Extensions: | |
encounter-reasonCancelled | Explanation for cancellation : If the encountered was cancelled after it was planned, why? Applies only if the status is cancelled. |
encounter-primaryDiagnosis | Primary Diagnosis of this encounter (priority order - 1 = highest) : The order of dignosis importance (1 = highest in importance), from the clinical perspective, may be used in billing. |
encounter-relatedCondition | Other associated conditions : The conditions considered and cared for within this encounter. This includes items such as reason for visit, admission diagnosis, discharge diagnosis, chief complaint. Do not use reason or indication in the Action class to specify encounter-related diagnoses. |
encounter-associatedEncounter | Associated Encounter : This encounter occurs within the scope of the referenced encounter. |
encounter-modeOfArrival | The method of arrival of the patient into the facility : Identifies whether a patient arrives at the reporting facility via ambulance and the type of ambulance that was used. |