Current Build HL7 v3 Value Set ServiceDeliveryLocationRoleType

This value set ( is defined as part of HL7 v3. Related FHIR content: ServiceDeliveryLocationRoleType.


Defining URL:
Definition: A role of a place that further classifies the setting (e.g., accident site, road side, work site, community location) in which services are delivered.
OID:2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.17660 (for OID based terminology systems)
Source ResourceXML / JSON

This value set is used in the following places:

This value set includes codes from the following code systems:


This expansion generated 19 十二月 2016

This value set contains 123 concepts

Expansion based on version 2016-11-11

All codes from system

DXDiagnostics or therapeutics unitA practice setting where diagnostic procedures or therapeutic interventions are performed
CVDXCardiovascular diagnostics or therapeutics unitA practice setting where cardiovascular diagnostic procedures or therapeutic interventions are performed (e.g., cardiac catheterization lab, echocardiography suite)
CATHCardiac catheterization labCardiac catheterization lab
ECHOEchocardiography labEchocardiography lab
GIDXGastroenterology diagnostics or therapeutics labA practice setting where GI procedures (such as endoscopies) are performed
ENDOSEndoscopy lab(X12N 261QD0000N)
RADDXRadiology diagnostics or therapeutics unitA practice setting where radiology services (diagnostic or therapeutic) are provided (X12N 261QR0200N)
RADORadiation oncology unit(X12N 261QX0203N)
RNEUNeuroradiology unitNeuroradiology unit
HOSPHospitalAn acute care institution that provides medical, surgical, or psychiatric care and treatment for the sick or the injured.
CHRChronic Care Facility(1) A hospital including a physical plant and personnel that provides multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment for diseases that have one or more of the following characteristics: is permanent; leaves residual disability; is caused by nonreversible pathological alteration; requires special training of the patient for rehabilitation; and/or may be expected to require a long period of supervision or care. In addition, patients require the safety, security, and shelter of these specialized inpatient or partial hospitalization settings. (2) A hospital that provides medical and skilled nursing services to patients with long-term illnesses who are not in an acute phase but who require an intensity of services not available in nursing homes
GACHHospitals; General Acute Care Hospital(X12N 282N00000N)
MHSPMilitary HospitalA health care facility operated by the Department of Defense or other military operation.
PSYCHFPsychatric Care FacilityHealthcare facility that cares for patients with psychiatric illness(s).
RHRehabilitation hospital(X12N 283X00000N)
RHATaddiction treatment centerDescription: A location that plays the role of delivering services which may include life training and/or social support to people with addictions.
RHIIintellectual impairment centerDescription: A location that plays the role of delivering services which may include adaptation, rehabilitation and social integration services for people with intellectual and/or pervasive development disorders such as autism or severe behaviour disorder.
RHMADparents with adjustment difficulties centerDescription: A location that plays the role of delivering services which may social support services for adolescents who are pregnant or have child and are experiencing adaptation issues/difficulties in their current or eventual parenting role.
RHPIphysical impairment centerDescription: A location that plays the role of delivering services which may include adaptation, rehabilitation and social integration services for people with physical impairments.
RHPIHphysical impairment - hearing centerDescription: A location that plays the role of delivering services for people with hearing impairments.
RHPIMSphysical impairment - motor skills centerDescription: A location that plays the role of delivering services for people with motor skill impairments.
RHPIVSphysical impairment - visual skills centerDescription: A location that plays the role of delivering services for people with visual skill impairments.
RHYADyouths with adjustment difficulties centerDescription: A location that plays the role of delivering services which may include life training and/or social support services for the adaption, rehabilitation and social integration of youths with adjustment difficulties.
