Current Build
ActivityDefinition XMLJSON
AllergyIntolerance XMLJSON
Appointment XMLJSON
AppointmentResponse XMLJSON
AuditEvent XMLJSON
CapabilityStatement XMLJSON
ClaimResponse XMLJSON
ClinicalImpression XMLJSON
CodeSystem XMLJSON
Communication XMLJSON
CommunicationRequest XMLJSON
CompartmentDefinition XMLJSON
Composition XMLJSON
ConceptMap XMLJSON
Condition XMLJSON
Contract XMLJSON
Coverage XMLJSON
DataElement XMLJSON
DetectedIssue XMLJSON
DeviceComponent XMLJSON
DeviceMetric XMLJSON
DeviceUseRequest XMLJSON
DeviceUseStatement XMLJSON
DiagnosticReport XMLJSON
DiagnosticRequest XMLJSON
DocumentManifest XMLJSON
DocumentReference XMLJSON
EligibilityRequest XMLJSON
EligibilityResponse XMLJSON
Encounter XMLJSON
Endpoint XMLJSON
EnrollmentRequest XMLJSON
EnrollmentResponse XMLJSON
EpisodeOfCare XMLJSON
ExpansionProfile XMLJSON
ExplanationOfBenefit XMLJSON
FamilyMemberHistory XMLJSON
GuidanceResponse XMLJSON
HealthcareService XMLJSON
ImagingManifest XMLJSON
ImagingStudy XMLJSON
Immunization XMLJSON
ImmunizationRecommendation XMLJSON
ImplementationGuide XMLJSON
Location XMLJSON
MeasureReport XMLJSON
Medication XMLJSON
MedicationAdministration XMLJSON
MedicationDispense XMLJSON
MedicationRequest XMLJSON
MedicationStatement XMLJSON
MessageDefinition XMLJSON
MessageHeader XMLJSON
NamingSystem XMLJSON
NutritionRequest XMLJSON
Observation XMLJSON
OperationDefinition XMLJSON
OperationOutcome XMLJSON
Organization XMLJSON
PaymentNotice XMLJSON
PaymentReconciliation XMLJSON
PlanDefinition XMLJSON
Practitioner XMLJSON
PractitionerRole XMLJSON
Procedure XMLJSON
ProcedureRequest XMLJSON
ProcessRequest XMLJSON
ProcessResponse XMLJSON
Provenance XMLJSON
Questionnaire XMLJSON
QuestionnaireResponse XMLJSON
ReferralRequest XMLJSON
RelatedPerson XMLJSON
RequestGroup XMLJSON
ResearchStudy XMLJSON
ResearchSubject XMLJSON
RiskAssessment XMLJSON
Schedule XMLJSON
SearchParameter XMLJSON
Sequence XMLJSON
ServiceDefinition XMLJSON
Specimen XMLJSON
StructureDefinition XMLJSON
StructureMap XMLJSON
Subscription XMLJSON
Substance XMLJSON
SupplyDelivery XMLJSON
SupplyRequest XMLJSON
TestReport XMLJSON
TestScript XMLJSON
VisionPrescription XMLJSON
FHIR Specification Core
11179-de-administrative-status Status of internal processingXMLJSON
11179-de-change-description What's changed since the last "business" version?XMLJSON
11179-de-classification-or-context context | classificationXMLJSON
11179-de-contact-address How to mail contactXMLJSON
11179-de-document-reference Pointer to document related to data elementXMLJSON
11179-de-effective-period When data element is "valid"XMLJSON
11179-de-is-data-element-concept Is code the DEC for the data element?XMLJSON
11179-de-registry-org Organization responsible for registryXMLJSON
11179-de-submitter-org Who submitted data element to registryXMLJSON
11179-objectClass Object ClassXMLJSON
11179-objectClassProperty Object Class PropertyXMLJSON
11179-permitted-value-conceptmap Mapping from permitted to transmittedXMLJSON
11179-permitted-value-valueset Permitted valuesXMLJSON
DiagnosticReport-geneticsAnalysis AnalysisXMLJSON
DiagnosticReport-geneticsAssessedCondition AssessedConditionXMLJSON
DiagnosticReport-geneticsFamilyMemberHistory FamilyHistoryXMLJSON
allergyintolerance-duration How long Manifestations persistedXMLJSON
allergyintolerance-reasonRefuted Explanation associated with refuted statusXMLJSON
allergyintolerance-resolutionAge Age that the allergy or intolerance resolvedXMLJSON
allergyintolerance-substanceExposureRisk Exposure risk of adverse reaction (allergy or intolerance) to the specified substance/productXMLJSON
auditevent-Accession Acession NumberXMLJSON
auditevent-Anonymized Anonymized stateXMLJSON
auditevent-Encrypted Encrypted stateXMLJSON
auditevent-Instance SOP Instance UID valueXMLJSON
auditevent-MPPS MPPS instance UIDXMLJSON
auditevent-NumberOfInstances Number of SOP Instances refered to by this entityXMLJSON
auditevent-ParticipantObjectContainsStudy Contains StudyXMLJSON
auditevent-SOPClass UIDs of SOP classes referred toXMLJSON
birthPlace Place of Birth for patientXMLJSON
body-site-instance Target anatomic location or structureXMLJSON
capabilitystatement-expectation Conformance expectationXMLJSON
capabilitystatement-prohibited Functionality not allowedXMLJSON
capabilitystatement-search-parameter-combination An allowable parameter combinationXMLJSON
capabilitystatement-supported-system Code system not defined in a value setXMLJSON
capabilitystatement-websocket Where server websocket end point is foundXMLJSON
careplan-activity-title Label for activityXMLJSON
codesystem-author User or Org actually involved in creating the value set contentXMLJSON
codesystem-comment Human-specified notes and other documentationXMLJSON
codesystem-comments Comment about the use of this code in this contextXMLJSON
codesystem-conceptOrder Appearance order for user selectionXMLJSON
codesystem-deprecated Whether the concept has been deprecatedXMLJSON
codesystem-effectiveDate When the value set version becomes Active and is available for useXMLJSON
codesystem-expirationDate When the value set version should no longer be usedXMLJSON
codesystem-history What has happened over timeXMLJSON
codesystem-keyWord Descriptors and key terms for searchXMLJSON
codesystem-label E.g. "(a)", "1.", etc.XMLJSON
codesystem-map A concept map relevant to interpret this value setXMLJSON
codesystem-ordinalValue Comparison value for ordinal codesXMLJSON
codesystem-otherName Alternative namesXMLJSON
codesystem-reference Url of Value set the code was chosen fromXMLJSON
codesystem-replacedby A code that replaces thisXMLJSON
codesystem-sourceReference Where did this content come fromXMLJSON
codesystem-subsumes Codes that this concept subsumes that have already been declared elsewhereXMLJSON
codesystem-trusted-expansion Reference to a trusted expansionXMLJSON
codesystem-usage Who has used and how?XMLJSON
codesystem-warning Extra warning about the correct use of the value setXMLJSON
codesystem-workflowStatus Indicates the state of development of the value setXMLJSON
coding-sctdescid SNOMED CT Description IDXMLJSON
communication-media Attached mediaXMLJSON
communication-reasonNotPerformed Why the communication was not or could not be carried outXMLJSON
communicationrequest-orderedBy Agent that ordered the communication.XMLJSON
