Current Build
Defines common extensions used with or related to the Patient resource
patient-mothersMaidenNameMother's Maiden name :

Mother's maiden (unmarried) name, commonly collected to help verify patient identity.

patient-birthTimeTime of day of birth :

The time of day that the Patient was born. This includes the date to ensure that the timezone information can be communicated effectively.

patient-nationalityNationality :

The nationality of the subject.

patient-citizenshipNation(s) where the patient claims citizenship :

The patient's legal status as citizen of a country.

patient-cadavericDonorPost-mortem donor status :

Flag indicating whether the patient authorized the donation of body parts after death.

patient-congregationA group of place of religious practice :

A group or place of religious practice that may provide services to the patient.

patient-adoptionInfoThe adoption status of the patient :

Code indication the adoption status of the patient.

patient-disabilityCondition(s) limiting movement, senses, or activities :

Value(s) identifying physical or mental condition(s) that limits a person's movements, senses, or activities.

patient-importanceSpecial status given the patient :

The importance of the patient (e.g. VIP).

patient-clinicalTrialThe patient's participation in clinical trials :

The clinical trials this patient has or is participating in.

patient-interpreterRequiredWhether the patient needs an interpreter :

This Patient requires an interpreter to communicate healthcare information to the practitioner.

patient-religionThe patient's professed religious affiliations :

The patient's professed religious affiliations.

Search parameters defined by this package. See Searching for more information about searching in REST, messaging, and services.

agenumberSearches for patients based on age as calculated based on current date and date of birth. Deceased patients are excluded from the search.f:Patient/f:birthDateXML / JSON
birthOrderBooleantokenSearch based on whether a patient was part of a multiple birth or not.f:Patient/f:multipleBirthBoolean | f:Patient/f:multipleBirthIntegerXML / JSON
mothersMaidenNamestringSearch based on patient's mother's maiden nameXML / JSON