HUHospital unitHospital unit
BMTUBone marrow transplant unitBone marrow transplant unit
CCUCoronary care unitCoronary care unit
CHESTChest unitA specialty unit in hospital that focuses on chronic respirator patients and pulmonary failure
EPILEpilepsy unitEpilepsy unit
EREmergency roomThe section of a health care facility for providing rapid treatment to victims of sudden illness or trauma.
ETUEmergency trauma unitEmergency trauma unit
HDHemodialysis unitHemodialysis unit
HLABhospital laboratoryDescription: A location that plays the role of delivering services which may include tests done based on clinical specimens to get health information about a patient as pertaining to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease. Hospital laboratories may be further divided into specialized units such as Anatomic Pathology, Microbiology, and Biochemistry.
INLABinpatient laboratoryDescription: A location that plays the role of delivering services which may include tests are done on clinical specimens to get health information about a patient pertaining to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease for a hospital visit longer than one day.
OUTLABoutpatient laboratoryDescription: A location that plays the role of delivering services which may include tests are done on clinical specimens to get health information about a patient pertaining to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease for same day visits.
HRADradiology unitDescription: A location that plays the role of delivering services which may include the branch of medicine that uses ionizing and non-ionizing radiation to diagnose and treat diseases. The radiology unit may be further divided into subspecialties such as Imaging, Cardiovascular, Thoracic, and Ultrasound.
HUSCSspecimen collection siteDescription: A location that plays the role of delivering services which may include collecting specimens and/or samples from patients for laboratory testing purposes, but does not perform any tests or analysis functions.
ICUIntensive care unitIntensive care unit
PEDICUPediatric intensive care unitPediatric intensive care unit
PEDNICUPediatric neonatal intensive care unitPediatric neonatal intensive care unit
INPHARMinpatient pharmacyDescription: A location that plays the role of delivering services which may include providing judicious, safe, efficacious, appropriate and cost effective use of medicines for treatment of patients for visits longer than one day. The distinction between inpatient pharmacies and retail (or outpatient) pharmacies is that they are part of a patient's continuity of care while staying in the hospital.
MBLmedical laboratoryDescription: A location that plays the role of delivering services which include biochemistry, hematology, microbiology, immunochemistry, and toxicology.
NCCSNeurology critical care and stroke unitNeurology critical care and stroke unit
NSNeurosurgery unitNeurosurgery unit
OUTPHARMoutpatient pharmacyDescription: A location that plays the role of delivering services which may include providing judicious, safe, efficacious, appropriate and cost effective use of medicines for treatment of patients for outpatient visits and may also be used for discharge prescriptions.
PEDUPediatric unitPediatric unit
PHUPsychiatric hospital unit(X12N 273R00000N)
RHURehabilitation hospital unitRehabilitation hospital unit
SLEEPSleep disorders unit(X12N 261QA1200N)
NCCFNursing or custodial care facilityNursing or custodial care facility
SNFSkilled nursing facility(X12N 314000000N)
OFOutpatient facilityOutpatient facility
ALLAllergy clinicAllergy clinic
AMPUTAmputee clinicAmputee clinic
BMTCBone marrow transplant clinicBone marrow transplant clinic
BREASTBreast clinicBreast clinic
CANCChild and adolescent neurology clinicChild and adolescent neurology clinic
CAPCChild and adolescent psychiatry clinicChild and adolescent psychiatry clinic
CARDAmbulatory Health Care Facilities; Clinic/Center; Rehabilitation: Cardiac FacilitiesAmbulatory Health Care Facilities; Clinic/Center; Rehabilitation: Cardiac Facilities
PEDCARDPediatric cardiology clinicPediatric cardiology clinic
COAGCoagulation clinicCoagulation clinic
CRSColon and rectal surgery clinicColon and rectal surgery clinic
DERMDermatology clinicDermatology clinic
ENDOEndocrinology clinicEndocrinology clinic