communicationrequest-reasonRejected Why the recipient could not be act upon the requestXMLJSON
composition-clindoc-otherConfidentiality Additional confidentiality codesXMLJSON
concept-bidirectional Whether the map can be interpreted in reverseXMLJSON
condition-basedon Request fufilled by this conditionXMLJSON
condition-criticality Potential impact of the conditionXMLJSON
condition-dueTo Causes for this ConditionXMLJSON
condition-occurredFollowing Precedent for this ConditionXMLJSON
condition-outcome A consequence of the ConditionXMLJSON
condition-parent Part of this activityXMLJSON
condition-targetBodySite targetBodySiteXMLJSON
consent-AuthorizationService Authorization ServiceXMLJSON
consent-NotificationEndpoint Notification EndpointXMLJSON
consent-Rules Computable Consent LanguageXMLJSON
consent-Witness Witness to ConsentXMLJSON
consent-basis Reference to policy/rule for this exceptionXMLJSON
data-absent-reason Data Absent ReasonXMLJSON
datadictionary Associates the structure definition with a collection of Data ElementsXMLJSON
device-din Donation Identification Number (DIN)XMLJSON
deviceuserequest-reasonRejected If request was rejected, why?XMLJSON
diagnosticReport-locationPerformed Location PerformedXMLJSON
diagnosticrequest-geneticsItem The items the orderer requestedXMLJSON
diagnosticrequest-precondition The condition or state of the patient for this testXMLJSON
diagnosticrequest-questionnaireRequest Questionnaire to be orderedXMLJSON
diagnosticrequest-reasonRejected The reason the order was rejectedXMLJSON
elementdefinition-allowedUnits Units to use for measured valueXMLJSON
elementdefinition-bestpractice Mark a warning invariant as 'best practice'XMLJSON
elementdefinition-equivalence equivalent | equal | wider | subsumes | narrower | specializes | inexact | unmatched | disjointXMLJSON
elementdefinition-identifier External Identifier associated with this elementXMLJSON
elementdefinition-maxValueSet Maximum Value Set (when strength = extensible)XMLJSON
elementdefinition-minValueSet Minimum Value Set (what system must support)XMLJSON
elementdefinition-namespace specifiy namespace other than
elementdefinition-question Prompt for element phrased as questionXMLJSON
encounter-associatedEncounter Associated EncounterXMLJSON
encounter-modeOfArrival The method of arrival of the patient into the facilityXMLJSON
encounter-primaryDiagnosis Primary Diagnosis of this encounter (priority order - 1 = highest)XMLJSON
encounter-reasonCancelled Explanation for cancellationXMLJSON
encounter-relatedCondition Other associated conditionsXMLJSON
entryFormat User prompt for formatXMLJSON
family-member-history-genetics-observation Genetic markers, ethnicity, etc.XMLJSON
family-member-history-genetics-parent Mother(s) & Father(s) - genetic & otherXMLJSON
family-member-history-genetics-sibling natural brother(s) & natural sister(s) - genetic & otherXMLJSON
familymemberhistory-abatement When (or if) the family member's condition resolvedXMLJSON
familymemberhistory-patient-record Link to patient recordXMLJSON
familymemberhistory-severity The seriousness of the family member conditionXMLJSON
familymemberhistory-type Purpose of the family member historyXMLJSON
flag-detail Resource with details for flagXMLJSON
flag-priority An alarm codeXMLJSON
geolocation The absolute geographic locationXMLJSON
goal-acceptance Individual acceptance of goalXMLJSON
goal-pertainsToGoal Pertains to goalXMLJSON
goal-reasonRejected The reason the goal was not acceptedXMLJSON
goal-relationship Goals related to this GoalXMLJSON
goal-target Target for goalXMLJSON
hla-genotyping-resultsAlleleDatabase Allele DatabaseXMLJSON
hla-genotyping-resultsGlstring glstringXMLJSON
hla-genotyping-resultsHaploid haploidXMLJSON
hla-genotyping-resultsMethod The platform, methodology and software applied at the time of the genotypingXMLJSON
http-response-header HTTP header returned by the interactionXMLJSON
11179-de-administrative-status Status of internal processingXMLJSON
11179-de-change-description What's changed since the last "business" version?XMLJSON
11179-de-classification-or-context context | classificationXMLJSON
11179-de-contact-address How to mail contactXMLJSON
11179-de-document-reference Pointer to document related to data elementXMLJSON
11179-de-effective-period When data element is "valid"XMLJSON
11179-de-is-data-element-concept Is code the DEC for the data element?XMLJSON
11179-de-registry-org Organization responsible for registryXMLJSON
11179-de-submitter-org Who submitted data element to registryXMLJSON
11179-objectClass Object ClassXMLJSON
11179-objectClassProperty Object Class PropertyXMLJSON
11179-permitted-value-conceptmap Mapping from permitted to transmittedXMLJSON
11179-permitted-value-valueset Permitted valuesXMLJSON
DiagnosticReport-geneticsAnalysis AnalysisXMLJSON
DiagnosticReport-geneticsAssessedCondition AssessedConditionXMLJSON
DiagnosticReport-geneticsFamilyMemberHistory FamilyHistoryXMLJSON
allergyintolerance-duration How long Manifestations persistedXMLJSON
allergyintolerance-reasonRefuted Explanation associated with refuted statusXMLJSON
allergyintolerance-resolutionAge Age that the allergy or intolerance resolvedXMLJSON
allergyintolerance-substanceExposureRisk Exposure risk of adverse reaction (allergy or intolerance) to the specified substance/productXMLJSON
auditevent-Accession Acession NumberXMLJSON
auditevent-Anonymized Anonymized stateXMLJSON
auditevent-Encrypted Encrypted stateXMLJSON
auditevent-Instance SOP Instance UID valueXMLJSON
auditevent-MPPS MPPS instance UIDXMLJSON
auditevent-NumberOfInstances Number of SOP Instances refered to by this entityXMLJSON
auditevent-ParticipantObjectContainsStudy Contains StudyXMLJSON
auditevent-SOPClass UIDs of SOP classes referred toXMLJSON
birthPlace Place of Birth for patientXMLJSON
body-site-instance Target anatomic location or structureXMLJSON
capabilitystatement-expectation Conformance expectationXMLJSON
capabilitystatement-prohibited Functionality not allowedXMLJSON
capabilitystatement-search-parameter-combination An allowable parameter combinationXMLJSON
capabilitystatement-supported-system Code system not defined in a value setXMLJSON
capabilitystatement-websocket Where server websocket end point is foundXMLJSON
careplan-activity-title Label for activityXMLJSON
codesystem-author User or Org actually involved in creating the value set contentXMLJSON
