Current Build

14.5 Resource GuidanceResponse - Content

Clinical Decision Support Work GroupMaturity Level: 0Compartments: Not linked to any defined compartments

A guidance response is the formal response to a guidance request, including any output parameters returned by the evaluation, as well as the description of any proposed actions to be taken.

This resource is a draft proposal for use as part of an approach to Clinical Quality within FHIR, and is documented as part of the Clinical Reasoning module.

The GuidanceResponse resource is used to represent the result of invoking a decision support service. It provides a container for the status of the response, any warnings or messages returned by the service, as well as the output data of the module and any suggested actions to be performed.

For a detailed discussion of the evaluation process, refer to the Guidance Request topic in the Clinical Reasoning module.


NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. GuidanceResponse DomainResourceThe formal response to a guidance request
... requestId 0..1idThe id of the request associated with this response, if any
... identifier Σ0..1IdentifierBusiness identifier
... module ?!Σ1..1Reference(ServiceDefinition)A reference to a knowledge module
... status ?!Σ1..1codesuccess | data-requested | data-required | in-progress | failure
GuidanceResponseStatus (Required)
... subject 0..1Reference(Patient | Group)Patient the request was performed for
... context 0..1Reference(Encounter | EpisodeOfCare)Encounter or Episode during which the response was returned
... occurrenceDateTime 0..1dateTimeWhen the guidance response was processed
... performer 0..1Reference(Device)Device returning the guidance
... reason[x] 0..1Reason for the response
.... reasonCodeableConceptCodeableConcept
.... reasonReferenceReference(Any)
... note 0..*AnnotationAdditional notes about the response
... evaluationMessage 0..*Reference(OperationOutcome)Messages resulting from the evaluation of the artifact or artifacts
... outputParameters 0..1Reference(Parameters)The output parameters of the evaluation, if any
... result 0..1Reference(CarePlan | RequestGroup)Proposed actions, if any
... dataRequirement 0..*DataRequirementAdditional required data

doco Documentation for this format

UML Diagram (Legend)

GuidanceResponse (DomainResource)The id of the request associated with this response. If an id was given as part of the request, it will be reproduced here to enable the requester to more easily identify the response in a multi-request scenariorequestId : id [0..1]Allows a service to provide a unique, business identifier for the responseidentifier : Identifier [0..1]A reference to the knowledge module that was invoked (this element modifies the meaning of other elements)module : Reference [1..1] « ServiceDefinition »The status of the response. If the evaluation is completed successfully, the status will indicate success. However, in order to complete the evaluation, the engine may require more information. In this case, the status will be data-required, and the response will contain a description of the additional required information. If the evaluation completed successfully, but the engine determines that a potentially more accurate response could be provided if more data was available, the status will be data-requested, and the response will contain a description of the additional requested information (this element modifies the meaning of other elements)status : code [1..1] « The status of a guidance response (Strength=Required)GuidanceResponseStatus! »The patient for which the request was processedsubject : Reference [0..1] « Patient|Group »Allows the context of the guidance response to be provided if available. In a service context, this would likely be unavailablecontext : Reference [0..1] « Encounter|EpisodeOfCare »Indicates when the guidance response was processedoccurrenceDateTime : dateTime [0..1]Provides a reference to the device that performed the guidanceperformer : Reference [0..1] « Device »Indicates the reason the request was initiated. This is typically provided as a parameter to the evaluation and echoed by the service, although for some use cases, such as subscription- or event-based scenarios, it may provide an indication of the cause for the responsereason[x] : Type [0..1] « CodeableConcept|Reference(Any) »Provides a mechanism to communicate additional information about the responsenote : Annotation [0..*]Messages resulting from the evaluation of the artifact or artifacts. As part of evaluating the request, the engine may produce informational or warning messages. These messages will be provided by this elementevaluationMessage : Reference [0..*] « OperationOutcome »The output parameters of the evaluation, if any. Many modules will result in the return of specific resources such as procedure or communication requests that are returned as part of the operation result. However, modules may define specific outputs that would be returned as the result of the evaluation, and these would be returned in this elementoutputParameters : Reference [0..1] « Parameters »The actions, if any, produced by the evaluation of the artifactresult : Reference [0..1] « CarePlan|RequestGroup »If the evaluation could not be completed due to lack of information, or additional information would potentially result in a more accurate response, this element will a description of the data required in order to proceed with the evaluation. A subsequent request to the service should include this datadataRequirement : DataRequirement [0..*]

