Current Build
Adds additional information to a family member history supporting both the capture of mother/father relationships as well as additional observations necessary to enable genetics-based risk analysis for patients
FamilyMemberHistory-GeneticAdds additional information to a family member history supporting both the capture of mother/father relationships as well as additional observations necessary to enable genetics-based risk analysis for patients
family-member-history-genetics-parentMother(s) & Father(s) - genetic & other :

Identifies a parent of the relative.

family-member-history-genetics-siblingnatural brother(s) & natural sister(s) - genetic & other :

Identifies a sibling of the relative.

family-member-history-genetics-observationGenetic markers, ethnicity, etc. :

Allows capturing risk-relevant observations about the relative that aren't themselves a specific health condition; e.g. Certain ethnic ancestries that are disease-relevant, presence of particular genetic markers, etc.