codesystem-comment Human-specified notes and other documentationXMLJSON
codesystem-comments Comment about the use of this code in this contextXMLJSON
codesystem-conceptOrder Appearance order for user selectionXMLJSON
codesystem-deprecated Whether the concept has been deprecatedXMLJSON
codesystem-effectiveDate When the value set version becomes Active and is available for useXMLJSON
codesystem-expirationDate When the value set version should no longer be usedXMLJSON
codesystem-history What has happened over timeXMLJSON
codesystem-keyWord Descriptors and key terms for searchXMLJSON
codesystem-label E.g. "(a)", "1.", etc.XMLJSON
codesystem-map A concept map relevant to interpret this value setXMLJSON
codesystem-ordinalValue Comparison value for ordinal codesXMLJSON
codesystem-otherName Alternative namesXMLJSON
codesystem-reference Url of Value set the code was chosen fromXMLJSON
codesystem-replacedby A code that replaces thisXMLJSON
codesystem-sourceReference Where did this content come fromXMLJSON
codesystem-subsumes Codes that this concept subsumes that have already been declared elsewhereXMLJSON
codesystem-trusted-expansion Reference to a trusted expansionXMLJSON
codesystem-usage Who has used and how?XMLJSON
codesystem-warning Extra warning about the correct use of the value setXMLJSON
codesystem-workflowStatus Indicates the state of development of the value setXMLJSON
coding-sctdescid SNOMED CT Description IDXMLJSON
communication-media Attached mediaXMLJSON
communication-reasonNotPerformed Why the communication was not or could not be carried outXMLJSON
communicationrequest-orderedBy Agent that ordered the communication.XMLJSON
communicationrequest-reasonRejected Why the recipient could not be act upon the requestXMLJSON
composition-clindoc-otherConfidentiality Additional confidentiality codesXMLJSON
concept-bidirectional Whether the map can be interpreted in reverseXMLJSON
condition-basedon Request fufilled by this conditionXMLJSON
condition-criticality Potential impact of the conditionXMLJSON
condition-dueTo Causes for this ConditionXMLJSON
condition-occurredFollowing Precedent for this ConditionXMLJSON
condition-outcome A consequence of the ConditionXMLJSON
condition-parent Part of this activityXMLJSON
condition-targetBodySite targetBodySiteXMLJSON
consent-AuthorizationService Authorization ServiceXMLJSON
consent-NotificationEndpoint Notification EndpointXMLJSON
consent-Rules Computable Consent LanguageXMLJSON
consent-Witness Witness to ConsentXMLJSON
consent-basis Reference to policy/rule for this exceptionXMLJSON
data-absent-reason Data Absent ReasonXMLJSON
datadictionary Associates the structure definition with a collection of Data ElementsXMLJSON
device-din Donation Identification Number (DIN)XMLJSON
deviceuserequest-reasonRejected If request was rejected, why?XMLJSON
diagnosticReport-locationPerformed Location PerformedXMLJSON
diagnosticrequest-geneticsItem The items the orderer requestedXMLJSON
diagnosticrequest-precondition The condition or state of the patient for this testXMLJSON
diagnosticrequest-questionnaireRequest Questionnaire to be orderedXMLJSON
diagnosticrequest-reasonRejected The reason the order was rejectedXMLJSON
elementdefinition-allowedUnits Units to use for measured valueXMLJSON
elementdefinition-bestpractice Mark a warning invariant as 'best practice'XMLJSON
elementdefinition-equivalence equivalent | equal | wider | subsumes | narrower | specializes | inexact | unmatched | disjointXMLJSON
elementdefinition-identifier External Identifier associated with this elementXMLJSON
elementdefinition-maxValueSet Maximum Value Set (when strength = extensible)XMLJSON
elementdefinition-minValueSet Minimum Value Set (what system must support)XMLJSON
elementdefinition-namespace specifiy namespace other than
elementdefinition-question Prompt for element phrased as questionXMLJSON
encounter-associatedEncounter Associated EncounterXMLJSON
encounter-modeOfArrival The method of arrival of the patient into the facilityXMLJSON
encounter-primaryDiagnosis Primary Diagnosis of this encounter (priority order - 1 = highest)XMLJSON
encounter-reasonCancelled Explanation for cancellationXMLJSON
encounter-relatedCondition Other associated conditionsXMLJSON
entryFormat User prompt for formatXMLJSON
family-member-history-genetics-observation Genetic markers, ethnicity, etc.XMLJSON
family-member-history-genetics-parent Mother(s) & Father(s) - genetic & otherXMLJSON
family-member-history-genetics-sibling natural brother(s) & natural sister(s) - genetic & otherXMLJSON
familymemberhistory-abatement When (or if) the family member's condition resolvedXMLJSON
familymemberhistory-patient-record Link to patient recordXMLJSON
familymemberhistory-severity The seriousness of the family member conditionXMLJSON
familymemberhistory-type Purpose of the family member historyXMLJSON
flag-detail Resource with details for flagXMLJSON
flag-priority An alarm codeXMLJSON
geolocation The absolute geographic locationXMLJSON
goal-acceptance Individual acceptance of goalXMLJSON
goal-pertainsToGoal Pertains to goalXMLJSON
goal-reasonRejected The reason the goal was not acceptedXMLJSON
goal-relationship Goals related to this GoalXMLJSON
goal-target Target for goalXMLJSON
hla-genotyping-resultsAlleleDatabase Allele DatabaseXMLJSON
hla-genotyping-resultsGlstring glstringXMLJSON
hla-genotyping-resultsHaploid haploidXMLJSON
hla-genotyping-resultsMethod The platform, methodology and software applied at the time of the genotypingXMLJSON
http-response-header HTTP header returned by the interactionXMLJSON
humanname-assembly-order Preferred display order of name partsXMLJSON
humanname-fathers-family Portion of family name derived from fatherXMLJSON
humanname-mothers-family Portion of family name derived from motherXMLJSON
humanname-own-name Portion derived from person's own surnameXMLJSON
humanname-own-prefix Voorvoegsel derived from person's own surnameXMLJSON
humanname-partner-name Portion derived from person's partner's surnameXMLJSON
humanname-partner-prefix Voorvoegsel derived from person's partner's surnameXMLJSON
identifier-validDate External Identifier associated with this elementXMLJSON
imagingstudy-radiationDose The amount of radiation, as a rangeXMLJSON
imagingstudy-radiationDuration The length of time for radiation exposureXMLJSON
