Current Build HL7 Version 2 Table 0203

This is a table defined as part of HL7 v2 . Related FHIR content: v2 Identifier Type.


Name:v2 Identifier Type
Definition:FHIR Value set/code system definition for HL7 v2 table 0203 ( Identifier Type)
Code System URL:
Value Set URL:
CodeSystem ResourceXML / JSON
ValueSet ResourceXML / JSON

This value set is used in the following places:

Identifier Type

CodeDescriptionDeutsch (German)Nederlands (Dutch)CommentVersion
ACSN Accession IDAccession IDAccession Identifieradded v2.7
AM American ExpressAmerican ExpressAmerican ExpressDeprecated and replaced by BC in v 2.5.added v2.3
AMA American Medical Association NumberAmerican Medical Association nummerA physician identifier assigned by the AMA.added v2.6
AN Account numberKontonummerAccountnummerAn identifier that is unique to an account.added v2.3
An identifier for a provi deprecatedadded v2.7.1, removed after v2.7.1
An Identifier for a provider a added v2.8
An identifier for a provider r added v2.8
ANC Account number CreditorAccountnummer crediteurClass: Financial<p>A more precise definition of an account number: sometimes two distinct account numbers must be transmitted in the same message, one as the creditor, the other as the debitor.<p>Kreditorenkontonummeradded v2.5
AND Account number debitorAccountnummer debiteurClass: Financial<p>A more precise definition of an account number: sometimes two distinct account numbers must be transmitted in the same message, one as the creditor, the other as the debitor.<p>Debitorenkontonummeradded v2.5
ANON Anonymous identifierAnonieme identificatieAn identifier for a living subject whose real identity is protected or suppressed<p>Justification: For public health reporting purposes, anonymous identifiers are occasionally used for protecting patient identity in reporting certain results. For instanceadded v2.5
ANT Temporary Account NumberTijdelijk accountnummerClass: Financial<p>Temporary version of an Account Number.<p>Use Case: An ancillary system that does not normally assign account numbers is the first time to register a patient. This ancillary system will generate a temporary account number that will onlyadded v2.5
APRN Advanced Practice Registered Nurse numberAn identifier that is unique to an advanced practice registered nurse within the jurisdiction of a certifying boardadded v2.5
ASID Ancestor Specimen IDOorspronkelijk monster IDA unique identifier for the ancestor specimen. All child, grandchild, etc. specimens of the ancestor specimen share the same Ancestor Specimen ID.added v2.7
BA Bank Account NumberBankrekeningnummerClass: Financialadded v2.4
BC Bank Card NumberBankrekeningnummerClass: Financial<p>An identifier that is unique to a person's bank card. Replaces AM, DI, DS, MS, and VS beginning in v 2.5.added v2.5
BCT Birth CertificateGeboortecertificaatA number associated with a document identifying the event of a person's birth.added v2.6
BR Birth registry numberGeburtsregisternummerGeboorteregister-nummerAn identifier unique within the Assigning Authority that is the official legal record of a person's birth.added v2.3
BRN Breed Registry NumberDierenras-registernummeradded v2.4
BSNR Primary physician office numberPrimair zorgverlenerpraktijknummerBetriebsstättennummer - for use in the German realm.added v2.7
CC Cost Center numberKostenplaatsnummerClass: Financial<p>Use Case: needed especially for transmitting information about invoices.added v2.5
CONM Change of Name DocumentNaamswijzigingdocumentA number associated with a document identifying a person's legal change of name.added v2.6
CY County numberCounty-nummeradded v2.5
CZ Citizenship CardStaatsburgerschapkaartA number assigned by a person's country of residence to identify a person's citizenship.added v2.6
DDS Dentist license numberTandarts licentienummerAn identifier that is unique to a dentist within the jurisdiction of the licensing boardadded v2.5
DEA Drug Enforcement Administration registration numberAmerikaanse Drug Enforcement Administration registratienummerAn identifier for an individual or organization relative to controlled substance regulation and transactions.<p>Use case: This is a registration number that identifies an individual or organization relative to controlled substance regulation and transactiadded v2.5
