Current Build

Mappings for the practitioner resource.

PractitionerPRD (as one example)
    identifierPRD-7 (or XCN.1)
    nameXCN Components
    telecomPRT-15, STF-10, ROL-12
    addressORC-24, STF-11, ROL-11, PRT-14
        codePRD-1 / STF-18 / PRA-3 / PRT-4 / ROL-3 / ORC-12 / OBR-16 / PV1-7 / PV1-8 / PV1-9 / PV1-17
        periodPRD-8/9 / PRA-5.4
    communicationPID-15, NK1-20, LAN-2
    name./PreferredName (GivenNames, FamilyName, TitleCode)
    birthDate(not represented in ServD)
    photo./ImageURI (only supports the URI reference)
        code(ServD maps Practitioners and Organizations via another entity, so this concept is not available)
        period(ServD maps Practitioners and Organizations via another entity, so this concept is not available)
        location(ServD maps Practitioners and Organizations via another entity, so this concept is not available)<br/> However these are accessed via the Site.ServiceSite.ServiceSiteProvider record. (The Site has the location)
        period./Qualifications.StartDate and ./Qualifications.EndDate