PEDEPediatric endocrinology clinicPediatric endocrinology clinic
ENTOtorhinolaryngology clinicOtorhinolaryngology clinic
FMCFamily medicine clinicFamily medicine clinic
GIGastroenterology clinicGastroenterology clinic
PEDGIPediatric gastroenterology clinicPediatric gastroenterology clinic
GIMGeneral internal medicine clinicGeneral internal medicine clinic
GYNGynecology clinicGynecology clinic
HEMHematology clinicHematology clinic
PEDHEMPediatric hematology clinicPediatric hematology clinic
HTNHypertension clinicHypertension clinic
IECImpairment evaluation centerFocuses on assessing disability
INFDInfectious disease clinicInfectious disease clinic
PEDIDPediatric infectious disease clinicPediatric infectious disease clinic
INVInfertility clinicInfertility clinic
LYMPHLympedema clinicLympedema clinic
MGENMedical genetics clinicMedical genetics clinic
NEPHNephrology clinicNephrology clinic
PEDNEPHPediatric nephrology clinicPediatric nephrology clinic
NEURNeurology clinicNeurology clinic
OBObstetrics clinicObstetrics clinic
OMSOral and maxillofacial surgery clinicOral and maxillofacial surgery clinic
ONCLMedical oncology clinicMedical oncology clinic
PEDHOPediatric oncology clinicPediatric oncology clinic
OPHOpthalmology clinicOpthalmology clinic
OPTCoptometry clinicDescription: A location that plays the role of delivering services which may include examination, diagnosis, treatment, management, and prevention of diseases and disorders of the eye as well as prescribing and fitting appropriate corrective lenses (glasses or contact lenses) as needed. Optometry clinics may also provide tests for visual field screening, measuring intra-ocular pressure and ophthalmoscopy, as and when required.
ORTHOOrthopedics clinicOrthopedics clinic
HANDHand clinicHand clinic
PAINCLPain clinic(X12N 261QP3300N)
PCPrimary care clinic(X12N 261QP2300N)
PEDCPediatrics clinicPediatrics clinic
PEDRHEUMPediatric rheumatology clinicPediatric rheumatology clinic
PODPodiatry clinic(X12N 261QP1100N)
PREVPreventive medicine clinicPreventive medicine clinic
PROCTOProctology clinicProctology clinic
PROFFProvider's OfficeLocation where healthcare service was delivered, identified as the healthcare provider's practice office.
PROSProsthodontics clinicProsthodontics clinic
PSIPsychology clinicPsychology clinic
PSYPsychiatry clinicPsychiatry clinic
RHEUMRheumatology clinicRheumatology clinic
SPMEDSports medicine clinicSports medicine clinic
SUSurgery clinicSurgery clinic
PLSPlastic surgery clinicPlastic surgery clinic
UROUrology clinicUrology clinic
TRTransplant clinicTransplant clinic
TRAVELTravel and geographic medicine clinicTravel and geographic medicine clinic
WNDWound clinicWound clinic
RTFResidential treatment facilityResidential treatment facility
PRCPain rehabilitation centerPain rehabilitation center
SURFSubstance use rehabilitation facility(X12N 324500000N)
DADDRDelivery AddressLocation address where medical supplies were transported to for use.
MOBLMobile UnitLocation (mobile) where healthcare service was delivered.
AMBAmbulanceLocation (mobile) where healthcare service was delivered, identified specifically as an ambulance.
PHARMPharmacyLocation where healthcare service was delivered, identified as a pharmacy.
ACCaccident siteLocation of an accident where healthcare service was delivered, such as a roadside.
COMMCommunity LocationCommunity location where healthcare is delivered.
CSCcommunity service centerDescription: A location that plays the role of delivering services which may include providing front-line services to the population of a defined geographic area such as: healthcare services and social services, preventive or curative, rehabilitation or reintegration.
PTRESPatient's Residencelocation where healthcare was delivered which is the residence of the Patient.
SCHOOLschoolLocation where healthcare service was delivered, identified as a school or educational facility.
UPCunderage protection centerDescription: A location that plays the role of delivering services which may include: social emergency services required for a young person as required under any jurisdictional youth laws, child placement, and family mediation in the defined geographical area the SDL is responsible for. It may provide expertise in a judiciary setting on child custody, adoption and biological history research.
WORKwork siteLocation where healthcare service was delivered, identified as a work place.