XML Template

<GuidanceResponse xmlns=""> doco
 <!-- from Resource: id, meta, implicitRules, and language -->
 <!-- from DomainResource: text, contained, extension, and modifierExtension -->
 <requestId value="[id]"/><!-- 0..1 The id of the request associated with this response, if any -->
 <identifier><!-- 0..1 Identifier Business identifier --></identifier>
 <module><!-- 1..1 Reference(ServiceDefinition) A reference to a knowledge module --></module>
 <status value="[code]"/><!-- 1..1 success | data-requested | data-required | in-progress | failure -->
 <subject><!-- 0..1 Reference(Patient|Group) Patient the request was performed for --></subject>
 <context><!-- 0..1 Reference(Encounter|EpisodeOfCare) Encounter or Episode during which the response was returned --></context>
 <occurrenceDateTime value="[dateTime]"/><!-- 0..1 When the guidance response was processed -->
 <performer><!-- 0..1 Reference(Device) Device returning the guidance --></performer>
 <reason[x]><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept|Reference(Any) Reason for the response --></reason[x]>
 <note><!-- 0..* Annotation Additional notes about the response --></note>
 <evaluationMessage><!-- 0..* Reference(OperationOutcome) Messages resulting from the evaluation of the artifact or artifacts --></evaluationMessage>
 <outputParameters><!-- 0..1 Reference(Parameters) The output parameters of the evaluation, if any --></outputParameters>
 <result><!-- 0..1 Reference(CarePlan|RequestGroup) Proposed actions, if any --></result>
 <dataRequirement><!-- 0..* DataRequirement Additional required data --></dataRequirement>

Turtle Template

@prefix fhir: <> .doco

[ a fhir:GuidanceResponse;
  fhir:nodeRole fhir:treeRoot; # if this is the parser root

  # from Resource: .id, .meta, .implicitRules, and .language
  # from DomainResource: .text, .contained, .extension, and .modifierExtension
  fhir:GuidanceResponse.requestId [ id ]; # 0..1 The id of the request associated with this response, if any
  fhir:GuidanceResponse.identifier [ Identifier ]; # 0..1 Business identifier
  fhir:GuidanceResponse.module [ Reference(ServiceDefinition) ]; # 1..1 A reference to a knowledge module
  fhir:GuidanceResponse.status [ code ]; # 1..1 success | data-requested | data-required | in-progress | failure
  fhir:GuidanceResponse.subject [ Reference(Patient|Group) ]; # 0..1 Patient the request was performed for
  fhir:GuidanceResponse.context [ Reference(Encounter|EpisodeOfCare) ]; # 0..1 Encounter or Episode during which the response was returned
  fhir:GuidanceResponse.occurrenceDateTime [ dateTime ]; # 0..1 When the guidance response was processed
  fhir:GuidanceResponse.performer [ Reference(Device) ]; # 0..1 Device returning the guidance
  # GuidanceResponse.reason[x] : 0..1 Reason for the response. One of these 2
    fhir:GuidanceResponse.reasonCodeableConcept [ CodeableConcept ]
    fhir:GuidanceResponse.reasonReference [ Reference(Any) ]
  fhir:GuidanceResponse.note [ Annotation ], ... ; # 0..* Additional notes about the response
  fhir:GuidanceResponse.evaluationMessage [ Reference(OperationOutcome) ], ... ; # 0..* Messages resulting from the evaluation of the artifact or artifacts
  fhir:GuidanceResponse.outputParameters [ Reference(Parameters) ]; # 0..1 The output parameters of the evaluation, if any
  fhir:GuidanceResponse.result [ Reference(CarePlan|RequestGroup) ]; # 0..1 Proposed actions, if any
  fhir:GuidanceResponse.dataRequirement [ DataRequirement ], ... ; # 0..* Additional required data