implementationguide-page Page for this resourceXMLJSON
iso21090-AD-use BAD | CONF | HP | HV | DIR | PUB | PHYS | PSTXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-additionalLocator additionalLocatorXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-buildingNumberSuffix buildingNumberSuffixXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-careOf careOfXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-censusTract censusTractXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-delimiter delimiterXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-deliveryAddressLine deliveryAddressLineXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-deliveryInstallationArea deliveryInstallationAreaXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-deliveryInstallationQualifier deliveryInstallationQualifierXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-deliveryInstallationType deliveryInstallationTypeXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-deliveryMode deliveryModeXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-deliveryModeIdentifier deliveryModeIdentifierXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-direction directionXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-houseNumber houseNumberXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-houseNumberNumeric houseNumberNumericXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-postBox postBoxXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-precinct precinctXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-streetAddressLine streetAddressLineXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-streetName streetNameXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-streetNameBase streetNameBaseXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-streetNameType streetNameTypeXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-unitID unitIDXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-unitType unitTypeXMLJSON
iso21090-CO-value Numerical value associated with the codeXMLJSON
iso21090-EN-qualifier LS | AC | NB | PR | HON | BR | AD | SP | MID | CL | IN | VVXMLJSON
iso21090-EN-representation ABC | IDE | SYLXMLJSON
iso21090-SC-coding code for stringXMLJSON
iso21090-TEL-address RFC 3966 compliant telephone of fax numberXMLJSON
iso21090-nullFlavor NI | OTH | NINF | PINF | UNK | ASKU | NAV | NASK | TRC | MSK | NA | QSXMLJSON
iso21090-preferred preferredXMLJSON
iso21090-uncertainty Standard Deviation (same units as the quantity)XMLJSON
iso21090-uncertaintyType Probability Distribution Type for uncertaintyXMLJSON
iso21090-verification verificationXMLJSON
lipid-report-ldl-chol-calculated LDL is CalculatedXMLJSON
location-alias AliasXMLJSON
location-distance The distance this resource is from a provided location (geocode point)XMLJSON
mapSourcePublisher Who published the mapping sourceXMLJSON
match-grade How likely this resource is to be a matchXMLJSON
maxDecimalPlaces Maximum digits after decimalXMLJSON
maxSize Max size in MBXMLJSON
maxValue Must be <= this valueXMLJSON
medication-isActiveIngredient Active ingredient indicatorXMLJSON
medication-usualRoute Typical application routeXMLJSON
medicationdispense-validityPeriod Time interval for medication administrationXMLJSON
medicationstatement-Prescriber Who ordered the initial medication(s)XMLJSON
mimeType Type of attachmentXMLJSON
minLength At least this many charactersXMLJSON
minValue Must be >= this valueXMLJSON
observation-bodyPosition The body position during the observationXMLJSON
observation-delta Qualitative change or trend in the measurementXMLJSON
observation-focal-subject Focal SubjectXMLJSON
observation-geneticsAlleleName Name of alleleXMLJSON
observation-geneticsAllelicFrequency Allele frequencyXMLJSON
observation-geneticsAllelicState The level of occurrence of a single DNA sequence variant within a set of chromosomes: Heteroplasmic / Homoplasmic / Homozygous / Heterozygous / HemizygousXMLJSON
observation-geneticsAminoAcidChangeName HGVS nomenclature for observed Amino Acid ChangeXMLJSON
observation-geneticsAminoAcidChangeType Amino Acid Change TypeXMLJSON
observation-geneticsCopyNumberEvent Copy number variationXMLJSON
observation-geneticsDNARegionName DNA region nameXMLJSON
observation-geneticsDNASequenceVariantName HGVS nomenclature for observed DNA sequence variantXMLJSON
observation-geneticsDNASequenceVariantType DNA sequence variant typeXMLJSON
observation-geneticsDNAVariantId DNA sequence variant IDXMLJSON
observation-geneticsGene HGNC gene symbolXMLJSON
observation-geneticsGenomicSourceClass Genomic source classXMLJSON
observation-geneticsInterpretation Clinical interpretations for variantXMLJSON
observation-geneticsPhaseSet Phase set identifier (UUID/OID)XMLJSON
observation-geneticsSequence SequenceXMLJSON
observation-time-offset Time Offest for interlacingXMLJSON
operationoutcome-authority Reference to where the rule is definedXMLJSON
operationoutcome-detectedIssue Reference to a contra-indication that is the basis for this errorXMLJSON
operationoutcome-expression FHIR Path version of error locationXMLJSON
operationoutcome-issue-source Source of a validation messageXMLJSON
organization-alias AliasXMLJSON
organization-period PeriodXMLJSON
organization-preferredContact Preferred ContactXMLJSON
patient-adoptionInfo The adoption status of the patientXMLJSON
patient-birthTime Time of day of birthXMLJSON
patient-cadavericDonor Post-mortem donor statusXMLJSON
patient-citizenship Nation(s) where the patient claims citizenshipXMLJSON
patient-clinicalTrial The patient's participation in clinical trialsXMLJSON
patient-congregation A group of place of religious practiceXMLJSON
patient-disability Condition(s) limiting movement, senses, or activitiesXMLJSON
patient-importance Special status given the patientXMLJSON
patient-interpreterRequired Whether the patient needs an interpreterXMLJSON
patient-mothersMaidenName Mother's Maiden nameXMLJSON
patient-nationality NationalityXMLJSON
patient-religion The patient's professed religious affiliationsXMLJSON
pharmacy-core-doseType The type of dose, e.g., loading.XMLJSON
pharmacy-core-infuseOver The length of the infusionXMLJSON
pharmacy-core-maxDeliveryRate The maximum rate of substance administrationXMLJSON
pharmacy-core-maxDeliveryVolume The maximum amount of fluid to infuseXMLJSON