DFN Drug Furnishing or prescriptive authority NumberMedicatieverstrekker of voorschrijver autoriteitnummerAn identifier issued to a health care provider authorizing the person to write drug orders<p>Use Case: A nurse practitioner has authorization to furnish or prescribe pharmaceutical substances; this identifier is in component 1.added v2.5
DI Diner's Club cardDiners ClubDiner's ClubDeprecated and replaced by BC in v 2.5.added v2.3
DL Driver's license numberFührerscheinnummerRijbewijsnummeradded v2.3
DN Doctor numberArztnummerArtsnummeradded v2.3
DO Osteopathic License numberOsteopatisch licentienummerAn identifier that is unique to an osteopath within the jurisdiction of a licensing board.added v2.5
DP Diplomatic PassportDiplomatiek paspoortA number assigned to a diplomatic passport.added v2.6
DPM Podiatrist license numberPodoloog licentienummerAn identifier that is unique to a podiatrist within the jurisdiction of the licensing board.added v2.5
DR Donor Registration NumberDonorregistratienummeradded v2.4
DS Discover CardDiscover CardDiscover kaartDeprecated and replaced by BC in v 2.5.added v2.3
EI Employee numberArbeitnehmernummerWerknemernummerA number that uniquely identifies an employee to an employer.added v2.3
EN Employer numberArbeitgebernummerWerkgevernummeradded v2.3
ESN Staff Enterprise NumberMedewerker bedrijfsnummerAn identifier that is unique to a staff member within an enterprise (as identified by the Assigning Authority).added v2.6
FI Facility IDAfdeling-IDadded v2.3.1
GI Guarantor internal identifierinterne ID des ZahlungspflichtigenInterne garantsteller identificatieClass: Financialadded v2.3
GL General ledger numberGrootboeknummerClass: Financialadded v2.5
GN Guarantor external identifierexterne ID des ZahlungspflichtigenExterne garantsteller identificatieClass: Financialadded v2.3
HC Health Card NumberGezondheidskaartnummeradded v2.4
IND Indigenous/AboriginalInheems/AboriginalA number assigned to a member of an indigenous or aboriginal group outside of Canada.added v2.5
JHN Jurisdictional health number (Canada)Rechtsgebied gezondheidsnummer (Canada)Class: Insurance<p>2 uses: a) UK jurisdictional CHI number; b) Canadian provincial health card number:added v2.4
LACSN Laboratory Accession IDLaboratorium Accessie IDA laboratory accession id is used in the laboratory domain. The concept of accession is used in other domains such as radiology, so the LACSN is used to distinguish a lab accession id from an radiology accession idadded v2.7
LANR Lifelong physician numberLevenslang zorgverlenernummerLebenslange Arztnummer - for use in German realm.added v2.7
LI Labor and industries numberArbeid en industrienummeradded v2.5
LN License numberLicentienummeradded v2.3.1
LR Local Registry IDLokaal register IDadded v2.3.1
MA Patient Medicaid numberArmennummerMedicaid patiëntnummerClass: Insuranceadded v2.3
MB Member NumberLidnummerAn identifier for the insured of an insurance policy (this insured always has a subscriber), usually assigned by the insurance carrier.<p>Use Case: Person is covered by an insurance policy. This person may or may not be the subscriber of the policy.added v2.5
MC Patient's Medicare numberRentnernummerMedicare patiëntnummerClass: Insuranceadded v2.3
MCD Practitioner Medicaid numberMedicaid zorgverlenernummerClass: Insuranceadded v2.5
MCN Microchip NumberMicrochip-nummeradded v2.4
MCR Practitioner Medicare numberMedicare zorgverlenernummerClass: Insuranceadded v2.5
MCT Marriage CertificateHuwelijkscertificaatA number associated with a document identifying the event of a person's marriage.added v2.6
MD Medical License numberGeneeskundig licentienummerAn identifier that is unique to a medical doctor within the jurisdiction of a licensing board.<p>Use Case: These license numbers are sometimes used as identifiers. In some states, the same authority issues all three identifiers, e.g. medical, osteopathicadded v2.5
MI Military ID numberMilitaire identificatieA number assigned to an individual who has had military duty, but is not currently on active duty. The number is assigned by the DOD or Veterans' Affairs (VA).added v2.5