Changes since DSTU2

This resource did not exist in Release 2


NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. GuidanceResponse DomainResourceThe formal response to a guidance request
... requestId 0..1idThe id of the request associated with this response, if any
... identifier Σ0..1IdentifierBusiness identifier
... module ?!Σ1..1Reference(ServiceDefinition)A reference to a knowledge module
... status ?!Σ1..1codesuccess | data-requested | data-required | in-progress | failure
GuidanceResponseStatus (Required)
... subject 0..1Reference(Patient | Group)Patient the request was performed for
... context 0..1Reference(Encounter | EpisodeOfCare)Encounter or Episode during which the response was returned
... occurrenceDateTime 0..1dateTimeWhen the guidance response was processed
... performer 0..1Reference(Device)Device returning the guidance
... reason[x] 0..1Reason for the response
.... reasonCodeableConceptCodeableConcept
.... reasonReferenceReference(Any)
... note 0..*AnnotationAdditional notes about the response
... evaluationMessage 0..*Reference(OperationOutcome)Messages resulting from the evaluation of the artifact or artifacts
... outputParameters 0..1Reference(Parameters)The output parameters of the evaluation, if any
... result 0..1Reference(CarePlan | RequestGroup)Proposed actions, if any
... dataRequirement 0..*DataRequirementAdditional required data

doco Documentation for this format

UML Diagram (Legend)

GuidanceResponse (DomainResource)The id of the request associated with this response. If an id was given as part of the request, it will be reproduced here to enable the requester to more easily identify the response in a multi-request scenariorequestId : id [0..1]Allows a service to provide a unique, business identifier for the responseidentifier : Identifier [0..1]A reference to the knowledge module that was invoked (this element modifies the meaning of other elements)module : Reference [1..1] « ServiceDefinition »The status of the response. If the evaluation is completed successfully, the status will indicate success. However, in order to complete the evaluation, the engine may require more information. In this case, the status will be data-required, and the response will contain a description of the additional required information. If the evaluation completed successfully, but the engine determines that a potentially more accurate response could be provided if more data was available, the status will be data-requested, and the response will contain a description of the additional requested information (this element modifies the meaning of other elements)status : code [1..1] « The status of a guidance response (Strength=Required)GuidanceResponseStatus! »The patient for which the request was processedsubject : Reference [0..1] « Patient|Group »Allows the context of the guidance response to be provided if available. In a service context, this would likely be unavailablecontext : Reference [0..1] « Encounter|EpisodeOfCare »Indicates when the guidance response was processedoccurrenceDateTime : dateTime [0..1]Provides a reference to the device that performed the guidanceperformer : Reference [0..1] « Device »Indicates the reason the request was initiated. This is typically provided as a parameter to the evaluation and echoed by the service, although for some use cases, such as subscription- or event-based scenarios, it may provide an indication of the cause for the responsereason[x] : Type [0..1] « CodeableConcept|Reference(Any) »Provides a mechanism to communicate additional information about the responsenote : Annotation [0..*]Messages resulting from the evaluation of the artifact or artifacts. As part of evaluating the request, the engine may produce informational or warning messages. These messages will be provided by this elementevaluationMessage : Reference [0..*] « OperationOutcome »The output parameters of the evaluation, if any. Many modules will result in the return of specific resources such as procedure or communication requests that are returned as part of the operation result. However, modules may define specific outputs that would be returned as the result of the evaluation, and these would be returned in this elementoutputParameters : Reference [0..1] « Parameters »The actions, if any, produced by the evaluation of the artifactresult : Reference [0..1] « CarePlan|RequestGroup »If the evaluation could not be completed due to lack of information, or additional information would potentially result in a more accurate response, this element will a description of the data required in order to proceed with the evaluation. A subsequent request to the service should include this datadataRequirement : DataRequirement [0..*]