pharmacy-core-minDosePerPeriod The minimum quantity of substance per periodXMLJSON
pharmacy-core-rateGoal The target rate for the infusionXMLJSON
pharmacy-core-rateIncrement Change in dosing rate per intervalXMLJSON
pharmacy-core-rateIncrementInterval The period of time between rate incrementsXMLJSON
pharmacy-core-refillsRemaining Number of refills allowedXMLJSON
practitioner-animalSpecies The Species of the Service AnimalXMLJSON
practitioner-classification Classification of the providerXMLJSON
practitioner-primaryInd Indicator of primary specialtyXMLJSON
procedure-approachBodySite The access point or points used for this procedureXMLJSON
procedure-causedBy The related item - e.g. a procedureXMLJSON
procedure-incisionDateTime The first incision timeXMLJSON
procedure-method The method used to perform the procedureXMLJSON
procedure-progressStatus A details procedure progressXMLJSON
procedure-targetBodySite The target point for this procedureXMLJSON
procedurerequest-approachBodySite The requested access point or points used for this procedureXMLJSON
procedurerequest-authorizedBy Authorizer of the requestXMLJSON
procedurerequest-reasonRefused Reason for refusalXMLJSON
procedurerequest-targetBodySite The requested target point for this procedureXMLJSON
questionnaire-allowedProfile Allowed profile for referenceXMLJSON
questionnaire-allowedResource Allowed resource for referenceXMLJSON
questionnaire-choiceOrientation horizontal | verticalXMLJSON
questionnaire-deMap Map linking questions to DataElementsXMLJSON
questionnaire-deReference Implemented CDEXMLJSON
questionnaire-displayCategory Purpose of rendered textXMLJSON
questionnaire-fhirType The underlying FHIR data typeXMLJSON
questionnaire-hidden Don't display to userXMLJSON
questionnaire-itemControl E.g. Fly-over, Table, Checkbox, Combo-box, Lookup, etc.XMLJSON
questionnaire-lookupQuestionnaire Questionnaire to populate a referenceXMLJSON
questionnaire-maxOccurs Maximum repetitionsXMLJSON
questionnaire-minOccurs Minimum repetitionsXMLJSON
questionnaire-optionExclusive Option is exclusiveXMLJSON
questionnaire-optionPrefix E.g. "(a)", "1.", etc.XMLJSON
questionnaire-ordinalValue Comparison value for ordinal codesXMLJSON
questionnaire-referenceFilter Filter to apply when looking up referencesXMLJSON
questionnaire-sourceStructureMap Map that can populate this questionnaireXMLJSON
questionnaire-studyprotocolIdentifier Study Protocol IdentifierXMLJSON
questionnaire-supportLink Supporting informationXMLJSON
questionnaire-targetStructureMap Map to artifacts that can be populated from this QuestionnaireXMLJSON
questionnaire-unit Unit for numeric answerXMLJSON
questionnaire-usageMode capture | display | display-non-empty | capture-display | capture-display-non-emptyXMLJSON
questionnaireresponse-author Who answered question/groupXMLJSON
questionnaireresponse-note Comments about responseXMLJSON
questionnaireresponse-reason Why response was createdXMLJSON
questionnaireresponse-reviewer Who verified completion of form?XMLJSON
referralrequest-reasonRefused Reason referral was refusedXMLJSON
regex Regular expression patternXMLJSON
rendered-value What should be displayed to human (if default is not appropriate)XMLJSON
rendering-markdown String equivalent with markdownXMLJSON
rendering-style Html style valueXMLJSON
rendering-styleSensitive Are styles important for processing?XMLJSON
rendering-xhtml String equivalent with html markupXMLJSON
resource-approvalDate When resource approved by publisherXMLJSON
resource-effectivePeriod The effective date range for the resourceXMLJSON
resource-lastReviewDate Last review date for the resourceXMLJSON
searchparameter-expression FHIR Path version of search pathXMLJSON
specimen-collectionPriority Urgency for collectionXMLJSON
specimen-isDryWeight Whether quantity is a dry weightXMLJSON
specimen-sequenceNumber The sequence number of the sampleXMLJSON
specimen-specialHandling Special handling of the specimenXMLJSON
specimen-treatmentTime Time of treatmentXMLJSON
structuredefinition-ancestor StructureDefinition this is derived fromXMLJSON
structuredefinition-annotation Additional notes about any item in a structure definitionXMLJSON
structuredefinition-category Category from official resource listXMLJSON
structuredefinition-display-hint Hinting information for the narrative generatorXMLJSON
structuredefinition-example An additional example valueXMLJSON
structuredefinition-explicit-type-name Advisory - name of Type for implementationsXMLJSON
structuredefinition-expression FHIR Path version of constraintXMLJSON
structuredefinition-fmm FMM LevelXMLJSON
structuredefinition-fmm-no-warnings FMM Level (if no warnings)XMLJSON
structuredefinition-json-type Json type of value propertyXMLJSON
structuredefinition-rdf-type XML (Schema) type of attribute for RDFXMLJSON
structuredefinition-regex Regex applies to the valueXMLJSON
structuredefinition-summary Additional text for the summary presentationXMLJSON
structuredefinition-table-name Show mappings in the summary table with this nameXMLJSON
structuredefinition-template-status Template Status Code (more authoring statuses)XMLJSON
structuredefinition-wg Owing Work GroupXMLJSON
structuredefinition-xml-type XML (Schema) type of attributeXMLJSON
translation Langauge TranslationXMLJSON
us-core-direct Email is a "direct" emailXMLJSON
us-core-ethnicity US Core ethnicity ExtensionXMLJSON
us-core-race US Core Race ExtensionXMLJSON
usagecontext-group The group which this usage context is part ofXMLJSON
valueset-author User or Org actually involved in creating the value set contentXMLJSON
valueset-caseSensitive If code is case sensitiveXMLJSON
valueset-comment Human-specified notes and other documentationXMLJSON
valueset-comments Comment about the use of this code in this contextXMLJSON
valueset-conceptOrder Appearance order for user selectionXMLJSON
valueset-definition A definition for this codeXMLJSON
valueset-effectiveDate When the value set version becomes Active and is available for useXMLJSON
valueset-expansionSource ValueSet definition used to generate this expansion (logical URL)XMLJSON
valueset-expirationDate When the value set version should no longer be usedXMLJSON
valueset-history What has happened over timeXMLJSON
valueset-keyWord Descriptors and key terms for searchXMLJSON
valueset-label E.g. "(a)", "1.", etc.XMLJSON