MR Medical record numberKrankenaktennummerMedisch dossiernummerAn identifier that is unique to a patient within a set of medical records, not necessarily unique within an application.added v2.3
MRT Temporary Medical Record NumberTijdelijke medisch dossiernummerTemporary version of a Medical Record Number<p>Use Case: An ancillary system that does not normally assign medical record numbers is the first time to register a patient. This ancillary system will generate a temporary medical record number that will onlyadded v2.5
MS MasterCardMasterCardMasterCardDeprecated and replaced by BC in v 2.5.added v2.3
NBSNR Secondary physician office numberSecundaire zorgverlenerpraktijknummerNebenbetriebsstättennummer - for use in the German realm.added v2.7
NCT Naturalization CertificateNaturalisatiecertificaatA number associated with a document identifying a person's retention of citizenship in a particular country.added v2.6
NE National employer identifierNationale werkgeveridentificatieIn the US, the Assigning Authority for this value is typically CMS, but it may be used by all providers and insurance companies in HIPAA related transactions.added v2.3.1
NH National Health Plan IdentifierNationaal zorgverzekeringsnummerClass: Insurance<p>Used for the UK NHS national identifier.<p>In the US, the Assigning Authority for this value is typically CMS, but it may be used by all providers and insurance companies in HIPAA related transactions.added v2.3.1
NI National unique individual identifierNationale unieke identificatie persoonClass: Insurance<p>In the US, the Assigning Authority for this value is typically CMS, but it may be used by all providers and insurance companies in HIPAA related transactions.added v2.3.1
NII National Insurance Organization IdentifierInstitutskennzeichen der KrankenkasseNationale verzekeraar identificatieClass: Insurance<p>In Germany a national identifier for an insurance company. It is printed on the insurance card (health card). It is not to be confused with the health card number itself.<p>Krankenkassen-ID der KV-Karteadded v2.5
NIIP National Insurance Payor Identifier (Payor)Vertragskassennummer (VKNR)Nationale verzekeraar betaler identificatie (Betaler)Class: Insurance<p>In Germany the insurance identifier addressed as the payor.<p>Krankenkassen-ID des Rechnungsempfängers<p>Use case: a subdivision issues the card with their identifier, but the main division is going to pay the invoices.added v2.5
NNxxx National Person Identifier where the xxx is the ISO table 3166 3-character (alphabetic) country codeNationale persoonsidentificatie waarbij xxx de ISO-tabel 3166 3-tekens (alfabetisch) landcode isadded v2.3.1
NP Nurse practitioner numberNurse practitioner nummerAn identifier that is unique to a nurse practitioner within the jurisdiction of a certifying board.added v2.5
NPI National provider identifierNationale zorgaanbieder/zorgverlener identificatieClass: Insurance<p>In the US, the Assigning Authority for this value is typically CMS, but it may be used by all providers and insurance companies in HIPAA related transactions.added v2.3.1
OD Optometrist license numberOptometrist nummerA number that is unique to an individual optometrist within the jurisdiction of the licensing board.added v2.5
PA Physician Assistant numberAssistenzarztnummerZorgverlener nummerAn identifier that is unique to a physician assistant within the jurisdiction of a licensing boardadded v2.5
PC Parole CardReclasseringskaartA number identifying a person on parole.added v2.6
PCN Penitentiary/correctional institution NumberPenitentiaire instellings-nummerA number assigned to individual who is incarcerated.added v2.5
PE Living Subject Enterprise NumberLevend wezen bedrijfs-nummerAn identifier that is unique to a living subject within an enterprise (as identified by the Assigning Authority).added v2.5
PEN Pension NumberPensioennummeradded v2.4
PI Patient internal identifierinterne Patienten-IDIntern patiëntnummerA number that is unique to a patient within an Assigning Authority.added v2.3
PN Person numberPersonen-IDPersoonsnummerA number that is unique to a living subject within an Assigning Authority.added v2.3.1
