Current Build
Defines common extensions used with or related to the Consent resource
consent-AuthorizationServiceAuthorization Service :

Authorization service that will make decisions consistant with the Consent.

consent-RulesComputable Consent Language :

Rules of the Consent in a non FHIR format.

consent-NotificationEndpointNotification Endpoint :

Endpoint for sending Disclosure notifications in the form of FHIR AuditEvent records.

consent-WitnessWitness to Consent :

Any witness to the consent.

consent-basisReference to policy/rule for this exception :

Reference to the policy or rule in a policy that this exception is made in regard to. This extension would be used in the context where the policy reference in the Consent resource refers to a complex policy based on multiple underlying consent frameworks (e.g. multiple levels of jurisdiction), and there is a need to explicitly identify which underlying source policy an exception regards.