Mappings for the medicationadministration resource.
MedicationAdministration | SubstanceAdministration |
identifier | id |
status | statusCode |
medication[x] | Consumeable->AdministerableMedication |
patient | subject->Patient |
encounter | component->EncounterEvent |
supportingInformation | |
effective[x] | effectiveTime |
performer | performer->Role |
reasonReference | reason.observation[code=ASSERTION].value |
prescription | InFullfillmentOf->SubstanceAdministration |
notGiven | actionNegationInd |
reasonNotGiven | Reason->Observation->Value |
reasonGiven | . reasonCode |
device | device->Access OR device->AssignedDevice |
note | .inboundRelationship[typeCode=SUBJ]/source[classCode=OBS,moodCode=EVN,code="annotation"].value |
dosage | component->SubstanceAdministrationEvent |
text | .text |
site | approachSiteCode |
route | routeCode |
method | methodCode |
dose | doseQuantity |
rate[x] | rateQuantity |
eventHistory | |
MedicationAdministration | |
identifier | |
status | RXA-20-Completion Status |
medication[x] | RXA-5-Administered Code |
patient | PID-3-Patient ID List |
encounter | PV1-19-Visit Number |
supportingInformation | |
effective[x] | RXA-3-Date/Time Start of Administration / RXA-4-Date/Time End of Administration |
performer | RXA-10-Administering Provider / PRT-5-Participation Person: PRT-4-Participation='AP' (RXA-10 is deprecated) |
reasonReference | |
prescription | ORC-2-Placer Order Number / ORC-3-Filler Order Number |
notGiven | RXA-20-Completion Status='NA' |
reasonNotGiven | RXA-9-Administration Notes / RXA-18 Substance/Treatment Refusal Reason |
reasonGiven | RXE-27 Give Indication |
device | PRT-10 Participation Device / RXR-3 Administrative Device |
note | |
dosage | |
text | |
site | RXR-2 Administration Site / RXR-6 Administration Site Modifier |
route | RXR-1-Route |
method | RXR-4-Administration Method |
dose | RXA-6 Administered Amount / RXA-7 Administered Units |
rate[x] | RXA-12-Administered Per (Time Unit) |
eventHistory | |
The provenance resource is based on known practices in the
HL7 implementation space, particularly those found in the
v2 EVN segment, the v3 ControlAct Wrapper, the CDA header, and
The conceptual model underlying the design is the W3C
provenance Specification
. Though the content and format
of the resource is designed to meet specific requirements for FHIR,
all the parts of the resource are formally mapped to the PROV-O
specification, and FHIR resources can be transformed to their W3C
PROV equivalent.