PNT Temporary Living Subject NumberTijdelijk levend wezen nummerTemporary version of a Lining Subject Number.added v2.5
PPIN Medicare/CMS Performing Provider Identification NumberMedicare/CMS Uitvoerende zorgaanbieder/zorgverlener identificatienummerClass: Insuranceadded v2.6
PPN Passport numberPassnummerPaspoortnummerA unique number assigned to the document affirming that a person is a citizen of the country. In the US this number is issued only by the State Department.added v2.5
PRC Permanent Resident Card NumberPermanente verblijfsvergunning-nummeradded v2.5
PRN Provider numberZorgaanbieder/zorgverlener-nummerA number that is unique to an individual provider, a provider group or an organization within an Assigning Authority.<p>Use case: This allows PRN to represent either an individual (a nurse) or a group/organization (orthopedic surgery team).added v2.3.1
PT Patient external identifierexterne Patienten-IDExtern patiëntnummeradded v2.3
QA QA numberQuality Assurance-nummeradded v2.5
RI Resource identifierResource identicatieA generalized resource identifier.<p>Use Case: An identifier type is needed to accommodate what are commonly known as resources. The resources can include human (e.g. a respiratory therapist), non-human (e.g. a companion animal), inanimate object (e.g. added v2.5
RN Registered Nurse NumberVerpleegkundige registratienummerAn identifier that is unique to a registered nurse within the jurisdiction of the licensing board.added v2.5
RPH Pharmacist license numberApotheek licentienummerAn identifier that is unique to a pharmacist within the jurisdiction of the licensing board.added v2.5
RR Railroad Retirement numberSeniorenkartennummerSpoorwegen pensioneringsnummerAn identifier for an individual enrolled with the Railroad Retirement Administration. Analogous to, but distinct from, a Social Security Numberadded v2.3
RRI Regional registry IDRegionaal register-IDadded v2.3.1
RRP Railroad Retirement ProviderSpoorwegen pensioenaanbiederClass: Insuranceadded v2.6
SID Specimen IDMonsternummerIdentifier for a specimen. Used when it is not known if the specimen ID is a unique specimen ID (USID) or an ancestor ID (ASID).added v2.7
SL State licenseStaat-licentieadded v2.3.1
SN Subscriber NumberHoofdverzekerdenummerClass: Insurance<p>An identifier for a subscriber of an insurance policy which is unique for, and usually assigned by, the insurance carrier.<p>Use Case: A person is the subscriber of an insurance policy. The person's family may be plan members, but are nadded v2.5
SP Study PermitOpleidingsvisumA number associated with a permit identifying a person who is a resident of a jurisdiction for the purpose of education.added v2.6
SR State registry IDStaat register-IDadded v2.3.1
SS Social Security numberSozialversicherungsnummerSOFI-nummeradded v2.3
TAX Tax ID numberBelasting identificatieadded v2.5
TN Treaty Number/ (Canada)Verdragnummer/ (Canada)A number assigned to a member of an indigenous group in Canada.<p>Use Case: First Nation.added v2.5
TPR Temporary Permanent Resident (Canada)Tijdelijk permanente inwoner (Canada)A number associated with a document identifying a person's temporary permanent resident status.added v2.6
U Unspecified identifierNiet-gspecificeerde identificatieadded v2.3.1
UPIN Medicare/CMS (formerly HCFA)'s Universal Physician Identification numbersMedicare/HCFA's Universele Zorgverlener Identificatie NummersClass: Insurance<p>An identifier for a provider within the CMS/Medicare program. A globally unique identifier for the provider in the Medicare program.added v2.3.1
USID Unique Specimen IDUniek monsternummerA unique identifier for a specimen.added v2.7
VN Visit numberFallnummerBezoeknummeradded v2.3
VP Visitor PermitToeristenvisumA number associated with a document identifying a person as a visitor of a jurisdiction or country.added v2.6
VS VISAVISAVISADeprecated and replaced by BC in v 2.5.added v2.3
WC WIC identifierWIC identificatieadded v2.3.1
WCN Workers' Comp NumberWerknemerscompensatie-nummeradded v2.4
WP Work PermitWerkvisumA number associated with a permit for a person who is granted permission to work in a country for a specified time period.added v2.6
XX Organization identifierOrganisations-IDOrganisatie identificatieadded v2.3