valueset-map A concept map relevant to interpret this value setXMLJSON
valueset-ordinalValue Comparison value for ordinal codesXMLJSON
valueset-otherName Alternative namesXMLJSON
valueset-reference Url of Value set the code was chosen fromXMLJSON
valueset-sourceReference Where did this content come fromXMLJSON
valueset-system Code system resourceXMLJSON
valueset-systemName Code system nameXMLJSON
valueset-systemRef Where to find code systemXMLJSON
valueset-toocostly The expansion is incomplete because the full expansion is too largeXMLJSON
valueset-trusted-expansion Reference to a trusted expansionXMLJSON
valueset-unclosed The expansion is incomplete (because post-coordination)XMLJSON
valueset-usage Who has used and how?XMLJSON
valueset-warning Extra warning about the correct use of the value setXMLJSON
valueset-workflowStatus Indicates the state of development of the value setXMLJSON
humanname-assembly-order Preferred display order of name partsXMLJSON
humanname-fathers-family Portion of family name derived from fatherXMLJSON
humanname-mothers-family Portion of family name derived from motherXMLJSON
humanname-own-name Portion derived from person's own surnameXMLJSON
humanname-own-prefix Voorvoegsel derived from person's own surnameXMLJSON
humanname-partner-name Portion derived from person's partner's surnameXMLJSON
humanname-partner-prefix Voorvoegsel derived from person's partner's surnameXMLJSON
identifier-validDate External Identifier associated with this elementXMLJSON
imagingstudy-radiationDose The amount of radiation, as a rangeXMLJSON
imagingstudy-radiationDuration The length of time for radiation exposureXMLJSON
implementationguide-page Page for this resourceXMLJSON
iso21090-AD-use BAD | CONF | HP | HV | DIR | PUB | PHYS | PSTXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-additionalLocator additionalLocatorXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-buildingNumberSuffix buildingNumberSuffixXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-careOf careOfXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-censusTract censusTractXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-delimiter delimiterXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-deliveryAddressLine deliveryAddressLineXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-deliveryInstallationArea deliveryInstallationAreaXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-deliveryInstallationQualifier deliveryInstallationQualifierXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-deliveryInstallationType deliveryInstallationTypeXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-deliveryMode deliveryModeXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-deliveryModeIdentifier deliveryModeIdentifierXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-direction directionXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-houseNumber houseNumberXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-houseNumberNumeric houseNumberNumericXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-postBox postBoxXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-precinct precinctXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-streetAddressLine streetAddressLineXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-streetName streetNameXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-streetNameBase streetNameBaseXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-streetNameType streetNameTypeXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-unitID unitIDXMLJSON
iso21090-ADXP-unitType unitTypeXMLJSON
iso21090-CO-value Numerical value associated with the codeXMLJSON
iso21090-EN-qualifier LS | AC | NB | PR | HON | BR | AD | SP | MID | CL | IN | VVXMLJSON
iso21090-EN-representation ABC | IDE | SYLXMLJSON
iso21090-SC-coding code for stringXMLJSON
iso21090-TEL-address RFC 3966 compliant telephone of fax numberXMLJSON
iso21090-nullFlavor NI | OTH | NINF | PINF | UNK | ASKU | NAV | NASK | TRC | MSK | NA | QSXMLJSON
iso21090-preferred preferredXMLJSON
iso21090-uncertainty Standard Deviation (same units as the quantity)XMLJSON
iso21090-uncertaintyType Probability Distribution Type for uncertaintyXMLJSON
iso21090-verification verificationXMLJSON
lipid-report-ldl-chol-calculated LDL is CalculatedXMLJSON
location-alias AliasXMLJSON
location-distance The distance this resource is from a provided location (geocode point)XMLJSON
mapSourcePublisher Who published the mapping sourceXMLJSON
match-grade How likely this resource is to be a matchXMLJSON
maxDecimalPlaces Maximum digits after decimalXMLJSON
maxSize Max size in MBXMLJSON
maxValue Must be <= this valueXMLJSON
medication-isActiveIngredient Active ingredient indicatorXMLJSON
medication-usualRoute Typical application routeXMLJSON
medicationdispense-validityPeriod Time interval for medication administrationXMLJSON
medicationstatement-Prescriber Who ordered the initial medication(s)XMLJSON
mimeType Type of attachmentXMLJSON
minLength At least this many charactersXMLJSON
minValue Must be >= this valueXMLJSON
observation-bodyPosition The body position during the observationXMLJSON
observation-delta Qualitative change or trend in the measurementXMLJSON
observation-focal-subject Focal SubjectXMLJSON
observation-geneticsAlleleName Name of alleleXMLJSON
observation-geneticsAllelicFrequency Allele frequencyXMLJSON
observation-geneticsAllelicState The level of occurrence of a single DNA sequence variant within a set of chromosomes: Heteroplasmic / Homoplasmic / Homozygous / Heterozygous / HemizygousXMLJSON
observation-geneticsAminoAcidChangeName HGVS nomenclature for observed Amino Acid ChangeXMLJSON
observation-geneticsAminoAcidChangeType Amino Acid Change TypeXMLJSON
observation-geneticsCopyNumberEvent Copy number variationXMLJSON
observation-geneticsDNARegionName DNA region nameXMLJSON
observation-geneticsDNASequenceVariantName HGVS nomenclature for observed DNA sequence variantXMLJSON
observation-geneticsDNASequenceVariantType DNA sequence variant typeXMLJSON
observation-geneticsDNAVariantId DNA sequence variant IDXMLJSON
observation-geneticsGene HGNC gene symbolXMLJSON
observation-geneticsGenomicSourceClass Genomic source classXMLJSON
observation-geneticsInterpretation Clinical interpretations for variantXMLJSON
observation-geneticsPhaseSet Phase set identifier (UUID/OID)XMLJSON
