifies whether the useContext is a true context or a classification.

11179-de-administrative-statusStatus of internal processing :

Identifies internal processing status for the data element; e.g. "Under review".

11179-de-change-descriptionWhat's changed since the last "business" version? :

Summarizes changes to the data element since the previous version.

11179-de-submitter-orgWho submitted data element to registry :

Organization responsible for submitting the data element to its registry.

11179-de-contact-addressHow to mail contact :

Postal address for a contact for the data element.

11179-de-registry-orgOrganization responsible for registry :

The organization that is the custodian for this data element.