Vocabulary Work Group | Maturity Level: N/A | Ballot Status: STU 3 |
Source | FDA Substance Regsitration System |
System | The URI to identify UNII codes is http://fdasis.nlm.nih.gov |
Version | If it is desired to exchange the version, use the date of the file in the UNII list download in the format YYYYMMDD |
Code | Use the value of the UNII column in the UNII List |
Display | Use the value of the PT (Preferred Term) column in the UNII List |
Inactive | Todo: Describe how it is determined which concepts are inactive |
Subsumption | No Subsumption relationships are defined by UNII |
Filter Properties | None are described yet |
To be investigated
UNII has no copyright acknowledgement needed, nor are there any license terms to adhere to.
No need for filters identified yet.
No need for implicit value sets identified yet.