observation-geneticsSequence SequenceXMLJSON
observation-time-offset Time Offest for interlacingXMLJSON
operationoutcome-authority Reference to where the rule is definedXMLJSON
operationoutcome-detectedIssue Reference to a contra-indication that is the basis for this errorXMLJSON
operationoutcome-expression FHIR Path version of error locationXMLJSON
operationoutcome-issue-source Source of a validation messageXMLJSON
organization-alias AliasXMLJSON
organization-period PeriodXMLJSON
organization-preferredContact Preferred ContactXMLJSON
patient-adoptionInfo The adoption status of the patientXMLJSON
patient-birthTime Time of day of birthXMLJSON
patient-cadavericDonor Post-mortem donor statusXMLJSON
patient-citizenship Nation(s) where the patient claims citizenshipXMLJSON
patient-clinicalTrial The patient's participation in clinical trialsXMLJSON
patient-congregation A group of place of religious practiceXMLJSON
patient-disability Condition(s) limiting movement, senses, or activitiesXMLJSON
patient-importance Special status given the patientXMLJSON
patient-interpreterRequired Whether the patient needs an interpreterXMLJSON
patient-mothersMaidenName Mother's Maiden nameXMLJSON
patient-nationality NationalityXMLJSON
patient-religion The patient's professed religious affiliationsXMLJSON
pharmacy-core-doseType The type of dose, e.g., loading.XMLJSON
pharmacy-core-infuseOver The length of the infusionXMLJSON
pharmacy-core-maxDeliveryRate The maximum rate of substance administrationXMLJSON
pharmacy-core-maxDeliveryVolume The maximum amount of fluid to infuseXMLJSON
pharmacy-core-minDosePerPeriod The minimum quantity of substance per periodXMLJSON
pharmacy-core-rateGoal The target rate for the infusionXMLJSON
pharmacy-core-rateIncrement Change in dosing rate per intervalXMLJSON
pharmacy-core-rateIncrementInterval The period of time between rate incrementsXMLJSON
pharmacy-core-refillsRemaining Number of refills allowedXMLJSON
practitioner-animalSpecies The Species of the Service AnimalXMLJSON
practitioner-classification Classification of the providerXMLJSON
practitioner-primaryInd Indicator of primary specialtyXMLJSON
procedure-approachBodySite The access point or points used for this procedureXMLJSON
procedure-causedBy The related item - e.g. a procedureXMLJSON
procedure-incisionDateTime The first incision timeXMLJSON
procedure-method The method used to perform the procedureXMLJSON
procedure-progressStatus A details procedure progressXMLJSON
procedure-targetBodySite The target point for this procedureXMLJSON
procedurerequest-approachBodySite The requested access point or points used for this procedureXMLJSON
procedurerequest-authorizedBy Authorizer of the requestXMLJSON
procedurerequest-reasonRefused Reason for refusalXMLJSON
procedurerequest-targetBodySite The requested target point for this procedureXMLJSON
questionnaire-allowedProfile Allowed profile for referenceXMLJSON
questionnaire-allowedResource Allowed resource for referenceXMLJSON
questionnaire-choiceOrientation horizontal | verticalXMLJSON
questionnaire-deMap Map linking questions to DataElementsXMLJSON
questionnaire-deReference Implemented CDEXMLJSON
questionnaire-displayCategory Purpose of rendered textXMLJSON
questionnaire-fhirType The underlying FHIR data typeXMLJSON
questionnaire-hidden Don't display to userXMLJSON
questionnaire-itemControl E.g. Fly-over, Table, Checkbox, Combo-box, Lookup, etc.XMLJSON
questionnaire-lookupQuestionnaire Questionnaire to populate a referenceXMLJSON
questionnaire-maxOccurs Maximum repetitionsXMLJSON
questionnaire-minOccurs Minimum repetitionsXMLJSON
questionnaire-optionExclusive Option is exclusiveXMLJSON
questionnaire-optionPrefix E.g. "(a)", "1.", etc.XMLJSON
questionnaire-ordinalValue Comparison value for ordinal codesXMLJSON
questionnaire-referenceFilter Filter to apply when looking up referencesXMLJSON
questionnaire-sourceStructureMap Map that can populate this questionnaireXMLJSON
questionnaire-studyprotocolIdentifier Study Protocol IdentifierXMLJSON
questionnaire-supportLink Supporting informationXMLJSON
questionnaire-targetStructureMap Map to artifacts that can be populated from this QuestionnaireXMLJSON
questionnaire-unit Unit for numeric answerXMLJSON
questionnaire-usageMode capture | display | display-non-empty | capture-display | capture-display-non-emptyXMLJSON
questionnaireresponse-author Who answered question/groupXMLJSON
questionnaireresponse-note Comments about responseXMLJSON
questionnaireresponse-reason Why response was createdXMLJSON
questionnaireresponse-reviewer Who verified completion of form?XMLJSON
referralrequest-reasonRefused Reason referral was refusedXMLJSON
regex Regular expression patternXMLJSON
rendered-value What should be displayed to human (if default is not appropriate)XMLJSON
rendering-markdown String equivalent with markdownXMLJSON
rendering-style Html style valueXMLJSON
rendering-styleSensitive Are styles important for processing?XMLJSON
rendering-xhtml String equivalent with html markupXMLJSON
resource-approvalDate When resource approved by publisherXMLJSON
resource-effectivePeriod The effective date range for the resourceXMLJSON
resource-lastReviewDate Last review date for the resourceXMLJSON
searchparameter-expression FHIR Path version of search pathXMLJSON
specimen-collectionPriority Urgency for collectionXMLJSON
specimen-isDryWeight Whether quantity is a dry weightXMLJSON
specimen-sequenceNumber The sequence number of the sampleXMLJSON
specimen-specialHandling Special handling of the specimenXMLJSON
specimen-treatmentTime Time of treatmentXMLJSON
structuredefinition-ancestor StructureDefinition this is derived fromXMLJSON
structuredefinition-annotation Additional notes about any item in a structure definitionXMLJSON
structuredefinition-category Category from official resource listXMLJSON
structuredefinition-display-hint Hinting information for the narrative generatorXMLJSON
structuredefinition-example An additional example valueXMLJSON
structuredefinition-explicit-type-name Advisory - name of Type for implementationsXMLJSON
structuredefinition-expression FHIR Path version of constraintXMLJSON
structuredefinition-fmm FMM LevelXMLJSON
structuredefinition-fmm-no-warnings FMM Level (if no warnings)XMLJSON
structuredefinition-json-type Json type of value propertyXMLJSON
