Current Build HL7 v3 Code System GTSAbbreviation

This code system ( is defined as part of HL7 v3.


Defining URL:
Name:v3 Code System GTSAbbreviation
Definition:**** MISSING DEFINITIONS ****
OID:2.16.840.1.113883.5.1022 (for OID based terminology systems)
Source ResourceXML / JSON

This Code system is used in the following value sets:

Release Date: 2016-11-11

1AM AM Every morning at institution specified times.
1BID BID Two times a day at institution specified time
1JB JB Regular business days (Monday to Friday excluding holidays)
1JE JE Regular weekends (Saturday and Sunday excluding holidays)
1JH GTSAbbreviationHolidays Holidays
2  (_GTSAbbreviationHolidaysChristianRoman) Abstract  Christian Holidays (Roman/Gregorian [Western] Tradition.)
3    JHCHREAS JHCHREAS Easter Sunday. The Easter date is a rather complex calculation based on Astronomical tables describing full moon dates. Details can be found at [, and]. Note that the Christian Orthodox Holidays are based on the Julian calendar.
3    JHCHRGFR JHCHRGFR Good Friday, is the Friday right before Easter Sunday.
3    JHCHRNEW JHCHRNEW New Year's Day (January 1)
3    JHCHRPEN JHCHRPEN Pentecost Sunday, is seven weeks after Easter (the 50th day of Easter).
3    JHCHRXME JHCHRXME Christmas Eve (December 24)
3    JHCHRXMS JHCHRXMS Christmas Day (December 25)
2  JHNNL The Netherlands National Holidays Description:The Netherlands National Holidays.
3    JHNNLLD Liberation day (May 5 every five years) Description:Liberation day (May 5 every five years)
3    JHNNLQD Queen's day (April 30) Description:Queen's day (April 30)
3    JHNNLSK Sinterklaas (December 5) Description:Sinterklaas (December 5)
2  JHNUS GTSAbbreviationHolidaysUSNational United States National Holidays (public holidays for federal employees established by U.S. Federal law 5 U.S.C. 6103).
3    JHNUSCLM JHNUSCLM Columbus Day, the second Monday in October.
3    JHNUSIND JHNUSIND Independence Day (4th of July)
3    JHNUSIND1 JHNUSIND1 Alternative Monday after 4th of July Weekend [5 U.S.C. 6103(b)].
3    JHNUSIND5 JHNUSIND5 Alternative Friday before 4th of July Weekend [5 U.S.C. 6103(b)].
3    JHNUSLBR JHNUSLBR Labor Day, the first Monday in September.
3    JHNUSMEM JHNUSMEM Memorial Day, the last Monday in May.
3    JHNUSMEM5 JHNUSMEM5 Friday before Memorial Day Weekend
3    JHNUSMEM6 JHNUSMEM6 Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend
3    JHNUSMLK JHNUSMLK Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, the third Monday in January.
3    JHNUSPRE JHNUSPRE Washington's Birthday (Presidential Day) the third Monday in February.
3    JHNUSTKS JHNUSTKS Thanksgiving Day, the fourth Thursday in November.
3    JHNUSTKS5 JHNUSTKS5 Friday after Thanksgiving.
3    JHNUSVET JHNUSVET Veteran's Day, November 11.
1PM PM Every afternoon at institution specified times.
1Q4H Q4H Every 4 hours at institution specified time
1Q6H Q6H Every 6 hours at institution specified time
1QD QD Every day at institution specified times.
1QID QID Four times a day at institution specified time
1QOD QOD Every other day at institution specified times.
1TID TID Three times a day at institution specified time