Current Build
Defines common extensions used with or related to the Device resource
device-dinDonation Identification Number (DIN) :

The distinct identification code required by §1271.290(c) for a human cell, tissue, or cellular and tissue-based product (HCT/P) regulated as a device - which is a conditional, variable portion of the production identifier (PI) of a Unique device Identifier (UDI) . If the content is from an ICCBBA -encoded UDI, the URI to use for the system is: GS1 and HIBCC formatted UDIs do not currently convey the DIN element.

*Note to balloters: The Ordesr and Observations Workgroup has not yet determined whether the Device resource will include Devices of Human (or other) Origin (tissue, blood, etc.) and so the need for Donation Identification number is currently being met through this extension. If it is determined a separate resource is to be used for Devices of Human (or other) Origin (tissue, blood, etc.) then this extension may be deprecated in the future. Feedback on this issues is welcome.

Search parameters defined by this package. See Searching for more information about searching in REST, messaging, and services.

dintokenThe donation identification number (DIN)XML / JSON