XML Template

<GuidanceResponse xmlns=""> doco
 <!-- from Resource: id, meta, implicitRules, and language -->
 <!-- from DomainResource: text, contained, extension, and modifierExtension -->
 <requestId value="[id]"/><!-- 0..1 The id of the request associated with this response, if any -->
 <identifier><!-- 0..1 Identifier Business identifier --></identifier>
 <module><!-- 1..1 Reference(ServiceDefinition) A reference to a knowledge module --></module>
 <status value="[code]"/><!-- 1..1 success | data-requested | data-required | in-progress | failure -->
 <subject><!-- 0..1 Reference(Patient|Group) Patient the request was performed for --></subject>
 <context><!-- 0..1 Reference(Encounter|EpisodeOfCare) Encounter or Episode during which the response was returned --></context>
 <occurrenceDateTime value="[dateTime]"/><!-- 0..1 When the guidance response was processed -->
 <performer><!-- 0..1 Reference(Device) Device returning the guidance --></performer>
 <reason[x]><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept|Reference(Any) Reason for the response --></reason[x]>
 <note><!-- 0..* Annotation Additional notes about the response --></note>
 <evaluationMessage><!-- 0..* Reference(OperationOutcome) Messages resulting from the evaluation of the artifact or artifacts --></evaluationMessage>
 <outputParameters><!-- 0..1 Reference(Parameters) The output parameters of the evaluation, if any --></outputParameters>
 <result><!-- 0..1 Reference(CarePlan|RequestGroup) Proposed actions, if any --></result>
 <dataRequirement><!-- 0..* DataRequirement Additional required data --></dataRequirement>

Turtle Template

@prefix fhir: <> .doco

[ a fhir:GuidanceResponse;
  fhir:nodeRole fhir:treeRoot; # if this is the parser root

  # from Resource: .id, .meta, .implicitRules, and .language
  # from DomainResource: .text, .contained, .extension, and .modifierExtension
  fhir:GuidanceResponse.requestId [ id ]; # 0..1 The id of the request associated with this response, if any
  fhir:GuidanceResponse.identifier [ Identifier ]; # 0..1 Business identifier
  fhir:GuidanceResponse.module [ Reference(ServiceDefinition) ]; # 1..1 A reference to a knowledge module
  fhir:GuidanceResponse.status [ code ]; # 1..1 success | data-requested | data-required | in-progress | failure
  fhir:GuidanceResponse.subject [ Reference(Patient|Group) ]; # 0..1 Patient the request was performed for
  fhir:GuidanceResponse.context [ Reference(Encounter|EpisodeOfCare) ]; # 0..1 Encounter or Episode during which the response was returned
  fhir:GuidanceResponse.occurrenceDateTime [ dateTime ]; # 0..1 When the guidance response was processed
  fhir:GuidanceResponse.performer [ Reference(Device) ]; # 0..1 Device returning the guidance
  # GuidanceResponse.reason[x] : 0..1 Reason for the response. One of these 2
    fhir:GuidanceResponse.reasonCodeableConcept [ CodeableConcept ]
    fhir:GuidanceResponse.reasonReference [ Reference(Any) ]
  fhir:GuidanceResponse.note [ Annotation ], ... ; # 0..* Additional notes about the response
  fhir:GuidanceResponse.evaluationMessage [ Reference(OperationOutcome) ], ... ; # 0..* Messages resulting from the evaluation of the artifact or artifacts
  fhir:GuidanceResponse.outputParameters [ Reference(Parameters) ]; # 0..1 The output parameters of the evaluation, if any
  fhir:GuidanceResponse.result [ Reference(CarePlan|RequestGroup) ]; # 0..1 Proposed actions, if any
  fhir:GuidanceResponse.dataRequirement [ DataRequirement ], ... ; # 0..* Additional required data

Changes since DSTU2

This resource did not exist in Release 2


Alternate definitions: Master Definition (XML, JSON), XML Schema/Schematron (for ) + JSON Schema, ShEx (for Turtle), JSON-LD (for RDF as JSON-LD),

GuidanceResponse.status The status of a guidance responseRequiredGuidanceResponseStatus

Search parameters for this resource. The common parameters also apply. See Searching for more information about searching in REST, messaging, and services.

NameTypeDescriptionPathsIn Common
patientreferenceThe identity of a patient to search for guidance response resultsGuidanceResponse.subject
subjectreferenceThe subject that the guidance response is aboutGuidanceResponse.subject
(Group, Patient)