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International Realm Pharmacy Extensions Profile

Scope and Usage

This profile defines several core extensions for the Pharmacy and Immunization domains

More details will be provided shortly. This profile needs to be reviewed by Pharmacy.


pharmacy-core-doseTypeThe type of dose, e.g., loading. :

The type of dose, e.g., initial, maintenance, loading.

pharmacy-core-infuseOverThe length of the infusion :

For infused medications, the length of time the infusion process, as a duration. Note the difference between infuseOver and duration of treatment (specified in administrationFrequency). An order may call for infusing a patient TID for an hour each time over a duration of 5 days.

pharmacy-core-rateIncrementChange in dosing rate per interval :

Change in the dosing rate applied each rateIncrementInterval, e.g., 20 mL/hour. The rate increment is usually an increase for a patient who is initiating tube feeding. The increase is continued until the maxDeliveryRate or rateGoal is reached.

pharmacy-core-rateIncrementIntervalThe period of time between rate increments :

Period of time after which the rate increment should be attempted, e.g., 4 hours.

pharmacy-core-rateGoalThe target rate for the infusion :

The target rate to reach for this infusion. Note that deliveryRateGoal is typically less than the maximum delivery rate which is the rate not to exceed. For enteral feeding orders, a target tube feeding rate of 75ml/hour may be specified.

pharmacy-core-minDosePerPeriodThe minimum quantity of substance per period :

The minimum total quantity of a therapeutic substance that may be administered to a subject over the period of time. E.g., 10 mg in 24 hours.

pharmacy-core-maxDeliveryRateThe maximum rate of substance administration :

The maximum rate of substance administration. For volume medications, the maximum rate is to be expressed as a volume per time period. This value may be used as a stopping condition when a deliveryRateIncrement is specified without a count.

pharmacy-core-maxDeliveryVolumeThe maximum amount of fluid to infuse :

The maximum volume of fluid to administer to a patient.

pharmacy-core-refillsRemainingNumber of refills allowed :

Number of refills allowed or remaining after a dispensing event.