Current Build

This table lists profiles and extenions for the ValueSet resource. For background information, see Profiling Resources and Extensibility. Additional profiles and resources may be found in published Implementation Guides , or in the Conformance resource registry .

ShareableValueSet Enforces the minimum information set for the value set metadata required by HL7 and other organisations that share and publish value sets for Shareable ValueSet
resource-approvalDate When resource approved by publisher for Resource HL7 Extensions
resource-effectivePeriod The effective date range for the resource for Resource HL7 Extensions
resource-lastReviewDate Last review date for the resource for Resource HL7 Extensions
valueset-author User or Org actually involved in creating the value set content for ValueSet HL7 Extensions
valueset-caseSensitive If code is case sensitive for ValueSet HL7 Extensions
valueset-comment Human-specified notes and other documentation for ValueSet HL7 Extensions
valueset-comments Comment about the use of this code in this context for ValueSet HL7 Extensions
valueset-conceptOrder Appearance order for user selection for ValueSet HL7 Extensions
valueset-definition A definition for this code for ValueSet HL7 Extensions
valueset-effectiveDate When the value set version becomes Active and is available for use for ValueSet HL7 Extensions
valueset-expansionSource ValueSet definition used to generate this expansion (logical URL) for ValueSet HL7 Extensions
valueset-expirationDate When the value set version should no longer be used for ValueSet HL7 Extensions
valueset-history What has happened over time for ValueSet HL7 Extensions
valueset-keyWord Descriptors and key terms for search for ValueSet HL7 Extensions
valueset-label E.g. "(a)", "1.", etc. for ValueSet HL7 Extensions
valueset-map A concept map relevant to interpret this value set for ValueSet HL7 Extensions
valueset-ordinalValue Comparison value for ordinal codes for ValueSet HL7 Extensions
valueset-otherName Alternative names for ValueSet HL7 Extensions
valueset-sourceReference Where did this content come from for ValueSet HL7 Extensions
valueset-system Code system resource for ValueSet HL7 Extensions
valueset-systemName Code system name for ValueSet HL7 Extensions
valueset-systemRef Where to find code system for ValueSet HL7 Extensions
valueset-toocostly The expansion is incomplete because the full expansion is too large for ValueSet HL7 Extensions
valueset-trusted-expansion Reference to a trusted expansion for ValueSet HL7 Extensions
valueset-unclosed The expansion is incomplete (because post-coordination) for ValueSet HL7 Extensions
valueset-usage Who has used and how? for ValueSet HL7 Extensions
valueset-warning Extra warning about the correct use of the value set for ValueSet HL7 Extensions
valueset-workflowStatus Indicates the state of development of the value set for ValueSet HL7 Extensions
No Search Extensions defined for this resource