structuredefinition-rdf-type XML (Schema) type of attribute for RDFXMLJSON
structuredefinition-regex Regex applies to the valueXMLJSON
structuredefinition-summary Additional text for the summary presentationXMLJSON
structuredefinition-table-name Show mappings in the summary table with this nameXMLJSON
structuredefinition-template-status Template Status Code (more authoring statuses)XMLJSON
structuredefinition-wg Owing Work GroupXMLJSON
structuredefinition-xml-type XML (Schema) type of attributeXMLJSON
translation Langauge TranslationXMLJSON
us-core-direct Email is a "direct" emailXMLJSON
us-core-ethnicity US Core ethnicity ExtensionXMLJSON
us-core-race US Core Race ExtensionXMLJSON
usagecontext-group The group which this usage context is part ofXMLJSON
valueset-author User or Org actually involved in creating the value set contentXMLJSON
valueset-caseSensitive If code is case sensitiveXMLJSON
valueset-comment Human-specified notes and other documentationXMLJSON
valueset-comments Comment about the use of this code in this contextXMLJSON
valueset-conceptOrder Appearance order for user selectionXMLJSON
valueset-definition A definition for this codeXMLJSON
valueset-effectiveDate When the value set version becomes Active and is available for useXMLJSON
valueset-expansionSource ValueSet definition used to generate this expansion (logical URL)XMLJSON
valueset-expirationDate When the value set version should no longer be usedXMLJSON
valueset-history What has happened over timeXMLJSON
valueset-keyWord Descriptors and key terms for searchXMLJSON
valueset-label E.g. "(a)", "1.", etc.XMLJSON
valueset-map A concept map relevant to interpret this value setXMLJSON
valueset-ordinalValue Comparison value for ordinal codesXMLJSON
valueset-otherName Alternative namesXMLJSON
valueset-reference Url of Value set the code was chosen fromXMLJSON
valueset-sourceReference Where did this content come fromXMLJSON
valueset-system Code system resourceXMLJSON
valueset-systemName Code system nameXMLJSON
valueset-systemRef Where to find code systemXMLJSON
valueset-toocostly The expansion is incomplete because the full expansion is too largeXMLJSON
valueset-trusted-expansion Reference to a trusted expansionXMLJSON
valueset-unclosed The expansion is incomplete (because post-coordination)XMLJSON
valueset-usage Who has used and how?XMLJSON
valueset-warning Extra warning about the correct use of the value setXMLJSON
valueset-workflowStatus Indicates the state of development of the value setXMLJSON
openEHR Profiles
openEHR-administration Actual medication record, if knownXMLJSON
openEHR-careplan Clinical Management DetailsXMLJSON
openEHR-exposureDate Date(/time) of first exposure to SubstanceXMLJSON
openEHR-exposureDescription Text description about exposure to the SubstanceXMLJSON
openEHR-exposureDuration Amount of time individual was exposed to SubstanceXMLJSON
openEHR-location Body site of manifestationsXMLJSON
openEHR-management Clinical Management DescriptionXMLJSON
openEHR-test Observations that confirm or refuteXMLJSON
openEHR-administration Actual medication record, if knownXMLJSON
openEHR-careplan Clinical Management DetailsXMLJSON
openEHR-exposureDate Date(/time) of first exposure to SubstanceXMLJSON
openEHR-exposureDescription Text description about exposure to the SubstanceXMLJSON
openEHR-exposureDuration Amount of time individual was exposed to SubstanceXMLJSON
openEHR-location Body site of manifestationsXMLJSON
openEHR-management Clinical Management DescriptionXMLJSON
openEHR-test Observations that confirm or refuteXMLJSON
Clinical Quality Improvement Framework
cqif-basic-calculatedValue A calculated valueXMLJSON
cqif-basic-citation Bibliographic citation for the resourceXMLJSON
cqif-basic-condition A condition expressionXMLJSON
cqif-basic-cqlExpression CQL expressionXMLJSON
cqif-basic-fluentPathExpression FluentPath expressionXMLJSON
cqif-basic-guidance-encounterClass encounterClassXMLJSON
cqif-basic-guidance-encounterType encounterTypeXMLJSON
cqif-basic-guidance-initiatingOrganization initiatingOrganizationXMLJSON
cqif-basic-guidance-initiatingPerson initiatingPersonXMLJSON
cqif-basic-guidance-receivingOrganization receivingOrganizationXMLJSON
cqif-basic-guidance-receivingPerson receivingPersonXMLJSON
cqif-basic-guidance-recipientLanguage recipientLanguageXMLJSON
cqif-basic-guidance-recipientType recipientTypeXMLJSON
cqif-basic-guidance-systemUserLanguage systemUserLanguageXMLJSON
cqif-basic-guidance-systemUserTaskContext The task the system user is performingXMLJSON
cqif-basic-guidance-systemUserType The type of user initiating the requestXMLJSON
cqif-basic-initialValue An initial value expressionXMLJSON
cqif-basic-library A library containing logic used by the artifactXMLJSON
cqif-basic-qualityOfEvidence The quality of the evidenceXMLJSON
cqif-basic-strengthOfRecommendation The strength of the recommendationXMLJSON
cqif-basic-guidance-encounterType encounterTypeXMLJSON
cqif-basic-calculatedValue A calculated valueXMLJSON
cqif-basic-citation Bibliographic citation for the resourceXMLJSON
cqif-basic-condition A condition expressionXMLJSON
cqif-basic-cqlExpression CQL expressionXMLJSON
cqif-basic-fluentPathExpression FluentPath expressionXMLJSON
cqif-basic-guidance-encounterClass encounterClassXMLJSON
cqif-basic-guidance-encounterType encounterTypeXMLJSON
cqif-basic-guidance-initiatingOrganization initiatingOrganizationXMLJSON
cqif-basic-guidance-initiatingPerson initiatingPersonXMLJSON
cqif-basic-guidance-receivingOrganization receivingOrganizationXMLJSON
cqif-basic-guidance-receivingPerson receivingPersonXMLJSON
cqif-basic-guidance-recipientLanguage recipientLanguageXMLJSON
cqif-basic-guidance-recipientType recipientTypeXMLJSON
cqif-basic-guidance-systemUserLanguage systemUserLanguageXMLJSON
cqif-basic-guidance-systemUserTaskContext The task the system user is performingXMLJSON
cqif-basic-guidance-systemUserType The type of user initiating the requestXMLJSON
cqif-basic-initialValue An initial value expressionXMLJSON
cqif-basic-library A library containing logic used by the artifactXMLJSON
cqif-basic-qualityOfEvidence The quality of the evidenceXMLJSON
cqif-basic-strengthOfRecommendation The strength of the recommendationXMLJSON

Usage note: every effort has been made to ensure that the examples are correct and useful, but they are not a normative part of the specification.